View Full Version : Having trouble picking a Empire, need help!
2003-10-09, 10:45 AM
I am going to buy the game and I don't know what Empire I should choose. At first I was Pro-NC because of their weapons (<----------------Fallout 2 fan :)), but I slowly leaned toward the TR because of their Mini-gun, since I always loved the idea of the Mini-gun ( heh heh, especially in Fallout 2). But when I recently played the 7 day free trial I realized I liked playing the underdog, so I chose the VS.
Now........ I really like the Vanu, but I do not like the Lasher concept. I really like playing the Infiltrator (fooling around with people, hacking an undefended tower next to a crucial base we're attacking,etc.......), but I also like to play the grunt. I feel that the Vanu weapons do not pack the punch the TR weapons and NC weapons like to. So I think NC would be my best choice.
Also, I thought about playing on Werner, because I have read that -
1. The attitude is more friendly and helpful.
2. The people appreciate support roles.
But I have also read the connections are not as good as US servers (I'm on DSL). And I check daily the population report on the official website and I see that the NC seem to dominate most of the time....
Need advice! I am lost! :confused:
2003-10-09, 10:52 AM
If you like being a grunt, go for the NC. If you plan on using a max(es) go for the TR. As you said, if you like being the underdog, stay VS, but there are some servers where the VS are pretty good(Johari is NOT one of them, u are always outnumbered 3+ to 1). Or, you could just be all me! You gotta use three servers. TR is big on Emerald. NC is big on Konried. VS on Johari lol. People on all servers play together pretty well, I think konried for the NC and Emerald for the TR use teamwork the best. VS are actually the best teamwork ppl IMO, because of the fact that if everyone solo'd they would get ripped apart.
Thats just my 1.76 cents...
2003-10-09, 06:33 PM
NC on Markov is a great experience. There are slightly more Terrans, so it is a challenge, but there are tons of people and a good general attitude. +Jackhammer+Pheonix/Bolt Driver pwnz
2003-10-09, 06:40 PM
I agree with n00b. Join the NC (or VS ) on Markov, we need more targets to shoot at :D
2003-10-09, 07:09 PM
cant say as i agree that TR for emerald if u wanna win... NC dominate us most of the time.
But yeah I'd say go werner or Emerald becuz they have good populations. The other 3 are kinda low pop so if u want huge battles go emerald and werner, but both also have small battles so u get a lil of both.
I would order the empires differently for "best classes"
TR: Infantry. Until the balance patch hits, a TR grunt is the most versatile unit in the game with good AI, good AV, and good AA capability.
NC: Infantry/Vehicles. The NC has the best HA weapon for a new player hands down. That being said, the NC vehicles feel more powerful and exciting than the vehicles of the other factions. I.E. The Vanguard feels like a tank should: heavy and powerful, and although the mag may be more effective overall it just doesn't feel quite right.
VS: Maxes/Vehicles. The mag is the best tank in the game. Many would say that the TR maxes are the best, but the VS maxes are more fun, and feel more like mechanized infantry (think starship troopers here). Being able to jump over many of the buildings in the game, run as fast as a vehicle, and cary the firepower and armor of 5 soldiers is alot of fun.
Edit: Go emerald regardless of which faction you choose. You bought the game for big battles, and the largest server is best place to find them.
2003-10-10, 11:06 AM
dont agree with the VS max thing lol. IMO VS maxs really suck, they just arent strong enuff to do any damage...I still think the TR maxs pwn all. Im on all empires, so im not biased either. But everyone has their own preferences. The jumping is a + though.
I'm talking about the "feel" of the different tanks etc here in addition to their effectiveness in combat. I think the VS maxes feel the most like what I consider mechanized infantry would be like.
2003-10-12, 07:28 AM
Thanks for all your replies. My grandmother in Canada is buying the game for me and is going to tell me the cd-key (hopefully I can continue my trial). :)
I've decided that I'm going to play TR on Emerald, VS on Johari, NC on Markov.
