View Full Version : Unusual tactics
2003-09-25, 07:16 PM
Got any or had any used on you?
I have a couple of tactics that some NC guys used recently on me in my Lightning.
One guy used surge and his Jackhammer with AP rounds to move in close and blast me. I was so taken by surprise, I ran into a tree and he finished me off.:) Ouch, that was embarassing!
The second was a guy who used surge to move in so he could try and plant boomers and mines next to me. Fortunately, I realized what he was doing and managed to evade all his attempts and cut him down with the 12mm.
2003-09-25, 07:20 PM
in my rever iv had a guy try to go strat infront of me then drop and get behind be and stay close to me wiel shoting, i couldent get him off i tryed using bost but he used it half a secound after me and stayed taleing =( hade to bail witch made me look like a cawerd and stuiped b/c i did it over top a lake =(
2003-09-25, 07:24 PM
One I've never tried but think would be quite funny is to drop one of your empires best weapons on the floor in a corridor in a friendly base under attack base, and then hide round the corner. When you see a red blip stop on the weapon on your radar, step round and waste them whilst they're busying playing round with their inventory picking it up heh.
2003-09-25, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Kornflake�
One I've never tried but think would be quite funny is to drop one of your empires best weapons on the floor in a corridor in a friendly base under attack base, and then hide round the corner. When you see a red blip stop on the weapon on your radar, step round and waste them whilst they're busying playing round with their inventory picking it up heh. Wow, I've got to try that some time.
2003-09-25, 07:47 PM
That's pretty funny Kornflake. Let us know if it works.
2003-09-25, 07:53 PM
One time in a crowded tower spawn room all us NC were rushing to get our stuff and stop the TR advance. A silly little enemy infil was running around planting boomers in the middle of the crowd. HE planted 3 or 4 before anyone knew what was going on. Then everyone started shooting everywhere trying to kill him. including the Scattercannons. about 20 of us died in the process. Mission Complete.
2003-09-25, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Transporter
in my rever iv had a guy try to go strat infront of me then drop and get behind be and stay close to me wiel shoting, i couldent get him off i tryed using bost but he used it half a secound after me and stayed taleing =( hade to bail witch made me look like a cawerd and stuiped b/c i did it over top a lake =(
That might have been me, i did that to someone recently, when was this?
Suicide, when I'm a cloaker in an enemy base and I get trapped by a MAX like he's looking at me and won't move or what ever. I plant a couple boomers, get out my jammer, then go "Hey" when they turn around I drop the Jammer. BOOM!
2003-09-26, 05:36 AM
I went to pick a Lancer up because I love them, and when I looked down, I noticed it had a boomer underneath it. BOOM, me dead. I've seen other CE dudes hiding boomers under ammo box's and shit, seems like a great idea.
2003-09-29, 11:09 PM
i forget its name but i killed that really big tank the nc's have with frag grenades, i ran around it continuesly dropping grendades and it couldnt hit me, if my base is ever really under attack i drop all my stuff and fill my my inventory with grenades
2003-09-30, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by DoomWarrior
i forget its name but i killed that really big tank the nc's have with frag grenades, i ran around it continuesly dropping grendades and it couldnt hit me, if my base is ever really under attack i drop all my stuff and fill my my inventory with grenades From what I can tell, HE grenades are the best against armor in the first place. Also, try a Thumper, supriseingly, it's more effective.
Here is an unsual tactic, shoot your own teammates! Wait that's a usal tactic, sorry.
2003-09-30, 03:58 AM
If you happen to be the unfortunate Gal pilot, whose Squad has just HotDropped, when an enemy fighter starts shooting at you.
Don't try and run away, the Galaxy is too slow....
Instead, trya nd turn around and play chicken!!
This works quite well against Mossies, as they have little armour, and if you hit them a few times, they're more likely to go boom than you are. Against Reavers, it's more of a question of luck, but at the very least you should be able to take down some of its armour to assist your troops on the ground (always remembering to bail before the boom!)
I've tried this a few times, and whilst it's bloody hard (Gal's don't turn on a sixpence) it's quiet gratifying when you see the enemy fighter lose control, and if you're in that fighter, it must be like playing chicken in your ford fiesta against an articulated lorry :D
Sometimes the fighters just run away....
2003-09-30, 04:19 AM
I was hacking a CC tower, a VS infil comes up the stairs and starts shooting at me in the back with a beamer in secondary mode...I keep hacking...he reloads and starts shooting again...I keep hacking...finish inventory and switch out glue gun for guass....then blasted him. He had an unusual tactic.
