View Full Version : Patches to Live Servers and Public Test Server this week

2003-09-09, 08:53 PM
I just wanted to let you know that we are planning to release Facility Link benefits very soon. Bishop and his QA guys are putting the Programmers and Designers to work, finishing up the last pieces of work that need to be done so we can get these patched out to you ASAP.

Platoons will be following closely on the heels of the FLB patch, with some testing on Public Test. We expect to see some public playtests to help shake them out as much as possible.

Facility Link Benefits

All friendly facility types have benefits they share with one another when connected to each other through the Continental Lattice. Facilities do not need to be directly linked in order to shared benefits, so benefits will be shared as long as there is an unbroken chain of Lattice Links between the facilities. On the continental map, icons over each facility will represent the benefits that it can access.

AMP Station (Shielded Vehicle icon): Charges the shield generators of vehicles while they are in a friendly Sphere of Influence.

Bio-Lab (Respawn Tube icon): Reduces respawn rates at friendly linked facilities.

Dropship Center (Wrench Icon): Enables Vehicle Repair and Rearm Stations.

Interlink Facility (RADAR Display icon): Enhanced RADAR abilities.

Technology Plant (Tank icon): Provides Access to Advanced Assault vehicles - Reaver, Medium Assault Buggy, Medium Tank and Sunderer.


Shield Generators: Each vehicle has a shield generator installed in it. When they enter an Amp Station's SOI or the SOI of a facility linked to an Amp Station, the shield will begin charging to its maximum strength, which is a percentage of the vehicle's base armor. After the shield takes damage, it can recharge again if it is within a friendly SOI though any armor damage done to the vehicle will remain until it is repaired by an Engineer or at a Repair Panel. If a driver takes a shielded vehicles outside of the friendly SOI, the shield will remain, though it will not recharge if it takes any damage until the driver returned to an Amp Station's SOI or any SOI linked to an Amp Station.

Vehicle Repair and Rearm Stations: Rearm and Repair pads provide a quick and easy way for vehicles to repair damage and to replenish their ammunition supplies. Each facility is equipped with a several aircraft landing pads and ground panels that will perform these functions. When a player is in control of a vehicle, they can approach either the pad or panel, depending on whether they are controlling an aircraft or a ground vehicle, and remain stationary to begin the repair process. Aircraft do not need to land on the pad, but they must remain near the pad to be repaired. Similarly, ground vehicles will be repaired automatically if they remain stationary near the Repair and Rearm Panel. Multiple vehicles can be use the pads or panels at once.

To replenish a vehicle's ammunition, the player in control of the vehicle must be stationary near the repair pad or panel and will get a message that they may hit the "G" key to access the vehicle inventory menu. Players may store inventory loadouts in a favorites menu for quick access, similar to the Favorites Menu of an Equipment Terminal.

Enhanced RADAR Abilities: Facilities linked to an Interlink Facility will gain certain enhancements to their RADAR systems. All enemy vehicles will appear on RADAR, except for cloaked vehicles moving at 50% throttle or less and deployed Advanced Mobile Stations. All running enemy infantry, including cloaked Infiltrators, will appear on the RADAR. Enemy infantry, including cloaked Infiltrators, will appear on RADAR if they are within a Spitfire Turret or Motion Sensor's detection radius, regardless of whether they are moving or not.

2003-09-09, 08:58 PM
Finally, those things in the wall will serve a purpose!

2003-09-09, 09:31 PM
Patch sounds cool.

2003-09-09, 09:50 PM
Finally, this rocks!

2003-09-09, 09:59 PM
This is definately cool. I like the idea of a weekly patch. It changes the game and gives you something to watch for in game. Any idea exactly when it goes up??

2003-09-09, 10:19 PM
yes motion sensor turrets will have a much better purpose and im happy SOE is talkin on the PSU boards i can speak for all of us when we save thank you very much

2003-09-09, 10:21 PM
*Laughs at all the
"I'm cancelling, no FLB or Platoons, gg." people who cancelled two weeks ago.*

Awesome patches, thank God you guys listened to the community.

2003-09-09, 10:47 PM
Waitamo...was that Sporkfire who just posted that?

Well, I'll be... He even has a blue name on here. Thanks for the info, Spork, and don't be such a stranger next time.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-10, 01:10 AM
Mmmmm, tastey. Good shit and more ammo against the ever present "OMG PS are teh suxx0rs! devs dont listen to playerz and just want 2 leech $ from us!1!11!!" crowd.

2003-09-10, 01:38 AM
I can't wait for the patch. But I have to wait.

Edit: This calls for uh uh uh... Running in circles!!!!

/me starts to run in circles.

2003-09-10, 02:44 AM
I'm happier I settled my late DSL bill this week. Its good to come back to news like that!

2003-09-10, 04:04 AM
Yippieeee!!!!! :)

Amp stations are going to be a bugger to capture though!!, imagine, any nmy defending vechicals around and inside the walls will constantly be having there shields regenerated!!!!.

2003-09-10, 08:25 AM
Facility benefits yay! Spork posts yay! Life is going to get really ahrd for infiltrators now I suspect.

If I may a question for spork.

Dont you think with the additional shielding and the ability to rearm/repair without leaving the vehicles that the game is getting even more vehicle centric?

2003-09-10, 10:40 AM
I love all the changes except the one involving stationary infiltrators. That's brutal, especially since the biggest infil bugs (DL icon rarely showing up when NC uses DL, infil crouch walking in sniper scope being way too visible) still haven't been addressed. The role of the infil seems hard enough as it is, but that's a small beef considering how much is rolling out.

2003-09-10, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by BMagex
This is definately cool. I like the idea of a weekly patch. It changes the game and gives you something to watch for in game. Any idea exactly when it goes up??

I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something, where does it say there will be weekly patches?

2003-09-10, 09:36 PM
It doesnt, im just saying that a tweak a week (if you will) would be a neat idea. Even if its more than a week, i look forwards to whatever the patches brinag (usually). Its not anywhere, just my opinion

2003-09-10, 10:21 PM
I see now. I too wish there were weekly patches. They're not too bad though, it's usually two weeks at the most between a patch which isn't that bad.

2003-09-10, 11:32 PM
I can't wait to try this stuff out. Also, tomarrow SOE is supposed to realse more info on "Urban Combat" for Core Combat.

2003-09-11, 01:55 AM
Spork posted:jawdrop:
SOE Did something new that they promised:jawdrop:
It is about time SOE did something to stop the herroageing of players. There are times it is getting to empty on the servers

2003-09-11, 02:02 AM
I'm not sure what I think about these just yet. I'll have to see how they work in the game before I can decide. They could make things harder and easier. Depending on what end of the stick you are on.

2003-09-11, 07:22 AM
I had a knife fight with TSloproth yesturday on the test server

me and my buds knfining him lost :/ silly 5k health lol

we finnally got him down after us 3 zerged him something like 5 times. rofl.