View Full Version : Funniest thing you ever saw in PS
2003-10-06, 01:20 PM
Posted this on the OF, just thought you guys would like to have it here, good for lots of laughs. :D
Post your funniest experience/sighting in PS.
My funniest was when I had a newbie in my squad before I got cr5, was cr4, and the newbie runs over to me, and shouts a hail.
Being the good samaritan I am, I give him a hail back. The instant I gave him the return hail, a Reaver jock did a fly-by with afterburners roaring and knocked the poor newbie flat.
He then tell spammed me how I killed him with a Hail, a hand of God type thing.
2003-10-06, 01:32 PM
2003-10-06, 01:32 PM
Um give it more than two minutes.
2003-10-06, 01:33 PM
Mine was on Searhus one day.
My Outfit was having a TK war with a former member. I decicded to settle it once and for all by telling him it was his call to shoot us this time (we were in a Harasser). He said it was MY call. About 10 minutes of aruguing later, I got out of the Harasser, checked my knife to check that it was on, put it away, slowly walked up to him, and stabbed him twice (he was in standard). I put the knife away ald slowly walked back into the Har.
2003-10-06, 01:54 PM
I cannot remember what island I was on fighting ... but this AA TR MAX was locked down and just dominating anything that came within its firing arc. Getting behind it was almost impossible becase of the TR with strikers.
So, after like the 5th time he shot me out of the sky, I got fed up and got another reaver -- loaded up with rockets and off I went. As he dropped two other reavers, I charged firing missles ahead of me and taking flak damage.
Well, I blew up about 5 feet from him and my smoking carcass took him out seconds later.
A minute or so later I get a tell:
/tell Ow.
I haven't laughed that hard about Planetside in a long time. Had a great chat with him which got me shot down couple more times. But, it was worth it. Funny guy.
2003-10-06, 02:00 PM
Yeah, isn't it great making friends with enemies?
2003-10-06, 02:15 PM
I was siping from behind a tree on Oshur trying to take out some snipers and maxs on the tower roof. All of a sudden I shoot and my view goes dark... I shot a infil 2 M in front of me (on 8X zoom all I saw was her corpse). She sends a tell... "look in front of you" I told her I was sniping the roof and she just had to laugh and said "My luck today".
2003-10-06, 03:04 PM
My outfit squad was attacking a NC held base and as I was comming round a corner outside the base I spotted a NC trooper in reinforced, he got a couple of shots of with his Gauss rifle and then I unloaded a clip from my cycler into him, we both died at the same time by each other.
I respawned and sent him a tell laughing, he sent one back saying that was cool, next second I see his death mesasge from by my squad leader and also my squad leaders death message by him, he had done the same to me to my sl, in the space of about 1 min, we both laughed about it. :)
2003-10-06, 04:10 PM
One time, I was an NC sniper, and I go up on top of this hill near a TR facility with a rock on it. I'm about to jump up on the rock when all of a suuden explosions start hitting it. I wait till the explosions stop, then peek over the the rock. There's a TR max sitting there. I ducked behind the rock again to figure out what im gonna do. (Im facing the rock). All of a sudden i hear "Hey". I figured it was a friendly sniper come to help, so i turn around.......only to get a mouthful of Mini-Chaingun bullets. :lol:
I was running out of a tower, with a lasher I had just picked out of my locker (I was NC), and, as I go over a hill, I see a TR ReinfExo, so, I start unloading with my lasher at him, and he just eats me alive with his MCG.
After I respawn, I get a /t "Sorry about the Lasher, you want it back?"
The guy was nice enough to guard my corpse (we were in the middle of nowhere), I went by, picked it back up, we each gave one another a "Hail" and killed each other.
2003-10-06, 06:21 PM
I've had a few times in sniper duels where we shot and killed each other at the same time.
Hmm.. One time while defending a hack an enemy Van rolled on in. We all ducked down behind whatever we could and started shooting him with whatever we had when another member of our outfit in a MAX suit dropped down right on top of the tank's turret. AFter a brief pause it started firing directly into the tank.. The turret started spinning around and shooting at random. For some reason the driver never even tried to move the tank so it just spun and panicked until it exploded.
2003-10-06, 07:20 PM
Picture this:
A raging war....NC vs VS hectic as any seen befor. We (NC) were taking a base...advancing in force from the tower to the north...both teams were evenly matched and I was rushing forward to wreak a little havok among the troops. Ducking between trenches between the hills I felt quite safe ducking the occasioal maraurding tank when all of a sudden one goes fly off a hill right above my head clearing me by a good 5ft.
