View Full Version : Is it as bad as most say...
2003-10-04, 01:31 AM
has anybody play the balance pass on the test server? Is it really as bad as most people on the OF say?
2003-10-04, 03:11 AM
The people who complain on the official forums can't play for shit and are trying to make up for it somehow. Most all of the rants you'll find there are severely dogmatic and ignorant.
I Like it :D I'm getting a pounder as soon as it goes live. :twisted:
2003-10-04, 08:50 AM
The balance patch just came out today on the test server so many people haven't tried it.
2003-10-04, 11:19 AM
Ok, got test server working, and am ready to submit report.
Most stuff seems nice but my big problem is with the Striker. Damage was nerfed something mean (it takes 6 rockets to destroy and unsheilded undamaged mosquito, almost 9 for an unsheilded undamaged harrasser) while the RoF increase seems almost non-existant. The striker has no chance of taking out a moving vehicle now, since you cant reload while rockets are in flight and you have to at least reload once. Most vehicles are gone by that time, running off into the distance where no one can missle lock them. IMHO, they slightly over did it... my suggestion would be to allow us to destroy (unsheilded) MAX suits in 5 rockets, and base the damage system to vehicles on that.
The MCG is now my favorite weapon again. It rules at Medium range combat as well as close quarters.
Tank changes are nice for all three sides, the vehicle descriptions on the website sorta apply now, but the Magrider turret still has 360 degree turn.
The NC MAX sheild capacitator needs to recharge faster, not as fast as the VS MAX jump capacitator, but not as slow as it is.
The Nerf to Jackhammer damage is noticable, and, in the long run probably enough.
The VS Maxes are officially cool. Maybe a little too good... the AA MAX is no longer useless, the AI Max can tear through just about anything.
The TR Maxes are cool too, the boost to the Bursters Range almost compensates for the Striker changes. A Pounder burns through ammo box after ammo box in about 5 seconds(while anchored), and the cycler is still utterly useless against most vehicles.
The marauder's ammo box needs to be uped slightly to compensate for the RoF increase.
All in all its pretty much balanced, but a few minor changes should be made before it goes live.
2003-10-04, 12:15 PM
they fucked the striker up im dropping it today after seeing how horribly it performed last night
2003-10-04, 12:46 PM
shut up about the striker, all it means is that you cant destroy something with one striker, youll only bitch about the pheonix when you see it in large groups, now we will do the same with the striker(bitch about it when we see alot of TR with it that is), and besides, its not even a max, which i belive the burster hits alot harder now, which makes up for the striker, and if you want to be AA get a damned Skyguard
2003-10-04, 12:57 PM
it is buggy as hell :(
NC maxes still tend to lose at the game of being good.
2003-10-04, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Infernus1080
Ok, got test server working, and am ready to submit report.
Most stuff seems nice but my big problem is with the Striker. Damage was nerfed something mean (it takes 6 rockets to destroy and unsheilded undamaged mosquito, almost 9 for an unsheilded undamaged harrasser) while the RoF increase seems almost non-existant. The striker has no chance of taking out a moving vehicle now, since you cant reload while rockets are in flight and you have to at least reload once. Most vehicles are gone by that time, running off into the distance where no one can missle lock them. IMHO, they slightly over did it... my suggestion would be to allow us to destroy (unsheilded) MAX suits in 5 rockets, and base the damage system to vehicles on that.
Hi welcome to old school phoenix land save substitute reloadonce for seven or eight times. What cant reload with missile lock? Again sounds like a phoenix to me, save for we cant even move if we want to keep our "lock"
2003-10-04, 02:07 PM
The People on the OF are the vocal minority. People who like the game dont post there :lol:
2003-10-04, 02:21 PM
At least you guys got rocket launchers that can hit air, ever try hitting a mosquito with a lancer?
2003-10-04, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
The People on the OF are the vocal minority. People who like the game dont post there :lol:
Very true Hamma. :p I think it was BDMJ who said they should name the targets in the shooting range after the OF trolls.
