View Full Version : Whats the worst injury you ever had?
2003-09-23, 12:25 AM
I dont think this is my worst but it hurt like hell. (its basicly what i said in the "ouch that hurt" thread thing)
K, like back in april or may i was trimmind the trees, or cutting off branches for wood so we can actually have our fireplace running this winter. I dont know how, but suddenly the ladder slips right? I'm like shit, i'm gona fall. The ladder sliders a few inches down and then leans backwards away from the tree-down the slope/hill. During this time i still got the saw in my hand (i was freaked and didn't really know what th hell to do). Finally i decided to let go of te saw, which somehow cut my rightshoulder alittle deep. Now i finally hit the ground and start rolling backwards dow the hill. Theres a steep 4 foot fall once you get to the edge, so i rolled down it, and luckly landed on something better than a bigass rock, but a bigass pile of leaves. Now i'm laying there, and oh yes, I was home alone. Luckly its easy to get back up, not up the drop, but up a more....flatter hill (sry culdn't think of the word). My shirt was ripped and had holes in it, and had a big blood stain on the shoulder, so i threw it down the hill for the rats to eat. Luckly, besides the cut on my shoulder, i had only bumps and bruises and 2 or 3 mnor scratches that kinda bled alittle.
And still, kinda strange, but my parents dont know that ever happened, and i'm hella glad they dont cause they dont feel like paying for stiches or an xray again and i hella dont feel like getting yelled at again.
I also broke my wrist, arm, and ankle from biking (real bad attempts at doin tricks off a ramp) and ATVs at different times, but this hurt the most.
K, your turn.
2003-09-23, 12:26 AM
Playing 2 ball soccer, I tried kicking a ball, as another guy did the same, and I sprained my knee pretty damn bad.
I almost drown in a pool as a baby.
A fat guy ran into me when I was 6 at the skating ring and broke my wrist... fat bastard.
A tree almost fell on me later that year. That's when I learned not to play in the forest while daddy is cutting down trees.
I fractured my skull when I was nine.
I was hit by a car when I was ten.
When I was 13 my dog bit through my wrist and vein. Blood just poured out. (Same wrist fat bastard broke)
When I was 18 I learned that little bumps turn into jumps at 70+mph and smashed my car into a steal pole.. thing. Nothing like seeing a pole behind your head to make you not want to listen to that Korn song again.
As of lately my Ex wife has been trying to kill me. When is divorce ever final you ask? When you tell the bitch to just "deal with it", move out of state, don't tell anyone where you live or what your number is and pray to God that your child is taken care of.
2003-09-23, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by Mtx
A fat guy ran into me when I was 6 at the skating ring and broke my wrist... fat bastard.
Sorry, that was me time travelling
2003-09-23, 03:07 AM
(From the age thread I thought you were only in your teens and said you lied about you having a wife mtx... maybe im mistaken and im too lazy to check it..)
My most painful event was probably when I got knocked into a wall by a fat guy in some school sports thingy, (fat guys really suck, huh?) dislocated my shoulder and bruised some ribs.
Noone knew how to pop my shoulder back in... so I was left with the pain as I walked like 5 or so miles (would have thought a teacher would have given me a lift..... nope) to a hospital. The popping back in sucked too. :mad:
2003-09-23, 04:16 AM
Yeah, MTX is turing into a habitual liar. We are having a BAD influence on him.
2003-09-23, 04:35 AM
i fell off of a fence once.....and i get these migrane headakes about 2 every week at least, so im sorta constantly in pain since they can last for days
2003-09-23, 04:37 AM
UUUhhhh, not shitting you, but that's a very BAD sign dude. Go see a doctor. Unless you already have.
2003-09-23, 04:39 AM
what my headakes? dont worry i have, ive taken at least 20 different kinds of pill to help, not much works, and the only thing that does work, well the side effects really suck
2003-09-23, 08:02 AM
Lets see.
I ran and skid and hit my head on the metal side of one of those door edger things. I was bleeding all over and had to get a bunch of stitches
Fell out of a tree once... Concushion
Cut off part of my thumb with one of those vegatble slicers cause i forgot to assemble it propperly.. lol
fell off my bike, chiped and knocked out my tooth and needed stiches for meh head.
