View Full Version : Expansions on Outfits....

2003-10-03, 06:31 PM
When i first heard of PS having outfits i thought it would well.....be more,i understand im going to get alot of flames for this but i really wont care

Sub outfits: i see alot of outfits braching off into other ones(making all new outfits) this tends to disrupt organization and leading so heard my idea

The more outfit points the outfit has the more "suboutfits" it can have. in the main outfit menu there would be links to other outfits, when a outfit leader decides to make a suboutfit he would select a leader then he would allow the suboutfit leader to send a message to a member asking if he would like to move to the sub outfit. this would create a outfit and suboutfit chat. when you looked under someones name it would have the outfit and then it would have say...(armored company) for suboutfit, also on their armor it would have a smaller symbol under the outfit logo of the suboutfit.

Outfit doctire:This is alittle far fetched but i had this idea. when a outfit gets big enough it could choose a doctire. the doctire would let you choose a outfit combat standard....like (armord company,light conscripts, heavy grunts,tatical, communiaction, steath,support, tank hunters....ect)armored company would let say allow the outfit to produce tanks faster well heavy grunts would get HA cheaper and AV for more certs well tank hunters get AV cheaper HA for more certs...support would repair and heal faster..steath would get adv hack for 1 cert

i know that might allow people to cheat the cert system but again there just IDEAS

I think this is my best idea: outfits can choose there own home cont, this would change there unifrom accordling and myabe there vehicle layout.......empires would only get to choose form there own 2 conts......so lets say my outfit chooses ceryshen my uniform would turn into snow camo and myabe get thicker, my let say basalisk might get treads instead of wheels...

this might not be to fun but i could provide more depth and theme to a outfit

2003-10-03, 06:50 PM
I like that idea sounds kick ass.

2003-10-03, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by IronWolf
I think this is my best idea: outfits can choose there own home cont, this would change there unifrom accordling and myabe there vehicle layout.......empires would only get to choose form there own 2 conts......so lets say my outfit chooses ceryshen my uniform would turn into snow camo and myabe get thicker, my let say basalisk might get treads instead of wheels...

this might not be to fun but i could provide more depth and theme to a outfit

Cool idea.

2003-10-03, 07:56 PM
Woot abasil with treads, then let it float so i don't have to wory about the one hit kill mines on bridges. Then a harrasser that would be like a half track and upgrader its wepons to a lightings.

And have a wraith with wings

And a skeeter with lock on missles like the sparrow but with LOT less damage. i could go on forever!

2003-10-03, 07:59 PM
wow i could harly write that much in one sitting, good job LoneWolf

u like my signature pic? its from Gound Control

2003-10-03, 08:53 PM
Its ironWolf, and that is a cool pic

2003-10-03, 08:54 PM
ohh and i meant your THREE home conts