View Full Version : NC = Toast
2003-09-26, 01:11 AM
Well the VS got togeather with the Republic today for a little tagteaming fun on Emerald. Though the pact has been dishonored somewhat, for the most part the allaiance has been a rousing success. As of right now the NC control two bases on all of Auraxis. I'd like to hear comments of what the NC think of such an idea, I noticed their numbers are dwindling a bit right now, perhaps because they have no where to go :p Anyway, just curious what people think of two factions allying and what people thought of the way this one turned out.
2003-09-26, 01:51 AM
I like it; people to fight. :)
If NC numbers keep shrinking, eh. I don't care. We'll be like the VS used to be, without the crap weapons.
I was there tonight. It was cool, specially on Hossin, where the VS had the most northern bases and the TR took the southern most bases. It worked out fairly well, even though there were a few jackasses, but what can you expect? Bottom line is: NC=Pwnd tonight. Its a shame we have to form an alliance to do it though! :(
2003-09-26, 04:54 AM
I am glad we provide enough of a force that it requires two empires to beat us back.
Go us. ;)
2003-09-26, 04:56 AM
Don't pretend like this consipiracy has just begun, it's been going on for months! Now is just the first time it has borne fruits is all. :p
2003-09-26, 05:21 AM
Was a different story on Konried. NC had like 6 locked continents tonight.
2003-09-26, 07:37 AM
It doesn't take two empires to beat you, we've done it in the past without any alliance, alone.
2003-09-26, 08:21 AM
But just to play devils advocate, it may take two empires to beat the NC only because you guys ususally outnumber either of us 2 to 1. Thus TR and VS vs NC is equal numbers.
Sparrow max, Vanguard, Jackhammer, Enforcer, and if done properly the phoenix.
Striker, pounder max
Lasher, Magmower, jump jets on max's.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how the NC have consistently gotten higher populations that the other two empires. Every one of those beats their competition by a mile, with the possible exception of the vanguard vs the magmower, i think the magmower is better.
I play TR and I'm happy with it, but I definently think there are some out of balance things on the NC side.
2003-09-26, 08:23 AM
Once the balance pass goes public, it should fix some of these things.
2003-09-26, 08:27 AM
yeah verman your right, but at around 7:00 P.M. last night the 1 of the cr5's said that the vs had no attention of attaking the tr 2 the north of us on amerish. it proves that the vs and tr have an aliance, but it takes both empires 2 take us out.
"We are the champions, FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!"
2003-09-26, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Smiley777
It doesn't take two empires to beat you, we've done it in the past without any alliance, alone.
I love quoting myself.
You also have many more empire specific assets than TR or VS do.
2003-09-26, 08:34 AM
I can't speak for anybody else, but it's been actually fun having to fight tooth and nail for our home continents. I was actually beginning to consider not resubscribing because of the lack of good fights lately. Before, we would have to go invade other continents where we'd either find no resistance or the enemy zerg.
Now, the great battles come to us where we don't have to worry about people abandoning the fight because it's our home continent. I'm sure if the trend continues it might be demoralizing for our side, but it sure makes for a nice change of pace. Kudos to the TR and VS.
2003-09-26, 09:50 AM
I hope the TR is doing good, I haven't been able to log in for a long time...Having troubles wiuth my game...thi really sux.
2003-09-26, 11:05 AM
Funny, VS/TR need an alliance to beat us.
Actually, it's not funny, it' just pathetic.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 11:23 AM
Note to self: When the TR/VS alliance breaks down, as it surely will, and they go back to having their asses handed to them on a nightly basis be sure to create threads gloating about i...errrr I mean "asking how they feel about it". ;)
P.S. You posted after midnight, the number always start to dwindle about that time :lol:
P.P.S. The above post is not to be taken seriously and is what's reffered to in some circles as a "joke"
2003-09-26, 11:34 AM
As already pointed out the NC typically outnumber the VS or TR 2 to 1 on Emerald during primetime. I have been quite pleased with the results of this alliance as it is clear that lots of the NC are leaving the server either temporarily if not permenatly to go play other characters. I like this for several reasons.
