View Full Version : 9-28-03 | Markov Ownage
2003-09-28, 05:46 AM
NightWalker XI
2003-09-28, 06:07 AM
Thats cause its early in the morning lol
2003-09-28, 07:08 AM
When will we have sanctuary strikes?
OMFG that's nice to see :thumbsup:
2003-09-28, 08:13 AM
pfft, earlyer that week or so, prime time, NC had most of the world...
2003-09-28, 09:02 AM
its easy 2 take almost all the world if u have most of the ppl on early in the morining or late at night. but ppl can still hart there and every thing so all u need is a demoliation crew and an ant 2 take a base on another cont.
2003-09-28, 10:48 AM
not to mension TR are almost always the dominant force with population on markov o and btw you cant hart on locked conts
2003-09-28, 11:02 AM
Oh cmon people, if it was that easy then we'd see it done all the time by all the empires. And we don't.... not like that. Props to the TR.
2003-09-28, 12:43 PM
When I logged off, 10:15~, TR had most northern conts, was pushing the NC and the VS off Cyssor, and was also advancing along Solsar and Hossin.
2003-09-28, 01:18 PM
Well played TR, good work stopping all the ninja hacking and doing a fuck load of your own. Props to the leaders who pulled that off. A 45% population is good for something. :p
2003-09-28, 02:59 PM
bet ya $10 bucks my outfit did half of that.
2003-09-28, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Everay
pfft, earlyer that week or so, prime time, NC had most of the world... 7 1/2 continents
2003-09-28, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER�GHO�T
bet ya $10 bucks my outfit did half of that.
If you mean hack the base, capture, and leave....then yes. The rest of us took the time to defend.
2003-09-28, 03:22 PM
o please. i locked down 1 1/2 continents by myself...well, it was the test server. :p
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-30, 12:12 AM
Tell me the time of day and I might be impressed :lol:
2003-09-30, 12:24 AM
Captured our home continents about 10 Pacific and went from their. Not sure when that exact screen was taken, but it was fairly early for a Friday evening on a Pacific server.
2003-09-30, 10:19 AM
And the TR cry about their upcoming nerf? :rolleyes:
2003-09-30, 10:36 AM
thats pretty cool.
2003-09-30, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by ghost018
If you mean hack the base, capture, and leave....then yes. The rest of us took the time to defend. see how well we work together, you defend and we attack.:D
Who was the leading outfit anyways? D2A? My outfit (TGIF)? One of the other leading outfits?
And ya know for once i was kidna mad at my outfit, back on Sunday we were raiding Cyssor. Once we got like halfway through Cyssor, the person currently taking command of the outfit suddenly said, "k, Forseral everyone, the nc are pushing there again." yes we should defend our home contenent, but when we got so far into Cyssor? I mean Forseral turning blue isn't anything different, cyssor is. Dunno, I was kinda pissed that night.
2003-09-30, 04:47 PM
Imagine if they put sanc strikes in around the same time as the balane patch. OMFG the tr are going 2 be on the nc and vs sancts 24/7.
And about sanc strikes, i think the reason they would do them is to let people hack the oppsing empires terms and get there empire specific stuff. Cause as you all know, you can fire a wepon or use a knife or ace on the sancts.
2003-09-30, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER�GHO�T
Who was the leading outfit anyways? D2A? My outfit (TGIF)? One of the other leading outfits?
There wasn't a single Outfit running the show the other night. I know that Medic2 and Deathwish typically turn Command Channel off unless they need something or are telling everyone else where they're going to be next, irregardless of where they're needed. I used to know blckhazeI pretty well, and I've yet to see KhanClan refuse to support any other CR5. Those guys were/are pretty cooperative and don't drip with arrogance & elitism when discussing action with the rest of us, nor do they abuse the Command Rank abilities with which they've earned. But anyway, communication was great that night, as you can see.
Yes, there are far too many arrogant TR CR5s on Markov. Merk and DxmZombie are my 2 personal faves, and are on strict "kill on sight" notice due to their useless bumbling and awful tactics. What really chapped my ass last night was when DxmZombie suddenly arrives on Ishundar after a couple random squads of us had been slowly pushing the NC south (we made it 3 bases in, past Akkan to where the links fork to a Biolab and a Tech plant), and starts barking out orders telling everyone to change course and head for the north eastern links.
Myself and the other squad leader who had been on the ground for the better part of 2 hours tried sending him Tells to let him know the action was south and that we were in dire need of reinforcements, to which we get replies that amount to "Well I'm TCCI and we run the show here, so come up north or die by yourselves." Which is not exactly helpful, so anyways we carry on while DxmZombie and his moronic hordes swept the east side of the cont meeting no resistance, and constantly spamming the cont with "ok I need a couple infils to go take the towers for us.. it's quiet here too guys, lets just wait out the cap then move on..."
When things started getting desperate at Neit we'd still try and ask for some help and eventually we were put on IGNORE by the moron. Anyways, we ended up getting Ishundar back, and I'm sure he was patting himself on the back and laughing at us for asking for help in what would have appeared to him as a cakewalk... Well anyways, I guess TCCI pulled their "weight" although they sure are a bunch of scrawny little punks. And for that, DxmZombie the pathetic excuse for a commander will be killed on sight from now on. :p
Originally posted by EVILPIG
And the TR cry about their upcoming nerf? :rolleyes:
a much needed one. Strikers are crazy when you're in a skeeter.
2003-09-30, 09:55 PM
Medic2 and Deathwish using teamspeak perhaps? :confused:
and how come i dont see you spamming the global chats? :D It be nice to read PSU text ingame. :nod:
Originally posted by ghost018
But anyway, communication was great that night, as you can see. mmm, amagine if platoons where in. :drool:
2003-09-30, 10:52 PM
The whole CAX break-away discussion has been beat to death in the Terran Alliance forums. If you want to know why I feel the way I do, read what I've posted there in the 4 locked threads regarding it.
I hardly ever have a need to broadcast something outside of a Sphere of Influence. Leading zergs isn't my thing anymore. I used to though, back when I first got CR5. This thread should die, since we're no longer talking about how the Terrans nearly took over the world. KTHX.
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