View Full Version : Please read- need help with a moral decision

2003-10-11, 12:44 AM
I've already talked this over with my mom, and I wll do so with my dad once he gets back from Chicago.

I have to be vague. I am sorry, but I can't reveal any names or places. I think there is someone in the related party on this forum.


I can't tell you how it started. But basically, a certain group is involved in warez. I have decided that this is morally wrong (Thou Shalt Not Steal.) You can't convince me to change my mind, and that's not the moral question here.

Two of my real-life aquaintance/gamer buddy (not real friend), whom we shall call "X" and "Y", are among them. X and Y do not know I am there, I am posting under a pseudonym (I am not posting as AztecWarrior.)

I have reached the conclusion (and you may beg to differ here) that what this group is doing is equivalent to breaking and entering with theft. Just because two of my friends happen to be in the group does not mean you shouldn't call the police.

I am considering reporting them.

Most likely, they will get a cease and desist. However, if they need my name, or go to trial, I will be screwed as I will be called to the stand...and then the secret's over.

I want to do this if I can be assured that:
A: I remain 100% anonymous.
B: There will be no huge consequences, such as fines, jail time, or being sent to trial.

I do have a firewall, which supports my identity. (however, it does mention my ISP, which is inconsistent with my pseudonym.) I can try using a CGI proxy.

As for the reprecussions, I am not sure.

A major problem is that this is partially fueled by revenge. X and Y have not been the most loyal and caring friends. Granted, not a huge part, but a little bit.

So what do you think? Should I go ahead, or think about it.

2003-10-11, 12:53 AM

You THINK there is a related party on THIS forum?!?!

This really isn't that clear to me.

If you didn't do anything wrong though, and people that you really dont know are, dont worry about them. What they do (again, if you arent rl friends) is none of your business. But im confused a little.

2003-10-11, 12:58 AM
goddamn life sucks sometimes. Eh I'm not good at makin decisions so.....

2003-10-11, 01:34 AM
If indeed they are doing something illegal, call.

If you are not sure, keep an eye on them. Better if once they do do whatever is illegal, get him/her to tell how the whole thing turned out, then just ss the whole message, or record, etc, get some sort of proof.

But that way you will probably have to go to trial to prove them guilty. I'm not sure but you could probably get a represenetive to speak for you. i'm not sure, but breaking the law/stealing (since i practicly break the law 24/7 riding dirkbikes on teh road and sometimes on the freeway/expressway) is wrong. And wether you like it or not, you gota put them in the chair, even if your in the same room with them.

And as long as you did nothing, you probably wont get any consicuences (sp), if not maybe a weekend in the local jailcell or comunitie service....

It's your choice, time to think whats in the other guys hand an make a play.

2003-10-11, 01:56 AM
Im against warez in most instances too. But I wouldnt go to that extent. I dont like complications.

I would think about it a little more.

2003-10-11, 01:57 AM
well, if its anonymous, i say call. just dial your local Police station (not 911) and ask them about this. dont give name, address, or even cross-streets and such, and youll b fine.

but what do I know.

I would think about it a little more.

I agree :)

2003-10-11, 01:59 AM
Do the right thing

Regardless of cost.

Sometimes that will really suck, but if you always strive to do the right thing it'll go well for you! I swear!

2003-10-11, 02:00 AM
ya know that pns ndabut feels good. :brow:


2003-10-11, 02:01 AM
EINE! Nice quoting me on the possibley GHEYEST THING i have ever said. :rof: jk i dont care :p

2003-10-11, 02:03 AM
ya know that pns ndabut feels good. :brow:


...wtf? :confused:

EINE! Nice quoting me on the possibley GHEYEST THING i have ever said. :rof: jk i dont care :p

But its Hilarious :)
if you dont like ill get rid of it.
but it pwns :lol:

2003-10-11, 02:05 AM
nah, i dont care.

But its amazing how anal violation can be brought into a thread about warez. I guess they are both violations.... Im whoring tonight.

/me bans 1024s mom



2003-10-11, 02:12 AM
You know these people, and game with them, and yet are considering betraying them? What you are considering is wrong for a number of reasons. I hope that you stop before becoming a traitor. Software companies add to the price of their product to counter piracy. Don't waste an ounce of concern over their interests. It's your friends you should show loyalty to.

