View Full Version : Flight Physics lesson from Rogue

2003-01-13, 10:20 PM
Author Topic: Aircraft flight model
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 01-06-2003 06:57 PM user search report post
First off we know that Joystick will be supported.


Standard mouse and keyboard is the default, but joysticks will be supported as well.


From the planetside FAQ.
Now the question is since Joystick are supported are they goning to be almost required to fly? (I personally hope so).

This also brings another question will the flight model be like that of a game like BF1942 or something a little be more complicated. It appears that there will be something better than BF1942.


But does this mean that aircrafts will be able to fly inverted. There have been no pictures of any aircraft inverted or in hard bank. There are however pictures that show the Mosq in a high rates of climbs.


Then there is also another thing, how high will the celine be for aircrafts, will it be high enough to excape ground AA, or shoulder based rockets? Will it be high enough to fly into a enemy sphere of influence and paradrop (lack or better word), where the HART system cannot?

What will be the maximum possible height a flying vehicle can climb to?
Still to be determined.

That quotes also from the Planetside FAQ, but it hasn't been updated in along time. Any new information would be nice.

Any information would be nice.

Station Member
Registered: May 2001

posted 01-06-2003 09:59 PM user search report post
flying the aircraft is indeed similar to a helicopter, but you cant turn on a dime unless you come to a complete stop in the air. but if you are moving quickly and turning, then the aircraft will bank nicely. it still follows general video game airplane flight characteristics, its not that complicated, but barrel rolls and such currently aren't happening.
as far as how high... pretty darn high. i'm not sure what the ranges on that stuff is, but you can be far enough up that it should prove diffcult to shoot you down without the proper weapon, but also difficult for you to tell what's going on below. but yes, that is a sound theory, you could do a paratrooper style drop from a galaxy. I believe that's one of the original reasons reasons that being able to bail out was designed into the game.

as for controls: i dont think anyone on the team is using a joystick daily during playtests. maybe one of the programmers, but definately none of the artists. we're all pretty much flying by mouse and keyboard; even joe who is to be feared in his mosquito.


2003-01-13, 10:38 PM
Note to self, stay away from Joe.

I'm glad, I don't need/want to really get a joystick :).

2003-01-14, 05:58 PM
I don't understand what dave g. has against barrel rolls

2003-01-14, 06:06 PM
Sounds exactly like Tribes 2 flight control to me.

2003-01-15, 11:21 PM
well piss on that, if everyone can fly with the same skill what's the fun?

2003-01-16, 06:34 PM
"Sounds exactly like Tribes 2 flight control to me."

Sure does. Fuck that's dissapointing.

2003-01-16, 07:48 PM
Fortunately, I've been telling myself this for quite some time now, and I'm over the disappointment. It also helps that I haven't played any good flight games for a while. Still, I agree that it would be much cooler to have a Crimson Skies flight model than a Tribes 2 model. I just want to play.

Off topic, I never had any problems waiting for this game until 2003. I think it bothers me now because it is so close, and yet so far away.

2003-01-16, 09:12 PM
T1 and T2 flight models blow. Plain and simple. Your not flying, you're boating. I hate that. I'm really dissapointed about this. It's not going to keep me from buying the game by any means but there is absolutely no skill required to fly. I know they want it newb friendly, but look at BF1942 - simple enough to fly, but also with a great range of skill availible for you to haul ass around in. Good thing there's a ton of other stuff to do, cause it doesn't look like I'll be flying much here. This is really disapointing because I'm a pilot in real life, and I really hoped to have a bit of an edge. I certainly don't want sim controls, but something like BF or CS would have made this my dream game. Guess I'll stick with my swat team.

2003-01-16, 11:29 PM
I understand that completely navaron, but the game is based on ground combat, as they've said.

2003-01-16, 11:45 PM
Agreed, T2 flight system was very adequate for it's purpose. Besides i'm sure the support team will eventually include tweaked aircrafts like some of the shirkes in mods that could do some weird and amazing things. :)

2003-01-17, 07:55 AM
It wasn't too easy to fly in T2 :huh:

2003-01-17, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by FireFrenzy
I understand that completely navaron, but the game is based on ground combat, as they've said.

Ground combat based does not mean that air combat has to be like boating.

2003-01-17, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
It wasn't too easy to fly in T2 :huh:

Well for normal players it was fine, i was pretty good, i used to play on the aerial combat only servers and was pretty decent. You gotta understand Hamma they can't make a flight system to help those who pilot into a lake, it would be too easy for the rest of us. :D

(Sorry it was just too obvious :p)

2003-01-17, 02:14 PM
To me, the flight model in T2 always seemed like the hover-skateboard scene in Back to The Future. I will say tho that you coud do some wicked things with a havoc if you start with an almost-inverted dive.

2003-01-17, 02:33 PM
Yeah but it depends on what you guys wanted to do, the Havoc and bomber weren't built to do barrel rolls and all kinds of stunts, if you wanted to do that with those then obviously you won't be happy, the shrike was pretty good for doing stunts, a lot of people were amazing with it, specially the modified ones.

Anyhoo enough about T2, when do we get PS so we can complain about that flight system too?!? :D

2003-01-17, 02:48 PM
I do like barrel rolls though =( That was my favorite part of flying a plane in bf1942. Makes for interesting air combat. DAVE PUT IT IN!!!!!!

