View Full Version : Dev's definently don't play TR (warning rant)
2003-09-27, 08:23 AM
Well with the new changes comming into effect, basically everything my character is certified in is fubar'd.
My striker won't do sh*t now against air.
My reaver won't stand for sh*t against the VS and NC AA max's.
so those are my two main certifications. Those are what I've built my character around.
Wonder if strikers will now kill max's in under two clips? Of course as they said "given enough time" BS total bs like your going to have enough time while they are shooting at you. Yea you respawn and come back 3 times to the same max, sure you'll be doing more damage.
You notice that the TR got the biggest nerf in the pack? Striker nerfed, marauder nerfed, prowler nerfed. While the NC got mostly buffs? Except for the JH (which in their own words got the ever so slightly small nerf).
Yea this will really halt the massive lemming like exodus from PS, hell I can't see staying that much longer if they are screwing over my empire.
Love the part about the burster max too, oh boy they increased its range to 500m, um they increased a weapons range that you have to manually aim. At 500 meters you'll have to aim (ACCURATELY) half the screen away in order to hit a reaver or lib or anything flying that far away. Did they add ANYTHING so that a infiltrator with a amp and lots of anti armor ammunition can't easily kill it? Nope, this is sorta like a patronizing buff, "sure we'll buff your guy, just in nothing that will make a damn bit of difference to its usage."
They buffed the phoenix I see, made it so it is more easily used against anything......even though it has the highest damage of the AV weapons.....even though they are nerfing BOTH the striker and lancer.
And jeez if I was the VS I wouldn't be too happy either, oh boy they increased the turn speed of your max's, oh and made the degradation of the comet's projectiles nill. But they did nerf the armor on the magmower (your one truely good item) and nerfed your lancer (even though it was the weakest damn AV weapon before). Oh but jeez now your knife doesn't glow !!!! PRAISE BE TO THE DEVS THAT WILL REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! Oh and last but not least, your beamer works a bit better. To add insult to injury and totally insult your intelligence spork actually said that it has the highest anti armor damage of the pistols. Well if the VS are stupid enough to try running around "plinking" (his words) at tanks witha beamer, then your gonna deserve to die fast.
Well i'm sure some of you NC are going to flame this post, as sure as I am about the sun rising tomorrow but I bet a lot of the TR and VS (who ALREADY have far fewer in number than the NC) are going to be strangely silent.
Funny with HALO comming out on the 30th, and a lot of other games comming out in the next few months that are really good, you'd think the devs would have tried to make it more fun for the TR and VS not just the NC, but I guess they were trying to please the majority of the players, not the minority, I hope the NC like just tk'ing each other, because soon thats all the competition your going to have.
2003-09-27, 09:01 AM
Have you tried the patch? have you experienced the new changes in game?
Personally I think it's excellent, the striker definitely needed a change, the Prowler looks to be a lot better.
Our AA Max (TR) has a longer range etc. and I love the burster for taking out aircraft.
Overall a great patch by the developers catering for almost all the recent gripes about the balancing.
Wonder when they're going to do the implant changes
2003-09-27, 09:18 AM
Yeah, some of the nerfs were dissapointing, like the Reaver rockets. My guild as a whole is very happy with the MAX, mosquito and knife upgrades. Our infiltrators are excited as hell, we actually get to use the knife now.
2003-09-27, 09:33 AM
knife upgrade I have a problem with... Now both the NC and VS infiltrators are completely hidden. NC never had a real negative effect from the secondary mode of their knife, VS had the glow, and TR have that damn noise the blade makes. Sure the noise wont really tell people where the infiltrator is, but it will alert them to an infiltrators presence in the general area, hence leading to the activation of darklight vision and subsequent killing of the infiltrator.
2003-09-27, 09:52 AM
All the knives make a soundn though, NC had the sound of their "magnetic field", VS had the sound of plasma, and TR had the chainsaw. Try them out for yourself and you'll see.
2003-09-27, 11:49 AM
Hard to tell how this is going to affect things. Glad to see the NC and VS AI maxes get a boost. The Quasar sounds like its going to be a good AI max now.
2003-09-27, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Caspertoo
Well with the new changes comming into effect, basically everything my character is certified in is fubar'd.
My striker won't do sh*t now against air.
My reaver won't stand for sh*t against the VS and NC AA max's.
so those are my two main certifications. Those are what I've built my character around.
Wonder if strikers will now kill max's in under two clips? Of course as they said "given enough time" BS total bs like your going to have enough time while they are shooting at you. Yea you respawn and come back 3 times to the same max, sure you'll be doing more damage.
You notice that the TR got the biggest nerf in the pack? Striker nerfed, marauder nerfed, prowler nerfed. While the NC got mostly buffs? Except for the JH (which in their own words got the ever so slightly small nerf).
Yea this will really halt the massive lemming like exodus from PS, hell I can't see staying that much longer if they are screwing over my empire.