2003-09-30, 09:33 AM
Last night at an Interlink Facility... you know how those VS Maxs love the roof there especially because they have the Equip Terms so they can keep getting new armor. Well I managed to sneak up there in an Infil suit. I hacked the term and kept it hacked. On the map when I saw a max comming to the door I would switch and grab my decimator fav. Crouch and it nail them, then hit favorites and grab my infil fav again. Did this 3 times before some Max decided to fill the room with disco balls.... no dodging splash damage in infil gear. I can just hear those VS now... "WTF?"
2003-09-30, 09:46 AM
If your out in the middle of nowhere on foot trying to get somewhere, and a reaver pilot finds you. What I do is stand in one place, let him shoot all his rockets then I surge to get outta the way of them. I keep doing this until they run outta rockets...then they usually kill me with the 20mm but it's really funny because they can't hit you. My 2 cents.
2003-09-30, 02:19 PM
As a reaver pilot, i usually just crash into the infantry and try to kill em on the explosion
2003-09-30, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Vernam
I was hacking a CC tower, a VS infil comes up the stairs and starts shooting at me in the back with a beamer in secondary mode...I keep hacking...he reloads and starts shooting again...I keep hacking...finish inventory and switch out glue gun for guass....then blasted him. He had an unusual tactic.
2003-09-30, 04:26 PM
As an adv hacker/infil, I snuck into a enemy-heavy base, that lots of friendlies were already engaging. they were all pinned down at the nw wall, so i crouch-walked around to the se wall, and went up the catwalk. I boomered a couple guys on my way in through the 2nd floor. i slowly made my way to the spawn room, sneaking past dozens of vanu running out to the fight. i made it inside, sat next to an equipment terminal, praying no one would turn on DL and see me. i began hacking a terminal, and a suspicious vanu came over to me. he just watched me for a second. then, as he pulled out his pulsar, i finished the hack, grabbed my scattercannon and wasted about 15 vanu before i was stopped. i got 5 or 6 tells asking me how I did that. :D
2003-09-30, 06:37 PM
I like hanging out above back doors. I use Audio Amp and I'll let a few enemy hack the door and go in. Then I hop down and trail behind them. Its pretty amazing how long you can trail behind them and they never turn around and look. I wait till they actually hit an area that has some fighting that way with all the gunfire and noise, its not obvious I'm killing them off from the back.
2003-09-30, 06:43 PM
I was sniping from on top of a remote ridge. I sit there for a while picking away at stuff around the tower when I hear the "Hello" emote.
Then a boomer goes off and I die. I sent the infil a "ROFL!" tell, and we both laughed about it.
Also, a lone skeeter was bugging a bunch of ground troops. I'm sniping, again, and I have Adv Targeting on. Two missiles slam into it, and I notice it has a tiny sliver of health.
I shoot it once with the Bolt Driver and it explodes.
Everyone was probably like, WTF it got killed from a Bolt Driver.
2003-09-30, 06:46 PM
I'm probably screwing myself over by posting this... but sometimes i will plant a couple mines and a spitfire around a corner... fire a couple rounds at a distance at someone till they notice me... hit surge and run around the corner :)
It's freaky how many times it works... people seem to get all giddy at whacking someone on the run and forget to look around.
Attacking towers from the roof. I don't think this is that uncommon, but gawd can you clean up by getting on the roof and working you're way down. I got sick of the TRs fighting over this air tower on Hossin and not taking it, so once I ran out of rockets I landed on top (turrets were long since toast) and went inside with my Rocklet. I cleared out not 1, not 2, but 4 grunts sitting there with their backs turned defending the main level. After clearing them out, I hacked the tower and went down to finish off the spawn room where I picked off 1 more grunt then bolted back up the stairs cause there was a Quasar down there and I only had 2 rockets left in my pack. I went back to the main floor where there was at least a dozen TR gear kits checked one for ammo and came up with a decimator, I was freaking lucky that day and managed to turn around and fire the decimator just in time to kill the max as I died... So the moral of the story-- why be just another pile of gear to be looted? Skip the front door when the tower is buzzing.
