View Full Version : Game Physics

2003-01-13, 04:44 AM
Hey, does any one know how good it the games physics engine, how realistic?
Like, how do vehicles respond to collisions or to trees, walls, rocks, water (hey Hamma :D ), other vehicles.
What about running and jumping? Can you jump onto a vehicle and not die (the only prob with halo ;) ), and how realistic are the grenade explosions? Do you fly or do you shred? Or both?
How do you walk and jump on shallow water?

2003-01-13, 05:54 AM
Another question onto his since I dont have an answer at all, does anyone know if they have the whole "UT2k3" thing going on, where you have realistic falls/deaths, or does it follow the whole Tribes 2 thing where they have those death animations that they do no matter what, even in mid-air. (They would be like flying off in the distance but laying down as if ground was there, then smash down and not move an inch, unlike UT2k3 where they would flail in mid air, and smash with immense pain and laughter for others:))

Anyone know?

2003-01-13, 08:19 AM
I have no Idea either but I DO know if this game is NOT the Shiznit,


Talk about a lot of MAD Gammers who probably most of em know a LOT about computers if ya catch my drift!
ROAR!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

2003-01-13, 08:30 AM
Excuse me?

2003-01-13, 08:32 AM
I truly hope they include "ragdoll physics". That is the way that game lean themselves these days.

2003-01-13, 08:40 AM
Excuse Me? What?

I'd say big trouble in little china but.. Isnt Sony based in Japan?

If you are Japaneese It was not a racist thing.

2003-01-13, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Flashingfish
Excuse me?
Don't mind Rev, he is a little whacky.

2003-01-13, 08:49 AM
Is he smokin crack with you!???

2003-01-13, 09:00 AM
i want to know how my buggy will react if i hit ... Hamma :eek:

would he leave a stain or fly a couple hundred feet and crumple into a heap of metal and flesh?

im really not that twisted... well

Camping Carl
2003-01-13, 09:55 AM
The ragdoll physics would have to be figured out by each person's PC individualy, you don't want to slow down the server by making it figure this stuff out. But then, different people might see different things, right? Tho, it's not like this would affect gameplay...

Flame me if I'm way off, I'm not an expert on this stuff.

2003-01-13, 10:11 AM
When I played they were still ironing out allot of the animations. :(

Camping Carl
2003-01-13, 10:16 AM
Animations...damn. Well, no ragdoll physics then.

2003-01-13, 01:31 PM
Raaa!! No rag-doll physics make me unhappy.. That really hurts my outlook on PS. Flame if you want, but I really think rag-dolling makes for a LOT more fun then animations. Animations = Get Older After Second Time Seeing It, and Still Execute the Animation in mid-air (Tribes 2) which was major tarded.. But yeah.. I'm going to go cry..:( :( :(

2003-01-13, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by [sF]Diego
Raaa!! No rag-doll physics make me unhappy.. That really hurts my outlook on PS. Flame if you want, but I really think rag-dolling makes for a LOT more fun then animations. Animations = Get Older After Second Time Seeing It, and Still Execute the Animation in mid-air (Tribes 2) which was major tarded.. But yeah.. I'm going to go cry..:( :( :(

I totally agree with you on that. :thumbsup:

Edit: Except the cry part :D

2003-01-13, 01:52 PM
Cryings the best part and you know it. :D

2003-01-13, 05:02 PM
It kinda pissed me off in T2 when a tank would careen over a hilltop and hit some beotch and he would grab his guts and fall flat while he was flying through the air. I would at least like to see people get sucked under vehicles or launched backwards by grenades.

Also, I hope for frag nades they use the VietCong MP demo version, where concussion does some damage but the shrapnel is da main stuff, so you can crouch or go prone to (hopefully) take less damage. It was useful to drop down behind logs.

2003-01-13, 05:10 PM
I personally can't stand it when a grenade goes off in the next room in a game and I somehow get hurt through the steel reinforced wall that took no damage. :mad:

-- oh yeah, but there's no prone. sorry. I like the idea of being able to hide behind something to stop shrapnel though.

2003-01-13, 06:06 PM


2003-01-13, 06:15 PM

2003-01-13, 06:17 PM
Jetpacks are different dude..

Prone, and Rag-dolling, and the wall thing are all MAJOR important factors.... Jetpacks are.. stupid... They go for ever in games, yet, to current date, we've only maintained 30 Seconds of flight.. :-/

But some of those things suck the big one.. :(

2003-01-13, 06:24 PM
Diego I wasn't being anything remotely close to serious when I said that. If you had been here long enough you would have known that jetpacks, overpowered snipers and... what was the other one? well whatever... those were some of the topics that stirred up alot of debate. I just mention them to bring up fond memories of the good times. :D

As for the prone, rag doll physics and the wall damage... they're not that big of a deal. Prone is fine I guess but you can do without it, just crouch. Rag doll... really it's just something more to look at. Sure it's nice but as long as they die it's fine by me. The wall damage is something that I agree needs to be addressed if it hasn't already. If you're behind a wall or object and an explosion happens on the other side of it there is no reason you should be hurt if that object takes no damage.