2003-01-17, 03:06 PM
What I want, is to fly. I don't want to stear and strafe a frikken helicopter. These things are planes - jets - I wan't them to handle like planes and jets. I don't want TACs and real life stalls, I wan't barrel rolls, I want an active Y axis. I don't want to feel like I'm gonna tip the boat over if I turn too fast.

2003-01-17, 03:34 PM
Well as said the main focus is ground combat, a helicopter type aircraft is much better suited than a plane type for air-to-ground combat.

I'm not too worried about it, i'm sure the devs know what they are doing. :)

2003-01-17, 03:50 PM
"the main focus is ground combat"

Why even put in the aerial aspect then? I just think that if they are going to do it, they should do it right. It seems to me, from what I have gathered, albeit limited in substance, that we are getting the T2 flight models - airborne boats. I can honestly say that I would rather see the game released without aeronautics, and wait a few months for a really quality flight model to com out in a patch. That's just me, but I know the number one reason people went out to buy BF1942 is all of the aspects of war working together. They all got the same attention and detail in proportion, I just hope that the devs realise how important that will be to this game. If they don't, I'm a little worried we're going to see MM Tribes online.

2003-01-17, 03:54 PM
Yeah but did you ever notice that in BF1942 everybody runs for the planes? So what would happen in Planetside where there is an unlimited number of aircrafts, answer : it becomes an aerial war game.

I'm not against better flight system than T2, just saying i can see why they might not be concentrating on that aspect. I'm sure it will be fine and will be improved on after release.

2003-01-17, 04:03 PM
Just cause I feel like arguing with you dio ;)

"Yeah but did you ever notice that in BF1942 everybody runs for the planes? So what would happen in Planetside where there is an unlimited number of aircrafts, answer : it becomes an aerial war game"

First off, all the plane whores play coral sea now, with it's 4 second plane respawns,

Secondly you can't win a war from 35,000 feet. You'd have to have ground troops to take and defend bases. Look at real wars, planes are not the deciding factor (Assuming both sides have real planes - not like the french or Iraqis).

Glad I'm not Iraqi. Thank you God. There's gonna be way too much glass over there soon.

2003-01-17, 04:20 PM
Planes are not exactly unlimited. You can spawn one, regarless of who else has spawned one, but then you have a time limit before you can spawn a second one. So when you get shot down you can't just hop in another plane.

If you don't want it to be arial warfare then you nerf the weapons on the Aircraft, not nerf the flight system. (I am under the impression the the mosquito and the reaver are not really powerhouse attack craft anyways).

I just want the aircraft to be as fun to fly as possible. I have not seen the flight system yet although I know I didn't like the tribes flight engine at all. BTW I have nothing against a helicopter style flight engine.

2003-01-17, 04:23 PM
Yeah i know you don't win a war with planes, i'm just saying if the devs aren't (maybe they are, we don't know) concentrating on making a good flight system i can understand why, Smokey has said it many times, PS is a ground combat game so he might not want to spend too much time on the aerial aspect.

Either way i don't really care, i trust the devs to make the right desicion and i'll have mucho fun either way. :)

2003-01-17, 08:03 PM
Here's some of my T2 flyin'

2003-01-17, 08:45 PM
Meh, i've seen better. :)

This (http://www.dailyrush.dk/tribes2/files/movies/784/) is some amazing T2 stuff, including a tiny bit of flying but mostly amazing stuff with discs. :)

2003-01-17, 08:55 PM
Those are all top 10 teams, best shrikers around :p

I have an assload of t2 movies lol, includin that one ;)

2003-01-17, 08:56 PM
Just download my link and then tell me they are good. ;)

2003-01-17, 10:08 PM
Yeah, I lived one of Dios disc movies. He pwned me like a Vietnamese hooker.

2003-01-18, 12:14 AM
If you wanna see two of the best tribes movies ever look up best of the best 1 and 2.

2003-01-18, 01:21 AM
you see, wouldnt mind too much if the physics were like helicopter physics, as long as they felt solid. T2 felt like gello, and theres no other way to put it. it just kinda floated around, like you were flying on water.

2003-01-18, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Doobz
you see, wouldnt mind too much if the physics were like helicopter physics, as long as they felt solid. T2 felt like gello, and theres no other way to put it. it just kinda floated around, like you were flying on water.

Exactly! The boating analogy is dead on. :(

2003-01-18, 09:01 AM
The boat thing was mine....I get no respect...:tear:

2003-01-18, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
Those are all top 10 teams, best shrikers around :p

I have an assload of t2 movies lol, includin that one ;)

Tribesmedia(.com?) has a very nice collection of of movies. I've kept around 380 demos of good shots (some hours long) and hopefully i'll get around to making one.

That vid wasnt too bad dio. The shots were so-so, with a few good ones. The shrike thing was really cool though. You should check out Hardcore Gaming by godzooky (i think thats who), has some fucking insane grab/pass arounds.

2003-01-18, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by FireFrenzy
That vid wasnt too bad dio. The shots were so-so, with a few good ones.

Oh so you've taken down 3 heavies in 10 secs with a shocklance before? Well congrats to you, you rock! :)

2003-01-18, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
The boat thing was mine....I get no respect...:tear:

You have my post all wrong. The person I replied to mentioned "it feels like you are on water." I was refering him back to your boating analogy. Credit where credit is due. :)

2003-01-18, 01:08 PM
I was joking Lex, but thanks. Wow, if we're not talking about politics we seem to agree on alot....Wait....that means we missed the rapture doesn't it...:D