View Full Version : 9-11
2003-09-11, 11:24 AM
Dedicated to those that lost their lives or friends 2 years ago on this date.......
Peace Out all Across The World!:love: :love: :love: :love:
2003-09-11, 11:33 AM
I want to make 9-11 a holliday of peace from now on. Peace Out The World on 9-11 from now on! Seriously
2003-09-11, 11:55 AM
Holly shit BUsh was on the same page as me:
Check that shit out! PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I too remember.
Peace to all this day
2003-09-11, 02:45 PM
:usa: :usa: :usa:
2003-09-11, 03:10 PM
2003-09-11, 05:20 PM
proud to be an
:usa: :usa: :usa:
2003-09-11, 05:56 PM
it sucks knowing some1 that was on one of the planes:( .......
2003-09-11, 06:07 PM
And I'll proudly stand up, next to you, and defend her still today, cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA.
2003-09-11, 09:46 PM
Uh, unfortunately, I didn't care then, and I don't care now. I have my reasons, and they are staying in my head.
2003-09-11, 09:49 PM
Sure it's sad... but it's been two years! Let's get over it, no point in mourning the dead for so long...
2003-09-11, 10:07 PM
wasnt it like 6000? dead
tragedy indeed
ehh screw it
next generation will be reading about it in the shitty history books the teachers hand them
just like we read about the holocaust, do we really care?
our generations have been desensitized so much
2003-09-11, 10:10 PM
I didn't think it was a tragedy. I think it was a conspiracy to get support for war.
2003-09-11, 10:13 PM
Even if our own right-wing conspiracy government is massacring our citizens to drum up support for war, producing fake propaganda of terrorists praising their good work, is in it for oil and Swiss bank accounts, and would destroy major centers of their country's economy it's still a tragedy.
Dont you see the hearts at the first post?
If you dont care about the 11th, or have some stupidass comment to make about it. Just dont post at all. Ever think it hurts people who lost friends/family on that day?
Yeah thanks stfu plz.
2003-09-11, 10:26 PM
people die everyday
Originally posted by GonePostal
people die everyday
:usa: :usa: :usa:
2003-09-11, 10:52 PM
3,000 people aren't senselessly murdered in a few short hours every day.
Do you people have any empathy at all?
"Big whoop, who cares if little Timmy, age 5 1/2, just had his parents die because someone has a grudge against the US.
Why do I care about him?"
2003-09-11, 11:25 PM
Negative on that. I work for Chaos, I love chaos, and I love to cause chaos. I'm just waiting for the day when someone does something stupid and blow us all up. I'll be sitting in my underwear, on my roof, watching the pretty fireworks.
BTW, I have hardly any scrupples, but I do have a bit of honor, but no patriachal shit in me.
2003-09-12, 12:36 AM
Flammey atleast have some respect. I too know someone who died in the attack:tear:
2003-09-12, 12:38 AM
Flammey, how would feel if you, or someone you loved was in those towers, or plane or whatever. It was 6000 people for fucks sake. 6000 innocent people going about their daily lives just like you and me. They all died. How can you be so callus?
:usa: :usa: :usa:
Flammey take that to the politics board, we don't need to hear your overly left wing crap here. And to those that died that awful day 2 years ago, I offer my prayers, and my commitment to the country.
:usa: :usa: :usa:
Originally posted by Searo
3,000 people aren't senselessly murdered in a few short hours every day.
Do you people have any empathy at all?
"Big whoop, who cares if little Timmy, age 5 1/2, just had his parents die because someone has a grudge against the US.
Why do I care about him?"
Don't worry, guy. Timmy ain't the only orphan. We butchered the crap out of a lot of innocent Afghans. Remember when we BOMBED that wedding? :lol:
One day Timmy will join the military to avenge his families death while some other orphan Afghan will join the Tailban to avenge his fathers death.
The circle of life is nothing more than a circle of death with a nice name.
2003-09-12, 02:08 AM
*taps fingers on desk* You people need to learn a few lessons before you can judge me. I don't do politics, religion, or stupidity. Innocent? I doubt it. How do you know weither Tom, Dick or Harry wasn't plotting to murder his co-workers, yet was instead killed?
Lesson one - LIFE IS SUBJECTIVE. It is all how you view things. Person A just killed Person B, because HE thought it was the right thing to do, as Person B was an enemy. Person C witnesses the murder, and kills Person A, because Person A had a weapon in his hand, and might have harmed more people. Who is right? Answer, that depends on your point of view.