1) They get to be on the receiving end of the Jackhammer/Enforcer/Vanguard for a while
2) Because there are fierce battles on the NC home conts, it has been a lot of fun to fight in different environments for once
Sure the Alliance will break down, hell I would be supprised if it lasts the weekend, but at least its fun playing in different areas and not against double or tripple the people
EDITED for clarification
2003-09-26, 11:36 AM
If it did happen, I am horribly ashamed of both the TR and VS at Emerald.
I would be a "jackass" and kill other vanus if given the chance.
2 factions vs. 1 faction=lame.
I hope the balance patch will solve this also :D .
Wait, let me clarify things-
The alliance is a cool idea, only if it is utilized once per a month or two.
But what that I'm afraid of is this becoming something popular.
It will be just plain stupid that way.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 11:51 AM
So you're saying the population is typically 50% NC, 25% TR and 25% VS during primetime? Once again I seem to need to call bullshit on you, Oxo.
2003-09-26, 11:55 AM
Actually, that would make it equal to the other two factions. I think he was thinking more of maybe 70% NC, 18% TR, 17% VS. ;)
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 12:15 PM
:lol: I hope not, that's even more of a crock :p
2003-09-26, 12:20 PM
You make me laugh Happylilelf. If you dont know that there are more NC on emerald than TR or VS during primetime then I just dont know what to tell ya.
2003-09-26, 12:25 PM
NC didn't outnumber anyone last night.
I was camping the Chac generator to deny VS magriders for about 30 minutes.
I sat around, did a /who teams.
It was like, 38% TR, 32% NC, and 30% VS.
Hardly 2 to 1.
But that's ok! As long as there are good fights every night, I don't care what happens!
2003-09-26, 12:35 PM
Yeah, its been pointed out over and over again that the NC havent been outnumbering since the alliance
The alliance is/was a great idea in more ways than one. It actually pushes the NC into becoming defensive. It also is changing the way people play the game. Its a valid tactic and its fun. Anyone who played last night can't say they didn't have fun....
It was a blast!:D
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 01:34 PM
38% NC, 30%, 32% TR does not equal two to one. Hell, 42% NC, 28% VS, 30% TR still doesn't equal two to one, not even close. GG again on tyring to defend another gross exaggeration though, Oxo. If you're going to argue things use facts not statistcs you make up to support yourself.
Oh yeah, good job on putting words into my mouth again as well. Did I ever say there weren't usually more NC than TR or VS? No? I didn't think so. The point was you're making shit up again as is your custom. There has never been a situation where NC outnumbered TR and VS two to one in prime time. Prime time number are usually pretty balanced with NC having a advantage and VS having a disadvantage with TR in the middle. Although since the VS balance adjustments the TR and VS seem to pass that back and forth and I even recall a couple of times where VS had the highest percentage which just seemed odd. :lol:
Sure there have been nights where it was more out of whack but that's not the norm. Last night no empire had the population advantage and two Empires teamed up on the third. The third got owned from being outnumbered by more than two to one. Gee, who woulda thunk it?
Not flaming ya, but thats the only time ive ever seen the NC outnumbered in my digital VS life.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 02:04 PM
Meh, play more and/or pay more attention.
/who all teams is your friend ;)
i know, i just found that out about a week ago....... :(
2003-09-26, 02:19 PM
Happy lil' Elf
Note to self: When the TR/VS alliance breaks down, as it surely will, and they go back to having their asses handed to them on a nightly basis be sure to create threads gloating about i...errrr I mean "asking how they feel about it".
This isn't a thread gloating about what happened. I simply want to discuss the event and it's ramifications.
As already pointed out the NC typically outnumber the VS and TR 2 to 1 on Emerald during primetime.
The NC have probably never had two times as many players both factions combined, and have probably rarely, if ever, had two times as many players as a single opposing faction. This claim is absurd and unfound.
Not flaming ya, but thats the only time ive ever seen the NC outnumbered in my digital VS life.
The dwindling number of NC last night can almost surely be directly related to their lack of a good campaign. The VS have population problems when it has territory problems. When we're doing well, we have fair numbers.
Funny, VS/TR need an alliance to beat us.
Actually, it's not funny, it' just pathetic.
