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I am almost certainly going to get this game as soon as possible, but there is one problem. I have no idea which empire to join. I was looking through the information about each, when I realised that it won't depend on the equipment (as I'll pretty much be using only common pool weaponary and items), but the players. So I thought I'd start this thread with the idea that the forum users can come here and explain why they think their chosen Empire is better then the others. (This threat isn't just for me, but for everyone interested in getting the game who doesn't know which empire to join.) Please no reasons such as " TR BECAUSE IT RoXxOr!!"
Thank you for your time.
2003-01-13, 02:05 AM
Vanu BECAUSE IT RoXxOr!! :p
People could argue over this for 100 pages, and even on that 100th page, there wouldnt be a better empire. Find one with some non-common pool stuff you'll like, or maybe an empire with an outfit you like.
2003-01-13, 02:20 AM
Yeah just choose the empire that best suits your tastes. Vanu uses energy weapons, has purple armor and has hover vehicles. TR has faster firing weapons, black and red armor and has well not hovering vehicles. NC has stronger weapons, yellow and blue armor and non hovering vehicles as well. They all have different things about them but they are pretty much evened out as far as abilities. Read about each one and see which one appeals to you more.
2003-01-13, 02:35 AM
I'll make my answer a little more detailed then.
When I decide what side I play for on a game, I look at it from a realistic standpoint. Yeah, it's a game, but if there's a background made for the game, I can't help but make that a major part of which team I'm on.
As such, I feel the Terrans are really the best choice for someone like me. I have a sincere dislike for people who preech about personal freedom and rights, because it's those things which lead to so many problems with society. You simply cannot run things effectively if the feelings of your citizens are top priority.
Therefore, when I read about people rioting and being killed, I can't help but feel a good deal of respect for the TR. If someone starts giving them crap, they make sure it doesn't happen again. Think anyone is planning another demonstration against the government anytime soon? Yeah, me neither.
The other major thing which pushed me Terran is the fact that the other two sides were originally Terran, but they defected. As you might have imagined, I have absolutely no tolerance for disloyalty on any level, and I don't think I could ever seriously play NC or VS because of that. I'd play them just to dick around, but I'd never make a long-term character with them. Playing a turncoat simply isn't something that sits well with me. Also, for the VS and NC players, you don't need to justify yourself, if you were considering it. To each their own, and it's perfectly reasonable if you think it's just a game, and it doesn't matter, because you're right. It's opinion, nothing more.
I get the feeling I didn't explain my point well. I didn't want to start a debate over who "RoXxOr", but to find out the general disposition of the gamers. E.G, if a majority of NC players reply saying "NC because they stand for peace and freedom" I'm more likely to join NC. And if most TR players reply saying "TR Because the guns can blow sh!t up good!", most people who want to play with mature gamers won't join them.
Or maybe this is just a complete waste of time. My bad.
2003-01-13, 05:35 AM
You'd better go to each of the Empires official site and only then decide for yourself
PlanetSide (
I already have, but thanks anyway.
The irony is, I've been looking around and have seen some similarities in the people in the same empire as each other.
NC: These seem to be the most Intense players. Like the empire they represent who believe in their philosophy fiercely, and will defend their freedom with their constant respawned lives.
Vanu: These players seem to hold themselves almost aloft from others. Interesting... as that seems to be what the Vanu's want, Humans who are better then their fellow man ect.
TR: I almost can't tell any of the Terran Republic players apart. They are all nearly clones of each other. If it wasn't for the different sigs ect you would all be the row upon row of Terran soldiers ready to go out and battle against Anarchy.
Looking back on what I've just written, it would probably be better for you to ignore those particular ravings.
2003-01-13, 06:01 AM
My two cents.....
Terran Republic - Futuristic Nazi's. They seem to be like big ass whores, like they are dictators and lots of bad things, I never liked them.
Vanu Sovereignty - Techie people. I don't have much to argue but these are the people who believe a strong weapon will kick all your ass'. To me, they seem like they don't really have a major purpose, just out there to kill TR, and gain tech. while they are at all.
New Conglomerate - These guys are your futuristic United States. Fight for the freedom, this this, that that, etc.. These guys hate TR for what they "did" and what not, so they decide to go in and kick some ass for freedom, and become the New United States.