Today i was an infiltrator, and i was getting ready to hack a tower. On my way up, i ran into a guy who jsut happened to have his DL on. He sees me and opens fire, which i dodged, and i ran around him in circles, slowly pecking him, confusing him with the red flashes of damage. It actually worked quite effectively. I did the same thing to his friend who came down not a second after i killed him, and did the same thing. Amazing how 1 infil can pwn 2 TR with cyclers.... :D
2003-09-30, 07:58 PM
I was fighting on Cyssor as a TR, and we were attacking this gun tower wich happened to be the only NC controlled base on the island at the time, there were at least 80 of us attacking the tower with like 10 ams's on the ridge nearby, we were getting nowhere as all the NC u could think of were spawning there, while we were attacking the overcrowded tower, our air support was limited with all the AA maxes on the roof so we need to bust our way in, i re-spawned after i RE-DIED and filled my inventory with frags and dumped my hacking thinga ma-*** and gather up 20 ppl to do the same, after all out tanks finished firing at the door the 20 of us ran into the tower dropping grenades into the over crowed spawing room, during all the carnage of them trying to hold us off, 6 or so hackers hacked the main terminal and the tower once again was ours
2003-09-30, 08:17 PM
On most any roof you can deconstuct your vehicle by attempting to land and get out at the same time on an "invalid surface". Your avatar will hop out of the reaver or skeeter will sit for a moment then deconstuct.
I prefer this to bailing out over the top for a few reasons. 1) the jetisoned vehicle can cause grief. 2) It's quieter and less conspicuous. 3) It allows use of the radar and see whats inside before going in. 4) most ppl understand that you can just "bail from a flying vehicle only hovering a few feet from the ground or it will blow up. So, they don't really catch on to what you're doing till it's too late. When the vehicle deconstructs they really get thrown for a loop. They figure you went LD or CTD.
2003-09-30, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
I'm probably screwing myself over by posting this... but sometimes i will plant a couple mines and a spitfire around a corner... fire a couple rounds at a distance at someone till they notice me... hit surge and run around the corner :)
It's freaky how many times it works... people seem to get all giddy at whacking someone on the run and forget to look around.
Hey, that's my trick!:lol:
Yea, it's amazing how many times that trick works. I love my Combat Engineering cert. :love:
If you're trying to get into the CC of a Tech Plant and you get to the top where the air vehicle terminals are located, then plant mines in front of the doors and stand in front of the windows. When someone enters the room and sees you peeping inside, make like your're going to run and they'll usually charge out the door firing and step right on your mines.:)
2003-09-30, 09:35 PM
i forget where, but i found this one tower where you can get stuck on the wall near the roof and sit there, wat i'd do is sit there very still with my pistol drawn so they cant see me, then id start firing at them, once they turn around to fire id drop from the roof and start running around em firing,
-go to the top of a set of stairs, jump off it and as u hit the roof on one of the sides next to a wall, crouch, if u do it right u might get stuck until u move away from the wall(works best if infiltrator suit is on(they cant see u)).
2003-10-01, 08:35 AM
I once was killing a reaver with a beamer on my stealth char. Than his friend with a lancer got me:(
2003-10-01, 10:20 AM
i like hiding mines under crates of ammo and stuff and trick enemies into chasing more them
2003-10-01, 06:07 PM
If I'm driveing an AMS somewhere, and get atacked by anything I can't outrun, I'll head to an enemy AMS that is in use. I'll ram the enemy AMS, jump out, switch to AP rounds for whatever gun I'm useing, and shoot the enemy AMS.
The enemies will start shooting my AMS with everything they got, and it will blow up, killing a whole bunch of people, depending on how active the AMS is. A lot of times it will take the enemy AMS with it.
I don't want to give away all my secrets, but most bases have several spots where you can get onto the ledges above doorways and shoot people in the back as they rush past. I like using a looted lasher for this, cause it adds some "shock and awe" into the mix when they're attacking a Terran base.
2003-10-01, 07:35 PM
have you noticed what lag does to controlling vehicles
my sig won't update whats with that?
2003-10-01, 08:46 PM
When defending a base and I know the enemy is using the stairs located on the walls, I'll sometimes take my Quasar MAX and go inside the stairwell and then jump onto the ledge right above the door. The enemy running up the stairs below you never see you in time and you can shoot them in the back before they reach the top.
2003-10-02, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Jagd
I don't want to give away all my secrets, but most bases have several spots where you can get onto the ledges above doorways and shoot people in the back as they rush past. I like using a looted lasher for this, cause it adds some "shock and awe" into the mix when they're attacking a Terran base.
I know the bases your talking about. If they still allowed you to put boomers on the walls you could but a bommer on a wall stand on that ledge and wait for them.
And Xxzard i think the planetside gaming person who would update that thing is neglecting his job. Or there server is screwed.
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