2003-10-11, 02:18 AM
let them be.

2003-10-11, 02:25 AM
Are you trying to say youre goina nark on your friends cause of warez?
Thats not even that bad, its like saying youre goina nark on your friends cause they punched someone in the face at school, it may annoy you, but what the fuck do you care?

2003-10-11, 04:54 AM
Glad I don't have friends like you Aztec, just leave them. :(

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-11, 05:10 AM
Define "involved with warez". Until I know more details there is no way I could offer any pertinent advice /shrug

2003-10-11, 07:20 AM
I don't know, depends on how unloyal or uncaring they have been, I suppose. However, if they are your true friends, I would decide against it.

2003-10-11, 10:57 AM
Aztec, I say do whatever you feel like doing. No one on this forum is going to change your mind, I believe you've already made it up.

Remember, don't worry about being anonymous. If you're doing what's right and standing up for what you believe in, then it's time to take a stand and not care about what others think about you. If they were true friends they would appreicate what you are doing and how strongly you feel about it.

my 57 cents

2003-10-11, 11:25 AM
I'm a tech n00b, is warez like file sharing?

If it is or if its something like file sharing, then I wouldn't care enough to report them. Like a gazillion people do it, wtf would the police care if you got two more people?

Again my whole post is useless until I know exactly what warez is. :mad: I NEED TO TAKE TECH CLASSES!

2003-10-11, 01:10 PM
Just forget about it. There's nothing you can do to stop it.

I bet 95% of the people in this thread have warez.

2003-10-11, 01:10 PM

2003-10-11, 01:34 PM
tru tru, i could name half of them too, but i wont.

now i have my own opinon about warez, and freinds, i wouldnt report it, why? becuase A, theyre not really stealing, stealing is when you take something away from someone else, but warez, you DL it, and they still have a copy, though in the end, it means that the people that made it dont get a extra 50 bucks, but if your willing to screw over your freinds because they pirated something, or more than one thing, over a lil money, then thank god im not your freind. sure id turn my freinds in, if they were on drugs, but id try and get them to stop first, and you know what? i already went through such a problem, and i got them to stop.

but, its your decision

2003-10-11, 01:36 PM
I am still thinking about it.

Here are some more facts.

-This isn't directed at X and Y in general. The whole forum.
-This is somewhat fueled by revenge- 99% of them didn't like me before my pseudonym.

I am still thinking, but I probably won't, I'll just do good myself and hope the others will just be good later.

2003-10-11, 01:36 PM
And thanks for your support.

Another idea would be a warning that my finger is on the trigger.

2003-10-11, 01:56 PM
Aztec, I say do whatever you feel like doing. No one on this forum is going to change your mind, I believe you've already made it up.

Remember, don't worry about being anonymous. If you're doing what's right and standing up for what you believe in, then it's time to take a stand and not care about what others think about you. If they were true friends they would appreicate what you are doing and how strongly you feel about it.

my 57 cents

If a true friend of mine reported me for having warez id kick his ass,I dont care if he thinks its wrong and breaks one of those ten commands thingys the holy book or testament or whatever the fuck its called,talks about.If you do turn them in good luck with EVER having any friends,I sure as hell wouldnt want to be your friend after that.Warez is fine,like Hamma said 95% of people here have warez,i sure as hell do,so you might as well turn all of PSU for it.Getting revenge is fine and reporting them is fine ONLY if a)they drank your stash of liquor,b)smoked your stash of weed,c) fucked your girlfriend while you 2 were still dating
Those are the only reasons you should report them,if they didnt do any of those 3 than just forget it.

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-11, 06:24 PM
I bet 95% of the people in this thread have warez.

Not I :)
Well....not unless I can find an image of the first CD of X-Wing Alliance. Stupid dissappearing CDs :mad:

2003-10-11, 07:19 PM
You are doing this for all the wrong reasons, if its for revenge and to make you feel like a good person at someone elses expense, its you that is making the morally wrong decision. If you have already reported them, i hope you feel good about screwing them over.

2003-10-11, 09:24 PM
I haven't, and probably won't, I have to talk it over with my dad.

