View Full Version : Standard Ammor
2003-09-17, 11:18 AM
I need to know what some experts use in there standard ammor for N.C... In my Standard ammor i use 1 jackhammer, 1 Bank, 3 medic packs, 2 bank ammo, 1 rek, and 1 box of ammo.. This suit is possibly the best suit in P.S. for grunts who love the jack hammer.
2003-09-17, 03:07 PM
ok thats good i love jackhammer
2003-09-17, 11:49 PM
I'm not NC, but I can still respond. I do not use Standard armor, if I can help it. As it has less armor than the Agile armor, which is readily available. So to respond to the question, what do you use in Standard armor? I use the standard config that the game gives me. Empire Pistol, Supressor, REK and rounds for my weapons, of which I can't say for certain, except the empire specific pistol, which has 50 rounds supplied to it.
Why do you use standard when you could use Agile?
2003-09-20, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by DaCh3at
I need to know what some experts use in there standard ammor for N.C... I think he meant usual config, not standard armor....
Anyways, most grunts use Reinforced armor due to its extra rifle slot and larger inventroy space. The extra armor just counters the slight decrease in mobility, and from what I've heard, and the actual suit does not increase survivability for the most part.
I use Agile in fights, but I'm primaraly an infiltrator, and only fight when I have to. Many people combine Agile, Surge, and the Jackhammer for indoor fights. Shotguns are an NC's best friend indoors.
2003-09-20, 03:44 PM
I use a bank, a REK, a bolt driver and a backpack full of ammo. =P
Originally posted by Nimbus
I use a bank, a REK, a bolt driver and a backpack full of ammo. =P
No health packs?
2003-09-20, 10:11 PM
You don't have enough room in agile armor to afford helth packs.
2003-09-21, 03:37 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
You don't have enough room in agile armor to afford helth packs.
I always brought one or two along in every config
2003-09-21, 10:12 AM
I always just steal health packs from the people that never get to use them in time (which is why I don't get them at the terminals to) and of course I always have a sniper in my config cause there always seems like a great range between one enemy.
2003-09-21, 10:36 AM
I don't run with standard or agile too often. Maybe if I'm piloting I'll have agile. Other than that, I'm always reinforced. I don't carry med packs, because I'm a pilot. I usually go down with my vehicle. And if I don't, I have Adv Regen.
2003-09-21, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by 321
No health packs?
No health packs. It's generally not worth it to me. Being a sniper I usually try to find good cover and hopefully get somewhere where I won't be seen. I'd guess 75% of my deaths are from other snipers. You need a lot of health packs to recover from a sniper round. The other deaths are usually mosquitoes or reavers. Unless you have a building to hide in or AA support, you are already dead my friend. No matter how many health packs you have.
Generally, if I'm doing my job right I'll need more ammo before I need more health.
2003-09-22, 03:48 PM
I meant the suit you spawn in guys.. well anyways the only reason i brought this up is because i have a tr on markov and i always see cr5s running around in spawn armor with jackhammers and since i killed one of them i found out what they used and fixed it to my play style.. i use this suit for clearing out halls in medium fights.. with say about 40 to 50 nmes in building.. the suit is for some reason is faster then a cloaker suit when surge added.. well just my 2 cents.
2003-09-22, 11:45 PM
I never run around in the suit I spawn in, if I can help it. It blows, dude.
DaCh3at, you should try to use Agile or Re eXo for a while, I'm pretty sure you'll like it. As soon as I read that you used Standard armor, and that you used it for medium fights and clearing hallways, I have NEVER laughed so hard, and I saw the Star Wars kid video. If you use standard becouse it's faster then you need help. Becouse it's not much faster than Agile, and it doesn't have as much space. I see CR 5s runnning around all the time with standard on, it's becouse the terms are down, or the Gens down, or they just forgot. Every time I see somebody in Standard I /tell them "You forgot your gear" NOBODY has ever said they meant to stay in standard. Just do me a favor, try Re Exo out for a week or two, at least Agile, and you'll love the difference.