:sniper: >Malodorous<
Indeed, it would vastly increase the usage of the Firing Range imho :D
2003-10-04, 03:37 PM
I think the patch is going in the right diection but the phoenix is still lacking a bit. has anone tryed to hit a plane minus gal and lib(even libs are hard to get) with one? The skeeters flys faster then it even without burners. a reaer if it is 100 meters away or so onlyu has to turn and go max no AB speed becuase it take so long to catch up. It only thing te pheonix truly owns at is takeing down maxes at range.
2003-10-04, 04:07 PM
It only thing te pheonix truly owns at is takeing down maxes at range.
very true.
Originally posted by BDMJ
NC maxes still tend to lose at the game of being good.
they always have. :(
TR-Double RoF
VS-Boosters that let them get anywhere
NC-Shield that you can only activate while not does this help?oh wow you can survive longer but you cant hurt them without lettign down your shield....
2003-10-04, 07:33 PM
Everay I wasn't complaining about the Striker's lack of AA now I could care less about its uses against air I was just posting the mosquito stat as an example of the nerf it used to just take 3 to kill a mosquito. I'm just mad that you know have to survive TWICE as long to kill a max as before which was hard enough and the maxes have all been buffed and now if you reload the other missles won't hit. So basically the Striker will only kill injured maxes. guess its time to start filling my locked with phoenixes.
2003-10-05, 12:53 AM
or ditch AV
2003-10-05, 01:05 AM
ok the pheonix suckeed for all but a few situations like:
Max at a long range away
Max at med to long range behind some object
reaver siting still
skeeter siting still
ground units that are slowmoving or stoped
somplace were you have to shoot around somthing but not indoors it can't turn that fast
Now cases were it absolutly sucks:
Maxes indoors at all (the JH does a better job)
moveing skeeter or reaver including still reaver or skeeter that dicoverd you were shooting at him and decied to leave the area
Fast vechs
An you have to realize while it doe the most damage of the AV weps it has the worst reaload. you fire and guide it to the target (its not that fast by the way can barely catch up to a reaver) then reload only after it has detonated. then fire and travel time again. it very hard to get a reaver shot down, i shoot more reavers down with ap in the Jackhammer, or even with a vanguard cannon(although i have been practicing got 5 the other day).
And i'm sorry but realy the only reason i stil have AV was becuase i could use the striker and becuase the pheonix was slated for a minor buff.
2003-10-06, 10:08 AM
The whole point of nerfing the Striker is that infantry is not supposed to pwn MAXs, aircraft and vehicles. 1 dude with a Striker should stand a very small chance against a MAX indoors, just like the other empires AV. Outdoors, well a MAX is free xp for anyone with an AV cert.
2003-10-06, 11:04 AM
Does anyone have the specifics on the damage the Jackhammer now does? I am most interested in point-blank how many shots to kill a standard/agile/reinforced...
2003-10-06, 11:43 AM
Tr: Drop Av And Get Special Assault, It Is Going To Rock With The New Thumper With Plasma Nades Stacking Damage. Try It!
2003-10-06, 12:04 PM
If it takes 9 shots to kill a skeeter then what is the use of it anymore. Phenoxis can still find and kill ams' with ease but we cant even kill a skeeter. I dont really care about the fact we cant kill air vehicles we shouldnt really but then we cant kill ground vehicles or maxs. I dont like it. O well thats what the decimator is for right?
2003-10-06, 02:22 PM
People are opposed to change. There are some DEFINITE issues that need to be addressed, but, I think these changes are interesting.
2003-10-06, 03:03 PM
Just like with the forums, people hate change :lol:
2003-10-06, 03:08 PM
Actually the NC MAX shield ownz now. I do agree with the Recharge rate being way too slow however. The way you use the NC MAX shield now is turn it on and let the enemy attack you. Then when you can tell they are reloading, lay into them. When you need to reload your shield pops back on and you have some protection left. The NC MAX shield simply ownz now.
Also the Scatmax is a god at AV now. This will surely get nerfed as it was not the intended effect
Neon Apocalypse
2003-10-06, 04:14 PM
In the Vanus opinion....
