View Full Version : Welcome to Gauss Talk, your'e on the air...
2003-09-19, 04:22 PM
I started a little thread about how I'm having trouble using the Gauss efectively.
Well, I heard some very convincing raves about it being, I'm paraphrasing here, "The shooter's weapon" In the right hands it can be like watching Da Vinci swing a sable paint-brush.
Ok, I'm struggling with this weapon so let's here from the Gauss experts. I've played PS for 3 weeks and have only played my one NC char: BR6.5/Agile/Medium Assault/Hacker/Reaver
I'm thinking about shitcanning Reaver and getting a ground cert or something.
anyhow, let's have it.
:borg: :wantbeta: :ncrocks: :cheers:
2003-09-19, 04:37 PM
My NC character carries it 80% of the time and I like the punch it has. The trick is to get used to crouching before you pull the trigger. This way the COF stays as tight as possible. If you stand and shoot the Gauss COF expands quicker than all the other assault rifles.
Also try to use one to two second bursts only.
Basically do everything you can to keep the COF tight and you'll start dropping a lot of people at range.
2003-09-19, 04:38 PM
dont get rid of reaver for a ground vechical. air vechicals are faster than all ground vechicals. i wolud only suggest that if u plan on getting reinforced ecxosuit.
ohhh and 2 answer your question, i dont know. i just use the swepper shotgun, puinsher, cycler, and my bolt driver.
2003-09-19, 04:42 PM
/sigh Another one of these threads? Anyways....
Gauss is very "Efficent" gun in that you don't have to use as much ammo to get a kill. However, it it difficult to use due to a low RoF relative to the Cycler. The Cycler also has less recoil than the Gauss. These make the Gauss less effective if you can't maintain your FPS ablove about 20.
It's first four shots out of the barrel, however, are noticably more acurate than the Cycler's is. This makes it a more effective weapon fore use at range, and in the hands of someone that is good with controling it's CoF bloom, it can be devistateing. Many people that are used to a cycler come to the conclusion that the gauss sucks because it is used in such a different way than the Cycler is.
2003-09-19, 04:44 PM
The Gauss can own at range, and in groups can cut down infantry like a hot knife through butter. It has a shocking ability to take out snipers, as they usually dont notice all the damage theyre taking until you've popped them a few times and got behind cover.
2003-09-19, 04:48 PM
Guass and how to use it
Step 1: kneel
Step 2: aim
Step 3: controled bursts
Step 4: repeate 2 and 3
2003-09-19, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER
dont get rid of reaver for a ground vechical. air vechicals are faster than all ground vechicals. i wolud only suggest that if u plan on getting reinforced ecxosuit.
Which I did. :-)
2003-09-19, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER
and my bolt driver.
what? surely he cant use your bolt driver.
Gauss is a pretty good gun, but i love the punisher, shoot of a couple shots, launch a rocket at them, then shoot them some more.:)
2003-09-19, 09:32 PM
i HATE people who think vehicles are simply used for transportation. "No i want the mosquito because it goes fast" this is the worst approach to planetside you can take. sure some people like the lighter 1 man vehicles but picking a plane over a ground vehicle just because it goes faster is absolutely retarded. vehicles do have other practical uses than just their speed. some people dont get the liberator because it doesnt have afterburners. looking at real planes today, about how many bombers have afterburners? NONE! its a bomber what the hell are you people thinking its not supposed to travel at light speed. this just proves that everyone who plays this is either 11 years old or lacking a brain, possibly a mixture of both. vehicles should be more appreciated, nothing in the game can do more damage in one clip than a vanguard can do in one shot :D
2003-09-19, 10:01 PM
im still learning the guass, all i can say though is controlled bursts, i watch goatman, earlyer, me and him dueled, he uses guass, he killed me in under ten seconds at 50 meters
Vis Armata
2003-09-19, 10:07 PM
Using the Gauss in 3-shot bursts while remaining crouched is quite effective. It's my favorite AI weapon, even over the Jackhammer. It actually has range. :)
As far as using the Punisher, use a plasma/normal ammo setup - lob a plasma grenade, then switch to your bullets. The grenade launcher is nice for different situations (ex., shutting down gun turrets with a jammer grenade during hot tower drops), but you'll not get the range or the same cone of fire as the Gauss.
