View Full Version : Solution for thoes who have reached the BR20 CR5 CAP

2003-10-09, 07:19 PM
Possible game additions, each of these additions should be considered as a stand alone option

1. Reincrantions
upon reaching BR20 players could become eligable for reincarnation

reincarnation invovles restting a charcater back to BR1

except the charcater will have a few bonus cert points (e.g. 4+ cert points) mabe even an extra implant

the character then can level up normally back to BR20

(to stop people becomming to powerful too quick reincarnated charatcers recive only 1/2 the normal exp)

an additional option is to allow multiple reincarantions up to a max e.g. 3 (extra 12 points max) (mabe extra 2 implants)

and after each reincarnation xp is gained at 1/2 the rate of the last
no reinc 23cert poitns, 3 implants (normal)
1 reinc 1/2 27cert points 4 implants
2 reinc 1/4 31cert points 4 implants
3 reinc 1/8 35cert points 5 implants

Just to give thoes BR20 CR5 somehting else to do ;)

Ok that one was just to get warmed up

Optinal Addtion 2.
Highly specialsed BR20 Certifications

Characters that reach BR20 get new certifications options only avaiable to people who reach BR20.

These certification are very expensive costing 15-20 points each (basically taking up all available cert points with a few left over )

These new certs would be for 'overpowered' battle systems the trade off being that they have become highly specialsed and havent enough cert points for much else.

(Possible new battle systems for use in this instance)

Infilration suit with 1 pistol slot and one large weapon slot thus this infil suit can equip any weapon (same backpack space) 18 cert points

Reinforced exo suit. same as current with fotospeed of std armour. constant regen 1HP per second, double the armour, addtional pack space. 15 certs

Displacer suit. same as aglie suit , charcters appears 2m from actual position (however weapon fire comes from true position) 15 cert points

Heavy battle tank
carries 6 (2 main turret cannons forward and aft 330 deg pivot) large central turret with rapid fire chain gun, smaller AA guided rocket turret on top of chain gun turret.) 17 cert points

NOTE THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES ! if they sound overpowered to you thats the idea, by picking one of these a charcter will only have enough certs poitns for mabe 1-2 other certifications.

Additional Option 3
Highly specialsed CR5 Certifications

same prinicpal as the BR20 certs, except these cert are designed for use as a battle commander.


Avd Galaxy, similar to reg galaxy, but has more space, 3x the health and armour, and 2 autotracking turrets that fire AA and AG guided rockets (so even when empty with only pilot galaxy can defend itself),
galaxy also has a massive radar view that increase with altitude but loses definition of target (e.g at max range tanks and player look the same) 16certs

Tactial Mobile Unit. ONe man unit that cloaks like AMS when deployed. when inside the unit the group commander gets several mini vid screens come up of first person views of squad mates. as well as locations of the map a relative to enemy positions
thus highly effective for organisining defense and attacks
*additional addon is if players uses uplink device then he can acess the TMB when outside the unit at will. 16certs

Again these are just highly overpowered examples.

Now what these would do to improve the game.

Option 1: far fewer people would sit at BR20 when they could reincnate and get some extra cert points and implanets, but would take much longer to level back to BR20 ech time lowering the number of players at the top which has to be a good thing.
As far as the individual palyer goes it will add at least an extra year or mroe to play time as it will take the long leveling hard just to get all 3 reincarnations

Option 2: if you make really useful overpowered equipment and vehicles then people will want to use them. if you amke them cost alot then u make people become extreme specilists. Thus more empahaiss is put back on team play as an uber tank with 6 positions needs 5 other people to operate.
or specialised armours will be good in certain instances but require group help to accomplish anything major like base capture.

Option 3: at CR5 dosent mean much, except u get to use a few fucntions not avaible to anyone else. If this method was implemented then a CR5 could actually do his job really well.
The CR5 would sacrific his own battle strength to greatly improve that of his team mates, becoming a true battle commander and not just a dude who starts alot of squads.

Anyways they's just a few ideas on how I think PS could be altered to cure the BR20 CR5 cap , while keeping it interesting for the high levles and not disadvanaging the low levers.
Also since you need to achive BR20 or CR5 to use these options the use of special units and equip will still be very limited

2003-10-09, 07:35 PM
Nice ideas except 1

2003-10-09, 07:38 PM
Good ideas(but like you said to overpowered to ever be used) I think it would just be easier to increase the BR cap to about 25 or 30. But instead of getting more certs players would get slots on there armor for more armor or maybe more space in there invertory, or maybe something like having a REK built into someones armror or a pistol. Also for BR20-BR25 for each level your avatar should change to show that your experinced.

2003-10-09, 07:53 PM
Have players start at BR1 with 5 certs. Make Agile Armor be a specific cert that must be bought, and costs 2 certs. When the patch is released, every gets 2 additional cert points as well as the Agile Armor cert which they can later unlearn. Raise the limit to BR25. So your top-level characters get 7 more points to play with which enough to add a vehicle and/or another weapon cert.