2003-09-24, 10:35 PM
drop the boxs of bank ammo cause u dont need that much juice to repair standard ARMOR also learn to spell ARMOR not AMMOR.
I have a favorite that is standard armor with a jackhammer. The speed with surge is sickening! You all know how fast an infiltrator with surge is, just imagine that speed combined with HA power! Because of the limited inventory, I primarily use it for light squad on squad defense work. If you have HA and surge you should give it a shot. It is not for everybody, and is only effective in a few limited situations, but it is devestating if employed properly.
2003-09-25, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by 321
No health packs?
Carry your REK, BANK, Bolt Driver, and in your backpack, carry 3 med packs stacked vertically in the upper left corner of your inventory.
Then just beside the med packs on the right side, include a Jammer Grenade, Plasma, or Frag. Stack 3 of them vertically next to the med packs (on the right side).
And then fill the rest of your inventory with Bolt Driver ammo, it gets the most out of your inventory, without leaving any space over.
2003-09-25, 12:28 PM
Yo ottis.. i've played this game ever since it came out. i just wanted to try something differnce... Besides the regular ammor gives a user a challenge, and i believe it is fun to play with.. i also play with agile ammor and reinforced
2003-09-25, 12:30 PM
dud!!!.. sry armor.. i feel soo handy cap now
2003-09-29, 12:00 AM
im sry but people that think agile and reinforced is all the greatest its not u guys r noobs... at least try it, i use standard + surge + lasher, it owns i love it, agile is too slow, and reinforced... just shoot me, anyways u dont even need ur armour... oo reinforced u get +100 armour, ur usually dead before all your armour is gone anyways, plus unless u got a vehicle, drop engineering for medical, u dont even need any extra ammo just bring the applicator, surge out own some one hide behind a tree, heal go out own some more, and so on and so forth
2003-10-05, 07:45 AM
I have almost all my loadout set so that if need be i can loadout a typical agile loadout, then select the standard armor and the game automaticly drops what i don't wan't. So technically i don't have a standard loadout. I only do this if i have to run along way or i'm running an llu for some reason. I think what i'm usually left with is a sweeper/medapp/bank/cud/rek/2boxs of shotgun shells.
Otherwise, in a situation where i may spawn at a hacked base. I may grab a either a JH+one box of ammo, a decimator, a cycler, or a lasher My locker is almost totally full of JH so the lasher option doesn't come around very often. I actually haven't done the cycler thing yet. Most standard spawners don't know how or don't stand a chance against a MAX. I usually asume this roll and just grab a deci. Since i'm not expecting to live but at the same time need the speed to get a shot or two off. When/if i run out of decis i can usually loot my own corps from the last time i died where i'll be able to get another deci or lasher and will absolutely get my looted JH back.
I wish you could have a standard favorite. You would spawn in standard armor still but have preselected weapons loadout. This might give standard armor some mad flava.
2003-10-09, 11:56 PM
I have several loadouts, depending on what I plan to do.
If I am going Reaver flying, I take my Jackhammer setup.
The rest is shells and AP slugs, near equal but if there is an odd box I put in normal ammo.
If the base is under attack, I use my close-warfare setup.
A few boxes of plasma grenades for the Punisher
Again, normal and AP ammo, in close to a 50/50 mix. If things are really bad, I take along a plasma grenade or two, you can never have enough of those.
And if we're fighting in the open, or I get pissed off at the lack of killing power of the Punisher, I pick my Gauss setup.
1xGauss Rifle
The rest- near 50/50 normal and AP 9mm.
2003-10-10, 09:58 PM
I have a favorite with standard armor and a Beamer, specifically for running around the Sanctuary, simply because it is faster and looks pretty durn cool to me.
2003-10-12, 01:27 AM
I never carry health packs, not even in Reinf armor, just a waste of space IMO.
I'd just go until I died and, gasp, respawn! and if I'm a ways away from a spawn I just loot med kits or hack a med term......well when I had adv hack.