2003-09-19, 10:54 PM
Fire in 4 shot bursts while crouched, lead your target. You can kill at range quickly and easily. Use the sweeper up close. If you want to be an infantry killing machine, lose hacking and pick up HA. The gauss/JH rexo combo is extremely effective.
2003-09-20, 01:40 AM
I owe a ton of kills to the gauss, IMO the best Assault rifle available (better than the cycler even, in almost all situations). Big weakness of the gauss is the small clip so you should get into the habit of reloading whenever you are behind cover or at around 15 bullets.
The rounds dont travel instantly, so familiarize yourself with the speed/trajectory to make your hits count. Once you get the hang of bursting (4-5 shot bursts are great but can take some practice to make them all connect) work on leading moving targets- aim just ahead of their body.
"Tapping" single shots also does work on some targets, give that a try too.
Overall the gauss is a kickass weapon and if more NC learned to use it properly the whole empire would benefit. Really shines when you get 3+ skilled riflemen together on enemy infantry.
2003-09-20, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by ThundaHawkPS
Overall the gauss is a kickass weapon and if more NC learned to use it properly the whole empire would benefit.
*not me, just some random personality of mine that just popped up*
As if you need more weapons to rule with. Heard of the JackHammer?
*once again, not me. Dominant personality is back*
2003-09-20, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
It has a shocking ability to take out snipers, as they usually dont notice all the damage theyre taking until you've popped them a few times and got behind cover.
I HATE that! Of all the things that kill me while sniping, the freaking Gauss is the most annoying. They always start with a single shot. I always backpedal when I take a hit, then asess the damage and either relocate or move back in. With a Gauss I usually figure it's a stray shot or something, move back in and suddenly I got automatic fire coming in on me.
NightWalker XI
2003-09-20, 09:46 AM
Be happy that your empire doesn't have the beamer, now shut up and go away...blah
2003-09-20, 11:19 AM
I took out a Pounder Max with a Beamer once. He was st00pid.
2003-09-20, 11:22 AM
There are some basics for firing a Gauss, but really most people already know them. Firing in bursts, etc. But you can't forget just being flat out accurate. I'm not a crappy player, but I still have my fair share of misses. I'm just not as accurate as other players out there.
Goatman on NC/Markov is in my outfit. I've watched him just mow down people with the Gauss. But there isn't anything different he does compared to everyone else. He's just accurate as hell. He doesn't lead too much or too little -- he doesn't miss. I've watched him run at someone while strafing and firing and still drop them in about 6 shots -- about just as fast as an HA weapon could do.
So with that said, you put any weapon in a player like Goatman's hands and there's a good chance he's going to own with it - he's just got great aim/accuracy.
2003-09-20, 11:33 AM
duel with goatman, youll know just how good he really is, man, i have very much respect for him, and i already did for seeing him take a enemy squad down by himself, when it was just 4 WO guys and a full squad of terrans with Maxs, and we all wernt in position yet and he mopped the floor with them
2003-09-20, 12:54 PM
The only bad thing about having Goatman in the same outfit is the humbling experience. We got a few people with Vangard certs. And they'll ask over TS "Who wan't to gun in my Van?" Sometimes Goatman will gun for them. And then I get to listen for 30+ mins from the Van driver "Wow! I like when Goatman guns for me, he actually hits stuff!" Makes me kinda reluctant to hop in a gunning spot for any of our outfit Vangards lol.
Here's a thought: stop sucking!
2003-09-20, 02:44 PM
Pretty complex thinking there. Don't hurt yourself.
Well hurting myself would be more of a concern than you taking me out, I'm sure. Good to know most NC tank crews are only there to improve the "look & feel" of a battle.
The one thing I really dislike about the gauss rifle is that it sounds like a junky toy store lazer gun. It's a freaking assault rifle, make it sound like gunfire!
2003-09-20, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Jagd
It's a freaking assault rifle, make it sound like gunfire!
Can't disagree with you there. The reason I can't stand the stiker is because of the damn beeping.
2003-09-20, 03:59 PM
Well hurting myself would be more of a concern than you taking me out, I'm sure.
