View Full Version : Your Worst Experience In PS
2003-10-03, 06:23 PM
What is the worst thing that has happened to u in planetside?
-I saw a cloacker and ordered me and some of my team to chase after and kill him so he cant hack anything, wwe were chasing wen we say a lasher just sitting there, so of course i ignore it and Jimmy2345 goes to pick it up, suddenly boom!!!! the cloaker detonates the mines under hte lasher and kills everyone but the cloaker.
I was so pissed at the VS......
2003-10-03, 06:43 PM
Early beta when I was stuck in the VR sim for 5 hours.
2003-10-03, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by DoomWarrior
What is the worst thing that has happened to u in planetside?
-I saw a cloacker and ordered me and some of my team to chase after and kill him so he cant hack anything, wwe were chasing wen we say a lasher just sitting there, so of course i ignore it and Jimmy2345 goes to pick it up, suddenly boom!!!! the cloaker detonates the mines under hte lasher and kills everyone but the cloaker.
Seeing hamma in a reaver when he was drunk.
2003-10-03, 07:56 PM
that musta looked like me wen i first flew
2003-10-03, 08:58 PM
Yea, I tried playing after having a few drinks at dinner. I wasn't pretty.:doh:
I think my cat could have played better. :)
Flying while hammered isn't so hot (THE FUCKING TREES ARE EVERYWHERE MAN), but damn can I ever rack up the infantry kills when I'm pissed up. Nothing like "instant action" and no regard for personal safety.
2003-10-05, 12:41 AM
First time in a reaver. Had a crappy comp averaging 4 FPS while flying. Freezes every 5 seconds. Yet still I insisted on flying a reaver.
So I'm with the NC and flying about outside a TR base under siege. I can't get anywhere near the action thanks to strikers and general lag. Suddenly I notice a TR ANT driving out from the base. Immediately I start shooting at it with rockets and my gun. Hes basically swerving and going in circles and my controls werent really set up to handle flying. I end up about 2 feet from the ground trying to get the ANT in view.
Then he gets out. Next thing I know I'm staring down a decimator. Thninking I can get this guy on foot I decide to bail. Next thing I know I get crushed by MY OWN REAVER.
I spent about a quarter of the respawn timer with my jaw on the floor after that.
P.S. Am I the only one who thinks its kinda... Wrong to use the Elian Gonzalez pic for ownage purposes?
2003-10-05, 02:31 AM
no your noot but its kinda funny
2003-10-05, 09:37 AM
Having a fully armored, full health max get destroyed by 1 striker shot.
2003-10-05, 10:01 AM
no, elian did get owned, besides no one complains about retarded kids in owned pics, so why should it be consitered wrong to use elian in one? :p
2003-10-05, 10:02 AM
One time I couldnt get a single kill all day...its like everyone had dl on the whole time.
2003-10-05, 10:03 AM
today. i got the entire redcoats outfit on my back by killing jigster, there co after he insulted half his sqad, my outfit and anyone who anyone killed
2003-10-05, 05:04 PM
Anytime I'm driving around in my lighting with full health and shields, drive down a 3 foot steep incline and explode for no apparent reason.
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-05, 08:24 PM
Anytime I'm driving around in my lighting with full health and shields, drive down a 3 foot steep incline and explode for no apparent reason.
2003-10-05, 09:38 PM
When I lag so bad the only way to get out of the game is to flip the power switch.
When I lag really bad, period.
2003-10-06, 01:08 AM
One time I couldnt get a single kill all day...its like everyone had dl on the whole time.
I hate those days, but I've had worse. Here's mine.
I get a small squad togeather(Me and 3 other guys), and decide to do some cont-lock breaking on searhus. I set up a voice server for the squad(which ran pretty well) and we're all in it except for 1 guy. I'm in command and I'm talking pretty much exclusively in the voice, explaining my plan to drive an ant to the crater, drain a base, hack, fill base, and cap base.
I'm driveing my filled ant into the crater. Now, I want to empasize this, it is a long drive from the cyssor gate to the crater, not so much because of the distance, but because an agile without surge can outrun an ant that is going up the road to the crater. It took me a minimum of 15 minutes to get that bitch up there.
I get to the crater and hack the pele tower(the base that we're draining as well). I drive the ANT up to the tower so that I can remember where it is and be able to protect it to some extent.
My squad is inside the base, blasting the gen and whatnot except for the guy who didn't get on the voice host. He happened to be outside, geting into my ant, and driveing it up to the base, where it procedes to be targeted by the wall turrets(either the gen wasnt down yet, or the turrets worked without the gen, I dont know). I see this and imediately panic. The dumbass jumps out of the ant before its compleatly destroid, and I run up to it, hopeing I can get it close enough to the wall so that the turrets cant hit it, and fix it with my glue gun.
As it was sitting, the turrets were fireing just above it, and only scoreing an ocasional hit on it. The ANT was nearly dead, so I couldn't risk trying to repair it where it was. As soon as I get into the drivers seat, the ant takes enough damage to loose control, and the blows up, with me traped inside.
I cuss out the dumbass who drove the ant up to the base and kick him from squad. Then I find him and TK him, telling him to leave the continent. He stick around, shooting my ams with standard ammo. It did no damage, and my squad got a few laughs out of it. After he got a few reveng TKs on me, I decided that it was time to throw the bastard off the continent.
This is difficult to do, and you can rack up a decent amount of grief. I blasted the respawn tubes in the tower we capped, so my AMS was the only spawn point the NC had left on the continent. I undeployed my AMS, killed the bastard, and waited a few seconds after he turned into a backpack before redeploying the AMS and repairing the tower Spawn tubes.