These are all my opinions, don't say I'm wrong, or why you think, because it doesn't matter. Why? Because they are my opinions and nobodys opinions can be wrong. Even if my facts are wrong, you still can't call my opinion wrong. But your more than welcome to point out unknown/mixed facts that I might have about the Empires. But none the less, my opinion. :D
2003-01-13, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by [sF]Diego
My two cents.....
Terran Republic - Futuristic Nazi's. They seem to be like big ass whores, like they are dictators and lots of bad things, I never liked them.
Vanu Sovereignty - Techie people. I don't have much to argue but these are the people who believe a strong weapon will kick all your ass'. To me, they seem like they don't really have a major purpose, just out there to kill TR, and gain tech. while they are at all.
New Conglomerate - These guys are your futuristic United States. Fight for the freedom, this this, that that, etc.. These guys hate TR for what they "did" and what not, so they decide to go in and kick some ass for freedom, and become the New United States.
These are all my opinions, don't say I'm wrong, or why you think, because it doesn't matter. Why? Because they are my opinions and nobodys opinions can be wrong. Even if my facts are wrong, you still can't call my opinion wrong. But your more than welcome to point out unknown/mixed facts that I might have about the Empires. But none the less, my opinion. :D
Everyone Is entitled to their own opinion, yes, even you :D but the TR aren't "Nazis", we just believe ir freedom, with order. Ones freedom ends where anothers freedom begins.
Uncontrolled freedom would just lead to self-destruction.
The NC is more like an anarchy movement than anything else.
The Vanu... well the Vanu are the Vanu. A bunch of techno geeks that thing its cool to fuse with machines. Hey, if they want a floppy drive where their brain used to be, that's with them. Just don't come and get all "terminator" with the rest of us.
A moderated human-machine interface would be quite acceptable, but you guys take it too far.
Well, that is MY opinion as a TR.
I'm open to other opinions ;)
2003-01-13, 07:44 AM
you could also say that they are nazis bcause in
'...we just believe ir freedom, with order. Ones freedom ends where anothers freedom begins.'
you kinda say:-
'...yeah we want freedom. but only for us. nyone else? kablamo. wot u mean you disagree? kablamo. so you think the same then? good. kablmamo. whoops...'
2003-01-13, 07:50 AM
Thats not what it means.
It means you're free do do whatever unless it cuts down on another persons freedom. I ment it as the freedom of the individual and not the whole.
Its the base of law and order ;)
2003-01-13, 08:13 AM
Ok Its My Turn:
I picked NC and this is why:
It reminds me of the beginning of the United States when we fought for our independance against the English back in the day. And I see the TR as the English(Or futuristicly a Corporate Government). And if I was back in that time I would be one of the first to take up arms against Tyrrany and Control and for our freedom.
Now the Vanu. They just seem like a CULT, like those freakin Raeliens(clones YEA RIGHT!). And I dont like Cults, and people who put themselves above everyone else.
Thats why I choose NC. You can agree or disagree but its my Opinion.
:mad: :mad: :mad: FREEDOM!!!
2003-01-13, 08:42 AM
I am going to join common pool.
2003-01-13, 08:47 AM
Hamma are you smoking Crack? You got dem Eyes!
Common Pool?
2003-01-13, 10:45 AM
I choose NC cause IV is going NC.
i frankly dont care about the sides...just wanna play with people i know.
im goin tr mainly cuz of the fact that i kill people better with rapid fireing weapons with big fat clips. thats it.
well, that and CDL is in tr otherwise id prolly be vanu cuz they look cool and they follow my philosophical and political beliefs. j/k :-p
After all this is a FPS, not a RPG.....choose the side u think u will be most effective as a soldier and get ready for war!
2003-01-13, 01:11 PM
Hmmm... why dont I see any Vanu posting their opinions? :brow:
2003-01-13, 01:21 PM
hi! im the new guy ;)
im probably going to go NC, simply cause i like some of their weapons, and the colour scheme rocks. i read all the websites and hated and like a little bit about each.
