View Full Version : A Day Without Planetside

2003-09-27, 12:22 AM
describe what u go thru on a day with no planetside

2003-09-27, 12:43 AM
pain and suffering:p :rolleyes:

2003-09-27, 12:51 AM
A day without a fucking stress heart attack every 5 minutes.

2003-09-27, 06:05 AM
I wont be able to stop thinking about how many VS and TR I could be killing and all the scenarioes I could kill them in.

:trsucks: :vssucks: :ncrocks:

2003-09-27, 06:41 AM
I'm normally at work. Doing mindless things but thinking of strategy while I'm doing nothing. So Planetside is on my mind even at work. I even asked someone to throw me the Beamer and he gave me this wierd look, then I realized my faux pau and asked for a flashlight.

2003-09-27, 08:06 AM
playing something better!!

2003-09-27, 02:25 PM
Drawing stratehys on my notepad, so i can use em next time i play

2003-09-27, 02:28 PM
Lots and lots of masturbation.

2003-09-27, 02:29 PM
Wake up
hit snooze button
wake up
hit snooze again
wake up
unplug alarm
wake up and go to work half an hour late
pretend to work
pretend to work
go home
eat lunch
play Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
hang out with girlfriend/ talk to people online (depends on the day)
check e-mail
go to bed

2003-09-27, 02:29 PM
It's not that bad. I don't play PS 24/7.

2003-09-27, 02:36 PM
Not really to bad for me neither, i hardly get to play it, my parents dont want me playing to much, to even buy planetside, my parents would say, "y do u want to buy this game, you already have 2, and u have to pay for it monthly to?"

2003-09-27, 09:56 PM
i watch malvison and if your talking about no computer who cares bam bam in face /falls to the floor with flood dripping out of his face

2003-09-27, 10:01 PM
Dude, i go through weeks. And what do i do?Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
Lots and lots of masturbation. :D

And if i really want to play, i claim my friend said for me to get on at so and so time.;)

2003-09-27, 10:14 PM
yea i got by for a week with no power and i was fine i was just jokeing about plowing my brains agenst the wall

2003-09-28, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by DoomWarrior
describe what u go thru on a day with no planetside
Is there such a thing?

2003-09-28, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Nimbus
Wake up
hit snooze button
wake up
hit snooze again
wake up
unplug alarm
wake up and go to work half an hour late
pretend to work
pretend to work
go home
eat lunch
play Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
hang out with girlfriend/ talk to people online (depends on the day)
check e-mail
go to bed

wow sounds a lot like me minus the gf :D and FF

2003-09-28, 10:05 AM
Stare into space. Drool all over myself.

Coherently ponder whether my grief will be down to 0 again when I log back in.

Stare into space again.

2003-09-28, 10:41 AM
i either

A)do what im doing now (forums)

B)go through all my games i have and play them for 5 minuetes each and realize nothing compares to PS

C)make up stratagies

D)talk to my bro n bitch about how there nerfing the lancer

E)go to skatepark