Love the part about the burster max too, oh boy they increased its range to 500m, um they increased a weapons range that you have to manually aim. At 500 meters you'll have to aim (ACCURATELY) half the screen away in order to hit a reaver or lib or anything flying that far away. Did they add ANYTHING so that a infiltrator with a amp and lots of anti armor ammunition can't easily kill it? Nope, this is sorta like a patronizing buff, "sure we'll buff your guy, just in nothing that will make a damn bit of difference to its usage."
They buffed the phoenix I see, made it so it is more easily used against anything......even though it has the highest damage of the AV weapons.....even though they are nerfing BOTH the striker and lancer.
And jeez if I was the VS I wouldn't be too happy either, oh boy they increased the turn speed of your max's, oh and made the degradation of the comet's projectiles nill. But they did nerf the armor on the magmower (your one truely good item) and nerfed your lancer (even though it was the weakest damn AV weapon before). Oh but jeez now your knife doesn't glow !!!! PRAISE BE TO THE DEVS THAT WILL REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! Oh and last but not least, your beamer works a bit better. To add insult to injury and totally insult your intelligence spork actually said that it has the highest anti armor damage of the pistols. Well if the VS are stupid enough to try running around "plinking" (his words) at tanks witha beamer, then your gonna deserve to die fast.
Are you honestly trying to tell me that the phoenix is the best AV weapon in the game? Have you even used it? And I mean used it, not looted it off one NC guy once and shot it a few times and said "THIS IS AWESOME, omg you can steer it!" Then did you actually try and reload it? See how it takes so long. Sure it does 300 damage, but thats not even enough to kill a max in one hit. You have to hit a max 3 times infact to kill it. Meaning 2 reloads, which alone take 5 seconds atleast. Add the actual flight time and you're probably dead if the max is close enough. But what about the striker? 3 shots in one clip, then reload and one more shot and hes dead. So much faster. The phoenix has dumbfire mode now too, that was much needed. Its like firing decis in camera mode constantly when trying to kill a max. You're dead before the first shot even hits sometimes.
You're complaining how you can't kill air as effectively now? Well shit now you cant fire 3 full clips into the air and then lock onto a reaver, making sure hes dead before he even knows he has a lock. They give you a 5 shot clip now and a little damage nerf. I seriously doubt the damage will be below 150. Meaning you can kill a max in one clip now.
Seriously just try out other empires weapons before complaining. Actual try them in multiple situations. Don't just go to a zerg fest. Try out situations where you are one on one with a max, then you have room to talk.
2003-09-27, 12:04 PM
i never thought id see the day where strikers would take skill to use /hug
Prowler gets a boost, Maurader get a COF decrease and ROF increase, Striker was fucking rediculous.
Ill trade your burster for our starfire, its gonna be a lot harder to use after this patch.
2003-09-27, 12:08 PM
But they did nerf the armor on the magmower (your one truely good item) and nerfed your lancer
Hooked on phonics worked for me.
If you knew how to read, you would know that NO vehicle LOST any armor. The mag accually has MORE armor then it did before. It just dosent have as much armor as the other 2 tanks.
Lancer? aye it does suck. But, it is an AV weapon. Not an AI weapon so its a step in the right direction. Once again, we must aim, unlike the other 2 empires.
Tr has never been about aiming. Only VS seems to have to do that :p
2003-09-27, 12:22 PM
Gohan is my favorite VS player :p
2003-09-27, 12:26 PM
I'm sorry but this post is just plain stupid... i mean god forbid we actually have to try to use our weapons...
also read this:
Read my post at the bottom, those are my feelings on the striker subject.
2003-09-27, 12:56 PM
I used to be able to actually kill someone fast with my TR but now it takes me like 30 sec this sucks :mad:
2003-09-27, 01:07 PM
i'm increibly happy with the new massive ner/buff (blance) fest more prowlers the magrider now is what its supposed to be fast manourable but weak n flimsy now i think people will consentrate lesson the mowing more on the shootin :D also our glowing knife now doesn't glow hallehlua (i think thats how u spell that)
o no nazi dev's stopped us from killing everything in 5 secs and means we now have to aim help me help me:scared:
I hope also the beamer buff is worth it and means it isn't the pea shooter it once was :p
2003-09-27, 01:15 PM
rule of thumb, try changes first....
I really do believe that they screwed the reaver becuase of the nerfs and the AA buffs, but amma have to check em out first eh.
Well thanks for the warning.:thumbsup:
2003-09-27, 03:13 PM
The title of this thread is almost as stupid as the whiny eleven year old content.
SmokeJumper, aka Dave Georgeson, aka SENIOR PRODUCER plays TR most of the time as a CE/Infiltrator.
I find it funny people are constantly bitching when there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing them from playing a different empire on a different server, and seeing the patch on the receiving end.
