View Full Version : I got Mag-Scatter Bum-rushed
2003-09-23, 07:58 AM
The bunkers in front of the bases, they're a hiding place for cloakers.
I get bored and go down for a cloaker sweep, I clicked on DL, and I see nothing but white.
The cloakers all blitzed me with their Mag-Scatters.
So I respawn, go back with my trenchbroom (lasher), and dust them all off in one clip.
2003-09-23, 08:21 AM
my main guy is a cloaker and i perfer the amp and repeater 2 the mag-scatter. yeah, u can get more kills cause it takes less amo, but the amp kills quicker.
EDIT: i only go there when im either looking for ppl, or going 2 use my med applicator.
2003-09-23, 09:42 AM
The magscatter sucks. I had an NC infil for a while and scrapped him. my Main is now a TR infil because of the repeater. The Magscatter has an ever so slightly faster time to kill than the AMP but you have to be holding it against thier head and not miss 1 single shot. Invariably, the person you are shooting always wigs out and tries to evade you causing you to miss. The AMP pistol doesnt have this problem. When the enemy tires to evade, the amp has enough ammo and range that you still get your kill. The Mag scatter has about half the range of the AMP and the clip is totally unforgiving.
Much better than either is the Repeater since you can shoot from outside DL range or circle strafe effectivly at 15m Also it is almost as acurate as a Cycler from distance allowing you to work the edges of a battle undetected
2003-09-23, 09:53 AM
*LOL* That's funny. I'm sure they singled you out personally.
"Arrrrr, me matey's. There's that there Junkie now. Let's get 'im. Arrrr"
I found that a few cloakers are now carrying grenades, and tossing them at people out of DL range.
My hats off to you who are using inginuity(sp). Sorry, I don't know how to spell that word right, and I don't want to go look.
2003-09-23, 09:58 AM
I usually carry a jammer or plasma with me, if theres a big battle i just load out with nades and leave the gun behind...
2003-09-23, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Flammey
I found that a few cloakers are now carrying grenades, and tossing them at people out of DL range.
The most infil kills I get is during a large battle outdoors with my loadout of all plasma grenades. Jump onto the tallest rock that you can find (so that the people randomly clicking DL have little chance of noticing you) and start lobbing plasma into the rushing crowd. If it's a large battle, they all assume somebody is using a Thumper and don't even bother thinking it could be a lone infil crouched on the rock in front of them. Once you run out of grenades you loot a pistol out of a backpack and head back to your rock. Usually people are using it as cover, so you start blasting them from directly above their heads. I've yet to have somebody figure out where the damage is coming from.
2003-09-23, 10:51 AM
The most infil kills I get is during a large battle outdoors with my loadout of all plasma grenades. Jump onto the tallest rock that you can find (so that the people randomly clicking DL have little chance of noticing you) and start lobbing plasma into the rushing crowd. If it's a large battle, they all assume somebody is using a Thumper and don't even bother thinking it could be a lone infil crouched on the rock in front of them. Once you run out of grenades you loot a pistol out of a backpack and head back to your rock. Usually people are using it as cover, so you start blasting them from directly above their heads. I've yet to have somebody figure out where the damage is coming from.
Except now that we know...;)
2003-09-23, 11:06 AM
Ever infantry favourite i have carries a couple of plasma grenades, they're ace in a tight situation.
2003-09-23, 11:50 AM
Damnit Madcow!! Your not supposed to give away ALL the secrets, damn :D
2003-09-23, 12:28 PM
"Arrrrr, me matey's. There's that there Junkie now. Let's get 'im. Arrrr"
2003-09-23, 04:35 PM
I use the Scatter pistol because its better against other infils IMO, and I always use boomers to get kills anyways. However, this may change now that they seem to be neutralize everything remotely related to the Infil suit.
Given that it was hard enough to be an infil near release given that you only have 1 pistol slot, smallest inventory out there, and you glow when you're running(not to mention DLV). Then they refuse to fix the obvious and often mentioned bugs with stealth mode.
Now? If the enemy has an interlink facility, you show up on radar if you run. This not only makes the infiltrator in general less effective in offence, but also makes one of the primary skills of infiltrators, CE, less usefull because there is no particular reason to plant motion sensors in a friendly base.
As another nerf to CE, you can no longer place deployables (namely, boomers,) on walls, which means you have to place them on the ground, which any half-blind soldier can see before they are within the explosion's kill radius.
What next SOE? Reduce the AMP magazine size? Increase DLV range? Increase grenade size?
2003-09-23, 04:44 PM
I loved how I owned you last night in the base and got all pissed about it. Next time suck it up loser.