What if it was someone I knew in their? *Shrugs* They are dead, I am alive, and have bigger things to worry about than that they are gone. People die every day, yes. Worse, people kill each other every day, and sometimes for the worst reasons. But why? Why did they crash those planes? Use your heads people, instead of pointing fingers at me, and saying I'm heartless, or telling me to shut the fuck up. Last I checked, this forum was free to be able to post your ideas and opinions, as long as said posts were not making fun of other, or posting things that should not be posted, such as porn.
Lesson two - USE YOUR BRAIN. That's what you were give one for.
that brings up lesson three. - ALL OF MOTHER NATURE IS ABOUT MURDER. Hense Darwin's laws. The strongest survive. Hense the reason the US is over there making war on those that would make war on them. How else does one survive?
Respect? I don't respect the dead. They are dead, what do they care? That doesn't mean I'm going to go to the Graveyard next door to work here and piss on a grave. As I said, I do have some measure of honor. Respect your loss? I didn't NOT respect your loss. I simply said "I don't care about 9/11." That is MY opinion. As to me it is simply another day, like Christmas, or birthday, or Remeberance day. Big whoop. I have to work it, so to me, it's just another day. You don't like my opinion? Tough shit. You want to fight me about it? Bring it on. Doesn't mean I'll fight for my opinion. I'll merely protect myself, as the Gods have intended. Would I die for my opinions? Nope. I don't care. Don't care about yours either. Why am I writing this? To clear your heads of stupidity.
Lesson four - The greatest death occurs from stupidity. You have two choices in life, either you can lay down and die, or you can fight for each day. I pity those that have it easy from day one. Those are the fools that won't know how to deal with life's problems when they do finally occur.
Respect for those that died? Why? They are dead? They now serve a purpose, according to your government. Left wing or right wing additude? Only according to you. And who are you? Who says I have any additude, except for a non-conformist additude, let alone a left or right wing?
I remember that day, BTW, as if it was yesterday. I woke up at 6 pm, came down stairs, and was told, by my friend's father, that the WTC towers were gone, and that we were at war. Big whoop, I thought to myself. It didn't affect my daily life.
Which brings back the question, what if someone I loved was in there? *shrugs* I can not answer that, because it never happened, and probably never would. I have no reason to care much for others, except for maybe one or two people across this world. I have no ties to family either, so you can't use that against me. FYI, if someone paid me enough money to kill someone, even someone I knew and loved, and I knew how to do it without reprocussions, *nods head* they are already dead, they just don't know it yet. You think I'm heartless? Perhaps, but that brings back lesson one. Life is subjective. I don't mourn the dead. they are dead. I'm not. I do have beliefs, but your never going to learn them. So it's pointless to talk about beliefs.
You no like me for my point of views? *LOL* I don't care. As far as I am concerned, it's your loss. For one thing, if I can do something to save you, even from yourself, I will. My life before yours. Does that mean I will fight for my country, to defend my people? No, these are not my people. I don't have a 'people.' Would I jump in front a bus to push a stranger out of the way, knowning I will die? Yup. Because I was dead as I was born.
Respect your loss? Maybe, if you had shown me you had earned MY respect. But by getting mad at me for my point of view, you LOST my respect. I don't respect those that don't think about things first. I don't respect stupidity. That does not mean I am calling you stupid. I don't point fingers. I merely generalize. What I did say was that by your not using your head, and instead using your heart, you have lost my respect.
Lesson five - Your head, not your heart, must be used when making decisions. Otherwise, things might be lost from the start.
Do I care about other people's feelings? *LOL* No, because in another situation, you would not care about my feelings. WHY ELSE WOULD YOU TELL ME TO STFU? And you sir, would die if you said that to my face. Don't believe me? Don't care? Lesson one, two, four and five.
And lastly, you can say what you want, you can bitch to the admins, and have me banned, or the admins could cross the threshold of orderly conduct, and ban me for my opinion. In the end, I Don't Care. "What's that? I can't post here no more? Oh, what a tragedy." I am not posting this to gain your anger, hatred or anything else. I am posting this because HUMANS need to get some brains in their heads, instead of them rocks they SEEM to carry.