I just want to get one thing strait for all those people who think the Striker takes no skill. Imagine this, your in a mid sized battle, with your striker, and you see a Reaver. You wip it out, lock on, and fire. If that aircraft goes behind ANYTHING, you waist the rocket. This includes,
another aircraft
Not to mention, if a friendly soldier walks in front of you, your screwed. It's also kind of hard to keep that little target on the aircraft as it uses boosters or swirves all over the place. Don't say an weapon doesn't require any skill. Becouse they ALL require skill. Some less than others (I won't even state my opinions) but the striker definetly requires a lot of skill.
I tend to agree with the post for the most part.
Maybe I should just forget it and join the NC horde :)
2003-09-27, 09:27 PM
Gohan is my favorite VS player
ROFL thanks Smaug and your sig r0x my s0x i busted out laughing when i first saw it, i related to its soooo much.
2003-09-28, 02:43 AM
No I did not mean the phoenix is the best AV weapon, but it DOES do the most damage. Usage is different and unique for each of the AV weapons, and let me tell you that the striker is not as easy as you think it is.
You will loose lock if anything passes between you and the target, the rocket is not very fast so a reaver and skeeter can easily afterburn away. And it takes more than a clip to kill a reaver. They don't harm tanks very much, and they barely do any damage vs infantry.
The major reason I have the striker cert is because of aircraft, and compared to the sparrow, you have got to be kidding me. I personally think the TR have the weakest AA cover simply because the burster is so weak against infantry up close, and of course because it is manually aimed.
I don't think anyone can argue that the Reaver hasn't been screwed over royally. It would have been fine to buff the AA but to decrease the clip size on the reaver just screws over any reaver pilot. Full clip on a reaver won't kill any tank, but yet obviously it was too much.
Oh and Gohan if you want a thesis quality paper, go to your local college you freaking dork, I don't give a rats ass about my grammer when I'm posting a message. If you put so much emphasis on something so trivial, then you need to pull that stick out your ass.
2003-09-28, 03:08 AM
I'm going to say one thing. These "balances" make me glad I'm not playing PS anymore
2003-09-28, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by Caspertoo
No I did not mean the phoenix is the best AV weapon, but it DOES do the most damage. Usage is different and unique for each of the AV weapons, and let me tell you that the striker is not as easy as you think it is.
You will loose lock if anything passes between you and the target, the rocket is not very fast so a reaver and skeeter can easily afterburn away. And it takes more than a clip to kill a reaver. They don't harm tanks very much, and they barely do any damage vs infantry.
The major reason I have the striker cert is because of aircraft, and compared to the sparrow, you have got to be kidding me. I personally think the TR have the weakest AA cover simply because the burster is so weak against infantry up close, and of course because it is manually aimed.
I don't think anyone can argue that the Reaver hasn't been screwed over royally. It would have been fine to buff the AA but to decrease the clip size on the reaver just screws over any reaver pilot. Full clip on a reaver won't kill any tank, but yet obviously it was too much.
Oh and Gohan if you want a thesis quality paper, go to your local college you freaking dork, I don't give a rats ass about my grammer when I'm posting a message. If you put so much emphasis on something so trivial, then you need to pull that stick out your ass.
Sure it might do the most damage per shot. But damage per time period has to go to the striker at the moment.
Yes I agree the burster has a severe limitation being that it is manually aimed, but the sparrow isn't that easy to use as well. You outline the same problems with the sparrow when you are talking about the striker. Yet my main gripe with the striker was that you could shoot off multiple clips of rockets and then make a lock, and most of the missiles would still lock. With the sparrow this is impossible. If you fire a missle when you dont have a lock, it is dumbfire indefinately. The Starfire however is much like the striker. They are nerfing it as well though, making it so you have to have a lock for a missle to be tracking.
Sure the striker isn't that useful against tanks, or even planes. Yet neither is the phoenix, or lancer. I'd take a decimator any day over all of the AV weapons, except concerning planes. It deals out way more damage compared to AV. And yes the striker isn't effective vs infantry, neither is the phoenix. It takes roughly 6 shots to kill a reinforced exo troop with the phoenix, probably near the same with the striker. The lancer on the other hand as you know is much stronger vs infantry, yet they are nerfing that as well.
Concerning reavers... well. I guess we'll just have to see how that turns out. I believe their intention was to eliminate excessive rocket spam.
2003-09-28, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Sputty
I'm going to say one thing. These "balances" make me glad I'm not playing PS anymore
Oh no, please give us your wisdom on why the changes are bad. Not just which you don't like, tell us WHY.
2003-09-28, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Caspertoo
No I did not mean the phoenix is the best AV weapon, but it DOES do the most damage. Usage is different and unique for each of the AV weapons, and let me tell you that the striker is not as easy as you think it is.
You will loose lock if anything passes between you and the target, the rocket is not very fast so a reaver and skeeter can easily afterburn away. And it takes more than a clip to kill a reaver. They don't harm tanks very much, and they barely do any damage vs infantry.
The major reason I have the striker cert is because of aircraft, and compared to the sparrow, you have got to be kidding me. I personally think the TR have the weakest AA cover simply because the burster is so weak against infantry up close, and of course because it is manually aimed.