I've found it doesnt really matter if you have 50 health or 25 health, you just have to kill them first. I do carry 2 when in a max, altho if u need medkits while in a max suit ur screwed anyway
2003-10-14, 12:43 PM
Screw the health kits. Advanced Regen implant or Medical is the way to go
2003-10-14, 01:21 PM
lol standard only has one sidarm slot too LMAO u cant use that in a fight, oh and how to you make stuff verticle?!
Health packs are a must in a ground combat loadout. Having an extra 25 health in a firefight frequently determines whether it is a victory or defeat.
2003-10-15, 01:01 AM
lol standard only has one sidarm slot too LMAO u cant use that in a fight, oh and how to you make stuff verticle?!
2003-10-15, 08:54 AM
?????? :mad:
2003-10-15, 08:56 AM
agile is nice!!
2003-10-15, 12:17 PM
Rightwing: Stack 3 of them vertically next to the med packs (on the right side).
how do u make stuff verticle, like a med pack or sumtin
2003-10-21, 09:10 AM
This config i ran only really works for Nc and Vs. This is because it only takes like 3-4 shots to kill an infantry and Vs normally only take like 5 shots with lasher.
The way i run my config is to run a jh in main and bank unit in side holster.
Them i put my rek on left side and ammo underneth it. Then i just put my 2 ammo packs for my bank and 3 med packs. Sry but it doesn't really work for Tr because it takes more shots to kill infantry. If any ever sees me in game i where this config everyonce in a while.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-02, 05:54 AM
i have a number of armours, one i call "NANOGLUE" whick i have nothing but repair supplies. another i call "Rifle" in whick i have 3 FMJ boxes, 2 AP boxes, 2 repair tube things, on bank, and one glue gun. the rifle slot is left empty because i generally grab a Cycler out of my locker. then there's the "Plasma" armour. it just has the Repair stuff, i fill the rest of it with 5 boxes of Plasma ammo, and grab a Pulsar.
2003-12-14, 04:13 AM
I don't use standard armor. If I want to be fast, I'll wear an infil suit with an AMP, 1 box of ammo, REK, and 2 boomers.
When defending a base, before the nme is inside, I wear rexo with a rek, bank, nd, 4 decis, and 4 boxes of glue and duct tape. I like camping turrets.
I also have a favorite thats made to get me fixed up - nd, bank, rek, a bunch of glue and duct tape, pulsar, 1 box ammo, and 6 health packs. I'll sometimes use this loadout if I know that I'm going to be a veh gunner.
I 'normaly' cary (in rexo) rek, bank, 1 deci, a rocklet, 1 jammer nade (holster 3), and fill the rest with rocket packs.
I use standerd alot 1 swepper 1 med app 1 rek 1 repair tool the 2 boxes of ammo rest is med packs i think......
Cauldron Borne
2003-12-25, 05:21 PM
HEY!: Surge makes EVERY armor move JUST AS FAST! it is the TIME it stays ON that is different! not the SPEED! The Standard armor moves all of .5 meters faster than the Agile armor, not much difference when yer in a base, maybe for a long distance marathon...
That extra armor DOES help, have you noticed how easy it is to kill Infl (once you spot 'em ;) ), but it takes a bit more to kill that Re-Exo? Don't you tell me that the extra armor is useless...
2003-12-27, 06:41 PM
:stoppost: thanx for stating the odvious.. bah what am i talking about i don't play this game anymore.
2003-12-28, 03:03 PM
Well for standard armor JH;
Jackhammer in weapon slot, medic app in pistol. In inventory: Engie applicator, REK, (CUD if you think you'll need it), two boxes of standard ammo and a box (or two boxes if you didn't take CUD) of AP ammo.
For agile (if you don't use decimator in it like me);
Engie/med app in pistol slots, JH in weapon slot. In inventory: 3 med kits, 1 engie and 1 med cannister. REK, CUD. 3 boxes of standard ammo. If you wanna drop the REK and CUD then you can throw in two boxes of AP ammo.
As for standard armor, if I am fighting outdoors with a jackhammer I will take it quite often. I know there are plenty that will intentionally use it in conjunction with surge. dogtag will even use it with a sweeper and surge, but... he's dogtag.
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