View Full Version : Music from The Second Renaissance?

2003-09-10, 09:36 AM
Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a fix - I desperately want the music from the Animatrix movie "The Second Renaissance" but I can't seem to find it anywhere. (Yes, I'm too cheap to go out and buy the CD :p , but with everything from that CD I've downloaded so far I'm starting to wonder whether or not those tracks are even on the CD.) Does anyone know the names of the pieces from TSR, especially part two? (ESPECIALLY the Clockwork Armageddon sequence. That is the shit right there, thank you.)

2003-09-10, 03:25 PM
My animatrix DVD came with the soundtrack. Track 9, the one by Overseer, is what youre looking for I think. And yes, it is THE shit. :D)

2003-09-10, 08:00 PM
Yeah, I got Supermoves, but what else is from that? There's that more classical-sounding stuff right before that scene that I'd like just as much.

(And I should go out and buy the CD. If nothing else presses on my cash reserves soon, I will.)

2003-09-10, 08:02 PM
There arent any "classical" sounding tracks on the CD. Only techno. Sorry. :tear:

2003-09-10, 08:03 PM
Yeah, but you know the music I'm talking about, right? The stuff during the "Dark Storm Initiated" sequence?

Thanks for the help BTW :p

2003-09-10, 08:04 PM
Yeah, I know what youre talking about. But I dont think its available as a full track anywhere.