TR seems to be a Fascist government, and the vanu (communists) and the NC (tree hugging hippies) all have their reasons to split. in the long term, i wanted to join a team where people i know would play. I'm still drumming up support from my mates down here in australia and hopefully we'll be a force to reckon with on your servers.
oh and the NC being the USA ? please...
2003-01-13, 01:26 PM
Gaday m8
NC=Anarchists :D
Looks like the number 1 reason of joining a certain Empire is where ur m8s are...
2003-01-13, 01:28 PM
YES the NC being the USA(Not modern USA that be TR)
Yes the US back in the DAY, when we battled for our freedom under England(you know that HISTORY stuff? Maybe Auzzies dont know much about American History I dont know much about yours xpt it was started by a bunch of Criminals)
Other than that I know jack about Australia exept what I learn for Steve Irwin(He ROCKS!!!)
2003-01-13, 01:32 PM
Get the pattern... :p
2003-01-13, 01:35 PM
No you lost me on that one......
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
2003-01-13, 01:38 PM
The NC is not like this or that.
The NC is the NC.
The same for the others :D
2003-01-13, 01:43 PM
Wait, so this means Japan is Kosova, and North Korea is Russia? What? Blitz you confused me here... Where am I? What?! AHH!
2003-01-13, 01:50 PM
You make my head hurt Diego...
I mean...
2003-01-13, 01:54 PM
Da'ha! I win! :D :D :D
2003-01-13, 01:58 PM
Na'haaaaaa :nono:
2003-01-13, 02:18 PM
I was personally choosing not to voice what I think because I really don't want another flame thread but I guess it's a little late for that.
I will say one thing. Most of what you all are posting is extremely retarded. You are posting about what a empire stands for and how they are great obviously know very little about the other empires. I understand you're a little biased towards the empire you chose but if you're basing your decision off the background of the game you need to read the whole thing.
Vanu aren't just 'techno geeks". They found a "lost technology" on a planet which had the potential to further mankind but then the nazi TRs come in and tell them to stop everything and do what they're told. hmmm Nazis? I think so. They're afraid of new technology so they figure "let's just force them to stop all research." Vanu said F(*% you and now they're at war.
The NC seem really pissed off at the TR for obvious reasons, there is some bad blood there due to events that happened in the past. The NC seem to just view the Vanu as an obstacle to conquering everything. They want to overthrow the TR and basically establish themselves as the new TR who uses freedom as a front for their bs views. :nazi:
If I see another empire= country post someone is going to die. I'll start with the poster and work my way up from there.
Hamma we can start a common pool outfit :D
2003-01-13, 03:11 PM
That would be funny if eeventually if an outfit got large enough they could become their own gov. Heh, sort of stupid but would be interesting.
2003-01-13, 03:36 PM
We could name it... Common pool! :lol:
2003-01-13, 03:44 PM
I have chosen NC because Derisor has said he is going to go to Vanu.
Once the word gets out the Vanu pledges should drop like a rock.
2003-01-13, 03:47 PM
riiiight... :huh:
2003-01-13, 03:48 PM
TR = The moon!
VS = Venus!
NC = Cheese!
No relatipn to the gods. This seems to be the same importance of calling the NC the U.S.
2003-01-13, 03:50 PM
/me prepares for Sputty's death :lol:
2003-01-13, 03:51 PM
:flamemad: - Me burning in hell because I died.
2003-01-13, 04:01 PM
BURN BURN BURN!!! :evil:
2003-01-13, 04:02 PM
All empires have something that appeal to me.
Therefore I'll probably choose the one I find least offensive / will be most interesting to play as.
2003-01-13, 04:05 PM
TR RULEZ ALL U ALL SUXXORZZ MEGA MGEAG!!!!!! ROFL U DA NOOBS!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
- Just kidding, if you couldn't tell.
2003-01-13, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
We could name it... Common pool! :lol:
Who pee'd in the common pool? :mad:
2003-01-13, 04:11 PM
Sorry, my bladder is small and I drink heavily.:cheers:
2003-01-13, 04:22 PM
Vanu aren't just 'techno geeks". They found a "lost technology" on a planet which had the potential to further mankind but then the nazi TRs come in and tell them to stop everything and do what they're told. hmmm Nazis? I think so. They're afraid of new technology so they figure "let's just force them to stop all research."
