View Full Version : You a soloist or squaddie?
2003-09-18, 04:46 PM
I guess I'm just anti-social. I typically play solo and rarely try to squad up with others.
I like squading occasionaly when I find some players who are just having fun and don't need a lot of supervision to work effectively.
As a solo player I spend my time using my Engineering skills to support an assault or defend a base. I make ANT runs. I cruise around in my Lightning preying on stragglers and being a general nuisance for the enemy. I've palyed long enough that I can generally read the flow of battle and I can anticipate the enemies movements ahead of time which allows me to react quicker than most squads who generally appear more interested in getting BEP out of the next cap. I probably spend as much time reading the map as most CR5s do.
Squads can be fun sometimes, but generally I find they slow me down and restrict my ability to adapt to the ever changing battlefield.
2003-09-18, 05:12 PM
When my outfit mates are not on, I solo. I am not the least bit interested in CR and the way that Sony penalizes grouping, it just isnt worth it to squad up unless your using voice in an outfit squad
2003-09-18, 05:26 PM
im mostly squadded..... e.....enough
2003-09-18, 05:38 PM
if you're a solo-er I recommend any of the following certs:
Bolt Driver
Combat Engy
and so on...
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-18, 05:38 PM
Squad almost exclusively. I'll solo if I'm the only one on, but that doesn't happen too often.
2003-09-18, 05:57 PM
Squads are much more effective when they have decent players in them. Try squading up with your outfit and switch on teamspeak. Much larger forces that are unorganized wont stand much of a chance.
2003-09-18, 05:59 PM
Solo... more xp unless you want to be lazy, take a support role, or both. Small squads are ok however... I'll usually only squad up if im extremly bored and want to talk more than kill.
2003-09-18, 06:52 PM
When outfit members are on I'll squad but if I'm the only person on I switch to my alt. character that I solo with.
2003-09-18, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
When my outfit mates are not on, I solo. I am not the least bit interested in CR and the way that Sony penalizes grouping, it just isnt worth it to squad up unless your using voice in an outfit squad
I feel very the same way.
I always squad up becouse my outfit is always on.
Hardcore squaddie. However, during my formative Month (free trial, yay) I was a soloing mo'fo.
Explains why I could never get above BR8 as a TR.... Soloing isnt something that a TR can do effectively, at least to my experience.
I'm both but when people from my outfit are on I'm usally in a squad with them.
2003-09-19, 02:03 AM
I do both. And sometimes I do both at the same time. I will be in a squad, but I will be alone on the other side of the continent blowing up bases defenses and generators. My suqad highly values me when I am able to do this successfully, as it helps their efforts immensely on where they are. So, I do both.
2003-09-19, 02:42 AM
On my NC char, I always squad up. We have a good outfit going, usually 2 squads every night, and we run around with another aussie outfit. All of us are on TS, spewing shit the whole time.
On my VS char, squadded. Need a gunner for my mag.
On my TR char, usually solo. I am the irritating bastard who always back hacks you, takes all the towers when you aren't watching or jams an AMP up your ass and pulls the trigger when you think your safe.
2003-09-19, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by Acaila
On my TR char, usually solo. I am the irritating bastard who always back hacks you, takes all the towers when you aren't watching or jams an AMP up your ass and pulls the trigger when you think your safe.
I hope you lube it up first. Rectal tearing is a prime source of infections :l
2003-09-19, 10:49 AM
always squaded I think its nice you can cordinate with a group without being in an Outfit operation (which i have) that you can ask for support or a gunner and let them wait at a base while you're in the action:p
Did anybody see the battle for Cear? did the Terran Republic win? i was there for about 30 min neither side gained much of anything.
2003-09-19, 11:23 AM
I squad with my outfit exclusively, if noones on I might solo for a bit, but PS isn't worth the frustration if I'm not playing with the wolves.
2003-09-19, 12:17 PM
Always, always squadded.
With Ghosts of the Revolution rapidly becoming more organized and larger it's not hard to find a squad. Always use voice chat (Ventrillo)
NightWalker XI
2003-09-19, 12:19 PM
I'm a bit of both, but lately, since I started my new charcter, none cause im not playing, I hate being low BR and no CR and I jsut hate playing it like that, I wish sumone would play me to CR2 BR 15 lol
NightWalker XI
2003-09-19, 12:22 PM
Plus my outfit members seem to not log on for a few days sumtimes and stuff, I wish I could find an outfit I really enjoy playing with, SarDuKar was like that but I left cause I wanted to try out the other empires :(
2003-09-19, 12:23 PM
On my TR char, usually solo. I am the irritating bastard who always back hacks you, takes all the towers when you aren't watching or jams an AMP up your ass and pulls the trigger when you think your safe.