2003-01-13, 06:43 PM
Wall damage must definataly be delt with, but i think that a "prone" position might be nice say it makes guns (especially sniper weapons) more acurate **BUT NOT MORE POWERFUL**

just my 2 cents worth

hehehe I love this >>:father:

:domotwak: << and this :D

2003-01-13, 07:08 PM
but i think that a "prone" position might be nice say it makes guns (especially sniper weapons) more acurate **BUT NOT MORE POWERFUL**

I'm sure a game of "find the prone sniper in the foliage before he kills you and all your friends" would be a barrel of monkies for the sniper, but...

2003-01-13, 07:23 PM
I don't know... I think a rousing game of "Strafe the bejeezus out of some poor sap before he can get up and run away" ought to be a load of fun.

But I can see why they left it out, and I'm okay with it.

2003-01-13, 07:25 PM
With the environments this big the snipers already have somewhat of an advantage. They don't need to be able to lay on their stomachs so they're close to impossible to spot.

2003-01-13, 07:47 PM
you all make excelant points i didnt think that suggestion through.

nevermind prone postions, maybe the sniper should be neon orange now too... hmm....

2003-01-13, 08:10 PM
I don't know about neon orange, but how does bright yellow, teal, or red sound?

2003-01-13, 08:11 PM
Sounds damn good to me :D

2003-01-13, 08:30 PM
Sandtaco.. Ugghhh.. So good... **drools**

I think prone adds to realisim, but would suck if it happened, but hey, war is war, and it happens in real life. Rag Doll, I mean come on... Its realisitc.. God damnit add it..

The wall.. Well.. I'll just leave that as it is.. We all know what should be done.. :D

2003-01-13, 11:24 PM
no prone is okeydokey with me, cuz it wouldn't be very feasible in armor, you wouldn't be all that flexible.
However, I do think that concussion should NOT travel through walls and should NOT do lethal damage. Shrapnel should NOT travel through walls and SHOULD do a bit more damage than a Gauss bullet.
I emphasize WAY to much.

2003-01-13, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by [sF]Diego
Sandtaco.. Ugghhh.. So good... **drools**
I don't even want to know. :huh: :huh:

2003-01-14, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by Warborn
I don't know about neon orange, but how does bright yellow, teal, or red sound?

NC snipers are already Yellow and Blue :brow:
We just need to make the glow in the dark now :D

Edit: Heeeey, I'm a Veteran http://clientes.netvisao.pt/higashi/veteran.gif
You all gotta respect me now ya hear, RESPECT

2003-01-14, 05:54 AM
Smoking is bad, Mmmmkay? :D

Cool Smiles:

:jawdrop: popcorn: :bouncy: :drools: :father: :cheers: :rock: :furious:

Eh'heehehehhehehe, Da'hahahahaha! Fear them all!

2003-01-14, 06:17 AM

:D :D :D :D :D

2003-01-14, 08:04 AM
Good boy.. Now go in the kitchen and finish your Pedalite. :)

2003-01-14, 08:14 AM

2003-01-14, 08:23 AM
NO GOD DAMNIT! I didn't say to share it with your brother! Drink your own damn Pedalite and let him drink his milk, he already as his bottle this morning..

2003-01-14, 08:51 AM
this pedrlalite stuff is goo'hic'ood

2003-01-14, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
this pedrlalite stuff is goo'hic'ood

share you bastard
how many damn posts do i need to do b4 i get rid of recruit?

2003-01-14, 10:11 AM
Looks like your cat's been at it too :D

2003-01-14, 04:20 PM
5 more wreck, and you'll have it. I actually don't know, but just do some irrelevant dumbass posts.

2003-01-14, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Wreck
share you bastard
how many damn posts do i need to do b4 i get rid of recruit?
50 total

2003-01-14, 05:21 PM
Watch that spam, hamma might dock you back to recruit for spam..... (where's my pro nazi smiley hamma/??) :nazi:

2003-01-14, 05:37 PM
How many for past Soldier? :D

2003-01-14, 05:39 PM

2003-01-14, 05:55 PM
the death animations in bf1942 for flying through the air, etc. were VERY simple yet they are still hilarious.

Little touches like that add a lot to games

2003-01-14, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Moloch
5 more wreck, and you'll have it. I actually don't know, but just do some irrelevant dumbass posts.

this is officially an irrelevant dumbass post:D

2003-01-15, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
Looks like your cat's been at it too :D

that cat's been at more than just pedalite! that or sum1s supaglued his tuounge down.
WREEEEECK!!! get down here with an irrelevant post! lol. dammit need more posts. i thort it was only 20 to get to soldier.

2003-01-15, 07:58 AM
back on topic, i think begging for and then having a cry about rag doll animations is stupid and petty. then harping on about how tibes 2 didnt have em is stupid, considering its 2 years older

2003-01-15, 09:18 AM
id love to see a tank run down a MAX and see the MAX go ragdolling, but its too heavy. i can just imagine everyone stop shooting to look at a MAX being chased down in slow motion by a tank. only to topple over once it got hit :eek:

perhaps we can make a sport of MAX bowling?

2003-01-15, 09:44 AM
Perhaps..? :D

2003-01-16, 12:16 AM
NAw, I wasn't complaining that T2 didn't have rags, just that because the deaths looked so shitty, every1 should learn from it. Animations would work, they'd just have to have a lot.