View Full Version : NF3 radeon compatible?

2003-09-14, 04:06 AM
Is a Radeon Vid card Compatible with a NF3 motherboard?

I found a comp for a great price with great stuff in it, but its got an NF3 motherboard and GeforceFX5200 and ive been hearing bad things about NVIDIA, and personally i like my radeon in this comp, so id like to get one in that comp. Is it compatible?

2003-09-14, 04:50 AM
This belongs in the tech forum

But, yes, an nforce mobo works fine with Radeon cards
I have an A7N8X motherboard and use a 9800 Pro with no problems at all

2003-09-14, 02:12 PM
Thanks sputty, and i kinda knew it belonged in the tech forum but everytime i post something there i never get answers. At times its seems like i'm the only one helping ppl...

2003-09-14, 08:54 PM
dude dont forget me oma and theraginggerbil...

2003-09-14, 11:26 PM
lol, yeah ive seen u guys, but seriously go check the tech forum, im in almost every single thread lol. Guess its good for the ppl that i help that i have no life lol