View Full Version : New Poll

2003-01-12, 06:10 AM
Hope no one has done this one yet. If so sorry PSU-gods (On my knees praying for forgiveness) ;)

2003-01-12, 06:47 AM
4 Leders out of 4 ? hmm whom will they lead then ?

2003-01-12, 06:59 AM
Too many chiefs , not enough Indians. so far, wait till there are more than 4 votes. I would also play defense and offense soldier as well, just my personality profile leads tward leader actually but I dont mind being a Vassel/Peon of war also.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

2003-01-12, 07:23 AM
I voted "Offense". I guess I'll be the guy racking up the BEPs ;p

2003-01-12, 07:58 AM
Methinks I will have to be picky.

Not all 14 year old are like that, and some 25 year olds can be like that. Don't stereotype :O

2003-01-12, 09:25 AM

Should I use a yonger age group? Ok All Immature lil punks who like to %^%^&$ then..... How is that?

2003-01-12, 09:38 AM
This has nothing to do with PS, but has a bit to do with the last option in this post.
Any way for good laugh read this:
BTW someone posted it on the forum over at Q3F.com (http://www.q3f.com).

2003-01-12, 09:47 AM
You want us to read that sh%^???

No offense but I am not. Wish we could stick with the pole but thats my opinion. And my Opinion is MINE!!!! You Can Share It But Not Own It!!!!!!

2003-01-12, 09:50 AM
Did you choose the last option? ;)

Anyway it's not like I'm forceing you or anything, I just thought it was funny.
And you can allways buy someones opinion ;)

2003-01-12, 09:53 AM
Ok I will skim through it............

I like comedy/funny.

2003-01-12, 09:58 AM
:stupid: :lol: :lol:

2003-01-12, 09:59 AM
DUDE!!!! WTF IS THAT SHIT, and Who Were You In It????????
UGGGG, can we stick with the polll??? OHHHH, is that what its about???

Dunno but that was not really funny.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

2003-01-12, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
You want us to read that sh%^???

No offense but I am not. Wish we could stick with the pole but thats my opinion. And my Opinion is MINE!!!! You Can Share It But Not Own It!!!!!!


Originally posted by Revolution
Ok I will skim through it............

I like comedy/funny.

Edit: I just like pissing you off cause you take things waaaaaaaay to seriouslly :D

2003-01-12, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
DUDE!!!! WTF IS THAT SHIT, and Who Were You In It????????
UGGGG, can we stick with the polll??? OHHHH, is that what its about???

Dunno but that was not really funny.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Hey Blitz dunno why you quoted that but, hey more gay ppl more women looking for straight men.(damn though the gay women might balance that out.)

Dont matter I got internet and PORN so I can make due!!!!!!

But seriously, (about the women I am), can we get onto the topic on the poll?

2003-01-12, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
Hey Blitz dunno why you quoted that but, hey more gay ppl more women looking for straight men.(damn though the gay women might balance that out.)

Dont matter I got internet and PORN so I can make due!!!!!!

But seriously, (about the women I am), can we get onto the topic on the poll?

:no: :confused: :no:
I quoted to show you the reason of my previous thread. The way you answered to Lillemanden's post (with no reason for that behaviour) and then just turned 180� in your next one (probably felt bad and knew he was right). I just thought it was funny.
Didn't know you where a woman. Its not like I can see you, can I? :rolleyes:
And there is no need to attack someone by calling him "gay". A bit childish, no?

But Topic related, you're right.
Too many chief wannabees and not enough footman.
People have got to realize that commanding is not that easy, or fun.
Aaaaanyway, offence rules :D

2003-01-12, 10:53 AM
hmm, didn't even notice that she called me gay... Revolution maybe you didn't undstand the the IRClog, SGP is not a gayclan, they where just jokeing. And I'm not in SGP, as I said someone posted it.

And I'm gonna try to be some hybrid between soldier and commander, I checked offence though.

2003-01-12, 11:57 AM
lol every1 want to be a leader

2003-01-12, 12:03 PM
In a way thats a good thing, at least we know people are willing to command ;)

2003-01-12, 12:06 PM
But who will they command if they all want to?

2003-01-12, 12:11 PM
I will have to step up to the plate i guess.


2003-01-12, 12:18 PM
I have no prob taking orders if I respect the commander. Go grunts :p

2003-01-12, 04:32 PM
I am a sexy Bitch! But I only skimmed through the text there didnt read it all just seemed kinda ......Odd/Sick...........

And you all wish I was a woman!

But alas no. I wish more females would play games then my girlfriends wouldnt be so :mad: about me doing so.
After blitz's comments though I will go back and read that text just to see what I missed causing the negativity with it all.

Hamma is gonna be our Suicide Bomber, when he steps up to bat!

2003-01-13, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
But alas no. I wish more females would play games then my girlfriends wouldnt be so :mad: about me doing so.

Yeah, I know what you mean.
And I bet allot of other guys in the gaming comunity also understand.

-Hey honey..., come back to bead.
-Can't now... kicking ass... having bear

2003-01-13, 08:00 AM

You in the best PvP of your LIFE whooping some but and they gotta pick THAT time to come hug you from behind and try to kiss you on the neck, then get mad when you tell em to stop for a minute!