"phew that was close" was the first thing that came to mind as it passed when KABOOM three rockets hit it in mid air destroying it right above me!! tehn once again I breathed a sigh of relief as it sail and nestled on the opposite hill.
I turn to go back to my killing and the thing slids down hte hill crushing me...... KILLED BY A DEAD TANK!
Da King
2003-10-06, 07:35 PM
I was on Ishundar there was a big fight at Akkan that was winding down so my squad was heading to Irkalla. I didn't have a ride so I started walking. I noticed the East Akkan tower was VS so I go and hack it. I switch to agile for the run as I'm leaving this VS galaxy flys over. I say to myself oh he's probably going for akkan but the gal pilot comes back and they have one gunner in the starbourd gun. So he's trying to shot me so I duck behind a tree utterly pinned. The gal flys around a little then they drop there ant they were carrying. The ANT trys to run me over but I unload 2 clips of armor piercing bullets into it. The vanu gets out and I kill him before he hurts me but all the time the gal is flying around trying to get a shot at me. The gal pilot ends up crashing into the very tree that I was hiding behind killing all the passangers.
I /tell the pilot and say "come on, I'm one guy cant be that hard to kill" ended up they were all on LAN playing together and they were all laughing very hard at the one TR guy that destroyed a gal and its occupants.
2003-10-06, 07:43 PM
I watched someone who was playing for his first time try to fly a galaxy. He didn't know how to descend, his sensitivity was maxed, and the mouse was inverted (well it wasn't inverted, but it was the opposite of what he was used to, which we later found out).
2003-10-06, 07:46 PM
I saw an enemy (VS) Gal land and slide into the water. They got out then i killed them off. Oh yea their were VS cut off from the mainland and they were swimming to the other side and the NC were snipeing them and i surged under the water passing VS and took over the island with my squad. All and all pretty funny experience
2003-10-06, 08:15 PM
back in the day i was flying escort for a full gal in my reaver, the gal was headed to gunuku. over the water the gal pilot decided it would be funny to lock the gal and kick everyone, all but the maxes drowned :lol:
i laughed out loud at that one :lol:
it was on a tech plant on hossen the TR we hiting it with extream force. i just pickup a shiny new Vanguard. TR where pouring in under the arc way(gate thingy in front of the vehicle pad exit) a radom guy guns for me and we hold off the tide for a 1min. or 2. the TR stop comeing in thrught the gate im thinking nows my chance to go get thier AMS. i rool out and pull a hard left to follow the out side wall and huntdown the AMS. but as i turn the Corner i flaten 15-20 TR in full charge coming into the base. latter i get a /tell telling me how wrong vehicels are.
2003-10-07, 09:33 AM
Everytime I am running to try and get to a base, I always get mowed by the Van or Mag and right before they hit my, I do a VVW so it's really funny I bet to the driver and gunner, me waving to death.
2003-10-07, 10:01 AM
Well, over a period of 4 hours, this NC in ***standard*** armor wielding a sweeper kept killing me *over* and *over* and *over* again. I imagine he must have killed me at least 7 times.
I was in agile armor wielding a lasher (I was Vanu at the time), and it never failed, from continent to continent he would kill me in a tower, base, wilderness, just about anywhere.
Now I don't know why I couldn't kill him, because I had killed plenty of people that day. Well, I got *close* to killing him, but as I lashed his sides a reaver spammed him............................................... ....:(
2003-10-07, 09:52 PM
bump because its funny as hell
Uhh... in case you hadn't noticed, there isn't enough traffic on this forum to warrant bumps. Posts usually hang out for a couple days before drifting off into the darkened mists of page 2.
2003-10-07, 10:14 PM
definetly when i had just killed this guy and hacked his base, (solo) and while he was trying to send me a long tell to "encourage" me i shot him to death, sucker!
2003-10-07, 11:06 PM
I was flying a Gal around looking for peeps to pick up and I noticed an LLU hadn't moved for a little bit. So I flew there and tried to find out if the guy was lost or what. He was pinned in some rocks and trees by a damaged reaver. The reaver was damaged, but I knew the guy wouldn't survive much longer.
I hit the afterburners and rammed the Reaver killing him... He must have been to focused on the LLU that he didn't check his radar.
Another time my gunner and I were in the same tank killing many Magriders and AMS's for about an Hour and a Half.
While Crossing a bridge I checked my map real quick. When I got back we were in the water. After an hour and a half of great driving and playing I drove my tank off a bridge out of shear stupidity.