It takes two empires to beat any faction. While they don't always make an allaince, coincidence takes it's toll on the targeted faction and that's how we end up with one faction with next to nothing. It is extremely rare when one faction gets even close to taking two entire home continents of another faction, let alone three. When it does happen by a single faction no doubt numbers play a roll. Your faction is not some special uber faction I hate to break it to you. Skill distribution across the three empires is very even contrary to what ever faction will claim about their own.
2003-09-26, 02:23 PM
Your not a really bright guy Happylilelf. What did I fucking tell you about responding to my posts? Your commentary is always full of shit, and I am sick and tired of your flames and personal attacks. When you start acting like an adult you might get some respect from people on this forum
While the server population for a whole day may not reflect 2 to 1 the stats do not track pops at primetime and what conts they are on. The fact of the matter is that a given cont like Foresal very often has 2x the number of NC vs TR on it during primetime. Do you actually think that NC on Emerald dominates because they have all the skilled players?
The NC have probably never had two times as many players both factions combined, and have probably rarely, if ever, had two times as many players as a single opposing faction. This claim is absurd and unfound.
I am talking about a single faction such as TR or VS not both combined
2003-09-26, 02:51 PM
I am well aware that you were talking about a single faction. I addressed that as well. Even that claim is totally unfound.
I did a little research into the number of active people playing on each faction (who are also in an outfit) during the week of Sept 8 to Sept 14. The numbers are a little curious. These numbers are for Emerald.
TR: 3903
NC: 3600
VS: 3516
There seems to be some sort of anomaly here, since NC consistantly have higher numbers of players actually playing. Perhaps they are more active then? Ah yes, looking at battle rank distribution it is clear that NC consistantly must have more players playing, specificly at battle ranks 15, 17, 19 and 20. They are more or less equal with VS at 18, both are much higher than TR, and at 16 the factions are quite even, with NC having a slight edge.
So what can explain the population dillema? The NC are active. Their players are gaining battle rank, and skill, at a rate much faster than the TR, and somewhat faster than the VS.
If you delve into the individual populations active during playtime (which I have not done consistantly enough to back this claim up with definitive numbers), you will see numbers consistant with this analysis. The NC, contrary to what you continue to try and claim, do not have two times as many players playing, even /who agrees with this. They have more, no one here has argued that, but not two times as many as even one faction. A high for them is 40%, while they may go higher, it is extremely rare. Even this leaves 60% to be distrubited between the two other factions. In order for one to be outnumbered two to one by the NC, they would have to be outnumbered two to one by their other enemy.
Any way you rationally look at it, your claim simply can not be substantiated.
2003-09-26, 03:03 PM
I did the same stats tracking. Those numbers a meaningless for this argument because it doesnt take into account what time the person is playing. There isnt any point in trying to nitpick my argument since we are basically saying the same thing. I am saying very often up untill last week NC would have as many as 2x as many players as say TR during primetime, hence the alliance. Now we may argue wheather its 1% up to 50% more players on the NC side but the fact remains that NC had a much much larger ammount of people online during these times
Start tracking primetime population distributions and get back with me. Anything else is meaningless
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 03:12 PM
Your not a really bright guy Happylilelf. What did I fucking tell you about responding to my posts? Your commentary is always full of shit, and I am sick and tired of your flames and personal attacks. When you start acting like an adult you might get some respect from people on this forum
And what have I told you Oxo? As long as you continue to make things up to support your own arguments, I will continue to call you on it. Respect on an internet bulliten board has never been something I seek or crave. I simply call them as I see them, and I keep calling bullshit on you because you keep saying things like this.
While the server population for a whole day may not reflect 2 to 1 the stats do not track pops at primetime and what conts they are on. The fact of the matter is that a given cont like Foresal very often has 2x the number of NC vs TR on it during primetime. Do you actually think that NC on Emerald dominates because they have all the skilled players?
/who all teams tells you the percentage currently playing the game, Oxo. Not the daily average. If you're outnumbered on any given continent that can't be blamed on anyone if the number of people currently online is relatively balanced. It simply means that your enemy brought more of their available people to that continent.
As far as why NC does better I don't know. Maybe it's because we always seem to fight either TR or VS where as you both seem to contantly split between both your enemies. Or it could be any number of things. It could be average playtime per week. Maybe NC plays more on average and thus would indeed have more experience in the game overall. In the end I don't thik andyone can say. There are too many factors to consider to really say for sure.
