View Full Version : Nasty /tells, got any lately?
2003-10-03, 04:40 AM
Well, I finally did it. I made someone so mad by killing them over and over again, they had to send me a nasty /tell. And if that wasn't grand enough, they put me on /ignore so they could hide. You ever had one of these?
I realize the chance of them reading this is small to nil, but I got to get it out.
Oh poor "Dcupps"! Being a BR7 NC with 36 kills to your name and packing a Jackhammer made you lose your mind I'm afraid. You really shouldn't go assaulting an Interlink facility all by yourself. Especially when it's being guarded by a BR18 Lightning driver.
The fact that I even killed you twice with my Pulsar at close quarters should have told you that you needed some back up. Or at least some more practice with that big shotgun. But no, you kept respawning and running around with your big red radar siqnature blinking away for every one to see.
After killing you over and over again with little more than a scratch to myself, you have the audacity to claim you're better than me and that I should get some skills.:huh:
Long after I sent you to the otherside of the continent, I still held that base until a squad of TR finally pushed me out. Unlike you, I went down fighting and didn't get upset when someone finally got the best of me.
:lol: Well, I really didn't get that upset. I just hate rude people. Especially the dumb ones.
2003-10-03, 05:31 AM
Well, other then one especially clever friendly cloaker i sniped on accident, the closest thing to a hate tell i have ever gotten is some guys SL /telling me something to the effect of "you should here what _____ is screaming about you, it's kinda funny" when I was spawncamping a lone NC with a suppressor I took off one of his many corpses (my rocklet was dry by the third kill since i was in pilot gear.)
Don't usually spawn camp but since i don't have hacking or anything to blow the tubes with i couldn't take the tower, so i just healed/repaired myself after every time hoping the bastard would have enough sense to spawn elsewhere. Unfortantly he finally took me down in no less then ten, and more likely a lot more tries.
Kind of a weak entry, i know, but i still find it extremely funny that i got a guy so mad his SL wanted to tell me about it.
2003-10-03, 08:17 AM
i got mabe....10 hate tells since i got CR5 on tuesday....:rolleyes:
2003-10-03, 08:52 AM
I remember one time, I killed a JH reinforced with my sweeper and he sent me a hate tell that I suck and need more skills. A few minutes later after I told him what I thought abiut him, he said, accually, your kinda good. We talked and we started playin together after that, funny.
2003-10-03, 09:31 AM
I ran over a friendly Max with my AMS leaving a freshly hacked base. He sent a tell, "how do you freaking run over a MAX!?" I tell back, "How do you run in the middle of the road and expect not too" after that at the next base we headed to he comes up to me and says, "I should TK you right now" I said, "Ok" (standing infront of my deployed AMS, but he left me alone after that.
So here's a tip, when you are on foot (including MAXes) stay to one side or the other and let the vehicles through.
My story:
Yesterday Cyssor had a zone crash, and when i logged back in everythign had gone neutral. AFter sitting at faro, watiing for the hack to go through, i got broed. I looked at the map looking for a base that i might be able to sneak into and cap(im an infiltrator). So i talk a quick look and notice mukura still has a hack on it, and it's quite far away.
So i head down there in my mosquito, drop at the backdoor, and head down to the CC. I open the door, but dont walk in, and the area in from of me is filled with lasher fire by a guy named "Khyle". So while hes watching that door and getting all scared. I just walk around the other side of the CC and shoot him in the back with my AMP.
1 guy gaurding the CC, now dead, 30 seconds left on the Vanu hack. :twisted:
Can you guess what happened next?
..."You are lame" - Khyle
2003-10-03, 11:00 AM
yea, good going there 1024, i hated that the zone had to crash like that, but i got a hate tell not to long ago, i never get these.i was driving my ams, gonna deploy it, and i ran someone over, i didnt even have to veer off to kill him really, he was just in my way, and i got a tell, "is that the only way you can get kill punk?" and that shocked me, so i sent him the tell back, "uhhh no, but ummm what happened?" so that sorta shocked him, and he laughed and his stupidity and noobness still remain intact
BTW Vash, YOU SUCK!! jk grats on Cr5, bastard, i started this game before you, and you get Cr5 already
2003-10-03, 11:12 AM
I've had Long term haters his name was Tempted but we eventually stopped cause it was giving us to many Greif points
But it was since the game came out basically we resolved the problem a few weeks ago :D
2003-10-03, 11:21 AM
I don't remember exactly where this took place or who it was since it was a couple of weeks ago, but...
I'm participating in the defense of a tower and base assault. I've just repaired a destroyed wall turret so I hop in. Around the same time there are multiple TR vehicles driving around, mostly mowing. Lots of friendlies in the area.
A Prowler is doing a particularly good job in taking out my fellow VS. A lot of people are trying to kill this thing. I happened to get the kill shot and a fellow VS got caught in the splash from the explosion and so the kill was attributed to me.