Well since we both play on opposing empires of Markov, we can certainly see if those words ring true. I'll shoot you a tell this evening, and we can meet up somewhere. We'll make it really simple - you try to hold a tower, while I try to take it from you. If I take it, you try to take it back. First one to 20 kills wins. No spawn camping, but if you want to allow it then thats fine too. I'll keep things even and stick to Med Assault. Sound good?
2003-09-20, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Cease
There are some basics for firing a Gauss, but really most people already know them. Firing in bursts, etc. But you can't forget just being flat out accurate. I'm not a crappy player, but I still have my fair share of misses. I'm just not as accurate as other players out there.
Goatman on NC/Markov is in my outfit. I've watched him just mow down people with the Gauss. But there isn't anything different he does compared to everyone else. He's just accurate as hell. He doesn't lead too much or too little -- he doesn't miss. I've watched him run at someone while strafing and firing and still drop them in about 6 shots -- about just as fast as an HA weapon could do.
So with that said, you put any weapon in a player like Goatman's hands and there's a good chance he's going to own with it - he's just got great aim/accuracy.
I just got done with a fairly large battle and I was about 200 "yards" away. There was a guy in a MAX blasting away at a wall turret, I'm suprised to say he survived. I was tucked in behind a tree and firing at some TR scum up on the wall. I was stationary and crouched with my Gauss firing one round at a time or 2-3 round bursts. Even without moving a centimeter and firing single shots, there was no way to predict where the next round would hit. From the perspective of the TR dude on the wall, the rounds varied about 2 feet in where they hit.
Which, I must say ain't half bad but there is no sense of a recoil with the weapon. The reticule didn't budge, honest.
Cauldron Borne
2003-09-20, 05:12 PM
I've played all empires and found that the gauss is THE ruler of MA. cycler can put lead in the air faster than any otherwep (besides MCG). The pulsar is crap (someone doubt me). But the cycler could be the only wep you ever use AND still own. Me and a squad of 3 others held a base from about a squad and a half of VS yesterday and our wep of choice was the gauss. i had my SA and a buddy used his pheonix to get rid of the rotten MAX's, but the Gauss just MOW'd the barneys. My only tip would be to crouch while firing and to use either single shot or 3-shot bursts.
(P.S. used the sweep to clear a tower spawn room, but that was it, honest)
2003-09-20, 05:16 PM
just got done with a fairly large battle and I was about 200 "yards" away. There was a guy in a MAX blasting away at a wall turret, I'm suprised to say he survived. I was tucked in behind a tree and firing at some TR scum up on the wall. I was stationary and crouched with my Gauss firing one round at a time or 2-3 round bursts. Even without moving a centimeter and firing single shots, there was no way to predict where the next round would hit. From the perspective of the TR dude on the wall, the rounds varied about 2 feet in where they hit.
Which, I must say ain't half bad but there is no sense of a recoil with the weapon. The reticule didn't budge, honest.
Well its hard to say, but in that case it sounds like that guy may have been beyond effective range for the Gauss. Generally when I have found that that the natural margin of error from the Gauss is enough to miss entirely even though the reticule is dead on -- they are too far away. If I have to go 4x zoom to get a good bead on them, I'm generally wasting ammo trying to hit them.
As far as MA goes, the gauss is very nice for medium-long range fights. You can outdamage the cycler if you are patient at all but the closest range. Unfortunately when close, the cycler is nearly as effective as HA. Because of this, for close range I use the punisher (if I'm not HA certed, I see saw back and forth on this one) as the plasma grenade followed by a short controlled burst is amazing 1v1.
2003-09-20, 10:00 PM
The punisher rocket also does a fair amount of damage if you manage to hit the person, and is my preferance because I tend to hit myself with grenades.
2003-09-20, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
I took out a Pounder Max with a Beamer once. He was st00pid.
2003-09-20, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by SandTrout
The punisher rocket also does a fair amount of damage if you manage to hit the person, and is my preferance because I tend to hit myself with grenades.
Same here, i do carry both rockets and grenades (frag and plasma),but rockets are usualy what i have in the secondary fire barrel, so i use them more.
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