2003-01-10, 04:04 PM
Author Topic: i think there shouldn't too much anti-camping-around-gates features
Station Member
Registered: Apr 2001 posted 12-15-2002 11:08 AM user search report post
i think that fighting over a gate should be very exciting, and should be something people come to play for.(it would be like landing on normandy) By implementing several gates on a continent at a time, the developers have effectively stopped massive battles involving vehilces by scattering players to defend several gates and bases at a time.
so any thoughts?
ROGUEPS input.. and he inputs a lot here :)
Station Member
Registered: May 2001
posted 12-15-2002 12:34 PM user search report post
Gate camping is probably possible, but it'll take an organized group to get it even close to accomplished and you won't recieve any benefit from it unless you are working with a larger goal in mind.
once you are inside a gate's bubble, your weapons will be shut off, so you can only fight outside. and your weapon's bullets won't pass thru a warp bubble, so once inside you are in a 'safe zone'... this is partically to avoid spawn camping behaviors and allow free flow of personnel/vehicles at all times. no one likes/wants to be facing a gun barrel as soon as they warp over, that's just not fun.
that's not to say you can't make it difficult on people around a warp gate. that is a challenge that is fun.
yes, they are quite large. i modeled them. ;p they are now actually about 2/3's of the original size. they said, make it big, and i did. HUGE.
alot of the screenshots out there show just how big they are, and the concept of being able to sneak out the backside is totally doable. unless you have a organized team scouting all sides.. but that'll be difficult and that's the point.
Nathan concepted them.
I modeled them.
Brett textured them.
Trammel made the bubble and effects.
the warp gates are pretty simple... you walk to the center of one and you are warped to where it takes you. each gate is a two way stream between another specific location. you'll be able to see where you are going to be headed to by looking at your map before walking into the center. thats about it..
visually what happens could change, so no comments. the functionality wont change, so you'll have to wait for the game to get the visual details.
as for me not being blue, i assume its because of who is listed as an admin and who isn't... i'm not worried about it. being slightly anonymous is a good thing too.
i'm not sure what holes you are speaking of. the warp bubble is 360 degrees around the gate, the only place you cant walk into the bubble is at the 3 points at which there is a warp pylon. so you could say there is three sides to the bubble, but they are pretty large openings...
as far as what happens inside the bubble, this my understanding only: all collsions are turned off. you won't be able to run that max into a vechile, you'll run thru it instead. same with people colliding with people, doesn't happen. you'll only collide against the ground/terrain and the gate structure. the game reason for this is that the warp bubble starts to phase you out of your current location as you are close to the gate; kind of a preprocessing of your matrix. the game balance reason is that these gates can get messy with a lot of traffic. you could start banging into others from your empire and it could be a spot of a lot potential grief. keeping this stuff turned off keeps you from warping into the middle of a raging battle. you might warp in and a battle is going on outside the bubble, but this way you can choose to be involved or not. and there shouldn't be any telefraging here either. you won't need to cuss at the fool tank driver for running you down when you are just trying to move along to your destination. It's basically a measure to keep the game moving and in the fields/bases and keep the gates from being totally clogged with people being buttheads.
again this is only my understanding of theses things, i reserve the right to be wrong. there may be other factors or conditions i'm not aware of. and of course smokejumper's word is final ont he subject. remember, i just modeled the darn things and use them in game, others designed the functions. i should make that my sig ;p
icy: nope. i'm not a huge counterstrike fan, and havent played it since before it was bought by valve.
as for the 'pore'... thats just a bad angle. thats 'hole' is actually on the top of the bubble, it then comes down into a shaft that lands at the center of the gate. thats hole is just the place that shaft connects to. consider it an art bug, its fixed in the current build.
i play all 3 at the moment i've played alot of TR, some vanu and NC 2-3 times in the last week. not sure which empire i like most. especially as things are still being implemented and tweaked and what not.
you can gather inside the bubble, plenty of room for that, then walk into the center together at once whenever you are ready.