I don't think anyone can argue that the Reaver hasn't been screwed over royally. It would have been fine to buff the AA but to decrease the clip size on the reaver just screws over any reaver pilot. Full clip on a reaver won't kill any tank, but yet obviously it was too much.
Oh and Gohan if you want a thesis quality paper, go to your local college you freaking dork, I don't give a rats ass about my grammer when I'm posting a message. If you put so much emphasis on something so trivial, then you need to pull that stick out your ass.
All you guys that say strikers take skill are dumb as hell ... I played Terran until br18 cr2 and the striker is easily the biggest n00b weapon in the game. The only problem with it is that u lose lock sometimes thats it. Try the other empire AV weapons and you will notice u have to worry about terrain too
2003-09-28, 02:01 PM
Boo fucking hoo you lose lock when the little mosquito runs behind a tree. A phoenix can be outrun by them, and dodged rather easily. Try hitting a moving aircraft with a Lancer.
It seems to me that people just like to whine and the Devs sadly listen to them because they are afraid of losing more people. They are in the pitiful boat of trying to please everyone and in the end they will please virtually no one.
VS has the Lasher and Magrider.....both extremely easy to get kills with. It seems like almost every VS has a lasher in their arsenal and I don't blame them.
NC has the JH, very easy to get kills with as well.....overpowering at close range.....add in the gauss or something else for range and you have a nice combo against infantry. The Vanguard is the best tank and thats why you always see TONS of them. One shot, one kill and they only need 2 people for full effectiveness.
TR has the Pounder and the Stryker. Yeah the stryker is easy to use and good against MAXes and air. The TR needs this to compensate for their lacking in armored vehicles. The pounder is very good inside but its needed since the lasher and JH are easily much better indoors than the MCG. Plus the pounder is an extreme grief machine which offsets many of its benefits and outdoors its just as easy of a target as any other MAX in any civ.
I think for TR you will just see guys trade in their AV for SA and start using the decimator and other weapons instead.
It's all about balance. The only way to truly balance the weapons is for every side to have exaclty the same weapons. Beyond that its merely a guessing game......or in this case......who can whine the loudest......which is a sad way to balance a game.
2003-09-28, 03:57 PM
Oh and Gohan if you want a thesis quality paper, go to your local college you freaking dork, I don't give a rats ass about my grammer when I'm posting a message. If you put so much emphasis on something so trivial, then you need to pull that stick out your ass.
Heh thats funny. I wasnt refering to your grammer i was refering to your inabillity to read, you missed some points in the patch completly. Thats why i made the comment about hooked on phonics. Aparantly you didnt read my reply throughly. Time for HOP.
Meh. On another point.
and let me tell you that the striker is not as easy as you think it is.
:rofl: :rofl:
Bullshizzle. Ive used the striker. Ive used the starfire which works about the same as the striker. Ive used the pheonix. Ive used the Lancer. All exstencively. Dont you tell me that the striker is hard to use compaired to the lancer. You are lucky to hit a moving aircraft with 1 out of your 6 shots with the lancer.
Another thing: You complain about the burster being "manually aimed" First, you have the striker, so you have a locking AV compaired to a locking AA max. Meh. So you get a portable AA max. Nice.
And secondly, What is there to aim with the the burster? You still have to follow your targets like the starfire. Plus, it owns everything so fucking hard core already. Aircraft hovering over tower? No prob. Locked down burster will have it dead before they know wts happened.
Plus, with this upgrade, you have your uber maxes standing on top of a mountain killing the people heading in the main door.
Hands down, the burster is the best of the AA maxes against infantry, the only thing that makes it not rediculously overpowered is, if you get real close to them, it dosent damage you at all. Starfire is the worst against infantry.
Seriously. The lasher takes insane skill to use, in anything but hallways. You have to lead EVERY single shot. Given, it does own anything in hallways with no skill needed.
I swear. And tr player that bitchs about anything about their weapons should be shot in the face. And any NC that complain about anything exept the pheonix gimpness, should be shot as well.
/me gets shotty ready
2003-09-28, 04:42 PM
Heh thats funny. I wasnt refering to your grammer
You mean "grammar?"
If you're going to try and be a cute little fuck you had at least make an attempt to be good at it, then again you're probably an avid Dragon Ball Z watcher so I shouldn't really hold you to such high and daunting standards.
2003-09-28, 04:45 PM
I'm going to say one thing. These "balances" make me glad I'm not playing PS anymore
i dont get why so many people, especcially contributers, bother to stay around anymore. being the fact that this is PLANETSIDE-universe.
2003-09-28, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Hammer
You mean "grammar?"
If you're going to try and be a cute little fuck you had at least make an attempt to be good at it. Look Hammer, he was saying specificly that he was not refering to the person's ability to spell or even correctly form sentences in English. I might also add that you did not make proper use of commas in your post, so STFU. I know I'm very poor at spelling myself, so start yelling at me for any typos/misspelling.