In closing, once again if you don't like me calling you out on things you make up and exaggerate stop making things up and stop exaggerating thngs.
2003-09-26, 03:42 PM
And what have I told you Oxo? As long as you continue to make things up to support your own arguments, I will continue to call you on it. Respect on an internet bulliten board has never been something I seek or crave. I simply call them as I see them, and I keep calling bullshit on you because you keep saying things like this.
Wrong. You follow my posts around because you are a devil's advocate troll. Its not being clever, its just stupid. Your opinion on the matter is just as full of shit as anyone else's because that is all it is, an opinion. You dont have any data, despite the fact that you think you do, so just STFU. Just state your opinion on the forum like everyone else and move on.
I know exactly what the /who command does. Unless you have the data of /who during primetime for the last 3 weeks then there isnt anything to discuss.
In closing, no one likes a Devil's advocate Troll who likes to personal attack a poster's idea with thier own brand of horseshit, so cut it the fuck out or find someone else's posts to troll, capische?
2003-09-26, 04:04 PM
It has nothing to do with the supposed "skill" of the NC and everything to do with how they fight. Whoever you fight you always have to put up with the same shit, being spawncamped, owned by tanks whenever you step out a door and everyones favorite friend HA making everything miserable, but with Vanu, you can almost be garanteed that they are going to fight for every inch of ground, no matter how bad it gets for them they will almost never get up.
With the NC, if you start to gain the upper ground they all just disappear half the time. You see it all the time on forseral, they'll cap all the way down to Caer without a fight, steamroll the few guys who try and stop them down to Ogma, and then every last fucking NC will disappear. So alot of people, I'd guess anywhere up to 1/2 have just said, fuckit, I'm fighting tr/vs whenever I have a choice. But thats still not what brought it around, what brought it around is the NC don't know when to shut up and leave well enough alone.
2003-09-26, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
I did the same stats tracking. Those numbers a meaningless for this argument because it doesnt take into account what time the person is playing. There isnt any point in trying to nitpick my argument since we are basically saying the same thing. I am saying very often up untill last week NC would have as many as 2x as many players as say TR during primetime, hence the alliance. Now we may argue wheather its 1% up to 50% more players on the NC side but the fact remains that NC had a much much larger ammount of people online during these times
Start tracking primetime population distributions and get back with me. Anything else is meaningless
I am confused at your side of the argument as of now, I'm seeing some conjecture. Earlier you were saying that NC outnumbers TR or VS 2:1. In this post you say "Now we may argue wheather its 1% up to 50% more..." As we all know, 50% is not 2:1. It is 1.5:1. A 100% increase or 100%+100%:100% = a 2:1 ratio.
Also, while I have not been tracking actual numbers, I have been tracking which empire is in need via the login screen during primetime (if I have to post this data I will, but I think it's almost a given even without). This indicates further conjecture in your arguement, as you state TR is often the faction outnumbered 2:1. If this fact, which isn't one, were true, then that would mean NC outnumbers VS by a ratio of more than 2:1. The problem with this? Ealier in one of your posts you stated explicitly that you are not claiming the NC outnumber BOTH factions 2:1, only one of them.
2003-09-26, 04:43 PM
jesus your taking this as literal as a science experiment. Saying NC has 2 to 1 TR on Emerald during primetime may not be perfectly acurate but it is a simple way to express that NC was outnumbering TR by a massive ammount without trying to write out a calculus equation. Like I said, these stats do not exist so you have to use observation, and thats where the Alliance came from. The NC zergs were so large and unstoppable in comparison to our own forces that you couldnt even slow them so TR and VS decided to team up and split it. So far its working great.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 04:44 PM
Wrong. You follow my posts around because you are a devil's advocate troll. Its not being clever, its just stupid. Your opinion on the matter is just as full of shit as anyone else's because that is all it is, an opinion. You dont have any data, despite the fact that you think you do, so just STFU. Just state your opinion on the forum like everyone else and move on.
Don't flatter yourself. I don't follow anyone around least of all you. In fact a large part of me usually cringes when I see you've posted something because a discussion like this is almost sure to follow. I do have data. I use /who. Do I take screen shots and save them? No, of course not. I have no reason to. At least I'm basing my argument on something other than there "seems" to be more NC.