"you fucking idiot" was the /tell I got.
On the flip side, a month or so ago when I still had an AMS cert and AMS mowing wasn't such a problem, I was driving from a recently secured base to our next target. As I crested a ridge I noticed--too late--a fellow VS running in the opposite direction. "Squish!"
I sent a /tell to apologize. He informed me that I'd done him a favor since he was running to the base to get a vehicle and that I'd saved him a lot of running.
2003-10-03, 11:47 AM
I rarely get nasty tells from opponents... I usually have nice conversations with my foes.... it's teammates that you usually get crap from.
I got a tell from a guy accusing me of stealing his kill... i told him to go back to EQ.
About the only nasty tell i can remember from an opponent was from a guy i ran over in my skeeter. He started sending me a bunch of tells of just obsenities. I told him that if he couldn't cope with getting killed, he was playing the wrong game, and that he should look into professional psychiatric help.
2003-10-03, 01:30 PM
On Markov, I only get hate tells from other NC. Get called a Lashernoob or a "Exploiting bitch!" (for Lancer sniping) on Emerald alot.
Anyway, so I am gunning this Van, and we have a TR tower encircled and grunts are flooding in, all dying to Pounder fire. All the grunts are down and there is a lul in the fighting, except for this 1 pussy in agile armour who didn't do the only thing you can do against pounders in a tower, rush them. He just stood there, too afraid to go in.
In the lull, he finally works up the guts to go in (alone now) and pulls his REK and hacks the door. He flicks on surge and runs in straight into the face of a pounder coming up from the spawns. I did what any good gunner would do - I put 2 shells into the pounder before it could get up the stairs and out view. Unfortunately he happened to die in the process.
I would like to point out that if I didn't fire, we have another pounder anchored in the tower, and he would have had his shit ruined anyway. Whereas my way, the pounder is dead (+ 3 TR grunts who were to low on the stairs) and so is he.
He sent me hate tells for the next hour or so, I didn't bother ignoring him, he amused me. I was tempted to tk him for the hell of it later, but as funny as that would be, it would probably have crossed the line. Had my whole outfit egging me on to do it over TS.
2003-10-03, 02:01 PM
Cross empire tell's are stupid. The only purpose they serve is to give people bigger e-penii
2003-10-03, 02:04 PM
Haha, someone said E-Penii
And thats a wonderful thing
2003-10-03, 02:11 PM
Here's my fav Tell conversation
I chat with my enemies all the time,s ome of my best friends are in other empire, and it started with a friendly /tell.
I have only had a few nasty /tells, mainly saying something then putting me on ignore.
2003-10-03, 04:40 PM
other day i was a cloaker in a losing battle for a tower. I had just been killed after taking out a bunch with my pounder and was able to respawn and grab cloaker gear right as the tower went VS. While the finished taking out the last few TR, i hid in the corner of the spawn. Anyways you know that downtime of about 1 minute while everyone loots and gets new equip etc. Well about 15 people are in the spawns, so i plant a boomer and run away and detonate. I kill 5 people. Do it again 3 more. I finally got killed. Got a tell from some smacktard ltjohnnyrico calling me a coward. I was like im a cloaker, do u want me to take u head on with my amp uncloaked? hes like shut up u stupid n00b. so we cuss each other out then hes like shut up im br 20 cr 5 u idiot. im like ha ha go cry and then he ignores me. I was bored so i checked his stats. the SOB is only 18 3. Loooozer
Originally posted by Hamma
Here's my fav Tell conversation
Heh, i remember reading that thread.
Stalker with a photographic memory....*shudder* creeeppy...
2003-10-03, 10:19 PM
I got few hate /tells, i dont really mind it, they're usully funny.
But i get confused when i get a good job /tell, although its nice to see we dont only got ingnorant brats out there. One guy blew my reaver apart, i bailed though. And then he killed me. But he said I took out his shield with my bare hand and gun and he wasted a round of rockets at the ground. He i say, was the nicest NC guy out there......or he just got a really bad net connection.
Originally posted by Nitsch
I got a tell from a guy accusing me of stealing his kill... i told him to go back to EQ.
When I first started playing the game I squaded up with some random people and in the middle of a battle me and this guy ran up to a NC and I killed him. "You stole my kill" So this JH comes surging around the corner of the entrance and attacks this team mate. I just stand there watching, once the JH kills my team mate I finish him off in his weakend state. "Why didn't you help me!?!?!?" "Didn't wanna take your kill. : ) " He never said anything or messed with me after that.
2003-10-04, 08:56 AM
I've had nasty tells from a slow player called "adom". All he does is sit in the sanc recurting people for squads so he can get cr5 and spam global. He also tk's alot thats why we kicked him out of are outfit.hes on my nc's chars server.
Oh and ive gotten a nasty tell from a nc cr5 for jumping on his head with my quaser max.:D
2003-10-04, 09:05 AM
To beat a dead horse a lot:
Still a classic.
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