The dumbass didnt read the full document and thought that they had nerfed the Magrider's armor, which was actualy BUFFED, just not to the same level as the other tanks.
Also, our scattercannon was not nearly as effective angainst infanty as the pounder, though it may be now.
2003-09-28, 06:14 PM
Look Hammer, he was saying specificly that he was not refering to the person's ability to spell or even correctly form sentences in English. I might also add that you did not make proper use of commas in your post, so STFU. I know I'm very poor at spelling myself, so start yelling at me for any typos/misspelling.
I didn't huh? Ever bother to think why I decided to "yell" at him? His abusive comments are non-stop and abundant, almost as abundant as the flat out bull-shit lies he makes. The old adage "If you can't take it don't dish it out" comes in to place here pal.
Also on that note to all please spare me the "LANCER NEEDS SKILL BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO LEAD THE ENEMY!" horse shit, leading an enemy vehicle with a weapon that is a damn near instant hit is hardly a task. As far as I am concerned it's more of a "skill" (I use the word loosely) to lead an enemy vehicle from a distance with a Decimator then any other AV weapon.
2003-09-28, 08:13 PM
Sure its instant-hit, but not right after you click. First, you're penalized for moving your mouse, so you cant track the enemy. Second, there is that little half-second delay before the bolt gets shot out. So technically, you have to lead pretty far ahead of the enemy, almost as much as the bolt driver.
2003-09-28, 09:43 PM
The differnence between Gohan's abusive language and yours, Hammer, is that Gohan provides arguements to back up his statements, which as far as I can tell(and my knowlage of planetside is very extensive) are valid. Meanwhile, you just flame.
2003-09-28, 09:44 PM
Meh. This thread sucks.
But ima gonna reply anyway.
Hammer you are a jackass. Period. I specifically went back and clarified that I was NOT referring to ANYONE�S grammar spelling ect ect. I don�t care if anyone has the occasional mistake. Hell I prolly have a bunch in this post alone.
What I was referring to was the original posters inability to read. Apparently you are incapable of reading as well. Must I buy a copy of Hooked on Phonics for the 3rd time this thread?
God damn.
As for your stupid comment about the lancer. I never said it took mad skill to use. I said that it took much more skill to use then the striker of phoenix. Any player with a quarter of a brain (which apparently you seem to be without) will back me up on this.
On that point, thanks for the assistance SandTrout. Flamming noobs, like Hammer and the original poster need to be dealt with.
And for your information, no I do not watch DBZ anymore. I picked my name for background reasons on the character of Gohan, and since then, my alias stuck.
Now, i dunno who the hell you are trying to impress with your blatant stupid-asshole-of-a-post, but apparently , it not anyone with IQ above an jar of mayonnaise
/edit/ and aye sometime my language is teh suck but at least my points come from valid sources, personal experiance, which i have had from before beta, and documented proof. So meh. STFU please hammer.
The one, the only
nuff said.
Hell, dont listen to me, listen to SandTrout! Hes been here even longer then me! He has a custom title and he has CONTRIBUTED MONEY TO SUPPORT THE BOARDS YOU FLAME PEOPLE WITHOUT A SINGLE FACT TO BACK YOU UP!
Some people.
Indeed. I am an ass some times. But i could never even dream to become 1/4 of the ass you are hammer.
2003-09-28, 10:21 PM
I agree totally with what Gohan says about the Lancer.
Its the hardest AV weapon to use.
2003-09-28, 11:28 PM
im too lazy to quote but u(gohan) said u have experience from before beta? is it possible? and i know u werent in exclusive beta either...(think deep into ur memory and try to remember the name N1tro)
2003-09-29, 07:03 AM
What i ment was i folllowed the game to beta then played from there.
Lol. Drug kits were teh funnah.
2003-09-29, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Hammer
I didn't huh? Ever bother to think why I decided to "yell" at him? His abusive comments are non-stop and abundant, almost as abundant as the flat out bull-shit lies he makes. The old adage "If you can't take it don't dish it out" comes in to place here pal.
Also on that note to all please spare me the "LANCER NEEDS SKILL BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO LEAD THE ENEMY!" horse shit, leading an enemy vehicle with a weapon that is a damn near instant hit is hardly a task. As far as I am concerned it's more of a "skill" (I use the word loosely) to lead an enemy vehicle from a distance with a Decimator then any other AV weapon.
Hammer my special friend, well he whould be if i had any hommosexual hommophobes as friends. This ladies and gentlemen this is what we call a troll, he doesnt come to a post to add anything just start shit if you zing him good enough he'll slink away. So lets begin. Also the proper usage of the catch phrase is "If you cant take it don't dish it out" comes into PLAY.
Comparing the decimator to any of the AV weapons is apples to oranges and has nothing to do with the topic at hand. The original TR guy was complaining about weapons balance, now you want to compare the AV weapons to the dumbfire special assault rocket. Okay whatever
Now for some verbage actualy related to the topic at hand.