Some of your comments have been better than others. *cough firecracker cough*

2003-10-11, 09:56 PM
Here's my advice.
If they are your friends. Warn them. Tell them that you are against warez and you feel that it is wrong. TELL them that you are thinking about reporting people who you know have warez. Don't say specifically that you are targetting them, but just say that. If they continue with their illegal habits, report them.
If they aren't your friends. Bust them, who gives a rats ass.
Don't do it just for revenge. People usually have laundry much dirtier than that. Find something that'll brand them for life. :twisted:

2003-10-11, 11:01 PM
I absolutely despise snitches.

2003-10-11, 11:20 PM
My tip of the week!

Kill them and eat them! Only way to go!
Then eat their first born or girlfriend! Or stuff them in a wall... oh yeah!

Seriously thought... if your thinking about doing it, don't! You said it yourself the base of this is fueled on revenge. Isnt that some sort of bible thingymabob.

*hates religion because he says you won't screw before marriage pfffff! I'll have sex when I want where I want!*

2003-10-11, 11:30 PM
if there not your very close friends then fuck em

if they would do the same to you then fuck em

if you wanna fuck em over then fuck em

if there your friends though tell em to cut it out and kick there ass if you feel strongly about it

but dont listen to me cause my rules on life and laws are bit twisted due to my friends :D

edit: on second thought turn there ass in its warez that means higher game prices for the rest of us!

2003-10-11, 11:44 PM
Here's my advice.
If they are your friends. Warn them. Tell them that you are against warez and you feel that it is wrong. TELL them that you are thinking about reporting people who you know have warez. Don't say specifically that you are targetting them, but just say that. If they continue with their illegal habits, report them.
If they aren't your friends. Bust them, who gives a rats ass.
Don't do it just for revenge. People usually have laundry much dirtier than that. Find something that'll brand them for life. :twisted:

i trust you have never actually been in this situation before?

doing things like that will give you a one way ticket to the morgue. if your gonna snitch, dont tell the people you are snitching on.

2003-10-11, 11:46 PM
Especialy(sp?) if your italian like me :O_O:

2003-10-11, 11:48 PM
Especialy(sp?) if your italian like me :O_O:

an Italian French Candaian? :lol:

2003-10-11, 11:54 PM
Yea :ugh:

I'm a bastardized version of a french canadian :ugh:.

1/2 italian

1/4 Canadian
1/4 French

Pure bastard!

Put an olive in the mix and you get a retarded inbred version of me! :lol:

2003-10-12, 03:28 AM
I hope you aint a *** too, or else your gona be dead by your own medicin, porkchop style!


2003-10-12, 03:45 AM
seems like some people take warez pretty sirius here... If you'r friends are d/ling music and thats all who gives a crap, if its games etc. etc. then what ever but now I know not to say anything about what I do here.

2003-10-12, 06:21 AM
I absolutely despise snitches.

So do I. Even if fueled by revenge, there are other ways.

2003-10-12, 09:22 AM
I haven't, and probably won't, I have to talk it over with my dad.

Some of your comments have been better than others. *cough firecracker cough*

Hey my comments were true,If you were to turn them in prepare to be hated everywhere and have your ass kicked.Its the truth.And not only would you be fucking up your friends,think of there familys,The goddamn RIAA would sue them till there living out on a street corner with a cardboard box as a house.Just my opinions but I dont think your God or Buddas or whatever the fuck you believe in would want you to do that.

2003-10-12, 02:57 PM
i trust you have never actually been in this situation before?

doing things like that will give you a one way ticket to the morgue. if your gonna snitch, dont tell the people you are snitching on.

I've been in this situation plenty of times. Honestly, what the fuck are they going to do? Kill you? Get Real. One way trip to the morgue my ass. You know what is really going to happen? Most of them are going to whine and/or roll over. The few who don't aren't going to do a damn thing except ignore you. You may get an empty threat or two, but thats about it.
Besides. If your friends are the kind of people who kill over warez, I think you've got some bigger crimes to report than piracy.

2003-10-12, 03:11 PM
sounds like people have watched god father and scarface way to many times

dont be a narc nobody likes narc

but do what you will but be careful

2003-10-13, 12:32 AM
I absolutely despise snitches.
Yeah. Just leave it be, it's gonna be far too much effort, and you'll lose friends over it.