I'd have ordered research to be stopped also. You can't just jump on technology like that, because you can't predict what the consequences would be. Obviously the TR concerns were unfounded, but they were very likely just doing it by the book. If they find a new technology, they secure it and ship it back to some research facility somewhere else. They don't drop their shovels and pickaxes and start pushing buttons. Choosing to rebel from your government because they didn't instantly begin researching alien technology is an extremely crappy reason to completely rebel from them. The way it seems to me is that the Vanu formed because they recognized the power of the technology, and they wanted to use it against the Republic to claim power for themselves.
2003-01-13, 04:26 PM
Going to have to disagree with you on that one. Seems to me like the Vanu formed after the TR failed to recognize that the researchers were researching the technology for the benefit of mankind. Sure it's risky but to further mankind risks should be taken. As for by the book? No I don't think so. TR probably didn't want the new technology because it might have had the potential to make it's citizens more powerful thus making it harder for the Nazi tyrants to keep a stranglehold on everyone.
God why the hell am I even having this conversation it's a background story!!!
AHHH /me rams head into wall
2003-01-13, 04:31 PM
NC is in no way shape or form like the old U.S nor is TR like the U.K. NC just dont seem to think that TR rules as liberally as they would like so went off on thier own. But why not settle on the ther side of the world? Why die in some dumb ass war against TR who dont have and power over NC anyway?
2003-01-13, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Jester
TR seems to be a Fascist government, and the vanu (communists) and the NC (tree hugging hippies)
well... when you put it like that, I guess I'll be joining Hamma's common pool.
Basically, I think you should find people that you like and know will be playing and be in whatever empire they are in. It's just a game, so find some friends, get in a group, and go kill whoever looks different from you. :D
Camping Carl
2003-01-13, 05:09 PM
Allright, the truth is TR and NC both rock, but the vanu suck, so don't join them.
The vanu suck because:
1. they're mostly 14 year-old wannabe snipers.
2. their colors
3. their guns (real men shoot lead)
4. their styrofoam armor, because they think speed will help them dodge bullets, but it doesn't work that way in an fps.
5. their symbol
6. their pansy floating vehicles
7. everyone will hunt them because of the above reasons, so you'll be dying a lot if you do join them.
8. I'll be hunting you if you're vanu.
2003-01-13, 05:14 PM
"Real men shoot lead" is right.
2003-01-13, 05:24 PM
Ok warbaby, you are pretty contradictory. You said, I quote, "Therefore, when I read about people rioting and being killed, I can't help but feel a good deal of respect for the TR. If someone starts giving them crap, they make sure it doesn't happen again. Think anyone is planning another demonstration against the government anytime soon? Yeah, me neither."
WTF DO YOU CALL THE GODDAMN NC!?!?!?!?!???? They are a demonstration against the government if I ever frickin saw one! Yeah, the TR did a good frickin job of scaring people into submission, there are 2 goddamn EMPIRES who are not AT ALL SCARED of fighting the TR.
Flame off.
I am prob going NC because Of their weapons. I like to expose myself as little as possible, cuz of snipers. THerefore, I do not have much time to do whatever. So, if I chose Vanu, I'd have to spend most of my time aiming, cuz I can't spray n' pray. With the TR, I'd have to spend time aiming cuz I have to hit him several times. I think I'm going NC, cuz every bullet with the gauss counts more than one bullet of TR or VS. Also, I've always liked shotguns and wire-guided missiles.
2003-01-13, 05:40 PM
I was pretty dead set on TR until the empire pages came out, now I'm not so sure.
I'll probably just pick the empire with the smallest population when I log on.
VS? No problemo. FLAME ON SWEETY! Spewing lasher rounds sounds like a good way to find cloakers... the shots will arc into them if I'm remotely close. Jump-jet MAXes sound cool too. Not much kick on that pulsar? Great!
NC? Sweet. The Phoenix sounds like a real blast. I consider it to be one of the best weapons in the game. Can't wait to dump all three barrels of a jackhammer into some poor fool's face.