Casper you and I have beaten this to death a number of times lets wait and see that actual affects of the changes. Oh one more thing for hammer, heres where we learn the difrence between opinion and statements of fact. If it doesnt quote hard numbers it's most likely opinion, it is not possible for someones opinion to be a lie. I could be of the opinion that we never landed on the moon, that makes me an idiot not a liar. Where was I, oh yes, in my opinion anything that hurts reavers is great I'm all for it, whoever complained about a clip not being enough to take out a tank we both know that if your in a reaver you shouldnt be expecting to kill a tank anyway in a 1 on 1 fight. Too many people confuse reaver for "air tank" it excels at killing soft armored targets and infantry as well as other air targets. Get over it.
2003-09-29, 09:51 AM
Is this thread talking about the balance issues or is it a flaming thread? Focus on the topic at hand people and stop flaming everyone for spelling and grammer, and their OPINIONS.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-29, 11:40 AM
The one, the only
nuff said.
Hell, dont listen to me, listen to SandTrout! Hes been here even longer then me! He has a custom title and he has CONTRIBUTED MONEY TO SUPPORT THE BOARDS YOU FLAME PEOPLE WITHOUT A SINGLE FACT TO BACK YOU UP!
Some people.
None of which makes your or Hammer's opinion any more or less valid, Gohan. I agree with you for the most part on this thread. I'm glad the striker is getting adjusted. I'm very happy my lightning is getting loving. I actually prefer the Burster to the Sparrow. I think it's awesome that the medium tanks will be actual tanks now and not buggies with some additional armor. I can't really think of a single change that's coming up that I don't like.
Yes Hammer flamed for no reason. I was actually going to see if he really wanted to play before readin his later responses. After watching his reaction though I don't think it would really be entertaining enough to be worth the effort but that's not the primary reason for this post.
I mean c'mon, Hammer. You're going to flame someone just for the sake of flaming them and the best you can do is a grammar flame at someone who just stated they had no problem with people making grammatical errors, in a post that wasn't using proper grammar itself? Dude, weak :(. This is Gohan we're talking about. There's enough ammunition that he's put out unintentionally in many threads. Just put a little more thought into it, that's all I'm saying.
Bleh, as usual, I digress.
Gohan, I guess the primary reason I'm prattling off here is to ask you please for the sake of my sanity, which after reading though the majority of this post I seem to have left in bed today, don't start with the "I have more posts so I'm better/I'm more knowledagble/my opinion matters more than yours" bullshit. Post count means nothing. Contributing means nothing. Down people! I'm talking in the context of appraising validity of arguments or opinoins ;). Contributing itself is a very good thing and more people should do it, myself included (would have been $50 much better spent than on Enter the Matrix >_< ).
In then end.....damnit, I had a point. Ooooo someone brought doghnuts today....
2003-09-29, 12:11 PM
Gohan, I guess the primary reason I'm prattling off here is to ask you please for the sake of my sanity, which after reading though the majority of this post I seem to have left in bed today, don't start with the "I have more posts so I'm better/I'm more knowledagble/my opinion matters more than yours" bullshit. Post count means nothing. Contributing means nothing. Down people! I'm talking in the
Meh. you are right. I was just searching for any more reasons to prove hammer wrong :lol:
sowwy no more post number referneces.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-29, 12:20 PM
Yay :) And doghnuts are gooooood.
2003-09-29, 03:40 PM
Indeed Doughnuts = pwnage.
2003-09-29, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Yay :) And doghnuts are gooooood.
... whatever.
I play TR, and I use the striker, but I am glad that it is getting a nerf. It was ridiculously overpowered, but I can see where people are coming from.
The thing is, the best way to counter tanks (excluding the lightning, obviously), is with your own empire's tanks. But then comes the issue... the Prowler blew! You needed three people to operate it, and the damage rate was below the Vanguard's. However, this new patch will seem to even it out.
One thing that I DIDN'T see on that list, however, was a nerf to the JackHammer. Yes, I know, it's a controvertial issue, but COME ON. THREE shots to kill a reinforced? THREE? I mean, WTF is that? It is so amazingly good in close quarters and indoors, and where does most of the action take place? (Surprise surprise!) Indoors!
Also, another thing, the MCG's ammo problem. Ammo is always a problem for an MCG user. An NC character can have three boxes of pheonix ammo, a row of medpacks, and a row of JackHammer ammo and still be quite content with their ammo, getting almost 6 reloads. However, if an MCG user tries to do that with a striker, they only get TWO reloads. One could argue that they are huge clips, but you chew through them so quickly. Also, it's a slight problem when the actual clip is bigger than the ammo it comes with. I think that if the ammo came in 100 round boxes, it would be better. But what do I know...
2003-09-29, 04:21 PM
Um, Chewey, they did nerf the JackHammer, although only slightly.
2003-09-29, 04:41 PM
I realized that. But in my opinion, it's still not enough. And besides, there's still the MCG ammo problem.