If you people feel the need to run around with guns, killing each other, go right ahead. Just stay the fuck out of my way. You want to point a gun at me? *Pff* Your just wasting your time and your bullet(s). You want to launch nukes at each other, and kill everyone and everything? Serves you right, idiot. Humans were acting stupid anyways. Time to move on. Maybe the next species that makes it to the top will be smarter.
And don't forget, my ancestors were Viking Marauders
2003-09-12, 02:30 AM
How old are you Flammey? You don't seem to fully comprehend human life.
2003-09-12, 02:41 AM
Nah I know where hes coming from. Things like 9-11 don't get me emotional. Sure its terrible it happened but it just doesn't really bother me. Even if there is a death in the family or something I just don't cry or anything.
2003-09-12, 03:50 AM
My age? That would be subjective. Do you mean my body, or my soul?
And yes, I am serious about that. Which?
You also must understand my point of view. I don't own a TV. Don't watch the news, don't listen to the radio, don't read non fiction or news papers. Why? Because I don't care what happens to someone else's life. I have to deal with my own, and it's enough of a handful that I can't be worrying about three billion others. So 6000 people just died, so? Does that mean I'm supposed to mourn when 6000 cows die? What about 6000 chickens? 6000 dogs or cats?
2003-09-12, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Flammey
You also must understand my point of view. I don't own a TV. Don't watch the news, don't listen to the radio, don't read non fiction or news papers. Why?
The answer is because
1) you play planetside alllllllll day
2) you are trying too hard to stir up everyones emotions on this board.
You are a sad sad person.
2003-09-12, 10:21 AM
... seems that many are just too young.....
2003-09-12, 10:43 AM
Anyone notice the contradictions in flammys post and the writing style he tries to use to make him sound superior and/or alien to the US citizens?
You rant and rave about not caring then you backstep and say you'll kill if someone says stfu to your face.
Amusing really.
So what nordic country do you claim herritage from flammy? Cause if you're from norway i'd be glad to tell you to stfu to your face.
11-09-01, Rest In Peace.
2003-09-12, 11:09 AM
I can understand where Flammey is coming from. I don't necessarily agree with it but I understand it. The value that Americans generally place on life isn't held by everybody and I feel that we should respect that. However this may have been the wrong place for Flammey to post his thoughts as this thread was designed for remembrance of 9-11.
I remember that day very clearly. I was working at the Meat Department in a local grocery store. Had been there for a few hours when Little Gay Al ran in and told us about what was going on. Work just....just stopped. Customers stopped coming in, we stopped working. Nearly everybody went to the managers office to watch the TV. After a little bit the owner sent us all back to work but Al would run in and give us updates. I was sent home early because it was so slow. I woke up my roommate and we watched the news channel for a while.
I will say right now that I do not feel the slightest bit of patriotism for this event however and I don't feel American flags are appropriate. We didn't win at 9-11, we lost. America should be shamed by that event, not proud. 9-11 was a black, black day in American history and the colors red white and blue have no place there.
2003-09-12, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
I didn't think it was a tragedy. I think it was a conspiracy to get support for war. :lol:
That was cold bro, but you can think whatever you want. It is your brain afterall, just know I feel bad for you.
As for this thread, lets either get back on track or let it die. No need to start a flame war in it
2003-09-13, 06:40 AM
RGR that. No more posts from the brain of Flammey. BTW, I'm Canadian. FYI. Post's 2 and 3 were jokes. Unfortunately, I forgot not everyone can read between the lines. Guess it helps to put J/K. FYI I'm 25, and work nights. I wrote all this from work.
Cold, more than likely. Most of my family is comprised of cynics. As for 9/11, to put things back on track, my first post is what I thought. I didn't say you can't care, I simply don't.
EDIT: FYI, when I wrote all of my posts, I did not write them with hatred or anger in me. I wrote them with disinterest. Obviously few people liked that. What can I say? "Life is like a box of chocolates. Some chocolates you like, and others you pick out and make someone else eat, or throw away.
2003-09-13, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Flammey
BTW, I'm Canadian.
OH! oh oh, that explains a lot. :p
2003-09-13, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
RGR that. No more posts from the brain of Flammey. BTW, I'm Canadian. FYI. Post's 2 and 3 were jokes. Unfortunately, I forgot not everyone can read between the lines. Guess it helps to put J/K. FYI I'm 25, and work nights. I wrote all this from work.