2003-09-23, 08:40 AM
Well here it goes.
Back when i was in military school i got on deans list, so all the kids who got on deans list got to take a winter ski trip. We wen't to Snow Summit in Caifornia. The whole time i was having a blast, getting really good at snowboarding. So finally, the last 3 hours i was there on sunday we decided to do West Ridge, which is an advanced trick park. And we would all follow the lead of one of the seniors. Well we are hauling ass down the course half a mile from the bottom and we are coming up on a rail that sticks out of the grond about 2 feet. Very easy rail. As i approach it do a nice boardslide half way across and jump off. Being really excited i turn around to see my friends reaction who was pretty excited. So i'm hyped up. his face then turns to a grim expression and i turn around and the second my eyes meet the tree in front of me i try to put my hands up to block myself. I hit the tree doing about 20 MPH my injuries are as follows
2 Fractured Wrists
Broken Nose
3 Broken Ribs
1 broken ring finger
knocked out cold
I remember distinctly being pulled behind some guy on his ski's, and i asked him if i could get up and walk down, and he couldnt hear me and then i went unconcious again :lol:
All in all it was pretty painful recovery :ugh:
2003-09-23, 08:43 AM
ok i was running into my tool shed and i hit my finger on an buzzsaw it lopped three of my finger off, my brother found my mom and they called 911, they managed to keep the fingers frozen so the hospital could sew them back on, but they have been stiff ever since but nothing compared to some of the other injusrys posted in this thread, o and the buzzsaw was not on it is just very sharp.
2003-09-23, 04:13 PM
worst injury: I have two, my first was getting hit by this by a car cuz some drunk guy came up a blind road or what ever and didn't stop at the stop sign, my jaw got really messed up! it was hard to eat for a long time! now when I yawn it hurts! luckily I found out I did 1000 bucks worth of damage to the car!!! and his insurance didn't cover it! HAHA I got that bastard back.
My other great injury was me skiing down a double black diamond called white heat at sunday river and some bastard kid that it was probauly like his first day skiing comes screaming down this hill, no turning or anything, he was clearly out of control and was screaming and he decided hitting me would have been a good way to slow down, he got hurt a lot more, I was just full of bruises and threw up cuz I got so winded! something got sprained I think, I can't remeber.
My worst disease: I would defiently have to go with Ecoli, that one really sucked.
2003-09-23, 04:29 PM
Slit my throat... 24 stitches.... viva el suicide!
2003-09-23, 04:47 PM
Why'd you do that? :(
smashed my knee falling down a flight of stairs, followed by wrecking my bike on the way home and a car accident on the way to the doctor..yes, all the same day...within hours of each other. damn knee still isnt right. sounds like rocks in a cardboard box when it gets cold and sometimes just fails while walking.
2003-09-23, 05:11 PM
Little Tike Injuries:
Fell off my bunk bed, shattered my heel and broke my leg
Was playing kick ball and got kicked in the thumb, wich resulted in a peroschoping fracture of my hand that the doctor didn't find till me second visit to him.
Recent Injuries:
Put my hand through a plate glass window, got a wicked looking scar that looks like I tried to slit my wrists.
Football (the American kind, not that sisy-ball game stinkin' frenchmen call football :D) induced injuries:
Broken finger, played the rest of the game, hurt like a mother
Giant gash on the inside of my elbow (the worst place to get a cut :() complements of a sharp peice of metal on our centers shoulderpads.
A running back ran his helmet into my funny bone so hard my arm went numb for a week, I was begining to think it would be numb forever, but it came back.
Current Injuries:
A broken thumb, football again, this time I am going to try and splint it, seeing how good a job Dr. Football did the last time i tried to play with broken fingers.
Hey, wanna hear something that really sucks? My friend got a sinuse infection that started to get really bad. He never got it taken care of, now he can't taste or smell. He went to the doctor and the doctor (ear nose and throat guy) said its permanent. Now he is getting really friggin skinny cause he only eats when hes really really hungry.
