View Full Version : Expansion Where and When

2003-09-10, 11:27 PM
I know this might be a little early to talk about, but what the heck.....Where do you want to see the next expansion taking place.....Or tell me why you dont think their is a need for another expanson and for how long.

If anything.....in a year or two i would like to see A Space Expansion.....Like having bases up in space.....and insted of collection orbs that go to a Surface base, you would take them to a Space base for inproved OB strikes, EMP strikes, Satalite coverage for radar, and a really cool transport system like in stargate (thoes ring things) that will transport you to the ground.

You may ask how will we get new vech? well i dont think sony will expand to space combat (heh but that would be funny if we got space combat before SWG).

For new wep's: a Wookie Blaster (heh j/k)

Well my ideas where not so complete but i started to get the ball rolling.....its up to you people to either stop the ball or keep it rolling with new ideas.

2003-09-10, 11:57 PM
Besides Core Combat in October, I would like to see a new expansion in a year. Naval combat, carriers, destroyers, jet skis, submarines, huge oil rig like platforms where you get you vehicles. Oh yeah :nod:

2003-09-11, 12:28 AM
Keep dreaming.

2003-09-11, 11:04 AM
hahahaha...i doubt well ever see ALL that...this expansion doesnt even seem to have a lot of stuff in it so as it is. What...3 vehicles? 3 weapons? The only real BIG thing is the new underground levels...

Edit: They shoulda threw those lil things in an update to make ppl happier.

2003-09-11, 11:27 AM
I don't want to see another pay-expansion for at least a year. Just my opinion, but I think expansions should be to improve the game and make it less stale. When a game is still fairly new it seems like something that is going to drive people away rather than keep them.

2003-09-11, 12:34 PM
I would most like to see more free stuff and where are those damn platoons anyway bak to the point i want to see the sea an in it i want to see lots of sea things like boats but not large ones perhaps 10 captal ships per empire requiring 20 people to work with turrets and stuff like a moblie base which can be hacked not likly to happen but would be very cool

space im not to sure about because of thelimits of the engine mabye preset shuttles and fighting in zeroG on bases would be quite cool but the playing area would be hard to sort out actually zeroG would be kind of cool in space suits, would make for interesting tactics and viechals but again not likey

2003-09-12, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Otis
Besides Core Combat in October, I would like to see a new expansion in a year. Naval combat, carriers, destroyers, jet skis, submarines, huge oil rig like platforms where you get you vehicles. Oh yeah :nod: Get ready for the latest expansion to the Planetside universe!

Planetside: Waterworld

Sponsered by whatever the latest 4 hour Kevin Costner movie is!

2003-09-12, 08:44 PM
Hmm, I've had an idea flowing about my head for a bit. Each empire has some sort of space station up in, well, space. Big ass space stations too, with turrets all over the place. You can only travel around space in reavers, skeeters, libs, gals, and whatever they come up with. Once you penetrate the station, it plays more or less like a base assault, with a few tweaks. Of course, this could be one of those ideas that sound good, but just end up bad...

2003-09-12, 10:21 PM
well they kinda already have 3 stations , but u dont see them

these are the orbital stations, where they launch orbital strikes from