View Full Version : Gunner Certs?!?

2003-01-13, 08:49 PM
I was watching some Internal Beta testing videos for the 100th time that some guy stole from gamespot complete, and i wondered, sure, i need a cert to drive a certain vehicle, but i dont need a cert to be the gunner do i?

Camping Carl
2003-01-13, 08:53 PM

2003-01-14, 12:11 AM
no, from my understanding you will not need certification for gunnery positions, just driving whatever vehicle you're aboard.

2003-01-14, 05:56 AM
Oh frig, so anyone that wants to be a gunner for the Galaxy has to have the Galaxy Piloting Cert??

2003-01-14, 06:02 AM
no a gunner doesnt need a pilot certs because he is not the pilot =)

2003-01-14, 06:05 AM
So no Certs are all are needed then?

2003-01-14, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by d3ath4u
I was watching some Internal Beta testing videos for the 100th time that some guy stole from gamespot complete, and i wondered, sure, i need a cert to drive a certain vehicle, but i dont need a cert to be the gunner do i?

where'ja get it??? :brow:

2003-01-14, 07:04 AM
Yes SHARE SHARE!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! POST IT UP ON THE WEB NOW!!!!!!!! OR I SWEAR I WILL COME THROUGH YOUR ISP AND ^***$^*#&^&*#@($&*#$&^*@%((#@$**()#@($&@#&*($@#&*($ #&(*#&@$@(*#&$ TILL YOU *(****($***(*&*#$&(#(****$****$ AND AND YOUR MAMA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-01-14, 07:59 AM

2003-01-14, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
Yes SHARE SHARE!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! POST IT UP ON THE WEB NOW!!!!!!!! OR I SWEAR I WILL COME THROUGH YOUR ISP AND ^***$^*#&^&*#@($&*#$&^*@%((#@$**()#@($&@#&*($@#&*($ #&(*#&@$@(*#&$ TILL YOU *(****($***(*&*#$&(#(****$****$ AND AND YOUR MAMA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sounds painful.... :eek:

2003-01-14, 09:33 AM
um, all the videos were at pscommand.com, then he took them down, the other site that had them is also down.

hehe, the videos are REALLY sweet...but, dont know how you can get them, sorry.

2003-01-14, 10:52 AM
I am a bit apprehensive about the driver-cert gunner-nocert thing. Really, take a vanguard for example. Which is more fun, driving the slow hunk of crap, or firing the huge cannon?

Exactly. The cannon! I anticipate lots of people standing around waiting for someone to spawn a vanguard so that they can guncrew it. But not too many drivers. Driving slow land vehicles is dull - I expect most drivers would rather pilot or drive something like a lightning, where they can go faster and shoot.

It should take a cert to use the gun I think, then the driver and the gunner can swap spots every now and then and both have fun blowing stuff up.

2003-01-14, 11:09 AM
People can stand around all they want, chances are the vangard driver will lock it in anticiipation of someone in his squad getting in ;)

2003-01-14, 12:32 PM
Hey guys i don't mean to brag ehhe but i have a gamespot account and i have ALL the planetside movies and i'de be happy to share them all with EVERYONE if i knew how to post them on the inernet?.

2003-01-14, 12:54 PM
I found tank-driving in T2 to be quite rewarding.

In T2, when the tank wasn't holding still, the gunner wasn't likely to hit anything. The DRIVER decided when (and usually what) to attack, the gunner just pulled the trigger.

I wouldn't be suprised to find that it's the same situation in PS. A driver's in CONTROL. You both get to see the pretty colors when stuff blows up.

And the gunner doesn't get to turn infantry into patte with the tank's treads.

I'll drive, thanks anway.

Plus, it always bugged me being with an inferior driver while I was gunning. And since I'm so amazingly good, that was pretty much everyone. :rolleyes:

Ditto for the bomber BTW, only PS doesn't have a bomber. Yet. WANT!!!

2003-01-14, 12:59 PM
yes, me too game109, i would be happy to spread the love. I myself however am missing the 2 interview videos but otherwise, got all the recent ones that show internal beta testing with hamma and the gang, i dont know how do give it to you though. I suppose if PSU was willing to accept them, i could just email them with a very large attachment.:)

If only i had a video of a certain....water incident?:p

2003-01-14, 01:02 PM
Well if there'll post them then yeah...i man i have got both of the interviews what with the 55mb and the 78mb ones i believe

2003-01-14, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by thegame109
Hey guys i don't mean to brag ehhe but i have a gamespot account and i have ALL the planetside movies and i'de be happy to share them all with EVERYONE if i knew how to post them on the inernet?.
If you do this I dont reccomend posting the link on these forums. Gamespot always has ways of finding you and threatening you with legal action. ;) Let people know via EMail or *cough* forum PM

I didnt say that tho

2003-01-14, 01:33 PM
BTW this is the reason we dont offer them

2003-01-14, 01:55 PM
ok, well thanks for the info.

2003-01-14, 06:27 PM
I'm sure you can find them on a P2P program, i'm too lazy to check right now though.

2003-01-14, 06:29 PM
SHHH DIO! gamespot will find some way to nazi kazaa or something! I need it for porn!!!! :mad:

2003-01-14, 06:37 PM
Yeah Kazaa is pr0n master :lol:

And as much as companies and artists would want P2P dead it will never happen, that's like wanting an undefetable anti-virus, eventually some geek in his basement will find a way to bypass your security and boom it's back to square 1. :)

2003-01-14, 06:40 PM
Damn geeks! Why can't you be happy with your porn! why hack? The internet is filled with enough porn to keep you occupied for the rest of your lives! :mad:

2003-01-14, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
SHHH DIO! gamespot will find some way to nazi kazaa or something! I need it for porn!!!! :mad:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2003-01-14, 10:35 PM
I would really want to get a hold of those videos... is there any way you can directly transfer them to me or something?!!?? I WOULD KILL FOR THEM! ! KILL!!:twisted: but seriously... is there a way?