2003-09-23, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by SandTrout
What next SOE? Reduce the AMP magazine size? Increase DLV range? Increase grenade size?
No reason to end the rant, SOE gimped the infil to the point that I refuse to log my infil character on again. Let's look at the known (long standing) bugs:
There is a very good chance that the DL icon will not show up when an enemy is using it.
You glow to people who are spawning, at normal spawn tubes or AMSs.
You are more visible crouch walking through a sniper scope than you would be crouch walking right next to somebody.
I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting, but those 3 are actually pretty large and make playing an infil a lot less fun than it should be. Now a stationary infil is visible on radar? Add to the fun that even if you are stationary, if you are on radar you are 'visible' to Spitfire turrets. So you are playing a class with no armor, already very prone to death if you behave incorrectly around Spitfires, unable to carry a weapon large enough to make short work of a Spitfire (short of a whole payload of Jammers), and you make it so it's impossible to behave correctly around Spitfires? That there is no correct way? The infil has been gimped, there's no two ways about it.
2003-09-23, 05:09 PM
ive found the best implant for the infl is surge. it will help u get out of the way of the spitfire if u run and jump. also, if u have ce, put on surge, get out your ace select boomer and run past the spitfir lay it and blow.
2003-09-23, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER
ive found the best implant for the infl is surge. it will help u get out of the way of the spitfire if u run and jump. also, if u have ce, put on surge, get out your ace select boomer and run past the spitfir lay it and blow.
Wasting a Boomer on a Spitfire makes me sad. It's a freaking Spitfire!. I have no loadout with more than 3 ACEs that I use with any regularity. I'm supposed to burn one of those on a deployable turret? SOE messed up.
2003-09-23, 05:35 PM
I was wondering why those spitfires were fireing at me, I didn't know that they act like that now, I though it was fireing at the MAX nearby. Oh well, time to forget infil suit and CE.
And to Dave Georgeson, who is suposedly in charge of design things like this, I'm never buying another game that you're involved in, even if you're just the janitor for the building.
In conclusion, fuck you SOE! I want my money back!
2003-09-23, 06:05 PM
Infiltration suit certs are down across the board slightly for the week, and I expect that trend to continue. I think CE will also take a hit as Sandtrout mentioned as many people have been combining the two (myself included). I was silly enough to have a dedicated infil char and a regular infantry char on the same server, as I didn't want to skimp on certs for either one. Now I'm pissed that I've split my time between the two when one of them is now useless (and trading in his certs would make him too close to my other char considering how my tastes run).
2003-09-23, 11:57 PM
I posted about the underpowered nature of the infiltrator on the official boards before I went to work. When I got back, it was gone without a trace as far as I can tell.
They remove my well thought out (though slightly accusitory) post while people are still bitching and whineing about NCs being n00bs flood the forum. Someone needs a nerf, and its SporkFire!
2003-09-24, 07:43 AM
I h8 infils, the ones who use it to get cheap kills anyway..
2003-09-24, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by TheRealPSJunkie
I h8 infils, the ones who use it to get cheap kills anyway..
What are you talking about? You only like the ones who hang out invisibly hugging trees?
2003-09-24, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by TheRealPSJunkie
I h8 infils, the ones who use it to get cheap kills anyway.. If killing with an infiltrator is a cheap kill, than killing an infiltrator is a cheaper one. Don't blame us for your lack of situational awareness.
2003-09-24, 04:59 PM
my main char is a stealth char. thats the main armor hes had for a long time. i just got him a max about a week ago. hes had med assult for about a week and thats it. and as u can see he has a low count of kills. if u think i get cheap kills then your a fucking physco cause stealth people have 2 be carefull about who they kill.
2003-09-24, 06:16 PM
Cheap kills? I dont think so. Successfull infiltration and assasination is the hardest thing to do in Planetside but it is also the most rewarding. Killing 3 snipers in a row on the same hill and then killing the grunt who came to get you is just as good as it gets short of Boomering a MAX from a CC and taking the hack.
After a while, you can just flat predect peoples movements and just trash them. Hacking AMSs right out from under streams of spawning grunts takes timing, skill and some luck, but can win the base and a 5k hack for everyone. You get no credit or stats for dicepoint like the killing machine grunt but your squad and outfit knows whatsup and who they like to have in thier assault teams
2003-09-24, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
Cheap kills? I dont think so. Successfull infiltration and assasination is the hardest thing to do in Planetside but it is also the most rewarding. Killing 3 snipers in a row on the same hill and then killing the grunt who came to get you is just as good as it gets short of Boomering a MAX from a CC and taking the hack.
