View Full Version : Please carry medkits so I can take them off your cadaver
2003-09-22, 12:22 PM
Why the fuck do so few people carry medkits? I go to loot off of fresh corpses and they rarely have medkits. Sure, lets get a medapp and 20 canisters, then fill up on ammo! Medkits are what make you win all those little encounters you have, I frequently run out and go looking for more, and they are so hard to loot.
Who seriously expects to be able to eat through a full inventory of JH rounds (or other weapon) without dying and without needing a medkit? How often does your opponent stop shooting at you while you use your medapp to heal yourself? There is only 3 weapons in the game that can kill you fast enough that you don't have time to eat/drink/rectally insert/however it is used a medkit before you die: Vanguard, Enforcer (i think?), JH secondary fire. It is 25hp of instant health.
A good grunt will always take 1 medkit in a fight, effectively giving them 125hp. I personally carry 4 of the buggers, but am going to start carrying 6 as I can never loot more. Ammo is easy to aquire, medkits aren't.
2003-09-22, 12:39 PM
I never have a problem finding medkits myself. A great sorce is dead MAx units, they normally cary 4-8.
As to standard grunts, when you find a pack with kits in it you just gotta sigh and realize the poor bugger had no chance to use them before taking them for yourself!
2003-09-22, 12:43 PM
I am usually able to use all my medkits before I die.
2003-09-22, 12:58 PM
I normally care anywhere from 3 to 6 medkits.
2003-09-22, 01:02 PM
I carry 2 to 3 when I'm in my Max. but most of the time I 4get to use them. :rolleyes:
2003-09-22, 01:19 PM
I stopped carrying it in my MAX suit. Once your armor is chewed through you're a sitting duck anyhow, medkits never seemed to make a real difference. With my other loadouts I carry 2-3 but I never have issues finding them. I was in a 1 on 1 firefight over the weekend which I won solely because I popped my 2 medkits at the right times. When I checked the dead guy's backpack he had 3 unused medkits. Sucks to be him, he shot better than I did and still lost.
2003-09-22, 01:20 PM
I usually carry one, use it, and then die.
2003-09-22, 01:35 PM
well, i never take medkits, since my char has medical and engineering.
if i get too low health in a 1on1 fight, i will try and surge/retreat, heal+repair, then try and finish off the guy.
also, since i only have medium assault for weapons, i have alot of shit to carry for agile, here's my usual loadout:
1 guass rifle
1 med applicator
4 boxes 9mm ammo
1 nanites box
1 nano-dispensor (i drive sund and reaver)
1 REK (adv hack)
1 CUD (im cr4, so this is necessary)
2003-09-22, 01:41 PM
o_O i carry 6 on my max suit... Dono why i do since once the max suit gos down in army im screwed anyway...... Maybe i'll just ditch em and get somthing else.....
me == ps n00bz0r.
2003-09-22, 01:58 PM
I am an Infiltrator that doesnt want to waste 3 certs for medical. I never have any trouble looting medkits. Its just so easy. One good source for medkits I have found are dead MAXs. Often they have 4 kits
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-22, 02:06 PM
Why the fuck do so few people carry medkits? I go to loot off of fresh corpses and they rarely have medkits.
You answered your own question in the second sentence of your rant. There are a number of people who prefer carrying a med app over med kits because not many people can loot a med app and actually use it and those who can probably already have one. Other figure a medkit isn't going to help much considering how quckly kills can happen in this game. Well and then there are those who are just too dumb to remember to include them. I see their point, at least the ones who have reasons, and while I don't necessarily agree with them 100% it sure seems to have annoyed at least one opponent :p
Unless you're in a MAX you shouldn't carry any more than 3 medkits cause you're leaving awkward wasted gaps in your inventory. If you're using big boxes of ammo (ala vehicle or anti-vehicular) you should carry 2 kits to leave yourself room for 3 more boxes of 3x3, and minimize wastage. If you're in a MAX you should always have an even number.
This is based on my theory of inventory efficiency, ie: leaving no empty space anywhere unless you have no choice cause of those unwieldy 4x4 ammo boxes.
Diddy Mao
2003-09-22, 03:01 PM
Adv Med 0wnz j00!!!!!1!1!!!1one!!1!1
2003-09-22, 03:08 PM
I usually have 3, because it fits perfectly in my inventory and I have full usage of the storage room.
2003-09-22, 07:57 PM
medkits r great especially if a sniper, whenever an nme sniper hits me i take cover behind a tree or something and pop 3 kits n im back online and ready to kill that sniper, usually after the time it takes to pop 3 kits he usually changes to another target leaving him vulnerable
2003-09-22, 10:03 PM
agile+surge+JH+6 med kits+3 boxes of ammo=teh win
2003-09-22, 10:21 PM
All of my grunt configs have 3 medkits and my sniper ones have 2 becuase i find i runn out of sniper faster then i use meds
2003-09-22, 10:41 PM
Probably because theres more medics out there.
2003-09-22, 10:50 PM
My AV alt carries 3 meds with his gause setup and 2 with his shotgun setup due spair invo space left by those 4/4 boxes of phoenix ammo.
My main doesn't carry medikits because I need the room for ammo and I'm certed with medical. Before I had medical, I just hacked an inv term or medical term to get my heals.
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