TR? Rock on. Striker's will sweep the sky of all who oppose us. Our foes will fail beneath a hail of bullets.
I'm pretty easy like that. No no no! Not like THAT... not since college. :cool:
Actually, a lot of what I'm looking forward to is in the common pool... the Reaver, the Lightening, oh... the AMS. Can't forget about the AMS.
2003-01-13, 05:44 PM
Yeah, I'm going for Reaver and things like the Punsiher. The best stuff is common-pool in my opinion.
2003-01-13, 05:49 PM
I'll just reply here with my answer even though it has probably been answered 1000 times already...
If you're gonna ONLY use commonpool weapons/vehicles, then the only difference you need to decide on is which color you like better? red, purple, or blue...
2003-01-13, 05:50 PM
Red for me..
2003-01-13, 06:11 PM
Ok warbaby...
That was a zinger with a capital z.
You said, I quote, "Therefore, when I read about people rioting and being killed, I can't help but feel a good deal of respect for the TR. If someone starts giving them crap, they make sure it doesn't happen again. Think anyone is planning another demonstration against the government anytime soon? Yeah, me neither."
I call them a bunch of kids (not the players -- the faction) taking advantage of the fact that the TR is a few thousand light-years away, and trying to kill off the tiny pocket of TR loyalists left to claim the world for their own and start up their own little civilization.
They are a demonstration against the government if I ever frickin saw one! Yeah, the TR did a good frickin job of scaring people into submission, there are 2 goddamn EMPIRES who are not AT ALL SCARED of fighting the TR.
Yeah, they are. However, they're not fighting the Terran Republic. They're fighting a bunch of Republic loyalists who are totally cut off from the actual Terran Republic itself. An accurate analogy would be to say that you're not afraid to fight the [Country] Military because you were able to grab a foot soldier when he was going for a piss and kick his ass with your friends.
2003-01-13, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
An accurate analogy would be to say that you're not afraid to fight the [Country] Military because you were able to grab a foot soldier when he was going for a piss and kick his ass with your friends.
Haha... you can be uptight Warborn, but that was funny as hell. I can just see this little scrawny guy getting out of his max and going to relieve himself behind a tree only to get jumped by a bunch of punks. hahahahaha... moron should have went before he left base. :D
Well, I'm glad to see that people are getting into the idea of the game ('my empire can beat up your empire!')
2003-01-13, 11:19 PM
Alright, I am not trying to say "NC is USA!" here, but the situation is similar. "I call them a bunch of kids (not the players -- the faction) taking advantage of the fact that the TR is a few thousand light-years away, and trying to kill off the tiny pocket of TR loyalists left to claim the world for their own and start up their own little civilization." Hmm, lets open up that history book...Continental congress...declaring war on British loyalists in country...british loyalists cut off from country by an ocean...hard to transport troops and supplies effectively over the ocean...yada yad same goddamn story. NOTE: I DO NOT THINK THE NC IS THE US! THIS IS MERELY COMPARING THE SITUATION OF THE REVOLUTION WITH THE SITUATION YOU DESCRIBED!
I love getting dumb flames, gimme some more warborn, pretend I'm Dio...
2003-01-13, 11:28 PM
Alright, I am not trying to say "NC is USA!" here, but the situation is similar. "I call them a bunch of kids (not the players -- the faction) taking advantage of the fact that the TR is a few thousand light-years away, and trying to kill off the tiny pocket of TR loyalists left to claim the world for their own and start up their own little civilization." Hmm, lets open up that history book...Continental congress...declaring war on British loyalists in country...british loyalists cut off from country by an ocean...hard to transport troops and supplies effectively over the ocean...yada yad same goddamn story.
The US fought the entirety of the British Empire. Yes, there was an ocean that separated them, but an ocean can still be traversed, and if I'm not mistaken, that's how the Brits invaded in the first place. The Americans fought (and valiantly so) the British, man to man, and although the French played a part in securing the victory for the United States, the situation was in no way the same. If the British had one of their vessels crash on the American coast, and then the Americans came and killed the shipwrecked seamen, then yes, the situation would be quite similar.
I love getting dumb flames, gimme some more warborn, pretend I'm Dio...
I didn't realize I was flaming anyone.