After a while, you can just flat predect peoples movements and just trash them. Hacking AMSs right out from under streams of spawning grunts takes timing, skill and some luck, but can win the base and a 5k hack for everyone. You get no credit or stats for dicepoint like the killing machine grunt but your squad and outfit knows whatsup and who they like to have in thier assault teams
and if u want the condisenced version
cloaking is for the fucking elite that can get right up next 2 a pounder maxes face without him shoting u
2003-09-24, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER
and if u want the condisenced version
cloaking is for the fucking elite that can get right un next 2 a pounder maxes face without him shoting u :stupid: Too bad for the bugs :rolleyes:
2003-09-25, 03:20 PM
i havent encournted any of those so called "bugs"
2003-09-25, 04:10 PM
I love sniping infils therare so easy to see just walking along thinking they can't be seen the BAAM!!!11111!!!@!@#! its all over in one shot, i have quintupled(word?) my infil kills sence i have gotten my new cvid card and sniper(i couln't see infils at all before with my Radeon VE)
2003-09-25, 04:25 PM
then u cheat
2003-09-25, 07:01 PM
The bugs include the glowing when someone respawns and glowing when viewed at a distance and makeing ANY movement.
2003-09-25, 07:19 PM
meh, anything that depowers cloakers is fine by me, even the cloakers I know hate other cloakers, because the vast majority are just a bunch of fucking morons who are out there for the kills, like the idiots that run around boomering the spawn room. There is no skill in killing people who are completely defenseless, might as well use agile/jack/surge, hop in a reaver or use an AMS as an infantry plow.
2003-09-25, 07:41 PM
What kind of dumbass infiltrator is in a spawn room and kills people with boomers instead of blowing the tubes?
Try playing an an infil, the ones that get that far inside an ocupied base useualy took about 5 minutes just to get 1 or 2 kills. If you want kills, you don't get them with stealth.
2003-09-25, 07:47 PM
Yeah, a whole lot of people who haven't spent much time in that suit who have pretty strong opinions. If you got killed by an infil one of two things happened:
He was really good and you deserved to get owned.
You weren't paying enough attention.
The first one happens pretty rarely.
For the record, I have never seen an infil boomering 'defenseless' people as they come out of the spawn tubes. Since an infil glows red as you spawn in, it's also your own damn fault for not hitting 2 and mowing them down with your supressor. Good lord, they don't even have armor.
2003-09-25, 07:54 PM
I have a great idea, you try and shoot a surging infiltrator in a room full of friendlys. Woo fucking hoo i can see them for a third of a second right after i spawn, when i can't shoot them and when they can stay out of my los with insane ease.
And trout, talk to Charlamegnecf or eLOT, just as bad as any spawn camping moron with a HA weapon, but they can slip in much easier.
2003-09-25, 11:30 PM
It's not a matter of effectiveness, but that's just a realy dumb thing to do if you're in that possition. And about being able to slip in easier, hell yeah, its the only thing we can do, and since the Interlink radar makes you targeted by spitfires and motion sensors AT ALL TIMES, so we can't even do that much of our job.
HA guys still have powerful weapons and a decent amount of armor. Not to mention the range on HA weapons is much greater than pistols or grenades.
About the surgeing infil in a croud of friendlies, even if you don't pop on DLV, the infil almost always ends up dead, doesn't it?
Some might say, "But they have to get an interlink facility first, when they don't you are still just as invisible as before." This is true, but has no bareing whatsoever. Why? Because the Infiltrator was designed to get past the enemy lines and sabotauge/assassinate the enemy. This means that it is an Offensive unit, and when you're attacking, chances are there will be a latice link to a interlink facility. The infil suit's deffencive ability is next to nil.
The infiltrator's main sabotage ability has also been practicly scapted. You can no longer place a boomer close enough to a spawn tube to destroy it. Try it and you'll see what I mean.
2003-09-26, 04:39 PM
unless your at a base far away from the target base, as soon as some1 spawns if your there and there not a noob, your dead like max with a striker 2 your face. and yester day a striker took out my fully armored, fully healthed, max in 1 missle.
2003-09-26, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER
and yester day a striker took out my fully armored, fully healthed, max in 1 missle. Simply not posible. You probably got shot by a Vangaurd while a stiker had a missle lock on you, unless there is some new striker damage hack(which dispite other things in the game, I doubt).
The funny thing is, if you're infiltrating a populated base and the enemy has an ILF(InterLink Facility), you are dead faster than an agile pretty much 100% of the time. If you're not in a populated base, you're better off in agile or reinforced for the larger backpack.
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