That was the first and last time anyone pissed me off enough for me to throw them off a continent.
2003-10-06, 04:20 AM
2 months to reach br 6... I swear the gods of PS were gunning for me. Every possible kill stolen, every possible hack missed or minimal xp... that was really bad
2003-10-06, 11:31 AM
I hate those days, but I've had worse. Here's mine.
Alright this isn't a flame or anything but man you gotta learn how to spell. Tough break on that one idiot screwing up your ant run though.
togeather = Together
driveing = driving
fireing = firing
ocasional = occasional
hopeing =hoping
I'm not an asshole, I'm sorry man. You have 10x more kills than me so you're better.
2003-10-06, 01:00 PM
Got killed 4 times in 1 night by the same cloaker with a beamer. I was already damaged I tell ya!
2003-10-06, 10:34 PM
Good Lord today was easily the worst day playing planetside i've ever had. I'm now thinking about quitting all together. Now my story:
Logged on right after school (cuz theres nothing else to do) and get in game. Outfit is pretty grim right now so theres no one to play with of course. My friend bismarck288 (hes on forums too) logs on so we get in a squad. I'm having fun at this huge battle on forseral, when i decide i want to get the LLU thinking it will be a few minutes maximum b4 the hack is achieved. Well i end up waiting for 10 minutes till i finally get bored and go and try to amp and boomer some people. I die and then i see that we're starting to gain a huge edge so i go back up. 10 more minutes then i do the same thing, get a few then die respawn. By then I'm getting annoyed becuz im missing a lot of action, the base finally drains and i get the LLU so im like finally. I ask for a ride in local, and i get one from some guy named eggsbenny in a sundy. Well apparently eggs here didnt know wtf he was doing, cuz he proceeds to follow the xact road around the infested NC tower, and up towards Neit. (keep in mind this was the Caer LLU going to ogma). So I'm like WTF ARE U GOING GO TO OGMA! by now we're getting chewed up by a lightning and some aircraft. I am forced to bail into a largly NC infested area where im promptly killed. Meanwhile CR 5's are spamming WTF IS THE LLU DOING. I get some hate tells after that sayin WTF WERE U GOING IDIOT! etc. I calmly explain it wasnt my fault that it was sundy drivers fault, but either way im pissed as all. Well some guy saved the hack thankfully and we're ok. But i'm very angry. To top it off the great Malone sends me a tell saying something stupid like Ha i think the LLU's supposed to go to ogma bud or something smartass like that. I'm in no mood for him so i just tell him to screw off. We get into a small /tell arguement. Well anyways as i'm trying to vent from this incident and salvage my afternoon bismarck tells me hes going NC. (:*( ill miss ya bud). Well this really has me sad now, because most of my friends are not on nemore and arent as active as they were in the summer (obvious nor am i). Bismarcks one of my best friends to squad with and now that hes NC i really feel theres nothing for me on the TR nemore. I'm not going to get into a rant about the balance pass but he said that on the test server the striker is crap the pounder is worse, etc and that we just keep getting nerfed. You kno same old stuff. On top of all this I ctd out again as usual sometime when im playing. Neayz sorry for the long rantic post but i feel like sharing and i needed to get that out. Bai.
2003-10-06, 10:43 PM
I was having a bad day, and having a conversation with my mom, when a infil came up to my MAX and pwned me with an AMP. I think I almost cried.
2003-10-06, 11:17 PM
one day I was trying to infiltrate a base and it was nothing but MAXes flickering their darklight.
2003-10-07, 08:16 AM
I don't own the game, but this happened while I was on my 7 day free trial.
I was in the CC room guarding with handful of people (I was VS), and suddenly an NC with a jackhammer pops in with surge, killing a max. Now there were two maxes in the room, and the two maxes are in a line across from me. He kills one, and the other one is there, and most of the people are not shooting because of grief, only letting off a few rounds carefully (lashers).
I end up shooting after the NC drops, me killing the max. :(
2003-10-07, 11:56 PM
Bah, my spelling sucks because I make most of my posts at around midnight and the wireless keyboard blows nutts(Wireless is for idiots with too much money)
2003-10-13, 01:11 PM
droping from hart just to become stuck there over your own sanc looking like a ass while everyone /tells what happen.
2003-10-13, 04:28 PM
The devs puting out Core Comabt before they fix the hart bug. The one where it makes you crash when droping from the hart.
2003-10-13, 06:10 PM
That is a bug that goes for almost any map loading screen. They will fix it, trust me they hate bugs like that as much as we do. It's just not as easy to fix programming bugs as everyone thinks it is :p
2003-10-13, 07:22 PM
Today I killed someone and magically had all their implants and voice macros and had to delete them all by right clicking and drag my implants from the player menu (default o) to get the proper implants and get them all arranged in proper place. Also running into ZEEDAH with surge and jackhammer anywhere on Johari server. Seems to run a whole lot faster than an infiltrator with surge
2003-10-14, 11:37 AM
Spawning at a fresh base to take two steps out of the tube and get TK'ed cos its being camped by a couple of MAXs.
That really bites me every time.
2003-10-14, 04:32 PM
That is a bug that goes for almost any map loading screen. They will fix it, trust me they hate bugs like that as much as we do. It's just not as easy to fix programming bugs as everyone thinks it is :p
The main reason it takes so long is they like to spend there time doing this: :D
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