View Full Version : Certification Credit Starvation
2003-10-18, 01:13 AM
Do you feel like you're always just scraping by with your certs? Always tempted to buy a fun cert but you can't because you'd have to gimp your character? Sucks, doesn't it? I'm br20 and believe me it doesn't get any better. I have the bare essentials:
Advanced Hacking/Combat Engineering/Reinforced Exosuit/Special Assault/Mosquito/Advanced Mobile Station
That list forms a pretty nice character, to be sure, but there's a problem: I want to play with a cert without dropping something vital, which I can't do. Don't construe this as whining: the TR conditions its troops to endure any amount of pain and unfairness with galvanized fortitude (except on the official forums, I hear).
Now that Core Combat is coming up, I won't even be able to use the Flail with my main because I'd have to drop something way better. Oh well, that's how it goes.
How much would you like another three Certification Points?
2003-10-18, 01:17 AM
2003-10-18, 01:24 AM
Looks like we have a minimalist in the house.
2003-10-18, 02:03 AM
I don't understand the mentality that thinks people need to be forced to group by contrivance. I played in a mostly full platoon for hours yesterday and nobody even asked who had which certs. Granted, we weren't all on teamspeak and hadn't planned all of our certs, but then again that kind of squad rarely has a place for new players, which I enjoy working with.
It could be argued that the changes in experience awards would tempt people to solo more often. I saw people refusing to join squads because they could take a heavy assault weapon or reaver and make more xp solo.
If only you got temporary certification in a vehicle that you jacked and could get enemy assets from hacked equipment terminals. It would be a golden age in PlanetSide.
Oh yeah I would have wanted 3 cert points I forgot about Core Combat for a second aw well I can't revote.
2003-10-18, 03:10 AM
Nothing in CC is going to be as good as the Mosquito or Advanced Hacking. Since these skills are practically essential (who the hell recruits a hacker so they don't have to spend into hacking?) I don't think CC is going to be as fun as it could be. Three more little credits though and I'd have some room to play around.
Just my opinion.
im fine at BR17 with
Adv. hack, Combat ENG, Infiltration Suit, MAX Scattercannon, Mosquito and ATV what else to i need?
with 3more cirts from BR20 maby ill get a vehicle i could swap daly for some fexable fun
2003-10-18, 03:44 AM
I have that same prob too...
Weapon certs:
Medium Assault
Heavy Assault
Advanced Hacking
MA/HA are essential for me, i need my jackhammer :p
Adv Hacking: Well, I solo sometimes, so I need it for hacking
Medical/Engineering: I can't stand running around with no armor and half health, these are totally essential for me.
I ropped spec assult a few days ago for the vanguard (I've been using the vg on and off for a while, but since the bp im keeping it for good).
Skyguard: Dropped Mosquito for it. Skyguard really is alot better since the BP, i think I'll keep it. I can use it as a solo vehicle since it has high speed, and i can stop and gun it if theres lots of aircraft around.
I used to be a full-blown grunt, but I find that I tend to use vehicles quite a bit more, since it's tons of fun driving my vg/sg around with a good gunner from my outfit.
Not totally sure what im gonna do with my char, might drop ha and get CE+infil, as I already have adv hack, medic and eng. could be fun :)
Also, im CR4 (4.9 to be exact,soooo close to cr5..prob gonna get it this weekend). I could get some really nice orbital strikes in with an infil suit.
2003-10-18, 04:03 AM
NNY: I would recommend Skyguard or Special Assault, but that's just my opinion. With CC who knows tho.
2003-10-18, 09:33 AM
I wouldn't mind having 3 more cert points. Hell, i would love to have 1 more cert point. If they grouped things together like lighting and van/mag/prow, or gal and surender, that would cut down on some cert points.
2003-10-18, 04:31 PM
i think its fine atm
Neon Apocalypse
2003-10-18, 04:44 PM
I think its fine also. I have adv hack, heavy assualt, reinf exo, and quasar max. I love my character. Although i wish i had a vehicle and special assualt. But by br20 i will have them. With cc coming out i think we will need more cert points. But the game is all about teamwork so u cant have everything. Like if ur adv hack, adv medic, and combat engi, thats just way too much, although adv hack is essential, i dont know where i would be without it. Adv hack should be bundled i with something, like infil, for say 5 points, that would be nice.
2003-10-18, 05:41 PM
if i could have 4 more certs after br 20 i could get my beloved reaver back :drools: witch i can't do now and ruin all my character strives for (all situation uberness)
ATV(in 2 br)
perhaps i will get rid of HA if the JH gets nerfed :tear: :tear:
2003-10-19, 01:17 AM
Its balanced now, we can't have everyone doing everything, you know?
2003-10-19, 01:34 AM
I question whether it's balanced, and am forced to side with the clear majority that feels the game would be better with more certs. Just three more is all I want. Ok, four would be cool too, but definitely no more than five! At least SOE has an easy way to boost customer satisfaction, if they ever own up to the fact that they were too strict with certs in the first place.
Just my opinion.
Wheres the "I don't give" choice?