Station Member
Registered: Apr 2001 posted 12-15-2002 11:08 AM user search report post
i think that fighting over a gate should be very exciting, and should be something people come to play for.(it would be like landing on normandy) By implementing several gates on a continent at a time, the developers have effectively stopped massive battles involving vehilces by scattering players to defend several gates and bases at a time.
so any thoughts?
ROGUEPS input.. and he inputs a lot here :)
Station Member
Registered: May 2001
posted 12-15-2002 12:34 PM user search report post
Gate camping is probably possible, but it'll take an organized group to get it even close to accomplished and you won't recieve any benefit from it unless you are working with a larger goal in mind.
once you are inside a gate's bubble, your weapons will be shut off, so you can only fight outside. and your weapon's bullets won't pass thru a warp bubble, so once inside you are in a 'safe zone'... this is partically to avoid spawn camping behaviors and allow free flow of personnel/vehicles at all times. no one likes/wants to be facing a gun barrel as soon as they warp over, that's just not fun.
that's not to say you can't make it difficult on people around a warp gate. that is a challenge that is fun.
yes, they are quite large. i modeled them. ;p they are now actually about 2/3's of the original size. they said, make it big, and i did. HUGE.
alot of the screenshots out there show just how big they are, and the concept of being able to sneak out the backside is totally doable. unless you have a organized team scouting all sides.. but that'll be difficult and that's the point.
Nathan concepted them.
I modeled them.
Brett textured them.
Trammel made the bubble and effects.
the warp gates are pretty simple... you walk to the center of one and you are warped to where it takes you. each gate is a two way stream between another specific location. you'll be able to see where you are going to be headed to by looking at your map before walking into the center. thats about it..
visually what happens could change, so no comments. the functionality wont change, so you'll have to wait for the game to get the visual details.
as for me not being blue, i assume its because of who is listed as an admin and who isn't... i'm not worried about it. being slightly anonymous is a good thing too.
i'm not sure what holes you are speaking of. the warp bubble is 360 degrees around the gate, the only place you cant walk into the bubble is at the 3 points at which there is a warp pylon. so you could say there is three sides to the bubble, but they are pretty large openings...
as far as what happens inside the bubble, this my understanding only: all collsions are turned off. you won't be able to run that max into a vechile, you'll run thru it instead. same with people colliding with people, doesn't happen. you'll only collide against the ground/terrain and the gate structure. the game reason for this is that the warp bubble starts to phase you out of your current location as you are close to the gate; kind of a preprocessing of your matrix. the game balance reason is that these gates can get messy with a lot of traffic. you could start banging into others from your empire and it could be a spot of a lot potential grief. keeping this stuff turned off keeps you from warping into the middle of a raging battle. you might warp in and a battle is going on outside the bubble, but this way you can choose to be involved or not. and there shouldn't be any telefraging here either. you won't need to cuss at the fool tank driver for running you down when you are just trying to move along to your destination. It's basically a measure to keep the game moving and in the fields/bases and keep the gates from being totally clogged with people being buttheads.
again this is only my understanding of theses things, i reserve the right to be wrong. there may be other factors or conditions i'm not aware of. and of course smokejumper's word is final ont he subject. remember, i just modeled the darn things and use them in game, others designed the functions. i should make that my sig ;p
icy: nope. i'm not a huge counterstrike fan, and havent played it since before it was bought by valve.
as for the 'pore'... thats just a bad angle. thats 'hole' is actually on the top of the bubble, it then comes down into a shaft that lands at the center of the gate. thats hole is just the place that shaft connects to. consider it an art bug, its fixed in the current build.
i play all 3 at the moment i've played alot of TR, some vanu and NC 2-3 times in the last week. not sure which empire i like most. especially as things are still being implemented and tweaked and what not.
you can gather inside the bubble, plenty of room for that, then walk into the center together at once whenever you are ready.