I am the guy that tracks behind enemies like you undoing all the damage you have done untill I finally catch you and send you to a bind point way back to the other side of the cont :) I am also the guy that works the edges of battles killing all the enemy infiltrators that are trying to assasinate my troops. Repeater is the greatest infil weapon for this reason alone because other infiltrators dont stand a chance against you. Also you would be absolutly suprised how many infils dont have darklight and are powerless to getting counter assasinated.
The trouble with doing this role is that you hardly get any XP for it, are invaluable to the squad yet at the same time are going to be off on your own almost the whole time not getting to enjoy the same comraderie
2003-09-19, 12:30 PM
That kinda brings me to my point about Sony penalizing for grouping. Every cap solo with any decent ammount of forces is going to be 5k. In a squad many of these 5k caps would only get you 3200 or so. Also pickup squads almost always suck and are completely disorganized. Outfit squads rock but even then you get penalized for doing important things outside the SoI. Infiltrators (that are doing thier jobs) spend lots of time outside the SoI securing auxilary towers in the nearby area to ensure spawn points are always availible. Also the scour the perimiter in serch of AMSs to hack wich can turn the tide of the whole battle if successfull. All of these critical tactical operations only serve to lessen the reward that your squad gets.
2003-09-19, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
I am the guy that tracks behind enemies like you undoing all the damage you have done untill I finally catch you and send you to a bind point way back to the other side of the cont :) I am also the guy that works the edges of battles killing all the enemy infiltrators that are trying to assasinate my troops. Repeater is the greatest infil weapon for this reason alone because other infiltrators dont stand a chance against you. Also you would be absolutly suprised how many infils dont have darklight and are powerless to getting counter assasinated.
Your that guy? I fucking hate you! :p
I use the repeater when I am doing standard cloaker stuff, just generally making nuisance out of myself in the front run of the zerg. Great for fragging outside of dl and you can strafe while shooting. The AMP is good when the enemies are not expecting you to be in the area.
2003-09-19, 04:21 PM
I generally solo. There's two parts for my reasons:
1> General Squad Behavior
2> The XP System
General Squad behavior. If I join an outfit, there is always a couple of guys pining for CR5 and constantly looking for squad mates. I'll join their squads and try em out. I guess I was sort of "spoiled". When I first started playing PS, I played on TR/Emerald. I joined a small outfit at the time called The 7th Legion. My first few weeks of playing with them was great. Mainly because the guy that generally led my squads was a "we fight together, we die together" type of guy. You didn't just zerg, die, respawn, etc. We moved together. We fought together. If we died, we waited. We either got revived, or we got wiped out and we all respawn and try again... TOGETHER. I got lucky and ran into another SL for the outfit I joined on NC/Markov who did the same thing. If I find a SL who plays that way, I'll squad up EVERY time.
Unfortunately that's not how 99% of the other squads out there operate. For the most part a squad leader is nothing more than glorified WP setter. Everyone pretty much does their own thing. Tactics are rarely considered. Being an Adv Medic is pointless because my squadmates are generally nowhere near me or each other. In short, other than someone setting a WP for me, a squad is not much different than going solo except with crappy XP.
Which brings me to number 2. The XP system really sucks. And once you get used to getting consistent 3-5k hacks its kinda hard to go back. So unless its a SL that I know commands with a "fight together-die together" sort of mantra -- then I'll just solo.
Plus, I've always felt CR ranks should indicate leadership abilities, and not /invite spam abilities. I realize that there will be a ton of people who are CR5 and wont lead(they just wanted OS), but at least I know I didn't contribute to it.
2003-09-19, 04:28 PM
I have found that I get bigger chuncks of XP alone actually. I like the guys that brag about being CR4 and how you should join the squad. You have to ask them 5 times where to go as your getting on the HART. Then when you get there they say "Go find some trouble"
Great, hold on, let my write that down so's I don't forget.
PS I do think that I like the way the XP is set up. It is geared toward the team player, not just on who gets the biggest body count. There is so much more to do then just whack folks.