I know exactly what the /who command does. Unless you have the data of /who during primetime for the last 3 weeks then there isnt anything to discuss.
Yes, there is. You're spewing bullshit and I'm calling you on it. You have no proof and, because I wasn't obsessive enough to take screen shots, neither do I. However you're making statments I know to be false, so I will call you on them. How do I know? Because I do /who all teams quite a bit and pretty much only play during primetime. Where does that leave us? With you throwing a hissy fit and me sitting here laughing at you apparently.
In closing, no one likes a Devil's advocate Troll who likes to personal attack a poster's idea with thier own brand of horseshit, so cut it the fuck out or find someone else's posts to troll, capische? [/B]Devil's advocate troll? Do you even know what the phrase "playing devil's advocate" means? Jesus. I'm not playing devil's advocate you illiterate dipshit, I'm refuting your false statments. Why do you always seem to get targeted? I don't know, maybe because you keep making shit up and exaggerating?
People aren't overly fond of lieing shitheads either unless I'm mistaken, Oxo. I don't attack your ideas, I attack the "facts" you post that are untrue. Saying "NC outnumbers TR and VS 2 to 1 on a nightly basis" is not stating an idea or opinion. It's stating a fact, or at least it would be if it were true. Stop stating things you think as facts and possibly these "discussions" wouldn't happen.
2003-09-26, 04:49 PM
all i have 2 say is this thread should be renamed, tr+vs have 2 form a alliance 2 beat the nc
all nc join in:
"We are the NC, the mighty champions. FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!"
"We are the NC, the mighty champions. FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!"
"We are the NC, the mighty champions. FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!"
"We are the NC, the mighty champions. FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!"
2003-09-26, 04:58 PM
Happylilelf: I am going to make this Really fucking simple for you
Stop godamn trolling my posts. This is the last time I am going to say it so pay attention. I dont give a fuck what you think about my posts. You continue to show your ass on every board community I have seen you on, following me around polluting thread after thread with your bullshit. I am not going to tolerate your trolling bullshit on my Planetside board of choice so take your usless critiques to the flameboards over at Sony with the rest of your kind.
I will not be responding to you again because slugs like you ruin the fun of coming to various messageboards. You need to get it through your fucking head that we are not going to agree about gaming topics. You will be ignored from now on. Good day
2003-09-26, 04:59 PM
Stop godamn trolling my posts.
Umm, ignore?
2003-09-26, 05:02 PM
Cool, done. I didnt know you could do that here
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-26, 05:55 PM
Jesus Christ Oxo, is it so hard to admit that you exaggerated something? Oh well /shrug ignore me or throw another fit, either way it has no bearing on the original point
2003-09-26, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
jesus your taking this as literal as a science experiment. Saying NC has 2 to 1 TR on Emerald during primetime may not be perfectly acurate but it is a simple way to express that NC was outnumbering TR by a massive ammount without trying to write out a calculus equation. Like I said, these stats do not exist so you have to use observation, and thats where the Alliance came from. The NC zergs were so large and unstoppable in comparison to our own forces that you couldnt even slow them so TR and VS decided to team up and split it. So far its working great.
All I ask is you admit you overexadurated. You were called on it, just admit it now. No sense in dragging things on and making yourself look concieted. It is important while debating to be able to admit when you are incorrect, as you clearly are in this case. Weather you choose to or not however, I am done with this aspect of this thread. The treadmill has grown too thin.
2003-09-26, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Acaila
Don't pretend like this consipiracy has just begun, it's been going on for months! Now is just the first time it has borne fruits is all. :p yes this has happened for along time
TR almost always takes the NW and Vanu take the SW and were squeezed in the middle
if i had a nickel for everytime ive been pushed to gunuku on cyssor sandwiched between TR and vs id be rich
2003-09-26, 08:32 PM
Sorry Noxious. It wasnt an exaggeration, rather my best estimation. In the last few weeks there have been what seems 2 to 1 NC/TR on Emerald during the cont wars I have been on and like I said before there arent stats that track this so you really just have to eyeball it. With the lack of evidence to the contrary we will just have differing opinions on the matter
2003-09-27, 03:29 AM
wtf is this shit, there is no god damn allaince... i dunno wtf u guys r talking about but im gonna get a bunch of VS to go to anywhere TR and cause total chaos i hope whatever the pussies of each team have made gets broken up, this is was wtf is an alliance, ur alliacne is the other members of ur faction, why do we want those goggleyed rednecks... NC arent the best in the world... although today i must say we got owned by NC they played it really smart today, but seriously if i see VS standing by TR im gonna not only kill the TR but kill the VS i mean this is serious bullshit... whos idea was it for an alliance anyways?