2003-10-19, 02:22 AM
I like the limitation. I will leave it at that.
2003-10-19, 02:38 AM
Its good the way it is, thank you very much.
2003-10-19, 06:45 AM
I tend to be happy with the way it is now.
2003-10-19, 07:34 AM
The people have spoken.
2003-10-19, 08:50 AM
The people have spoken.
Too bad A) no one who matters gives a fuck B) Your pull is ambiguous enough to be worthless.
2003-10-19, 09:33 AM
Don't get sad.
2003-10-19, 10:00 AM
.................................................. .................................................. ...........that makes no sense.
2003-10-19, 11:27 AM
I also like the limitation. What is the point in certs at all if you could have everything? What I would like to see is some way to address having 1 cert point and not being able to use it for anything. There are a lot of configurations at BR 20 that can leave you this way as well, which isnt right IMO
2003-10-19, 12:23 PM
Harasser should be one cert. It's utterly useless as it is. At BR20 you have so many more useful two-cert certifications.
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-19, 02:31 PM
I could use 3-5 more cert points. I've always been of the opinion that it's a broken system anyways. It doesn't force people to group and all it does is limit how much a person can do and therefore, in a sense, how much fun a player can have without a squad. Not only that but it gives people a false goal, one easily attainable with no goal after it to keep them playing. There are many who believe that once they've hit BR 20 they've "beat the game" and wonder why they would still play. Now I personally think that point of view is rather dumb. You play it to shoot at people, not get levels but there are definately people who feel that way. If you look you'll probably find a few threads about it in this forum actually.
It's supposed to encourage people to work together which it does a very poor job of doing so. I creates a fake goal that's much too easily reached. I doubt however it will ever be lifted so the next best thing would be either to give more certs or preferably for them to consolidate more certs.
2003-10-19, 02:36 PM
I say group these toether:
Combat Engennering and Engenering
Medical and Adv medical
Ifltration suit and hacking or adv hacking
AMS and Router*Core Combat vechical*
Flail*core combat vechical* and Van,Mag,Prow
2003-10-19, 03:53 PM
I say group these toether:
Combat Engennering and Engenering
Medical and Adv medical
Ifltration suit and hacking or adv hacking
AMS and Router*Core Combat vechical*
Flail*core combat vechical* and Van,Mag,Prow
Err no that's kinda A) completely oposite from what the devs intended B) going way overboard with cert combinations. Do you really want everyone in the game pretty much able to place mines and revive people?
2003-10-19, 04:54 PM
Im BR 17 and I feel like I have everything I need(adv hacker, combat engy, med assault, infiltration, ATV, scatmax)). The whole point of limiting cert points is so you have to specialize.
Yeah but would 3 or 5 more cert points break that system? I think it would allow you to pick up another vehicle to help out your team, and let you upgrade one of your skills or weapon certs.
Even if you had every cert in the game, no one player would be able to completely dominate, so why not allow it?
2003-10-20, 12:50 AM
Even if everyone got Combat Engineering for free, just how many do you think would use it? Few, at most.
That's the problem with cert credits. Just because you have a cert doesn't mean you won't spend hours unable to use it (while gunning, piloting, etc.)
As for people quitting or playing less because of the b20 cap, I've seen a lot of it. At this point, even I will stop playing until my recert timer wears off if I pick something that fails to be fun for 24 hours.
2003-10-20, 05:51 PM
Thanks to the PSU cert caluclater, it would take 75 cert points to get everything that is in thig game at this point. Not including the cc vechicals.
2003-10-20, 06:35 PM
Even if everyone got Combat Engineering for free, just how many do you think would use it? Few, at most.
If everyone had CE free everything would be mined to hell. I would never be able to put a damn spifire in a good place because idots would place them wrong and mess my proximity (bad enough as it is).
One thing about limiting certs allows you to develop a specialization. It's kinda a base premise of the game otherwise we would just be playing quake.
2003-10-20, 06:40 PM
I question whether it's balanced, and am forced to side with the clear majority that feels the game would be better with more certs. Just three more is all I want. Ok, four would be cool too, but definitely no more than five! At least SOE has an easy way to boost customer satisfaction, if they ever own up to the fact that they were too strict with certs in the first place.
Just my opinion.
This is a poorly worded survey anyway... it shows clear bias in the questions.
Better poll would have been.
Do you think we need more certs?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Ambivalent
4) Disagree
5) Strongly Disagree
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-20, 07:44 PM
Im only BR 10 and I feel I am almost completely set. I dropped my inf cuz of the new balance pass. Subsequientially I dropped Adv/Hack. I am now:
CE; MA; Mosq; Sniper. I set, I'll save the rest for CC.
My NC chara Is in a bit of a stat tho, Because I don't have a REALLY good Outfit I feel like i have to cert in everything. He's:
Re-Exo; SA; HA. I want:
Deliv; Engi; ScatMAX; ATV; AND some CC stuff. which I can get, except the CC stuff so I'm screw'd. I want 3 more certs and for them to fix my inf. I'm really pissed about the inf. I could use the three certs for some CC stuff.
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