2003-09-23, 05:16 PM
I flipped over the front of a bike once, I forgot how, and landed on my skull. thank god for helmets. Look goofy and live.
Hey, wanna hear something that really sucks? My friend got a sinuse infection that started to get really bad. He never got it taken care of, now he can't taste or smell. He went to the doctor and the doctor (ear nose and throat guy) said its permanent. Now he is getting really friggin skinny cause he only eats when hes really really hungry.
Yup. Knew a guy a number of years back that shot himself in the forehead with a .22 cal rifle. blew out his sinuses (and a rather small useless portion of his brain...he never was a very good shot), but he lived. cant smell or taste anything at all. hates eating now as he says everything is like chewing hot rubber erasers....just as well, he was a giant tub o shit before, now hes a skinny one.
he was a fun guy to have around. when he'd sleep (or pass out), his GF used to stick refrigerator magnets to his forehead (steel plate).
2003-09-23, 05:40 PM
wow .... spider sounds like violent J but anyways i was racing down the biggest hill in my county on a razor knock off scooter so on the third run i get cut off roll down the hill for a while then fall in a ditch supposedly... i dont remember much of that day but thats what happened supposedly
2003-09-23, 05:58 PM
im pretty lucky that i havent majorly hurt myself too many times.
I broke my collar bone playing baseball when i was 8 or 9...or maybe 11, because my catchers chest pad had slipped down too far. I badly sprained my ankle playing soccer when i was 7 or 8...or maybe 10 (im horrible at remembering years), anyway this fat ass must have gotten tired so he decided to collapse right onto my leg. hmm, also when i was 12 or 13, i ran right into a fucking tree at full speed (on foot), half split my head open (exaggeration), had to have stitches (only a few) and was unconcious for almost hour (ok that means ten minuates), woke up with bark sticking out of my face. most embarassing thing ever :o
Please spider dont destroy this thread
2003-09-23, 06:58 PM
wow my thread wants to stay alive.....sweet.:cool:
and some of you got very bad inguries......that or you're just telling us what heppened to your roommates or sumtin.
eh i'm not tired, i'll post more inguries.
i once jumped off the roof onto my friends trampolene(sp), but my leg got caught in the springs. funny but it hurt cause i bounced back up and immediatly went back into the trampolene.
Speaking of roofs, i kinda did the same with my bike, i road off the school roof, landed very bad, went over the hanldbar, and luckly only cut my cheek hitting the ground. That was funny too cause i was the only one stupid enough to do that.
I flipped a golfcart this summer. Though it goes fast! i mean at the most 60 mph! I hit a rock or pothole (it was dark), and just slid across the ground. No cuts, only ripped my jacket.
Also i got jumped once in San Fransisco, i got away cause there was only 3 of them and they were all a foot smaller than me:p . i guess i provoked them somehow......hopefully i wasn't with one of their girls.
And finnaly when i was like 5, i took a wagon down my road, and smashed right into my grandpa's car. Few bruises, and couple more on my ass after my parents saw what i did.:rolleyes:
2003-09-23, 07:14 PM
As for why I slit my throat.... depressive with scyzho tendencies... I need a trigger to set it off... that one being depression + a breakup = voices. Same thing when I happened to drive my car off the road... and it wasnt off-road....
So voices in my head = bad.
2003-09-23, 07:33 PM
:( that sucks dude,i feel really down a lot also, i used to have a girlfriend who i liked alot but she cheated on me and dumped me flat, now im real shy and lonely, sometimes life sucks man, its always good to have a hobby like video games or guitar or somedin, that always helps.
2003-09-23, 07:35 PM
hmm lets see, i was killed once... or twice.....
as a baby:
hmm i was moving my head the first night i was born so i really didnt have to worry about suffication... i never was dropped :) (thats arguable) i never choked.... i was a good baby.
well ive never really hurt myself period, lets see.... in 4th grade i got a steel pole lodged in my mouth, blood gushed everywhere. in 10th grade i broke my lil pinky toe, the only thing ive ever broken.
I guess im lucky... but also really cautious.
2003-09-23, 07:39 PM
I told you, you can't try to deepthroat a metal pole :p
Two of my injuries involve me, and my porch.
