View Full Version : "Microsoft Deleted my Data"

2003-09-16, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Gambit
"Microsoft deleted my data (xbox-linux.sourceforge.net/docs/remotedelete.html newwindow) - remotely, without my permission, and... without even bothering to ask!"

This guy didn't sign up for XBox Live, didn't agree to a EULA, and has several legitimate gripes about what MS has done to the system he legitimtately aquired and uses for a variety of purposes, including playing his legitimate XBox games.

Here's a followup (www.theinquirer.net/?article=11548&foo=Microsoft%20auto-updates%20bug%20in%20%20Xbox%20software%20 newwindow) on The Register. Among other concerns, it mentions that if this is deemed to be legal on the XBox, what's to keep Billy & co. from doing the same thing to your PC?

Can you imagine windows auto update deciding you don't need your My Docs folder :eek:

2003-09-16, 02:03 PM

I would go out to redmond and bust a cap.

2003-09-16, 02:53 PM

2003-09-16, 07:37 PM
I think i'm safe from that... unless? Why would microsoft want to get rid of 4 gigabytes of funny message board oriented pictures??