Cold, more than likely. Most of my family is comprised of cynics. As for 9/11, to put things back on track, my first post is what I thought. I didn't say you can't care, I simply don't.
EDIT: FYI, when I wrote all of my posts, I did not write them with hatred or anger in me. I wrote them with disinterest. Obviously few people liked that. What can I say? "Life is like a box of chocolates. Some chocolates you like, and others you pick out and make someone else eat, or throw away.
fuck you, you make jokes in a thread like this? and say there is no hate or anger in you? i say again fuck you, if i was an admin you would be banned and be reported to your ISP.
ps, fuck you
edit: dont bother replying, unless you use a pm, your ass is on ignore.
2003-09-13, 12:59 PM
over 3000 lives were lost that day. Innocent men,women, and probably some children. and you make jokes. That's nice of you. NOT:mad:
2003-09-13, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Zodiac
fuck you, you make jokes in a thread like this? and say there is no hate or anger in you? i say again fuck you, if i was an admin you would be banned and be reported to your ISP.
ps, fuck you
edit: dont bother replying, unless you use a pm, your ass is on ignore.
:D Your right, making jokes in this thread is stupid. We are talking about 9/11, not a cat in a tree.
2003-09-13, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
I didn't think it was a tragedy. I think it was a conspiracy to get support for war.
Ok Im glad you think that,your own opinion,but for posting that you've lost my respect and im sure respect of most others on these boards,Congrats
2003-09-13, 02:27 PM
i too think that 9-11 was some sort of a set up, and i think it was a very cruel kind of a setup. Just so that bumb could get into the middle east. Now lets all thank Bush.:rolleyes: :note: its only my opinion, flame if ya want. :/note:
......i'm gona send a letter to those fat cats in washington d.c.....
2003-09-13, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER�GHO�T
i too think that 9-11 was some sort of a set up, and i think it was a very cruel kind of a setup.
Thats pretty sick man.................:stupid: :usa:
2003-09-13, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER�GHO�T
i too think that 9-11 was some sort of a set up, and i think it was a very cruel kind of a setup. Just so that bumb could get into the middle east. Now lets all thank Bush.:rolleyes: :note: its only my opinion, flame if ya want. :/note:
That offends me.
I think the sad part is noone trusts the government.
2003-09-13, 03:00 PM
its only personal theorys(sp). If ya read lots of books, these thoughts will come, and then its just a game of connect the dots.
and i'm not saying the attack was awsome, but if it was some sort of a wierd setup, that bastard is gona pay.
2003-09-13, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
I think the sad part is noone trusts the government.
Well you shouldn't trust the goverment, but they would not attack there own building, as important as it was. At least I don't think so.:nono: :father:
2003-09-13, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER�GHO�T
i too think that 9-11 was some sort of a set up, and i think it was a very cruel kind of a setup. Just so that bumb could get into the middle east. Now lets all thank Bush.:rolleyes: :note: its only my opinion, flame if ya want. :/note:
......i'm gona send a letter to those fat cats in washington d.c.....
you pick that up from your buds on the short bus?
2003-09-13, 05:50 PM
How about we have a day where we remember all the civillians that were killed in foreign countries because of an American War? I'm not being heartless or anything, but I'd like to point out that what goes around comes around, and this time it came around rather hard.
2003-09-13, 05:51 PM
[edited] :lol:
2003-09-13, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Zodiac
[edited] :lol:
I wish i knew what you said :rolleyes: :p
2003-09-13, 07:12 PM
Standard zodiac operating procedure is to keep editing his post because he doesn't like it, then get pissed and delete it :D.
2003-09-13, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Smaug
Standard zodiac operating procedure is to keep editing his post because he doesn't like it, then get pissed and delete it :D.
LMFAO :rofl:
that made me laugh out loud for real
yea thats about right
i do follow (try to follow that is) some posting guidelines:
1: no major editing, pic changing, or deleting after someone has replyed or 5 minuates have passed (the latter dosnt apply at a time the boards are not active)
2. small edits such as wording, profinaty swapping, and to some extent, sentance removal, can be done at anytime
3. if someone replys by quoting a post before i can edit it, get pissed and post a [h]ard pic about that person.