The first one was when I was like 6 or 7. My brothers who are both older than me had built a ramp about 3 feet high. When not using the ramp they would set it on the porch. I couldn't use the ramp much because i didn't know how to skateboard or ride a bike. But while it was sitting on the porch i would run up it, and then down it. Up and down, up and down. This was what I considered fun at that age. Anyways, on one of my trips up the ramp i must have tripped or something, because i didn't come back down, instead i flew head first off the ramp, over the porch railing and landed face first on the cement sidewalk which wound behind my house. i did not, however, sustain much injury for whatever reason, my face was bright red (i think i have pictures somewhere) and the doctor said that the redness would go away after awhile, which it did.
The second one was when I was about 10. i was standing on the porch, bored as ever. then i thought to myself, "Hmm, I wonder if i can fly." Needless to say, I took a head long leap over my porch railing (which stand about 7ft off the ground) and landed on the grass next to my house. aside from a loss of air, and gasping for breath, i was fine.
When I was reall little I was left with a really bad baby sitter, who left me with their 10 year old kids, outside, on top of a car. Then I through my little toy gun off, then tried to go after it. This is why I have a 5 inch scar on my head. Since it was too long ago to remember the pain I guess it doesn't count. Playing football, I was ROLB, the TE just jumped up about 3 feet to catch a pass (Linebackers love that :)) so I chargged for him. He saw me a split second before the hit so he covered the ball completely and just stood there. I hit him just as another teammate was hitting him from a different angle, our helmets colided. I got a concussion, the TE bruised his ribs, and the other team mate was fine. Me and the TE were in the SAME hospital room! Right next to each other, he was just taped up and I was in for the night. I had one constant head ache for a week. :(
Edit: In the middle of the scar there's a dent. My friends thing it's, differnent. It looks even weirder since I keep my head shaved.
2003-09-23, 08:10 PM
I was decapitated by a ninja. :(
2003-09-23, 08:10 PM
:huh: you jumped off a rail to see if ya could fly? Did yer brothers also introduce you to drugs at 10?;)
Well, shit, if Superman can... :rolleyes:
When I was like 2 or 3 i tripped and hit the brick fireplace, now I have a small dent in my forehead. I also fell off the top bunk and slept through it. when I was 4 i ripped my tibia and fibia in my right leg in half skiing.
2003-09-23, 09:21 PM
Black screen of death :p
2003-09-23, 09:22 PM
At like 3, I fell out of a shopping cart and hit a concrete floor head-first (it was at a Builder's Square, one of those huge Home Labyrinth Remodeling stores). Fractured my skull very close to an optical nerve- I would have lost sight in that eye.
Nothing super major after that, but I nearly ran into a bunch of trees when bicycling and I accidentaly bashed my brother's nose with a baseball bat- he came out OK though.
2003-09-23, 09:33 PM
lets see here,I jumped a fence,a tall one mind you,not those short metal ring fences,my foot got caught on a hose so i went chest first into the ground,broke my arm in 3 different places,few broken ribs,knocked a tooth out and broke a finger.It was a nasty lil fall. Oh and once in gym class(last year begining of year) we were playing kickball and I tried sliding to a base and the floor is NOT smooth and slippery like most,my leg came back and was a real nasty break,hurt like fucking hell.Fucked up my basketball season too. Well thats my worst,lot of bike accidents but none severe
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-23, 10:10 PM
I was playing ghost in the graveyard (tie a blindfold around one persons eyes and they have to catch one of the other people) with my older brother an some cousins at my Uncle's house when I was about 9 or so. I was chasing my older brother full out and was right behind him. As I was chasing him I felt willow branches start hitting me and threw my arms up in front of me to try and block them just in time to run full on into the trunk.
The bastard had run straight for the trunk then swerved around it at the last second. I had a large lump just above my left wrist on the outside of my arm and spent the entire night on extra strength Tylenol in too much pain to sleep. They took me in for x-rays the next morning and found nothing.
The lump didn't go away after 2 or 3 months and we finally went in for more x-rays and they still didn't find anything so they cut me open to find out what the hell it was. Turns out I had a small twig from the tree about the length of a bradly nail and about 2-3 times as think imbedded in my arm right next to the bone.
