View Full Version : Help-email replying

2003-09-10, 08:25 PM
Every time i posted something i got an email telling me that it has been replied 2 or whatever, so i turned it off, BUT I STILL GET THE EMAILS!!! HELLPPP!!!!

I have about 40 emails from this just from last night!

2003-09-10, 08:27 PM
open the control panel
unsubscribe to every topic
it takes a while but that stops it

2003-09-10, 08:29 PM
There is a link that says unsubscribe 2 all threads, but will this also keep the new posts from getting emailed 2 me?

Oh yeah btw i like ur name, but its Ein ;)

2003-09-10, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by dscytherulez
Oh yeah btw i like ur name, but its Ein ;)

lol yeah, i figured that out a while ago. originally a mis-spelling, i just pass it off as a personal touch now :p

yeah, if you have the auto-email this turned off it shouldnt subscribe you to any more threads.

2003-09-10, 08:35 PM
K thnx!

I want a corgi SOOOO bad, EIN IS SOOO KEWL!

"Faye: Do you know this place Ed?
Ed: I think I know, I don�t think I know, I think I know, I know I don�t think I know, I don�t think I think�"


2003-09-10, 08:40 PM

Food, Food, Food... DO you ahve any??? Yes, you don't... No, you do...
