View Full Version : Can you please stop, Jagd?

2003-10-03, 04:48 PM
Finally tracked you down somewhere...

I'm really sorry that the Ishundar raid didn't get to you quickly enough on 9-29.-03. However, I don't think you realize that we didn't go there to liberate the current TR squads there. We just went in with a game plan, and executed it. Why on earth would you call me a fool for trying to keep things organized? I told you that the3are1 was the commander for the southern campaign, yet you just harrassed me about it. I was very sincere when I thanked you for talking trash...it really does make one a better commander if he knows how to deal with rude people.

Your TK'ing is already old, and you've only done it twice (both times like a total coward).

This goes for everyone:

CR5s try to accomodate everyone, but it's not always possible. Don't take it personal if everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter.

After I issued the /comis about your TK'ing, I recieved several tells from people that witnessed what had happened. I don't pay to play this game for some idiot to come around and TK me out of a childish fit because they didn't get what they wanted.

So please...just stop. I'm sure you can contain yourself and act like a civilized human being for at least that short amount of time that you see me on the screen. If you're really that mad, just go hit a heavy-bag or something.

Anyways...thanks to everyone else who made that recovery raid a success (at least during the time I was there). TR have been coming together a lot more these days.

DxMzombie - Markov TR

2003-10-03, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Zombie
CR5s try to accomodate everyone, but it's not always possible. Don't take it personal if everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter.
:stupid: :clap:

2003-10-03, 09:42 PM
Look, if you would just stop spamming continents with useless crap like "Well thanks guys, I'm going to bed cya tomorrow everyone" while refusing to answer a simple call for help when it is really needed, then maybe you wouldn't have made any enemies. Squad and Outfit chat are there for a reason, so please use them instead of filling up everybody's screens with mindless small talk. You were inundating my chat window for a good 10 minutes before you ever hit the ground on Ishundar, and when you finally arrived, headed off in the wrong direction and continued spamming the mundane details of your advance, it made my stomache turn. All we needed was a partial squad of reinforcements, and everything would have been fine.

Now most of the CR5s on Markov use continental and global chat responsibly-- to put out calls for ANTs when their outfit cannot furnish one, to notify soldiers of an impending raid or rally point, or to ask for volunteers for defense or escort duty. If you choose to continue to use the faction-wide broadcasting system for personal chatter and what ought to be basic squad operational communication, then myself and my outfit will continue to hunt you down and shoot you like a dog at every possible opportunity.

Can we reach an understanding here? You bet. Don't let me see a flood of your misdirected transmissions in my chat window, and I'll see to it that the TKing stops. And no, I will not put you on ignore because I want to hold you to our deal. Because you ignored me so quickly, you ruined any chance you had at a quick and painless conversation that could have cleared the air. And please Miss Zombie, stop crying to the CSRs. It only amplifies your cowardice.

Good hunting,

2003-10-04, 02:23 PM
I was reading your two posts and for a moment I did not know how to feel on the other i've seen some really great CR5's and some really poor ones. However one day i was standing next to a CR5 and I got a gal brought down on my head, and a very heartfelt apology from the person afterwards that they were aiming for said CR5 and not to heal them because they are a n00b.

I have made this person my personal Jihad and it was our outfit Jihad for a while, good times.

I also need to point out before i post this that i dont post on Markov.

Lets see Jagd's post in a geopolitical light.

Can we reach an understanding here? You bet. Don't let us see a infidel troop in the holy land or encouragement for women to get an education or stop wearing all black total coverage in 110+ weather, and I'll see to it that bombing of your embassies and other civilain targets stops. And no, I will not stay in my cave nor try and stop influencing the world governments by force. Because you failed to agree with me quickly and refuse to take time off of domestic problems at home and the economy I will now have to send stupid young men to fly airliners filled with civilians into your civilian places of trade. And please <not going to address the putting down your opponents by refferring to them as female because hey if you want to sound like your in the second grade thats your business) stop appealing to the UN, the french sell us weapons and you might overall get something done to oppose us.

Jagd I've had a lot of respect for you on this board overall, not a lot of agreement but respect none the less. However that cannot continue, you my friend are a terrorist, I should think this post meets the technical definition of harrassment as well as Terrorism.

As per www.m-w.com
The systematic use of terror, terror as a means of coercion.

Terror as per same source also mean violence.

2003-10-04, 05:28 PM
What stopped this conversation from happening through PM's?

2003-10-04, 06:52 PM
Probly the fact that when their in the game most people dont like to have a drawn out conversation over pm, it detracts from the shooting people.

2003-10-04, 07:11 PM
I'm talking about PM's through these forums. :rolleyes:

2003-10-04, 08:02 PM
It's obviously a public grievance. If someones going to the point of TKing someone in game at every oporunity its definitly a public grievance.