On the bright side while waiting to get x-rays at the clinic my uncle took me to the next morning he let me pick horses for teh races that afternoon. I think the track was called Cantebury Downs (he lives near Minneapolis). He said he'd give me 10% of what they won. I ended up with just under $500 although my parents made me put most of it in savings if I remember right :p
2003-09-23, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Spider
As for why I slit my throat.... depressive with scyzho tendencies... I need a trigger to set it off... that one being depression + a breakup = voices. Same thing when I happened to drive my car off the road... and it wasnt off-road....
So voices in my head = bad. suicide=:nono:
Believe me, my freind always got pissed after he broke up with his "g/f" (the longest he had is lika month) or if he got lota F's in school. So he would cut himself all over, and did manage to cut his wrist alittle bad. And also dont go off a cliff in a car. My other friends dad is that when he was drunk like last year, he fucking made his 4x4 into a compact car, seriously! And since he played in the olympics (for Ireland if you ask), he was to damn determinded to get outa the hospital and back home.
then next week or 2 they gota fucking Navigator for less than 18,000 bucks.:mad:
Anyways the moral point of this is suicide=:nono:
Originally posted by Flammey
Yeah, MTX is turing into a habitual liar. We are having a BAD influence on him.
I'm not lying.
James Bond is my father and I was kidnapped and taken to South Africa as a child.
It's not my fault your life is boring in comparison.
2003-09-24, 04:16 AM
*LOL* Touche' eh MTX? *LOL*
NightWalker XI
2003-09-24, 04:31 AM
I have a scar on my left eybrow, when I was a kid I got hit by a brromstick in the ehad and it cut me up pretty bad.
When I was 7 I fell of a tree and landed on my back, I have back problems now and it really fucking hurts in winter or when tis cold.
Thats about it....
NightWalker XI
2003-09-24, 04:35 AM
Oh I forgot, when I was a kid I got bit by a wild dog but luckily I had the shot for rabbies a few weeks before so I was fine...
*starts foaming*
2003-09-24, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by AztecWarrior
At like 3, I fell out of a shopping cart and hit a concrete floor head-first (it was at a Builder's Square, one of those huge Home Labyrinth Remodeling stores). Fractured my skull very close to an optical nerve- I would have lost sight in that eye.
Explains alot.
2003-09-24, 08:05 AM
Last year I was skating with a friend near some hugh high school...some body had left a kicker(If you skate you know what I mean by kicker...if you dont...well screw off...) I go of the think over a wall and land on my left arm...3 broken fingers...arm broken in two places...dislocated shoulder...My arm still hurts...
2003-09-24, 08:16 AM
when I was 14 I accidentally slammed my hand in the sliding door of a Van. Broke my two middle fingers on my right hand, had to wear a damn cast for the whole summer (so much for baseball). you can look at my fingers and tell i injured them, because my fingernails never grew back right.
also, maybe 2 months ago or so, I got hit by a van going full speed while I was running across the street(trying to catch the bus). Luckily i didn't break anything, but I screwed up my knee pretty good (was on crutches for about a month), and still 2 months later, I can't run well enough to play basketball even(though I walk normally now).
2003-09-24, 10:30 AM
Blown ACL in football in the summer of 1991. Went to cut (thought I was Barry Sanders) and my toe cleat slipped causing my left foot to rotate outwards. Since that was my plant foot, it continued to rotate due to the amount of pressure that was on it as I tried to cut right. My leg began to rotate outwards from the shin up. My knee, which was bent, couldn't handle the pressure and folded inwards as the shin rotated outwards. *Insert large cracking sounds similar to fresh celery being broken in half.* I went over on it and collapsed with my leg folded under me, then bounced back up, damage done. ACL blown totally and a bucket-handle tear of the meniscus.
Next one I was playing Ultimate Frisbee and went up for a pick on a receiver. He was up slightly ahead of me and I was at his hip, so hoping to not cause him to end-over and land on his head, I tried to get out of his way. I came down awkward on my right foot. My knee buckled inwards and the old familiar feeling of the knee bending like its not supposed to occurred. Totally blown ACL, bucket-handle tear of the meniscus.
