View Full Version : New Vehicle Ideas

2003-10-02, 10:02 PM
Just wanted to see if anyone's got any interesting ideas

me, I have a few

1. Naval craft
2. Super-heavy tanks would be nice
3. Jetbikes

only WH40k players would know these
4. Dreadnoughts
5. Titans (impractical, but VERY cool if they had them)

and how about a Baneblade for the super-heavy :thumbsup:

EDIT: fine how's this

A Dreadnought is basically a walking armored sarcophagus with either a large-caliber machine gun or an anti-armor gun (usually something like a laser or plasma cannon) attached to one shoulder, and a power fist on the other side. The power fist usually has a flamethrower strapped beneath it.

A Titan is monstrously huge(even the smaller variations are like 200 feet tall), and so powerful and well-armoured it could very likely take down a good 40-50 Vanguards before it got seriously damaged (it has shields). The Titan is so large that seperate people are needed to operate the limbs (thats why its impractical).

A Baneblade is, well, hmmm.....
Imagine this. It's a tank the size of probably 2 or 3 Vanguards, with guns all over it. Big ones. Plus shields.

2003-10-02, 10:04 PM
only WH40k players would know these

sounds good but go into more detail. and we dont want to hear about wh40k. you would've figured that out when you typed in the website url.

2003-10-02, 10:35 PM
Have you even thought about what the game would be like if these were added?

2003-10-02, 10:53 PM
if u ask me.. atvs should be able to deploy ramps for base invading airbourne raiding fun! lol... I just want to try to jump a wall in an atv and see if it works

2003-10-02, 11:25 PM
10-20 vanguards:eek: I dont even wanna think about the infantry killed along the way:scared:

2003-10-03, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by Prophaniti
A Dreadnought is basically a walking armored sarcophagus with either a large-caliber machine gun or an anti-armor gun (usually something like a laser or plasma cannon) attached to one shoulder, and a power fist on the other side. The power fist usually has a flamethrower strapped beneath it.

A Titan is monstrously huge(even the smaller variations are like 200 feet tall), and so powerful and well-armoured it could very likely take down a good 40-50 Vanguards before it got seriously damaged (it has shields). The Titan is so large that seperate people are needed to operate the limbs (thats why its impractical).

A Baneblade is, well, hmmm.....
Imagine this. It's a tank the size of probably 2 or 3 Vanguards, with guns all over it. Big ones. Plus shields. Shit, thats like 3 walking orbital strikes! And dont tell me they're balanced by having 1% armor.:rolleyes:

I would just wana see a flying troop carrier, like a blackhawk with the atributes of a skeeter....dunno, maybe it should be alittle slower than the skeet?:confused:

2003-10-03, 02:18 AM
how about if the if there were 1 kinda HUGE titan like thing that romed each continent now these would be hacked like any normal tower except they move around. to capture one u would have to spend the whole day flyin around the continent lookin for it and if u do these things have guns like a tower yet so toget in u must hot drop on the top of it, then u have to fight the crew thats in it, also the crews have guns on the outside of the titan like the gunners postion on a tank, and u if capture if lets say the Vanu Cap it would have laser weapons and could hover instead of walk.Terran would sport more weapons meaning u need more people to use it effectivley.Conglomerates would have more fire power yet not that many weapons on it. Also each continent has its own "model" meaning like on hossin due to all those trees it would be smaller and cloer to the ground thus making it the hardest to find yet the good side of capturing it would be that u can now sweep the continent easily tell me wat ya all think

2003-10-03, 04:43 AM
Titans, no. The devs have already said no big 'Mechs because the walking mechanics at that size become a nightmare (besides the obvious balance problems.)

Dreadnoughts, though... they'd essentially be really big MAXes you buy at vehicle pads. The basic Dreddie, for those who don't play WH40K, is about 3-4x the size of a MAX, and actually not hideously over-armed for it's size. With a bit of tweaking I could see "super-MAXes" being added to the arsenals of each Empire.

As for Baneblades... hey, the current tanks we have are listed as MEDIUM tanks... :D

Naval craft are coming in a later expansion, and jetbikes? I actually think that's more or less what the "alien ATV" in Core Combat is.

2003-10-03, 05:14 AM
then i will just have to brain wash the devs and make them do as a see fit :domotwak: :devilwink :sniper:

2003-10-03, 10:16 AM
only WH40k players would know these
4. Dreadnoughts
5. Titans (impractical, but VERY cool if they had them)

I love warhammer 40000, i have 2000 points tau, and 2500 points black templar space marines.

Dreadnought would be cool, but it would have to cost like 18 Certificates right? like a 25 foot walking mech carrying the body of a fallen warrior would be a little extreme(unless it got into close combat then it would be insane) or a titan, a 200-500 foot walking death machine would be ok, but it would cost like
15000 BR's let alone the amount of ppl u would need with to run it, or the fact it could take the entire island while standing on the tallest mountain and leveling every base.

2003-10-03, 02:24 PM

Titans = Teh no
They would be overpowered and get old really quick, the complaints would never stop. Comon a zerg with one of those??!!!

Dreadnaughts = Teh no
What we have in the way is fine for Max-esque suits. The only thing i would suggest is the common pool max which was floating around for a while on these forums

Baneblade-esque Super Heavy tank = Teh YES
But first we just need heavy tanks. This would be friggin disgusting yet so mind blowing. Think about it, people complain about the Prowler cause it needs 3 gunners. So if logically the lightning tank is a "Light" tank and it needs 1 gunner and the Vanguard and Magrider need 2, with Prowler calling for 3, this means that a heavy tank would need 3-4 people and the "super heavy" would need more???!!!! If people really beleive that the prowler needs too many people to use effectively, and they arent just empire whining, then s much for more crew in vehicles.