2003-09-29, 05:30 PM
Balance part of the thread: yea this next patch really sounds like its turning down the volume on the TR, i remember reading it somewhere that TR's (whatever item it was) was not even balanced with the NC and VS's things. And TR itself right now aint doing too well either. i dunno, but if TR suddenly dies and VS and NC only fight, we all know who we can thank. (my theory alone, I know I could be wrong many ways, no flame.)
As for the flame war in the middle of the thread: how the hell did this start-OVER GRAMMAR?:confused:
/edit/ they nerfed the jackhammer!!!!! IN YOUR FACE NC!:D :clap:
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-29, 06:48 PM
... whatever.:huh: Um, yeah, whatever...I guess...
I play TR, and I use the striker, but I am glad that it is getting a nerf. It was ridiculously overpowered, but I can see where people are coming from.Yeah, pretty much.
The thing is, the best way to counter tanks (excluding the lightning, obviously), is with your own empire's tanks. But then comes the issue... the Prowler blew! You needed three people to operate it, and the damage rate was below the Vanguard's. However, this new patch will seem to even it out.The more I think about the changes in damage output on the Prowler the more curious I am about how drastic the changes are. I could easily see this as going too far on the balancing, but I can also see how the armor difference are going to play into it. I dunno, it's definately going to be interesting :)
One thing that I DIDN'T see on that list, however, was a nerf to the JackHammer. Yes, I know, it's a controvertial issue, but COME ON. THREE shots to kill a reinforced? THREE? I mean, WTF is that? It is so amazingly good in close quarters and indoors, and where does most of the action take place? (Surprise surprise!) Indoors!Number of shots is not the primary determining factor in this balance imo. I'm of the belief total time to kill is the most important thing. In that repsect at least the empires are very close. In the time it takes someone to get those three shots off a MCG wielder, or lasher wielder, can get off enough shots to kill a reinforced as well. It's a trade off when you think about it. With the JH you can potentially kill people easier, but every miss costs you more in terms of your survival by significantly increasing your TTK. With the MCG you can afford to miss more because each shot missed doesn't effect your TTK much, but downing an opponent isn't as easy as with the JH.
Also, another thing, the MCG's ammo problem. Ammo is always a problem for an MCG user. An NC character can have three boxes of pheonix ammo, a row of medpacks, and a row of JackHammer ammo and still be quite content with their ammo, getting almost 6 reloads. However, if an MCG user tries to do that with a striker, they only get TWO reloads. One could argue that they are huge clips, but you chew through them so quickly. Also, it's a slight problem when the actual clip is bigger than the ammo it comes with. I think that if the ammo came in 100 round boxes, it would be better. The drawback of being a part of the empire who's philosophy is to put as much ammunition in the air as possible? No, you're right though, it's not really balanced. I'm not sure what they could do to change it though. Tossing in 100 rounds per ammo box could significantly change a number of things. For example inventory space just got a lot more roomy for cloakers with AMPs or people using MA weapons. Tough call. Maybe a new type of ammo for the MCG only? Of course that would leave only the JH with an ammo type that every empire can purchase which is also unfair. Meh /shrug I'll let others answer that question, I prefer driving a tank :lol:
2003-09-30, 09:53 AM
The devs did nerf the JH. If I remember correctly it says JackHammer damage decreased (very) slightly.
2003-09-30, 03:26 PM
Elf, that's what I was thinking. A special type of ammo for the MCG only. As for the JackHammer... um. Screw them! They don't need a special type of ammo. :p
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-30, 04:41 PM
Well while I'm inclinded to agree with you, mostly because I don't really care either way, I can see how that would suck. The Lasher? Gotta get ammo from some random VS. The MCG? Gotta get ammo from some random TR. The Jackhammer? Just stop by an equip terminal on your way out. It'd be unfair in a sense /shrug
Why I play TR on every other server.
1. Pounder
2. Cycler
3. Repeater
Niether the pounder or cycler takes any skill to rack up kills with. Can't wait for the minichain gun COF reduction and ROF increase. I'll be mowing people down on every server except emerald (NC there)
How is it that I can get over 100 kills in 2 hours with a BR6 TR character and only get 20-50 kills in the same time with my BR19 NC character? Easy...POUNDER...CYCLER...POUNDER...CYCLER!
All I have to do with the cycler is point and spray...the COF won't expand till long after the enemy is dead.
And now the pounder is going to have it's ROF increased...and splash radius (not damage) decreased slightly.
To even hear a TR crying about his little striker is just plain funny to me.
2003-10-01, 01:53 PM
Ok Ok Ok....
I have had enough TR talk about the striker, time to talk about the Gauss..... WTF!?! No balance for that? This things COF is so bad it makes it practically useless... as an NC the only reason I have medium assault is so I can have sniping and special assault. Since I don't use Reinforced Suit I only carry either Bolt Driver, Thumper, or Decimator... If I had Reinforced I might carry the Gauss as a side arm. But I don't think it's up to the level it needs to be for an Empire Specific weapon.
my 2 cents
2003-10-01, 03:33 PM
On regards to the MCG ammo comment: I couldn't agree more with you. The MCG is my favorite gun in the whole game (besides my Striker), and the ammo is the biggest problem I have with it.
