View Full Version : Chat window darker

2003-09-11, 12:04 AM
I remember somebody saying how to make their chat window darker, how do you do it again? I all ready tried searching.

2003-09-11, 12:05 AM
go to the PSU webpage its on their

2003-09-11, 02:52 PM
OK, I looked at it and it's bull shit. There is no file called user_ui.lst. I looked in all the folders and even did a search. I would really like to do this, please help.

2003-09-11, 03:11 PM
On the same note, can we make the map more transparent? I find myself looking up twords the sky some so I can have an unobstructed field of vision when defending. I can make the map smaller, but it's nice to have it large in some situations.