2003-09-27, 04:30 AM
With the NC, if you start to gain the upper ground they all just disappear half the time. You see it all the time on forseral, they'll cap all the way down to Caer without a fight, steamroll the few guys who try and stop them down to Ogma, and then every last fucking NC will disappear
Every empire does that.
Seriously, if you got down to Sobek and Thoth with little to no resistance, would you bother to stick around waiting for a fight?
Of course my own team can upset me once in a while, like when they ignore home continents.
2003-09-27, 04:33 AM
You're full of crap. You always have been.
Oh I forgot. You played all 3 empires past BR15, which gives you more credential than anyone else.
Maybe you should apply to work on the PS live team.
2003-09-27, 06:15 AM
I was there when that happend man was it a pain in the ass i almost cried when i looked at the manp and sall NC almost completely wiped out but at the end of the day we captured all our home conts back.
:trsucks: :vssucks: :trsucks: :vssucks: :trsucks: :vssucks: :trsucks: :vssucks: :trsucks: :vssucks: :trsucks: :vssucks:
:ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks:
2003-09-27, 11:33 AM
Alliances are going to happen. Its the nature of a 3 team game. Anytime one team stays on top for a period of time, the other two will work on attacking them. Saw this in DAoC all the time. And these alliances will always break down.
NC/Emerald is so full of bandwaggoners right now its not even funny. All the players wanting the game on easy mode went back to NC after the Lasher nerf. And since Emerald is the server with the highest population, many headed there. Hell, many TR/Emerald deleted and re-rolled NC/Emerald.
And now that the NC is getting double-teamed the bandwaggoners are bailing their team is typical fashion. This will thin things out for a bit and then the VS and TR won't need an alliance.
Tactics has nothing to do with majority of "success" in PS. Numbers do.
Edit: When I say people went to NC looking for the game on easy mode, I'm not actually saying NC is easy mode. I'm saying that's the perception these bandwaggoners have. Now that the JH is being nerfed, you can expect to see a decline. I still think Vanu would be whoopin' everyone's ass if they conisistenly had the people NC and TR do.
2003-09-27, 12:12 PM
Cease is totally correct.
2003-09-27, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Cease
Alliances are going to happen. Its the nature of a 3 team game. Anytime one team stays on top for a period of time, the other two will work on attacking them. Saw this in DAoC all the time. And these alliances will always break down.
NC/Emerald is so full of bandwaggoners right now its not even funny. All the players wanting the game on easy mode went back to NC after the Lasher nerf. And since Emerald is the server with the highest population, many headed there. Hell, many TR/Emerald deleted and re-rolled NC/Emerald.
And now that the NC is getting double-teamed the bandwaggoners are bailing their team is typical fashion. This will thin things out for a bit and then the VS and TR won't need an alliance.
Tactics has nothing to do with majority of "success" in PS. Numbers do.
Edit: When I say people went to NC looking for the game on easy mode, I'm not actually saying NC is easy mode. I'm saying that's the perception these bandwaggoners have. Now that the JH is being nerfed, you can expect to see a decline. I still think Vanu would be whoopin' everyone's ass if they conisistenly had the people NC and TR do.
I agree with ya for the most part. I don't think this has caused many NC to jump ship however, the alliance died already and numbers seem to show that not many, if any left. At 6:30PST last night the populations were 32% TR, 36% NC, 32% VS. This was as the alliance was just beginning to fall apart. The TR were hitting Esamir as well as Amerish, and the NC were beginning to retake their continents. At 8:00PST the populations were 31%TR, 39% NC, 30%VS. At this point NC had locked a few continents, one might consider things back to normal :p
2003-09-27, 04:50 PM
Yep, par for the course. Biggest pop=winner.
"Go Cease its your birthday............"
Wow, there was really an "alliance" between the TR and VS? Does anybody know what outfits were in this alliance?
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