2003-10-09, 09:47 PM
reincarnation? you unoriginal whore! if your gonna state a idea, make it orignial, other wise, state the source

source = Shattered galaxy

2003-10-09, 10:50 PM
Hey who said I had to be original.

I still play SG (in fact I reincarnated a few weeks ago)

and the idea seems to work in SG, you dont hear anyone complaining about the stats cap when they level past 50/50/50/50

2003-10-09, 11:00 PM
I just think if you design the game so that people have to become highly specialised to be effective in battle then your going to encourage team play becuase highly specialised players will need specfialsed team mates to make up for areas they lack in.

Just for a moment consider what it would be like if PS had no infantry weapons and every player used vehicles.

thoes heavy battle tanks would need to be supported by anti air vehicles.

fast vehicles would need air cover to coordinate strikes against heavier targets.

The problem is atm that infantry units are exteremly versatile. at BR20 an infantry unit can be equpied to deal with any possible threat.

Vehicles and MAXes on the other hand always have weaknesses and cannot be configuered to make up for thoes short commings, instead thy need support untis to make it up for them.

Perhaps they should make the infantry weapon certs even more expensive so that even a BR20 infantry with inf only cert (no veh) cannot dael with any situation.

versatile infantry = more solo players

vehicles and maxes = more team play

2003-10-09, 11:02 PM
I think they should just raise experience gain and set a higher max level, like 25-30.

2003-10-10, 12:13 AM
if u set it to 25 or 30 then u can get enough certs to get evrything and thats not cool.

2003-10-10, 01:25 AM

more certs = solo palyers that can do anything

less certs = teams player who rely on other for thing they cannot do

2003-10-10, 06:15 AM
Infiltrators with JHs. =/

2003-10-10, 08:57 AM
lol... *drools*

2003-10-10, 10:30 AM
"Hey wheres the NC? NOOOOOoooooooo!!!!" :blowup: only a cloaked max or reaver would be worse than a cloaked guy totin a Jackhammer.

2003-10-10, 10:44 AM
versatile infantry = more solo players

vehicles and maxes = more team playPlease explain, how is a reaver pilot more of a team player then an adv medic. The reaver pilot has more maneuverability, higher firepower, more speed, much more armor and is infinently harder for normal troops to kill. A medic has 100 health and most likely 150 armor, alot of which will probably be bypassed, has spent at least five certs almost totally devoted to teamwork, requires cover from friendlies to do his work, extends the overall lifespan of the people near him and is generally a damn good guy to have around. A reaver pilot flies around and blows shit up, running from the occasional AA MAX, which are the only credible threats to most of them. A Medic depends on the people around him for support, the people around him depend on the medic for support and his presense fosters cooperation. So what if he can actually pull his weight in a firefight, the end result is a player that works together with others to achieve a superior end result.

You want to test it out, have an advanced medic duel with a reaver, in his infantry loadout, see who wins. Infantry trade power for versatility, but are forced to rely on people near them for everything from fire support to health/armor to infield resupply (read: backpacks), soloists crave power and hate relying on people near them for help. Why would a Soloist pick up all the certs neccesary for basic survival in ground combat (med assault, rexo, av/spec assault) for the pleasure of being complely at the mercy of almost every single player in the game, when he could pick up reaver/engy and kill almost everything in sight.

2003-10-10, 11:43 AM
Incompetent: thankyou, you saved me the trouble.

2003-10-10, 12:17 PM
Originaly I wasnt going to make a post but I thought I'd point out a few things, some of which are reiteration of things already said in the thread, and some I need to address.

First off, a sufficently high br infantry man has a snowballs chance in hell of defeating 2 BR1's in a battle tank. His AV simply doesnt pack enough wallop, he'll be main gunned or run down before having any prayer of of damaging the tank. If he does actualy scratch the tank to the point they have any fear they can disengage run off and repair and come back, no problem.

Secondly, the devs have repeatedly said that their comfortable witht he BR limit for now because it insures while a higher BR character might be more versatile then a low br character if they come at each other the contest will be decided by tactics and skill, not rank.

So no reincarnation, no raise of the cert cap, your battle command center isnt a bad idea, It's just hardly original (and yes I've said over and over that this game needs a better tactical display)

2003-10-10, 12:54 PM
On the whole, horrible ideas that will never be implemented. Two and three go against the, "battle rank gives you more, not better certs" philosophy that Planetside holds true to. Therefore, why one would even concieve such ideas is beyond me. The first idea isn't quite as bad as the aforementioned, although I must say for all practical purposes wouldn't upping the battle rank cap be a more simple and sound solution?

Edit* Mispelled solution, "solutoin" :p