On regards to the suggestion of special Heavy Assault weapon ammo: I've always thought that each of the empire's Heavy Assault weapons should have a special type of ammo. The VS have their laser ammo, the TR could have impaler spikes (think like a real gauss rifle), and the NC could have explosive rounds (based on the concept of the shotgun in Unreal II).
On regards to the Striker changes: The Anti Vehicle weapons were not designed to be a single person thing. They were designed to work with 2/3 people each firing their own weapon at the same enemy. It is therefore acceptable that they are giving a slight nerf to damage and you have to aquire target lock first. The only hope I have is that they increase the ammo create capacity to 5 rockets as they increase the clip size to 5 rockets.
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-01, 03:35 PM
I've never been a fan of the Gauss. Just couldn't get used to how quickly it's CoF expands CoF. It's far from useless though, there are some people who can really rack up kils with that thing.
2003-10-01, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
It's far from useless though, there are some people who can really rack up kils with that thing.
Um yeah there are... namely the NC that jump out of their Reavers before the plane goes boom. Its killed me many times, but I guess running straight at an enemy firing at you aint to good either...
2003-10-01, 05:52 PM
The most overpowered weapon is the one that killed you last!
For some reason that weapon is never a beamer.
2003-10-01, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
The most overpowered weapon is the one that killed you last!
For some reason that weapon is never a beamer. Yeah, because the beamer would be more useful to a pervert than a soldier.
2003-10-01, 06:56 PM
Whenever i shoot someone with a beamer, they say to me "Hey! that tickles!"
Last night me and CommDonald were defending the spawn room after we'd hacked Xelas on Amerish. After a bunch of easy kills I decided to loot a beamer off one of them and use it for the humiliation factor. After getting 3 kills with the beamer (granted, my partner in crime was using a cycler and doing some of the work too) I got accused of cheating. That made my day.
2003-10-01, 07:07 PM
If i ever saw on deathspam that i got killed by a beamer... i would probably log from embrassment.
2003-10-01, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
If i ever saw on deathspam that i got killed by a beamer... i would probably log from embrassment.
i looted a beamer today on my friends account and got 2 cloakers and 1 reinforced with it before i died :rofl:
I've always thought the beamer was a hip looking pistol, I can't wait until it can compete with the repeater so I can fill my locker with em.
2003-10-01, 07:22 PM
i killed someone with a beamer once.
i got it off some Vanu i ran over with my prowler.
guy i killed with it was an nc. he was trying to kill me with a jackhammer at 50m /shrug
Not sure i totally understand the point of upping the RoF on the MCG, only to increase the spin down time. I will say the MCG definitely takes a lot more finess to master than the Jackhammer. I'd be happy if they left the Jackhammer the way it was. And, tightened up the CoF on the MCG a bit. But, thats me.
Striker. Abandoned it long ago in favor of Special Assult. The utility of that Cert far out weighs any advanatge you had with the Striker. Iam mostly indifferent about the changes to it. I do hope that the ammo crate is increased to 5 per box though.
I really do like the changes to the Tanks. Have always been a tank driver. Giving them more armor while keeping the damage to AV weapons relatively unchanged is a big plus. Fear the Tanks.
2003-10-02, 06:14 AM
I think when I wake up tomorrow I'll have a "how to use the gauss" post.
2003-10-02, 09:04 AM
COME ON. THREE shots to kill a reinforced? THREE? I mean, WTF is that? It is so amazingly good in close quarters and indoors, and where does most of the action take place? (Surprise surprise!) Indoors!
At point blank it 2.
2003-10-02, 12:00 PM
Gauss pwns, I would never trade it for a Cycler. Takes alot of practice to get used too, but it is worth it once you can control the CoF.
2003-10-02, 11:11 PM
I want my cycler vs. your gauss close quarters and see who wins :).
I remember that tiem I owned smuag here liek 5 times before he realised the gauss was teh suck.
Of course I did have a MCG and it was all inside close quarters but that doesnt matter :P
Not ot mention I had the huge advantage of having an interlink facility link so i could monitor his every move :)
2003-10-02, 11:24 PM
Yeah but don't forget I pwn you on the open field :D
The gauss is a decent close combat weapon if you are alert, and the fight is very close range. Otherwise the COF will render you impotent and at the mercy of your opponent. At medium to long range, its damage and accuracy are formidable in the hands of a skilled user.
2003-10-03, 02:17 AM
Both Twist and Spork play TR, therefore your arguement is nullified.
2003-10-03, 11:24 AM
Really? Are you sure? I thought it was 2 for an agile and three for a reinforced.
2003-10-03, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Bismarck
I want my cycler vs. your gauss close quarters and see who wins :).
Close quarters you would have me. Your CoF and RoF give you the mobility advantage definately. Luckily I have a JH too. :p
I don't like this thread. Too much anger.
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