2003-09-19, 10:05 PM
soloist and outfitie (if thats a word)
mixed squads dont work like they use to. They now suck and teamspeak has taken over the voice squad chat thing on the game.
plus if i join a squad, they usually complain cause i'm snipping out of the base making everybody get less xp than they would outside....but i only do that cause i lag.;)
2003-09-20, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Cease
I generally solo. There's two parts for my reasons:
1> General Squad Behavior
2> The XP System
General Squad behavior. If I join an outfit, there is always a couple of guys pining for CR5 and constantly looking for squad mates. I'll join their squads and try em out. I guess I was sort of "spoiled". When I first started playing PS, I played on TR/Emerald. I joined a small outfit at the time called The 7th Legion. My first few weeks of playing with them was great. Mainly because the guy that generally led my squads was a "we fight together, we die together" type of guy. You didn't just zerg, die, respawn, etc. We moved together. We fought together. If we died, we waited. We either got revived, or we got wiped out and we all respawn and try again... TOGETHER. I got lucky and ran into another SL for the outfit I joined on NC/Markov who did the same thing. If I find a SL who plays that way, I'll squad up EVERY time.
Unfortunately that's not how 99% of the other squads out there operate. For the most part a squad leader is nothing more than glorified WP setter. Everyone pretty much does their own thing. Tactics are rarely considered. Being an Adv Medic is pointless because my squadmates are generally nowhere near me or each other. In short, other than someone setting a WP for me, a squad is not much different than going solo except with crappy XP.
Which brings me to number 2. The XP system really sucks. And once you get used to getting consistent 3-5k hacks its kinda hard to go back. So unless its a SL that I know commands with a "fight together-die together" sort of mantra -- then I'll just solo.
Plus, I've always felt CR ranks should indicate leadership abilities, and not /invite spam abilities. I realize that there will be a ton of people who are CR5 and wont lead(they just wanted OS), but at least I know I didn't contribute to it.
I really agree with you on most of this. Some of the up and coming CRs in my outfit have really bad squad practices. The waypoints are like 2 hours old and they'll snap up anybody who is LFS but they don't monitor the squad chatter and they frequently go AFK. If you ask for instructions it's always something like "attack the next base"
Luckily, most of my outfits squads are real good. Organized very well, the squad leader keeps us on task and on target and when fighting you usually know where everybody else is.
There are some problems with the experience. I don't really have a problem with the way it's split in outfits but there are a lot of things that I think should give exp and don't. Many of the hottest battles are over towers but taking a tower gives you zilch. If a squad sneaks out behind enemy lines and starts blowing gens it helps their side immensely but they don't get squat for it. Then there is always engineering and medical.
2003-09-20, 10:38 AM
If I squad, I prefer either a full squad that sticks together, or sticks in groups of twos or threes, as vehicle guys, IE pilot and gunner(s). Or I like a squad of no more that 3 guys. Because then yu don't have to worry too much about making wp's, especially if you use Team Speak.
It kind of depends on what I'm up for, as a CR2 in a smallish outfit I often am responsible for getting a squad started, because more often than not outfit members are off soloing. That being said, I often hate to start a squad because sometimes it's just so much effort to keep up with the squad chat, keep looking at the map to see how the battle is going, and keep up a reasonable kill rate to help maintain the respect of my troops. Lets face it, when you join a squad and all the leader does is barks out orders and dies you don't tend to follow his commands very well. It really just takes a lot more energy and attentiveness to go with a squad, not to mention patience and selflessness cause you usually get gipped for base captures.
Now if I'm in the mood for a nice gory firefight and want to work on my BR, I'll go solo and focus on the killing, which seems to give me a helluva lot more experience in a shorter amount of time. The downside to soloing of course, is when you get stranded somewhere without a vehicle or HART to what looks like a good continent only to "reveal friendlies" once you hit the ground and discover you're on your own.
2003-09-20, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
If I squad, I prefer either a full squad that sticks together, or sticks in groups of twos or threes, as vehicle guys, IE pilot and gunner(s). Or I like a squad of no more that 3 guys. Because then yu don't have to worry too much about making wp's, especially if you use Team Speak.
I agree. I just got rid of my Reaver cert to get Reinforced Agile. In considering my next cert, I'm afraid to get something that needs a gunner cause I know I'll get sick and tired of hollering for a gunner amid all the chaos.
Cauldron Borne
2003-09-20, 05:30 PM
I susally try to head up a good squad of ppl. We usually are the guys who come from nowhere to an un populated cont and begin a systematic take over for fun. Then teh zergs comes.Me and my squad usually have a good time, I try to keep the numbers down to about 5 (which is really all thats needed). On konreid a few of my friends and myself created a band of brothers ideal. We're all in outfits, but we operate outside of them and there arn't enough of us to make our own outfit. We call ourselves the cowboy pirates. Look us up sometime if you want.
Our core 'members' are:
Cauldronborne <--me!
(our semi-official greating is ARRHAW or YEEARR)
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