2003-01-13, 11:37 PM
2 big issues omn empire choosing....,.... Weapons and such(is number 1)....... and amount of people is number 2.... wel I geuss u could to the storyline... becaus e(like terrans) some story lines trash the mpire.. But some times which ever name sounds most Uber might do it.. What ever floats urboat dude.. I posted a thread on it to explain to every one ok?? Later buddy
Camping Carl
2003-01-13, 11:48 PM
Alright, I am not trying to say "NC is USA!" here, but the situation is similar. "I call them a bunch of kids (not the players -- the faction) taking advantage of the fact that the TR is a few thousand light-years away, and trying to kill off the tiny pocket of TR loyalists left to claim the world for their own and start up their own little civilization." Hmm, lets open up that history book...Continental congress...declaring war on British loyalists in country...british loyalists cut off from country by an ocean...hard to transport troops and supplies effectively over the ocean...yada yad same goddamn story. NOTE: I DO NOT THINK THE NC IS THE US! THIS IS MERELY COMPARING THE SITUATION OF THE REVOLUTION WITH THE SITUATION YOU DESCRIBED!
Ya know, I hadn't thought about this one very much. Yeah the NC situation is very much like early america in that, unhappy with the current government, they take advantage of the fact that that gov.'s ability to stop them from rebeling is hindered. Nevermind such details as an ocean being different from a closed wormhole. It's similar because in both cases the ruling gov (tr and britain) was no longer able to bring their full resources to bear.
2003-01-13, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Moloch
I love getting dumb flames, gimme some more warborn, pretend I'm Dio...
That reminds me, I don't think I've seen Dio around today. Where is that l33t whore, anyway??
2003-01-13, 11:59 PM
respect to you warborn, most people would simply flame in response. However, shipwrecked seamen would have a lot weaker foothold than the TR would on Auraxis. As carl said. Argument closed on account of apathy.
2003-01-14, 12:18 AM
In principle, yes, they're both fighting a war for independence. So are the Vanu, actually. That's about it, though, as far as parallels go. But, it's nothing worth drawing out, so we'll agree to disagree on this one.
2003-01-14, 03:21 AM
TR all the way, baby.
I decided to pick the empire that best suited myself. Going purely by the backstory. And let me just get it out right now, that none of this is directed to the PLAYERS, but to the factions.
NC just seem to be a bunch of crazy rebels . They get the idea that they can govern themselves, and decide to betray their heretige, and mutiny. I cannot stand betrayal, so that rules out NC for me.
the VS, to me, are not very intelligent. They are greedy and childish. They wanted the Alien tech, and didn't care about the consequences. When they were told to stop, they threw a tantrum, formed their own faction, and declared war. Not very smart.
TR is aggressive, resourcefull, and effective. All, aspects I respect.
Plus, TR reminds me of The Empire, hehe. Make me a Stormtrooper any day!:father:
2003-01-14, 12:53 PM
Ok i'll be the first and probally the guy to get gunned down BIGTIME by saying
Yes nc seem to be about freedom this freedom that kinda like america as it is now always going off having wars with people when they should stop and think about what there getting themselfs into first.TR are just full of shite because there followers are just gun crazy hippies!.
2003-02-12, 08:31 PM
Stormtrooper huh?
Why would you want to be one of them?
Yeah they may look cool but lets face it, they got owned by Ewoks
I like the TR but i am most likely just going to go to whichever faction has the least amount of people.
I got a problem with the NC in that they remind of punkers walking around with anarchy patches on their jackets saying they are being opressed and hate the government.
:trrocks: :rock:
2003-02-13, 02:26 AM
All of your arguments are flawed. IT IS JUST A GAME. I don't know about you, but I chose wich empire on the stuff that will afect your performance in the battlefield (ie weapons, vehicles and even colors). The belifes of an empire are just story lines to make the game feal more complete, and have nothing to do with anything IMO. The only reasons that makes sence to me to join a empire are: the colors, the weapons, your friends, an outfit, or # of people. I personaly think I am going to join NC because I like the colors (not as cool as the TR's though). I also love the Gauss and the Jackhammer. I don't see any weapons on the TR or VS that look as cool. Also, our MAX shield will be uber (despite what I may have said in the past). But, in the end, you have to decide for yourself. My arguments might have nothing to do with what you are looking for. None of the previous arguments ment anything to me. They diddn't discuss the facts of the empires. They mearly twisted fake propaganda to fit theyer side.
