View Full Version : im not watching the world series

2003-10-17, 12:50 AM
first Cubs lose - my world comes to an aprupt end nearly while i begin to run in front of on coming traffic

I live needless to say and i find new hope in life that maybe just maybe the Red Sox can beat teh evil empire and make it to the series and kick some fish ass.

BUUUUUTTTT no so i figure i would have to root for the Marlins because i hate the damn Yankees so damn much and would rather shoot myself then r00t for them but i cant root for the marlins so i wont i hope bud selig comes out and announces that game 1 -7 is a tie and the make up will be between the Cubs and the Red Sox (in which the cubs win of course).

So there you go


2003-10-17, 01:43 AM
No more baseball threads from Hamma. I'll be playing PS on Saturday when the series starts :p

2003-10-17, 04:15 AM
I was kinda getting tired of hearing about the Cubs and that it was some sort of "Destiny" for them to get to the World Series after so long.

I don't care for the cubs, but I heard that a bit too much and it aggravated me.

And I hope the Marlins whip the Yankees' asses just to prove you can't win with money(or something like that).

2003-10-17, 09:02 AM
amen. ive luved the Marlins since 96, and i was rooting 4 them all the way against the Cubs. i was very sad to see boston lose tho :(