View Full Version : Salt Lick

2003-01-11, 07:18 PM
Next time you have some money to spare...

go to www.saltlickbbq.com and order a brisquit. JUST DO IT. That is hands down.. an unreal peice of meat they send you. Got one cooking now.. (B-Day present k?) and OMG its killer.

2003-01-11, 08:19 PM
Figures that a guy with bush as his avatar would post something from texas. ;)

2003-01-11, 08:59 PM
Or a guy that lived in TX. Hey Dio, why don't you give us a flapjack link??? :D

2003-01-11, 09:11 PM

Nah it would be more of a maple syrup or *shudder* Celine Dion link. :)

Actually seeing as this is a gaming forum and i'm a gamer and whatnot it would probably be www.ubisoft.com. :D

2003-01-12, 08:58 AM
Hey Dio, You really SHOULD try a Brisket from them... Man when we lived in Austin, we used to go the SaltLick atleast once evey month if we could. That place.. fooking roxxors.

For games...

www.planetside.com That would be MY link.. or

2003-01-12, 10:42 AM
planetside.com is Astra Corps....

2003-01-12, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Nohimn
planetside.com is Astra Corps....

You know what I ment.