View Full Version : How long it useually take to get CR1-5?

2003-09-11, 11:43 AM
In a squad of 3 following teh zerg around?

2003-09-11, 12:10 PM
If I remember, it was about 300,000 CEP to go from CR4 to CR5.

So....I'd guess around 1,000,000 (on the low end) CEP or so to go from CR0 to CR5.

2003-09-11, 12:20 PM
KK thanks, seems like its BR1-20 all over again :jawdrop:

2003-09-11, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Exano
In a squad of 3 following teh zerg around?

forever. I have been working with full squads off and on scince launch and am BR19 CR4

2003-09-11, 03:02 PM
lol that's because full squads are not worth running. Not only are they a headache, they leech your kill exp and don't contribute enough cep. Two man squads will get you there faster, unless you're fairly inept at killing, in which case you'll need one helluva partner or may as well just go for the full squad and pray they have half an idea what they are doing. I have not got a 5k cap yet with 10 man pickup squads (well since I returned to PS about a month ago anyway), with two man squads almost every cap is a 3k cap.

2003-09-11, 04:34 PM
it will take excatlly 560000 ceb's to get 2 cr 5. how do i know u ask, ill tell u.

the big book of planetside

2003-09-11, 05:53 PM
Depending on your outfit it can be an easy, or very difficult process. If you are able to hold the squad inside an soi until the xp stops coming, then you can easily get several 5k cep caps in a row. If your squad is all over the map, then you are better off running 2-3 man squads for cep.

A major part of getting the big cep caps is having a transport cert. Being able to move all your troops in a galaxy or sunderer helps keep them all in the same soi.