View Full Version : Wtfpwn!!!
2003-09-24, 02:14 PM
What is the most spectacular kill you've ever scored in game?
For me it was when I was sniping from up top of a hill and I had some mines and boomers set up around me for protection. I had my advanced hearing up and I heard someone coming. I jerked around just in time to see some TR plodding up the hill. I switched to my boomer switch and he got the bang, then I whipped around with my snip0rz rifle just in time to see another TR infie setting up to stab me. He got the bolt right in the chest.
2003-09-24, 02:51 PM
Depends on if you mean Grunt style, vehicle style or Infil style.
Grunt style: I was playing a Quasar max one day and defeated a whole tower of various units including 2 MAXs from the top all the way to the bottom before I died. I had killed at least 15-20 people in a row and we hacked the tower and won
Vehicle style: I had this insane run one day where I killed scores and scores and scores of people and vehicles gunning for an Enforcer. We just wouldnt die, it was great. Runner-up would be one of those carmageddon AMS runs where I would get 20-30 people before getting blown up
Infiltration: On day I had a boomer on the floor at the CC of a tower. Took out 3 reinforced grunts right on the spot, gunned down 2 more that came in single to hack. Then another grunt and a MAX came down and I got a few shots off before I had to run from the MAX. Rand down the stairs a bit to make good and sure the grunt had time to start hacking and then surged back up the stairs. I ran past the MAX so fast he couldnt react and I killed the hacker before the MAX got me. Now The MAX was all alone in the tower. I respawn and get my ACE infil loadout and took out the MAX with 3 hit and run boomer attacks. The enemy had no nearby spawn points and it was really nice to singlehandedly defeat a hotdrop squad
2003-09-24, 06:25 PM
i remember one day as a foot soldier i was defending a powerless base all by myself no engineer so i was in trouble.... no medic or engineer... just adv regen and surge.. so anyway i took down 2 maxs one is pounder and one is cycler and two footsoldiers
oh yeah and only 1 of them carried medkits and they only had 1 or 2
i had 3 on me when it started
2003-09-24, 07:26 PM
Grunt: I was somewhere, and there was this vally, and i was on the hill above the vally, and i was still using HA then, but a NC grunt, ran below me, and he was being chased by 2 enemy grunts, so i slid down the hill and killed them both, it was pretty cool.
Air: i was at a base, and around the tower were 3 reavers and one skeeter, well, two of the reavers were landed, so i flew by, blew them up, and went after the 2 enemy planes left, i lined up with them, so we were in a line, and i flew at the first, and took him out in a second, and then came on the second, shot and damaged him, almost killed him, over shot him, and i turned around and set him ablaze
2003-09-24, 08:19 PM
grunt: walked up behind 4 snipers on a hill and killed them all with a single boomer
2003-09-24, 08:20 PM
i killed 2 reaves with one missile, but they crashed into me as they went down
2003-09-24, 10:04 PM
i remember once, a small TR squad was advancing by the gate of an NC base.
I was up top there defending(near the wall turret), i dropped a plasma nade on em, whipped out my jack,jumped behind em and killed them all... unf ;)
2003-09-24, 11:33 PM
I was somewhere, and then I noticed something, so I did the usual thing, then there was lots of explosions and people might have died.
2003-09-25, 12:31 AM
Skipping a reaver and gal across the ti of a mountain, killing snipers from behind!
2003-09-25, 09:30 AM
One time while sniping I homed in on a little grunt, pulled the trigger....enemy infiltrator in front of him went down. Neat! Reload the gun, take aim, shoot again....another infiltrator..this is getting cool. Reload, go to shoot again....Another infiltrator. WTF?? Reload go to take another shot. FINALLY hit and kill the grunt. (he was injured) as soon as he went down, ANOTHER grunt went and stood right where he was. Thats the one that always drives me nuts. What the hell are they thinking?
"Hey! Stevens got killed! Sweet I get his spot! Haha! Man, this is a great place to stand!" BANG
2003-09-25, 01:52 PM
Gunning for a vanguard once we arrived a a besieged tower.
MY 2 wingmen started pounding the advancing Vanu force, but my tank moved up a bit to try to intercept incomming enemy reinforcments.
That's when the 5 MAgriders came plowing in. They were so intent on mowing that they ignored me till the first one died. By then my wings had started pounding them as well. I killed 4 (just lucky getting the last shell in)
The great thing is they kept comming. We were fighting in shifts with 2 on one repairing and in reserve. by the time the battle shifted and the NC broke out of the tower (about 45 minutes really) the 3 of us had destroyed about 15 magriders I also got 3 lightnings, and a Galaxy (a certain amount of genius to land in a zone that hot)
We lost 1 tank that crew respawned and was back within 2-3 minutes.
The really funny thing is I kept getting tells from angry magrider drivers who never even tried to shoot me with the AI gun saying that if they had a gunner I would have died...
2003-09-25, 02:15 PM
An enemy liberator start to fly over our base up high. This was before the starfire buff so we didn't have much in the way of AA. I pulled out a decimator, led the the lib, and fired. I knew it was a complete luck shot but I figured what the hell. Watched that deci get closer and closer.... BOOM!
2003-09-25, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Frozen-Monkey
grunt: walked up behind 4 snipers on a hill and killed them all with a single boomer
How many enemies can be killed by a single Boomer? I placed one that should have killed at least 5 (1 was standing on top of it, 4 were as close as they could get) at the vehicle terminal and it only dropped 3 of them. I wasn't even aware 4 was possible as I definitely should have gotten the maximum in that one instance. I've gotten 3 probably five or six times.
2003-09-25, 04:53 PM
I was having a convo with Diddymao (he he). He was just telling me about how the pounder is so overpowered and it needs a nerf...blah blah blah. I round a corner in a base, see Diddy and put a few pounder nades into him. But he got his revenge, jumpedi nhis sparrow and blew me to hell. Then a I pwned him TWICE in the skies in a dogfight, but he bailed both times like the little pussy smurf he is!
(I hope you read this you damned spamming Big bird :P)
2003-09-25, 07:02 PM
I was heading back to a tower on Forseral when spotted a Lib hovering very low to the ground, he must have been out of bombs or something as he was busy shooting a AMS in front of him.
I flicked on my adv targeting implant and saw that there was 3 NC in it and that it was full health. Damm! I had just switched to my close assault weapons, cycler and shotgun loaded with ap, what the hell I thought so took out the shotgun and started blasting the lib. The pilot knew he was being shot at as he tried turing round to find me but I was under the spot between the bommer and tail gunner so none of the 3 could see me.
I was waiting for him to fly off or at least fly upwards but no he just hovered there spinning around to find me. I reload twice with ap shot, and then she blew :p just had enough time to move before the wreck hit me as well.
Gained about 450 xp from the 3 kills. :D
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