2003-10-04, 09:48 PM
Doppler, mind your business. I don't really care if you choose to call my a "terrorist" it just shows how easily you are influenced by media hype.

This wasn't a public grievance until Zombie made a post about it. Why didn't he PM me? I don't know. Why did he put me on ignore before we could sort out our differences? I don't know. Why did he report me to a CSR, who asked me for an explanation? I don't know, but it's starting to smell like cowardice.

On the up side, the CSR was satisfied with my side of the story, so I'm not sure what great crime you think I've committed. There is a grief system in place for a reason, and 2 TKs is certainly no cause for this kind of hissy fit. Do you honestly believe that I'm the extortionist here?

2003-10-05, 07:09 AM
This is becoming sort of like a train wreck, i can see it happening, I dont want to, but I just got to watch morbidly fascinated.

So along those same lines Ill keep this going.

How was anything I even remotely hinted at similar to "media hype" most of my post was in response to things you said, unless your part of the media in which case oh well. :p

I'm just here to hold everyone to the same standard if you watned this to remain a public grievance your response should have been something like.

Zombie check your PM box well talk about it there.

But no now were here and your making some extremely contradictory statiments?

What Jagd makes accusations of.

And please Miss Zombie, stop crying to the CSRs. It only amplifies your cowardice.

What Jagd actualy says:

.....hunt you down and shoot you like a dog at every possible opportunity.

This is personal thing but usualy dogs being non agressive animal they are either caught unawares when you kill them, or they are fleeing so you are therefore shooting a non agressive target in the back. Which for centuries has been recognized as a extremely cowardly act. But I degress.

Now we have Jagd on the defensive:
Do you honestly believe that I'm the extortionist here?

As opposed to Jagd on the offensive.

......what ought to be basic squad operational communication, then myself and my outfit will continue to hunt you down and shoot you like a dog at every possible opportunity

Yes my friend thats what people call extortion, the actual merits of your argument I cannot judge however your own words are the evidence in this case. Honestly I half expected you to have gone back and edited your old posts when I saw your response I just kept thinking "Wow how can some be so hypocritical" but there they were same as always.

2003-10-05, 12:33 PM
Jagd... dont worry I dont think your a terrorist... not until you start runnign around shouting 'FOR ALLAH!'

2003-10-05, 01:35 PM
It looks like Doppler has dug in with his opinion based on third hand accounts and is now convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is right. All his arguments are based on hearsay, and on his strange attempts at being clever or timely by parroting media propaganda. Terrorists would not exist if they weren't empowered by the Western edutainment industry, have you not figured that out yet?

All the rest of your points are ignorable, since you have absolutely no involvement in what Zombie and I are talking about. The only reason I even replied to you was because you made one of those irresistably ignorant comments and tried to create some inane link to your republican lap dog's description of a terrorist, which gave me no choice but to try and clear the air. I'll try and ignore the rest of your posts now, unless you have any other juicy plums of rhetoric that no educated adult could leave uncontested.

2003-10-05, 01:39 PM
Guys, please: http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/images/vbnewstyle01-blue/sendpm.gif

2003-10-05, 03:03 PM
I'm still trying to puzzle my way through your point Jagd, the problem as far as I can tell is you dont have one, I think everytime you find someone who has a opinion that differs with yours your hurl insults or generalities at them and pray their go away.

Lets try this one more time for the sake of clarity.

I have not at any point said I agreed or disagreed with your point it's simply your methods I differ with.

I'm not going to get into an argument of what causes terrorism because oif you think terrorism is a recent phenomenon your education is extremely lacking. Unlike you I do not believe all the terrorists in the world live in the middle east, or are arabs, I use the example I did because it's the one americans identify because their who are shooting at us (currently). If i was british I might use the IRA, if I was Israeli I might use the Palestinians (and very justifiably vica versa but i get off topic) if I was french I might use the basque. If i was indian I might use the pakistani and again vica versa. If i was greenpeace I might use the french.

If my points are ignorable can they really be irrisably ignorant? Yet another contradiction.

I'm still trying to figure out how my points were based on heresay or third hand accounts when they were dealing with your posts. How is that third hand? Are you saying that your posts are hearsy, finnaly a point we can agree on.

I'll give you my closing thought on this because i'm not sure whether it was an assertion that I was a republican or that merrian webster was a Republican lapdog however.

I'm an independant and registered as such, during the last election i voted for Dubya only becaus I cannot believe that someone who was so close to the previous President could be clean, and then there was the chinese thing.

2) I whould've quoted new oxford if they didnt require a subscription for their online service and I didnt have a hard copy handy.

2003-10-05, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by � � � 4
Guys, please: http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/images/vbnewstyle01-blue/sendpm.gif