View Full Version : Sturmgrenadier Q&A 9/11/03, 7pm CST

2003-09-11, 01:24 PM
Are you new to Planetside, new to Emerald or just in search of new experiences? Check out Sturmgrenadier-one of the premier outfits in Planetside. Fighting for the New Conglomerate on Emerald, Sturmgrenadier is very pleased to announce that our recruitment drive is picking up steam once again.

Sturmgrenadier has been with Planetside since Beta and continues a strong tradition of discipline, organization and tactical excellence. Since that time, we have shown a dedication to fair play and teamwork that has been recognized by all three Empires. Utilizing voice communications (private Teamspeak server) and military-style organization, Sturmgrenadier brings a new level of gaming excitement to Planetside.

We�re looking for mature, team-oriented individuals who are searching for an outfit that will satisfy their need for the ultimate in online gaming experience. Members of Sturmgrenadier benefit from a dedicated Command staff, high-quality forums, email awards and a supportive gaming community.

Sturmgrenadier is hosting a Q&A session tonight in the Hossin Warpgate (NC Sanctuary) at 7pm CST. Here we will be answering any questions you may have about SG, our resources and membership qualifications.

If you can�t make it, don�t fret-SG will be having more of these sessions in the future. In addition, you can /tell Intruder1 ingame for more information or visit our webpage and forums at www.sghq.com and see for yourself how Sturmgrenadier has achieved its success.
Intruder1, Sturmgrenadier
Recruitment and Public Relations

2003-09-13, 12:01 AM
****I deleted my post, nothing constructive or nice****