Mag got nerfed, it has poor handling, and the turret isnt as good. The NC vanguards are going to have a much easier time. Lancer got nerfed. Its gonna be hard for infantry to kill vehicles now, comet has become decent so that is going to become more used, and is the only AV weaoin we have. Beamer is better but who cares, it sucks anyways. AI max is much better so i wont get owned as much. I'm glad the striker got nerfed. Only 2 infantry and my max is dead, it takes 2 shots. And people used this indoors alot. The AI max is going to have a much easier time killing other maxs. Today on the normal server i could kill any other max easily, with 100 armor left. So Vanu AI max may be overpowered now. Of course this really isnt gonna balance the patch. I thought the maxs were balanced pretty good, but when the new patch comes out Vanu AI max is overpowerd.
2003-10-06, 05:46 PM
In the Vanus opinion....
Mag got nerfed, it has poor handling, and the turret isnt as good. The NC vanguards are going to have a much easier time. Lancer got nerfed. Its gonna be hard for infantry to kill vehicles now, comet has become decent so that is going to become more used, and is the only AV weaoin we have. Beamer is better but who cares, it sucks anyways. AI max is much better so i wont get owned as much. I'm glad the striker got nerfed. Only 2 infantry and my max is dead, it takes 2 shots. And people used this indoors alot. The AI max is going to have a much easier time killing other maxs. Today on the normal server i could kill any other max easily, with 100 armor left. So Vanu AI max may be overpowered now. Of course this really isnt gonna balance the patch. I thought the maxs were balanced pretty good, but when the new patch comes out Vanu AI max is overpowerd.
all this stuff i a good thing....I will be glad to see 50 maxes in a courtyard vs 50 magmowers....oh and the TR will actually have a chance because we will use tanks with being pwned....Its kinda sad as an empire when you laugh and call ppl idiots when they hacked a prowler ;). I will be good to se ppl drop the striker and pick up say a pounder or a prowler. I think this will really work at balancing side. On the test server it does seem like the vanu maxes are overpowered but there also is several hundred ppl on there trying them out. I was in a battle where there was about 20 or som vs max's. It was a pretty site to see. Oh and not to mention the lightning pwns for the exception that they nerfed its acceleration. it really needs to have this back and it will be a great light tank.
2003-10-06, 07:50 PM
The whole point of nerfing the Striker is that infantry is not supposed to pwn MAXs, aircraft and vehicles. 1 dude with a Striker should stand a very small chance against a MAX indoors, just like the other empires AV. Outdoors, well a MAX is free xp for anyone with an AV cert.
Indeed, if he wants to own maxes up close and personal he needs to get SA and quit complaining. All three AV weapons are not designed for that, but the deci is.
all this stuff i a good thing....I will be glad to see 50 maxes in a courtyard vs 50 magmowers....oh and the TR will actually have a chance because we will use tanks with being pwned....Its kinda sad as an empire when you laugh and call ppl idiots when they hacked a prowler ;).
LOL, so true! I used to leave my prowler out in the open as a trick to try and get van/mag drivers into something more easily dealt with. When I got the Vehicle Stolen message I was all "OK, time to hunt us some suckers!"
And about the striker I mean whatever, obviously enough poor NC and Vanu complained about it being overpowered that there would clearly have been no peace until it was nerfed. Hopefully this will shut them up so we can all move on.
Personally, the decimator has always been and will always be the only weapon I use on hard targets and it looks like they are smart enough to keep it that way. The only reason you can't shoot down mosquitos or reavers with a decimator is that they're moving around too much (like they should be!) in which case no real world infantry grunt would have a hope in hell of downing them anyways. You notice how helicopters are the only modern aircraft seriously threatened by ground troops, and that's only when they're sitting still. I like that they're adding to the game's realism by making anti-air a specialized role with dedicated hardware.
2003-10-07, 08:50 AM
Tank changes are nice for all three sides, the vehicle descriptions on the website sorta apply now, but the Magrider turret still has 360 degree turn.
Please. Tell me that you are not expecting the mag turrent to NOT turn 360.
I would have to kick your ass.
It means that it has a limited downward piviot.
2003-10-07, 09:26 AM
Squick, FYI, the Jackhammer fires 10 packets with 8 pellets in each. Each pellet deals 1 damage. So, on ordinary fire, the Jackhammer deals 0-80, and on secondary, it deals 0-240 :huh: . Nice, huh?
2003-10-08, 12:56 AM
Man am I ever happy I decided to get SA instead of AV.
I've already dropped AV for Medic. Grr.
(Though healing myself and others without medkits is kinda cool. :p )
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