View Full Version : IMPORTANT info i must find out about vechle control!!!!

2003-01-14, 11:11 AM
Ok here i go with my question-----btw i bet i spelt vechle wrong lol

Say your using a vanu tank or something,do you HAVE to have someone to control the tanks gun or can you control it yourself at the same time as driving?.I mean i don't want it so that i HAVE to get a gunner/driver ALL the time,am i able to control guns/driving etc...without the need for a player to do it?

Take "battlefield 1942" where there vechle control for say a tank is that you can either have a player control the gun or you can stop change position and shoot sh*t yourself.PLEASE HELP ME

2003-01-14, 11:31 AM

The lighning is a 1 man tank, the rest require a gunner to fire.

2003-01-14, 11:45 AM
oh well planetside has made it's first HUGE mstake,......oh well that counts me out for EVER using tabnks that i'm FORCED TO team ith sumbody

2003-01-14, 11:50 AM
Or you could read the response and drive/shoot the Light Tank. This game is about teamwork, with the added capacity for lone wolf action, not the other way around.

2003-01-14, 11:59 AM
Wont get far if you don't want to play with anyone else bro :)

Well, can't say that... you just won't get there as fast I guess, heh.

2003-01-14, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Or you could read the response and drive/shoot the Light Tank. This game is about teamwork, with the added capacity for lone wolf action, not the other way around.


Driving around solo in a tank is just gonna get ya blown up'

2003-01-14, 12:21 PM
What i'm trying to say is yeah i don't mind teaming with people to gt the job done.But there's nothing like the feeling of using a tank or any kind of vechle on your own.I have to say that in the light of this it's changed how i feel about this game,not to the point that i won't buy or pkay it.Just by the fact that i'll stay away fromn ground vechle certificates and go for air vechles or no vechles at all.If any of you guys have played battlefield1942 you can understand why having 2 ppl taming in a vechle is a bad idea as you always get someone who can't drive/aim properally and just ruins the whole fun

2003-01-14, 12:23 PM
thegame, PS is all about teamwork. Get ourself an outfit. Get yourself a gunner, then go get yourself some kills.

Try it, you'll like it. Interacting with your fellow human being other than so you can kill them can be quite rewarding. Especially when you work together to kill others!

2003-01-14, 12:30 PM
I suppose your right,i mean after all they still have sum vechles that don't need 2 ppl like a mosquito and the lightning.Anyhow your right it can be GREAT fun providing the guy your in the tank/jeep etc... is a guy who is'nt gonna drive you into a wall etc...8)

2003-01-14, 01:25 PM
Yea this isnt like BF, you dont jump in to a game that resets every 30 mins with people running around TKing to get vehicles. ;)

Its all about teamwork, like he said. Find yourself a nice outfit and get a gunner ;)

2003-01-14, 02:21 PM
BF1942 is the worst TKing game I've ever played/ It's awful. Any map with a B17 bomber in it is useless.

2003-01-14, 02:30 PM
That and BF's netcode is the suck :brow:

2003-01-14, 02:53 PM
well are you realy incapable of switching from driver to gunner? Sure you may have to get out and get back in at the gunner spot, but at least you can prevent access to anyone else to jump in and start driving your tank when you are trying to aim.
I know exactly what u mean thegame109, it drives me crazy when someone gets in your artilery peice and screws up your aim when your about to take out a tank.....The reason ps is 10X better in that department is that you can choose if u want someone to have access to your tank. See what i mean?

2003-01-14, 03:16 PM
English. Learn it, Use it, Love it.

2003-01-14, 03:18 PM
Yeah i see now..you can put permissions on to stop that right?,anyhow thx guys

2003-01-14, 04:11 PM
Yeah, you can set permissions on your vehicles to:

* self (vehicles spawn with this setting, IIRC)
* squad (not sure if this includes your platoon or not)
* outfit
* entire empire

A vehicle's trunk has similar, INDEPENDANT settings. So you could let anyone in your squad drive, and keep the trunk to yourself, or visa versa.

2003-01-14, 05:28 PM
Yes, just lock the vehicle. Nobody is gonna jump in if you dont want them to :p