P.S. I already know I can't spell. :D
2003-02-13, 11:10 AM
I could talk crap forever about how VANU OWNZ YOU! but o won't.I'll let my guns do the talking when the games out !!
2003-02-13, 06:38 PM
Lol, Vanu panzy laser guns. Im scared.
2003-02-13, 06:47 PM
All I have to say to the NC people who chose them because they are the faction that promises freedom to its people, think on this fact. The communists promised freedom to the Russians in the Russian Revolution, and gave that "freedom" to them, but at what cost?
2003-02-13, 06:55 PM
This is sort of an old thread... :huh:
2003-02-13, 07:01 PM
TR shoulda gotten a clue with all the riots
:trsucks: :nazi: :trsucks: :nazi:
While NC is abunch of USA wanna be that will become easily curropted do to the lack of centerlized power. a Goverment with lack of power will be curropted just as easily as those with too much power. Just look at the USA right now, there are so many lawsuit flying around many of them really rediculas and yet many still succeed, everyone is just looking for a free ride
As for lead anyone with basic relitivty knowlegde knows that using pure energy weaponary is much more effective then Slug based weaponry. All matter holds energy in it, ALOT of it, that's what makes it matter.When you fire a slug you add some more energy to it, that small amount of energy is then release apon impact. However if you took that same lead slug, distablized it on the weak force level you can extract MASSIVE amounts of energy from that same small slug. This energy can then be used in a weapon, where instead of realitivly low amount of energy being trasfered to the target ALL the energy IS trasfered to the target, for a maximum of damage for minimal investment, luckly the planetside devolpment team savagly reduce the effectiveness of such weaponary to put it on par with casual lead slinging devices...Lucky you:rolleyes:
Vanu Will Return...
2003-02-13, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by DuDeMaN
All I have to say to the NC people who chose them because they are the faction that promises freedom to its people, think on this fact. The communists promised freedom to the Russians in the Russian Revolution, and gave that "freedom" to them, but at what cost?
Correction: The Communists promise equality, not freedom. The only real comparison you can make with a failed revolution is the French Revolution, but lets face it, its the French, and they don't matter. Besides that, the Russians had no expirence at self-govorning because they had been caught in the Feudal system for so long(Russia was Feudal until the russian revolution), so they didn't have any good leaders to stableize the country. It was only after the interum gov. failed to pull out of WW1 that the Bolshivec revolution took control with Lennin.
The NC is prepared due to the required self-governing that a colony requires. Many of us would love to just be by ourselves, but we know the Terrans can't give in peacefully because they would apear weak. The Vanu are trieing to strip the alien technology from all who they deam unworthy. Anything that they see as a blemish in the human race they seek to destroy, so that they can acheive their un-natural perfection.
The NC is a temporary conglomerate that willnot maintain control once the 2 powers opposed to our freedom have been subdued. This war is only posible because the terrans cannot call their massive millitary power from the homeworld to subjegate people who just want to be free. We don't wish to stagnate as the terrans have done, but neither do we charge head-on into something we know nothing about as the Vanu continuealy practice.
Advancement isn't brought by beurocrats and or fanatics, it is brought by people, just ordinary people, who are intelegent and wise enough to understand humanity's animalistic nature. Peace has failed, so take up arms against the decadent Terran opressions and the abomninations that the Vanu wish to create in place of nature. Humans are the dominant species, but we must take our individual fates into our own hands so that we may be prepared for the future that noone can predict.
Your children are your true immortality. For them, join me against the potential doom that could face them.
2003-02-13, 09:53 PM
Thank you sandtrout. Maybe you've redeemed yerself from being knocked out by a tackle :D.
btw, that french comment made me dig up this link ;)\\Commentary\\archive\\200 301\\COM20030131c.html
2003-02-13, 10:25 PM
Damn trout, if I wasn't in a TR outfit already, that would have made me go NC... :eek:
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