4. there was a four but i forgot it when i got up to get my drink
ok thats about it. its a learning disability thing i have...i think. things never come out the way i had them in my head and like them untill i have looked at and fixed it about 30 times.
i bet i will even end up editing this post :lol:
btw im quoting that smaug
2003-09-13, 10:38 PM
Yea 9/11 was a conspiracy,so was the holocaust,it never happened,we just wanted to go over and kill some people cause we were bored so we made some lie up.Pearl Harbor was really bombed by our goverment to make us goto war.Yeah...right......sad what idiots can think
2003-09-14, 08:04 AM
hmm i have a link to a site that claims Ottawa and Belgium (sp) dont exist, and they try to back it up with facts :lol:
i will see if i can find it. its hilliarious
2003-09-14, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by GonePostal
wasnt it like 6000? dead
it was close 2 4000 dead. but its done , go over it in history class.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-14, 07:43 PM
Antisocial Personality Disorder is also known as psychopathy or sociopathy. Individuals with this disorder have little regard for the feeling and welfare of others.
Does this sound like someone we know? Congradulations, Flammey.
2003-09-14, 07:46 PM
What did he win?! Why was I not informed of this competition?
2003-09-14, 07:48 PM
[edit] he dosnt deserve that pic
owned flammy
2003-09-14, 07:53 PM
who dosent desrve there sig?
funny sig, badgers eating muchrooms. and a snake.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheers: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2003-09-15, 12:59 AM
I withdraw everything I have said about the acts, or the ideas, or even the stained memories of 9/11. My thoughts and opinions of this have no place, and I deeply regret writing them, and I do apologize to all those that wrote something sincere here about that day. I HOWEVER DO NOT APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE WHO DECIDED TO GET MAD AT ME AND FLAME ME FOR MY OPINIONS. I said I didn't care about what happened. I, not you, must live with my decisions and the choices I make in life. And when I come face to face with my Gods, I must face them for the judgements that I made. Not you. Your scorn and hatred are both unwanted, and unwarranted. Weither or not I am ashamed of how I felt or feel, does not bare weight on what I say in this matter. You come here to post your sympathies(sp), and concerns about what happened 2 years ago, and instead you post hate or scorn towards me. I however will post no judgements towards anyone. I do not point guilty fingers. If you feel you are guilty, then it's in your own eyes that you are. Not mine.
I shall post nothing else on world matters, and worldy matters.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-15, 10:37 AM
I don't hate you Flammey. In fact for the most part I have absolutely no problem with you. However judging from the things you said in this thread you kinda came off as totally uncaring when something horrid happens to anyone but you. I'm sorry but that is the rough definition of a socio/psychopath
2003-09-15, 05:39 PM
Dude, Flammey your such an ass, i say we all build a huge tower in the middle of no where, strap him to the top of an airplane(with no one in but a piolt, he evntually jumps out:) ) then fly right into the side of it. Once all of that is done we all make a post saying"Yea i heard about that one dude....but why should we give a shit? Lots of people die everyday....."
2003-09-15, 06:12 PM
Pretty soon here that whole thing about oil will be blown out of the water. Anyone heard about the Turkey gut thing? They're finishing up testing and pretty soon they'll be opening plants where they can take farm waste and convert it into oil and minerals. Almost anything can be used, animal guts, non-edible crops, feces, whatever. We'll have all the fuel we'll need, and we'll cease to need the Middle East's oil.
And to whoever posted this, you'll excuse me if killing terrorists doesn't make me sad. Do the British have a day honoring those of us that they killed in our two wars? Do the Vietcong honor the American soldiers they killed? Do the Baathists honor their victims? No.
2003-09-15, 06:15 PM
Now we can say: Damn man your exhaust smells like crap!
2003-09-15, 06:31 PM
2003-09-15, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Mr1337Duck
2003-09-17, 08:00 AM
RIGHT ON. You build a tower just for me, I'm THERE baby. *LOL*
Yeah, I know how I came off as. I'm a cynic dude. that's just how I am. I just forget somedays that I shouldn't display my cynicism for everyone to see.
2003-09-18, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Mr1337Duck
And to whoever posted this, you'll excuse me if killing terrorists doesn't make me sad. Do the British have a day honoring those of us that they killed in our two wars? Do the Vietcong honor the American soldiers they killed? Do the Baathists honor their victims? No.
Nobody ever really honors the people we killed. America doesn't honor the 210,000 people we killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki either. (I suppose technically we do, since we haven't really been willing to drop one of those bombs ever since)
We honor our own and move on.
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