I was suqad leading and had a VERY new guy in my squad. He never heard of the game until he bought it, and had just installed it. He became a Gal pilot. After my squad waited for 20 minutes for him to land, he says he's gonna park it under a bridge, he goes under, descends, and the Gal starts freaking out and spinning and flipping violently. The whole time he's typing, "WTF WTF WTF WTF" and "OMG, what the hell is wrong!?!?" and "I didn't do anything what are you guys doing!?!?" He thought we were screwing with him and he left the outfit and returned Planetside.
Diddy Mao
2003-10-08, 12:07 AM
I was Filming with Malvision the Other Night and and 4 Dev's popped up the Vs Sanc While we were take'n a Screen Shot to close out the night. Boar, FraidKnot, Professorchaos, Satchel... I had the Time of my LIfe I got a few screen's i will share soon. They placed 3 galaxy's ontop of each other and exploded them all it was crazy. WE almost got them to spawn a hart Shuttle but they said the Server would explode/crash...whatever terminology work's for u. So Later they were dropp'n Vanguard's ontop of us from the Ceiling, Insta Killing usk Spawn'n Vehic's and so ona nd so on was the greatest time i ever had.... Not to mention a Tr Max with no weapon's, and also a Max Drive'n a Basalisk Fuck'n Classic!!!!
2003-10-08, 12:39 AM
the first day i played i picked up a mosqito cert, and i was fying around (in the sanc), then i decided that i wanted to land. Having recenty played bf1942, i thought that to land i would need to fly low and land just like our modern day aircraft (jets for instance), so i tried, and in the process i smacked right into a squad of people waiting for a gal to land. (squish) I had 7 hate tells come to me.
Ps: hey jagd, do you remember me?!?!?! I was cutemurderouskitten on markov ;)
2003-10-08, 08:33 AM
2003-10-08, 10:31 AM
I was driving a prowler as main gunner one day and we were moving in on a courtyard soon after making a pass beside the base with some trees in between us and the wall. As usual I fire a couple rounds trying to arc to the roof to clear any wouldbe anti-vehicle guys and I shoot just one round over the tree and it nails a mosquito that came outta nowhere at full after burner. He wasn't charging us he was just passing by. Everyone in the prowler on Teamspeak had to clear their eyes of tears from laughing so hard. I haven't seen anything more random than that.
Me blowing up a reaver with my amp. :)
2003-10-08, 03:20 PM
I got the kill shot on a magrider with my bolt driver last night, the thing had been pounded by missles but I just figured why not, I shot (without adv targeting, I don't carry that) and got the credit for the kill :)
2003-10-08, 03:44 PM
Seeing maybe 15-20 TR with JHs on a bridge battle, totally destroying us. (us=NC)
Partly my fault though :rofl:
Ahh, a fellow arms dealer. :D
2003-10-09, 12:07 AM
I deal arms it kinda fun i might have supplied some of those JHs. :)
2003-10-09, 12:56 AM
Ps: hey jagd, do you remember me?!?!?! I was cutemurderouskitten on markov ;)
dunno bout him, but i remember you.
Once I ran out of ammo against a MAX, so I ran out with my knife.
Another time there was a bridge battle and my squad had to get across the bridge, so a sunderer driver kicked it into high gear and all the other vehicles in my squad followed, he went through and killed like 9 friendlys, then through couple NC, got weapons lock, then we all rea ender each other, then he tried ramming a Vangaurd to death so we could get through-even though he was going slow because f the weapons lock. He blew up so we where screwed, well i wasn't cause I had a Deliverer, so i just jumped the railing into the water and sailed under the bridge. Once he respawned he said "sry, had ants in my pants."
I dont kow, but that was purdy funnay
2003-10-09, 01:07 AM
Once I was flying around in this pretty big battle with my mosquitoe, and I saw this Vanu Sunderer (I'm NC) so I start shootin it, and then I hit this tree and it flung me into to the sunderer at like 300 kph
After I exploded I checked up in the chat bar and sure enough I had killed everybody in the sunderer (which was fully loaded by the way)
it was funny
2003-10-09, 01:34 AM
Once I was flying around in this pretty big battle with my mosquitoe, and I saw this Vanu Sunderer (I'm NC) so I start shootin it, and then I hit this tree and it flung me into to the sunderer at like 300 kph
After I exploded I checked up in the chat bar and sure enough I had killed everybody in the sunderer (which was fully loaded by the way)
it was funny
2003-10-11, 05:38 PM
Ok, it was yesterday.. there was a huge fight on Hossin and i was in my infil mosq and hotdropped on top of hte twr...
there was a guy repairing himself and i take him out... then there is another guy just guardign the twr and i take him out too.. then there is a guy healing the wall of TR pounder Max's and i take him out.. after i take all of htem out i start hacking the base.. i had no hacking skills at all and i hacked hte base and made a big turning point to the fight.. it was very fun...