Thanks again for all your replies.
2003-10-12, 08:18 AM
Man the NC on Johari are fun.
I also play VS on Emerald, and that can be fun.
I'm NC on Markov, NC on Johari, TR on Konried, and VS on Emerald. It's all fun as hell
2003-10-12, 09:04 AM
ya flammey, im sure all 2 of the Johari NC r great fun man :cheers:
2003-10-12, 11:43 AM
I would have to say Markov is the best server its got the 3 highest pop and some of the very skilled players play on it, though we do have a weird obseession with amerish. (more on that later)
2003-10-12, 11:51 AM
NC PWNS!!11!! KTHXBYEdrivethru
2003-10-12, 12:40 PM
Vanu was doing pretty good last night on Emerald, we took 1 continent and then half of another before I left the game. GG VS
2003-10-14, 06:02 AM
my suggestion for you:
Don't pick an Empire solely because of the weapons. Pick one based on the Players who make up the Empire/Server Community. Weapons are a big part of the decision process, but in my opinion the Player Community is more important. You could have the best weapons in the game bar none, no doubts, and have an empire full of jerkboys which makes it really no fun to play.
I spent about a week playing EVERYWHERE, all empires all servers when I first bought PS, so I could decide which server/empire I was gonna play. I eventually decided on VS/Konried, I like the community, Konried has good competition(some of the best players around imo, on all 3 Empires), and my personal taste in weapons leans towards common pool(my standard load is a Bolt Driver and a Rocklet Gun)so the weapons don't bother me much.
overall, my suggestion is to determine what Empire you will have the most fun with, and has the most friendly folks that you can easily get along with.
2003-10-14, 06:34 AM
Yeah, I am picking on the opinions of the server as well as the weapons. But the weapons are not really important because I plan on being a pure support role, Infiltrator with Adv. Hacking, Adv. Medical, Combat Engineer, Sniping, mosquito. :D
Sneaking, sniping and flying, all the things that I love.
Not sure about creating a grunt, but I might.
2003-10-14, 07:20 AM
Uh, Support roles are not exactly easy, in terms of exp. If you do support count on getting the main body of your experiance from Base hacks, which means you are going to take a while to gain levels. You'll still get exp from kills, especially if you always join a large squad. But you have to make sure that as support, your major exp comes from making sure the hack goes through on a base.
As for empires, try them all on different servers. If you want a challenge, play VS on Emerald. It's probably one of the biggest challenges in this game.
2003-10-14, 10:43 AM
Yeah man, I'd be cautious about going too heavy on the skills. Planetside is not very twink-friendly, you'll probably just wind up being very frustrated a lot of the time unless you get some decent infantry weapons to help you out.
2003-10-14, 01:34 PM
I would say if you want to be a grunt go TR, they have the best medium and heavy assualt IMO, if you want to drive and shoot go NC, if you like purple go VS.
just my 2 scents ;)
2003-10-14, 06:16 PM
WHAT R U SMOKING LIQUID? pardon my caulous abrasion and mild arrogance, but the JH is BY FAR the best HA wep out there. The mcg doesnt hold a candle to it. (even candles dont like getting tri-shot)
2003-10-14, 09:12 PM
I have never used the JH in the game yet... I'm more of a support character, but I said both medium and heavy, the cycler is the shizznit comapred to the gauss, and the MCG has much more range than the JH.
2003-10-14, 09:46 PM
of course the cycler pwnz the gauss, but the JH is INSANELY better than the mcg. 240 dmage max on trip-fire? u better believe it. b00yah.
2003-10-15, 08:46 AM
Ok Ok, so last night I picked up the JH cert, and boy it DOES own close range, I walked into the spawn room with about 10 VS in there and let two trips fires go... took 2 before they even turned around. But then again.... I'll just have to fill up my locker with cyclers.
2003-10-15, 08:51 AM
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