View Full Version : is ping bad?

2003-09-09, 08:21 PM
my ping is 212 is that bad?

2003-09-09, 08:33 PM
alot of ping is bad. 250 is decent

2003-09-09, 08:37 PM
do i get kicked off every time i get on. the longest i played was 5 min and all i did was kill a cong staring at the sky with a decimater (of course i dont know why it was weird actually but thats my only kill..

2003-09-09, 09:02 PM
250 is decent mine is always below 125!!!!! yippe :clap:

2003-09-09, 09:06 PM
Mine's usually 60-90

2003-09-09, 10:02 PM
Mine is usually around 180 with 1-way cable. 250 is ok if you have 56k, its about normal i think. If you have 2way cable or better you might wanna tweak some settings cuz thats bad...

2003-09-09, 10:37 PM
350 is good for me, 500 is decent, 800 is bad, 1000+ is paralyzing.

2003-09-10, 12:58 AM
When you say you get kicked off, do you mean punted or the game crashes? Is there a "you have exited the world" message or does PS just disappear?

2003-09-10, 03:42 AM
Wow, 250 good!?

I play on Werner, and mine never (well occassionally) goes above 80!!

Then again, i've got a 512k cable connection, if i was running on 56k Dial-up then i suppose 250 woul be pretty snazzy...

Oh well, s'pose i should do some work now...


2003-09-10, 05:20 AM
If you get kicked off like that, I'd guess you're using a router. If so, try updating its firmware. This is pretty easy to do.

2003-09-10, 07:25 AM
I feel sry for you guys with the dial-up. I remember the days. Yay Im getting 200 ping. I have cable now. Tonight I had a ping around 46. Triple digits is bad. Really bad. :(

2003-09-10, 12:01 PM
My Ping usually floats around 69. The highest I've seen it was 120 and that was only once and only for about 5 seconds. 512k DSL running through a router.

2003-09-10, 12:29 PM
mine is around 20 lol DSL 0wns.

if it ever goes above 60 i stare at the ground till it goes back down, which takes about 10 secs heh.

Now all i need is a faster CPU. 2fps in battles = bad!

2003-09-10, 12:59 PM
I used to be jealouse of 512k DSL:( hell i used to be jelouse of anyone under 300 ping:lol: but now i feel sorry for tripple figure ping hell I get 20 ping and i live in rural dorset and et 2mps bwhahahaha i love wirelessbroadband it takes 50 secs to download a 100 meg file :p get about 90 ping in a zerg and i never notice lag the only thing that stops me from freedom from the restrictions of hardware is my machine 512mb ram geforceFX 5600 256mb and a amd athlon 1500 it was all looking so good hidiouse ram leak 1 to 5 fps in zergs even without lage thats more anoying than lag i say :sniper: then :blowup: ah well guess i'll save up for that nforce 2 board and athlon xp 2600 :p

2003-09-10, 01:07 PM
Ping can be bad!

We tested this the other day over voice phone lines. I ping at around 120 and my outfit mate pings at around 280. We both got Reinforced with gauss, stood 5 feet apart, and over the phone pulled the trigger at the same time.

I beat him every single time, would be around with 10-20 health left.

Your ping is based on 3 things. The ISP you're using... AOL will probably not be very good, DLS and Cable are better, getting on a T1 or T3 trunk is the best :) Well for some people, in my area the Cable modems outpace a T1 line... it rocks!

Your proximity to the return server. this is physical local. I bet Gohan lives close to the server he's on... wanna bet?
For best results get on a server that is near your coast with no mountains in the way... I know that sounds silly but I swear it makes a difference. I'm in Colorado on the east side of the rockies so I use East coast servers. MY ping is about 50 ms better then west coast.

And finaly it is all about cable. If you are using Cable, or DSL, or anything else that uses rj45 cable go buy good cable. I actually improved a clients ping by 45 ms just by replacing one cable.

So that is all...