View Full Version : Anyone having lag since the new patch

2003-09-15, 12:23 PM
I have a ati 9200 256mb / 1 gig ram / p4 2.4ghz. and since the new patch i have become the lag master. Before the new patch i was just fine getting into 200 ppl battles without suffering lag problems. If anyone else has the same problem please post about it. I want to try to get SOE to change the patch to the way it was without the new and improved graphics enhancers, because in all honesty it hasn't helped me a bit.

2003-09-16, 04:13 PM
Before patch, before the graphics quick fix discovered recently, I got about 40fps sitting still at sanc and about 5-10 in large force pitched battles...

Found the quick graphic card fix in the machine.ini file and my fps immediately went to about 80 fps standing still in sanc and about 10-20 constant in large pitched battles.

That was about a week ago when the graphic card/machine.ini fix came out.

After receiving the patch, my fps is about 25 in sanc and 1-2 maybe in any medium or larger sized battle.

Planetside has become unplayable...

And of course, I just ordered a 512meg chip and a new Xtasy 9100 video card... now Planetside fps has dropped through the floor...

P1.8 Celeron
512mb PC2100 memory
GeForce2 MX 400 / 64 PCI
500mb fixed swap file
Windows XP SP1
Cable Modem

2003-09-17, 07:17 AM
No, ever since I changed my Machine.ini file to fit my video card, I've been peachy for lag.

2003-09-17, 10:34 AM
No lag for me.

2003-09-17, 10:54 AM
Went from 1-2 fps in large battles with minimal graphics settings to about 20-30 in large battles with medium graphics settings...

Upgraded from my old overclocked GeForce2 MX 400 / 64MB PCI card to a stock Xtasy 9100 128mb PCI card

This card rocks!!! Even straight out of the box... (didn't mean that to rhyme, but it did...)

Man, the difference is like night and day! And the textures are even more detailed than before as well...

Not only is it faster, it is prettier too!

P1.8 Celeron
512MB PC2100
Xtasy 9100 / 128MB card
Cable Modem
Windows XP SP1
500MB fixed swapfile

2003-09-18, 12:33 PM
How do you get a new Machine.ini file ?? It might help me a little bit.

2003-09-18, 01:52 PM
Check out the SOE forums.


Basically, you change the machine.ini file to use the correct amount of memory for your video card.

Max_Full_Res or something like that... it is defaulted to 32. Most video cards use 64 or 128 for people that play Planetside (that have upgraded their video cards).

2003-09-22, 03:51 PM
so how exactly do you do this

2003-09-22, 04:45 PM
You edit the machine.ini file with notepad in Windows.

Find the line that says something like full_max_res = 32 or something like that, change that line to the amount of memory you video card actually has. If 32, leave it alone, and change it if you have 64, 128, 256... Some of the machine.ini's are already set correctly, most are not however.

Then the next line references the triple buffer memory setting. That should be set to 1/3rd of the full_max_res buffer above.

I don't have the exact details, you'll find them on the SOE forums.

2003-10-16, 01:10 PM
well good news is that the balence pass really helped my fram rate of the test server in large scale battle so hopefully they will get that shit working soon

2003-10-16, 01:11 PM
No lag for me oh and the VS maxs own now