2003-10-11, 11:13 PM
Lets see. I know a golden moment.
I was flying along ceryshen in a Galaxy with several of my outfit members onboard. I start to eat my tea, putting my laptop down (I can only run PS on a laptop as my computer is utter crap).
Voice comms:
*munch munch* "Wha? ... ARGGGGGGGH!!!!!!*
"Next time, I drive!"
T'was funny at the time.
2003-10-12, 09:11 AM
It's kind of tie. I took out a Mosquito with a VS cloaker, carrying a Repeater.
I also was playing a cloaker VS in a spawn tube. One of my squaddies was laying Boomers to try and kill another squaddie in a spawn tube, and while we was standing over his boomer trying to lay another one, I threw a Jammer at his feet. BOOOMM! Everyone else there thought is was hilarious. I don't think he did though.
I've also seen a Magrider at the bottom of a lake. I thought they were supposed to float. How did it drowned?
2003-10-12, 10:00 AM
I've also seen a Magrider at the bottom of a lake. I thought they were supposed to float. How did it drowned?
It can only float for a certain period of time, not forever
2003-10-12, 10:20 AM
No, they'll float forever, but they sink when they are disabled
Hey cutemurderouskitten, I totally remember you! If you're on today we'll have to do some weapon trading a'ight?
2003-10-13, 03:02 AM
My favorite moment is when we were defending itan on cyssor from getting filled by the TR...
Well the first story... we go into the warpgate for some added protection when driving around (magrider) we come across this nice TR gal... knowing the bug where if there's no driver you can push any vehicle in a warpgate without taking damage... so i start pushing it... and shoving it all around the warpgate and the driver can't get it.... f'in hilarious... we push it OUT of the warpgate and start shooting it, the driver surges out and I try to squish him but he gets in and flys back in before we could kill him...
than waiting for a bit 3 ant's roll in for a fill, we wait till all teh drivers are out and we shove one out the warpgate and I the driver kill it, than my gunner shoots a maraduar down at the same time! :) after about 30 minutes of taunting the TR, a CR5 comes in with his ant thinking he's all mighty, we start shoving his ant out the warpgate and they are all using voicemacros "Stop!" "Cease Fire!" etc. well we get it almost out of the warpgate, and my comp crashes :( I come back and the driver got in the ant... eventually a gal comes and picks up an ant, we can't do much to that cause it was too high :(
Another one was when with my first day as a cloaker I sit by a tower CC scared to start hacking it so I hide in a corner and sure enough an NC comes up and secondary fires the CC and runs up the stairs, well I slowly crouch-walk to the CC and with ADV. hack hack the tower, I surge up the stairs and wait by the door... I hear him pull out his rek as soon as he starts hacking I surge out the door go behind him and start amping him in the back of the head... he dies and I go down the stairs, well it was like the NW acan tower in the swamps and after some fighting going on I see an NC basilisk sitting in the swamp area badly damaged, I hack it and see it has enough to drive, since I have ATV cert I hop on and start driving away I'm driving through the swamp area and I meet the same guy as before, I go full speed right at him, I fly off his head and EXPLODE I send him a tell "Boom" he replys "All you vanu can do is squish people" "Yah... and outsmart a rexo-jackhammer hack a tower, surge up the stairs and shoot you in the back of the head with the worst pistol in the game, than proceed to steal one of your empires vehicles and go full speed, hit you in the face and fly into the air and explode..."
But my favorite one is when I see 2 vanguards rolling down the road, they start shooting at me, only in agile with a pulsar... I think to myself... ah wat the hell... I turn on surge jump from a hill land RIGHT on the turret of the vanguard, scooch forward pull out my rek and wave at the gunner, I proceed to say "we need a hacker" well after about 5 seconds I fell off and got blasted by a 150mm :(
Or one when on emerald as NC I'm stairing at an enforcer parked in a tree and I take a screenshot and it suddenly turns purple, me being in only my repair gear I turn on darklight and lo and behold a VS cloaker... not just any VS cloaker... Thenorthlander... well I pull out my knife and he surges behind me places a boomer and clicks... :( The sad part is, this was on solsar with only TR and NC fighting, not a single Vanu tower even...
2003-10-13, 11:30 AM
I did know a vanguard could fly. Me and my great vanguard skills hit a rock on a hill at maxs speed after hit about 10 vs maxs.I flew a good 20 feet right in the water which killed the tank drown me.I got like 8 tells
saying that was the coolest thing they have seen i a while.
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