If you take a look at the earlier post it has a readout on the Baneblades weapons. Bassically and uber powerfull cannon on turret. Then front firing big cannon. Then Multiple Lancers facing front. Then at least 3 20+mm machine guns on sides and front. Thats ALOT of weaponry. The only thing that might make it balanced is high crew, and if the crew all or at least the ones driving and manning the bigger guns, needed to have the cert. Maybe if they had a reduced, "gunner" cert. Even if it was only one or two points, i think it would lend a hand at balance.

Just my thoughts.

2003-10-03, 02:36 PM
Screw titans. I want raiders!

2003-10-03, 03:36 PM
Dreadnoughts would have to be bought at vehicle terms and whare do the Leman Russ and Baskalisk go?

The game need to have tactics. Yeah know a plan. Think of have a few baskalisks (warhammer40k long distance attack tank) on the other side of the mountain waiting for coordinates and then haveing all forces moving in flanks.

We nee another empire. How about a alien race. Like from starship troopers. Their standard suit would be like a tyranid. Like spiky arms which can be only used for close range and slice you in half, but then they get to go fast. Their heavy support would be the thing that shootsa things out of his butt.

we need morte to this game.

HEY PS PROGRAMMERS GO TO www. games-workshop.com and look at the warhammer 40,000 units.

P.S. who ever is telling up to shut up about warhammer should get a life. Were only bringing BETTER ideas to the game.


2003-10-03, 04:25 PM
once again,

You realize that if they do take your advice and go to gamesworkshop, and take your advice and copy the units, thats were we develop me and alot of other people like to call copyright infringement!!! And yes, even if you dont call it a Basalisk or Leman Russ, they can and will figure it out.

And to top it off, i play WH40K and WHFB and 40K would add nothing to this game. Trust me. And this is not the place to talk about anything warhammer aside from maybe an analogy or 2. So if your gonna geta stick up your butt about people telling you to shut up, then take it were it belongs: Lounge.

2003-10-03, 09:53 PM
I'd like to see a 5-cert super MAX available at tech-linked vehicle pads. Give it the empire's Heavy Assault on one arm, Anti-Vehicular on the other, and make it too big to fit into doors. Why only 5 certs? Well if it was that big it would basically be a walking bullet magnet, so its survivability would likely be quite low.

2003-10-03, 10:39 PM
I would like to see a low to the ground chickenlegged mech thing about the size of a harraser but taller. have lock on missles and a rifle thing. i would have Jump jets to. think Bushwacker from Battle tech(Mechwarrior) just a bit more fun.

God i love that mech i'll have to get back into playing it.

2003-10-03, 10:43 PM
like a hover-skateboard with missile launchers, and definatley naval stuff

2003-10-03, 10:54 PM
like a hover-skateboard with missile launchers,

yes Im fairly certain this is never going to happen as long as I am alive.

2003-10-03, 10:55 PM
it'd be awesome though:p

2003-10-03, 10:59 PM
as fun as it would be, I'd hate to command a tactical assault and be overrun by these things, spamming missles like a reaver.

2003-10-04, 12:12 AM
My ideas for mechs'

Terran:2 leged walker, the pilot gets in from the fornt(Think of the cargo loader form alien with the pilot sort of exposed) each arm would have a chaingun, and on its back it would have 2 strikers, it would also have anchors

Vanu:4 leged walker, (think of a beetle with a Railgun on its back) it would only have one very buffed railgun, it could play a sniper role and to fill that it could choose to undeploy its legs and hover around(cant shoot) so it can get to a good sniper spot

NC:2 legged walker(looks like a hilander from mech warrior, like terran one but taller and closed cockpit)it could have a large "demolsher cannon" one its shoulder then on its 2 arms it could have some kind of close range tractor beams to pull its target in half

all 5 certs and maybe a 20 minute recharge

2003-10-04, 12:53 AM
There will never be Mechs, the dev's said it many moons ago well before beta.

2003-10-04, 12:59 AM
its not that style of games. you want mechs, play mechwarrior.

2003-10-04, 01:46 AM
this is planetside not WH40k so if u wanna go make this mmoWh40k go somewhere else because this isnt www.wh40k-universe.com its www.planetside-universe.com.

2003-10-04, 11:08 AM
PYRO_Man, laying the smack down with the painfully obvious.

2003-10-04, 10:56 PM
Hamma, did you really have to ruin my fun? Just kidding. As to those who are trying (cough cough failing ) to burn me about this, I really wasn't suggesting outright plagiarism. I was only saying that the devs could draw rough ideas of cool new stuff to put some new life into PS.

2003-10-05, 01:14 AM
I'm just bringing some realism to the conversation :D

2003-10-05, 12:49 PM
One vehicle that neads to be implemented(sp?) is a light transport similer to a flying deliverer. A liberator nose gun would be the pilots wepon. while 2 other people would be gunners. It would be able to cary a total of 6 people. 1 pilot, 2 gunners, 2 pasengers, and 1 max unit. in adition to being a light transport it could be a strafing gunship. it would only be able to be bought at baces linked to amp stations, dropship centers and tech plants. top spead could be around 90 kph and afterburner could preafly bump this up to 140 kph.

please forgive my bad spelling for english is not my main language.
any inputs on this idea would be welcome.

Neon Apocalypse
2003-10-05, 03:27 PM
Technically magrider is already a form of naval combat. And to have naval combat we would need bases in the sea. And shipyards also. Underwater facilities would be cool too. And at sanctuarys we could have a very large shuttle sub. It could shoot you to the base u want. And maybe some icbms on the sub. That would be cool. Hoverboards could be like infantry naval combat. Imagine that. But all these vehicles would require lots of certs. So we need higher battleranks than 20. This may be a cool addition.