I have had three ACL operations so far. Hope three is a charm. :D
2003-09-25, 07:02 PM
new injury got it today(not big but its postponing shit i wanted to do today): sprained leg playing football w/ friends, and its also the leg that my siatic(sp) nerve was buggin the hell otua me a few days ago. :ugh: it hurts.
2003-09-25, 07:21 PM
Broken wrist when i was younger
Many bike injures with scarpes and brusies
Chip my elbow bone and right now i have a bad disc in my lower back , shoulder problems and 2 bones in my neck are screwed after i fell 30 feet .
2003-09-25, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by THrONeBeaST
2 bones in my neck are screwed after i fell 30 feet .
I told you we shouldn't have been fooling around on the roof :(
2003-09-25, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Manitou
Blown ACL in football in the summer of 1991. Went to cut (thought I was Barry Sanders) and my toe cleat slipped causing my left foot to rotate outwards. Since that was my plant foot, it continued to rotate due to the amount of pressure that was on it as I tried to cut right. My leg began to rotate outwards from the shin up. My knee, which was bent, couldn't handle the pressure and folded inwards as the shin rotated outwards. *Insert large cracking sounds similar to fresh celery being broken in half.* I went over on it and collapsed with my leg folded under me, then bounced back up, damage done. ACL blown totally and a bucket-handle tear of the meniscus.
Next one I was playing Ultimate Frisbee and went up for a pick on a receiver. He was up slightly ahead of me and I was at his hip, so hoping to not cause him to end-over and land on his head, I tried to get out of his way. I came down awkward on my right foot. My knee buckled inwards and the old familiar feeling of the knee bending like its not supposed to occurred. Totally blown ACL, bucket-handle tear of the meniscus.
I have had three ACL operations so far. Hope three is a charm. :D Ouch. :ugh:
2003-09-25, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
I told you we shouldn't have been fooling around on the roof :( If you two been fooling around on the roof, you bot musta really been going hard at it. :brow:
2003-09-26, 11:03 AM
I don't really have an injury stories myself. It has nothing to do with being careful, I just don't damage easily. Seriously. Some twit cracked me with a baseball bat once. Hurt until the middle of the next day but all it did was piss me off. I didn't even bruise (I've actually never had a bruise)
As for sickness:
I had mono once. Real bad, I had a fever for about a month, up to 104 at one point. I didn't recover fully for 2 months. Even worse, it happened in the middle of summer, ruined my break.
As for friends:
In high school my friend Kevin went through a glass patio door while playing football with some friends.The glass went up into the wrist cutting the ligaments, tendons and everything, it was pretty much just held on by the skin on top. The doctors had to cut his arm all the way up to the elbow to repair the tendons. He never got full functionality of the wrist back.
Another friend of mine jumped off a second story balcony onto ANOTHER friend of mine for an amateur pro wrestling video they were making. They were both fine other than bruises but man, that looked painful.
2003-09-26, 11:49 AM
This may be too much information but what the hell:
An ex-girlfriend and I were starting to get it on when she reached down my pants and stabbed me by accident with her fingernail... It bled (and I don't mean the fingernail). Suffice to say I was in pain and it was a couple of days before I let her try that again.
2003-09-26, 11:53 AM
Ok, here goes...
Starting with the most recent, I dislocated my kneecap. I was playing basketball in school, and this guy decides its funny to stand behind me and pull me over his leg, which was behind me. My knee sorta wrapped around his leg and the next thing i know is I'm lying on the floor with my knee about 3cm to the right (right leg) and in fucking agony. One before that; I was playing rugby (if you dont know what it is, it's kinda like american football, without any padding. At all.) and some guy tackles me when i was about to score. I sit up and look at my left leg. My knee is completely dislocated. Shit i thought. Did my leg a few times before then. When i was little i fell over and headbutted the corner of a skirting board and cut my head. Still got the scar. Thats about it really. Oh, and I can't play any of my favorite sports ever again because of my knee. It sucks. I've put on like 2 stone since i did my knee the first time. I'm not fat, but hell, it sucks!
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