View Full Version : Unarmed policeman dies/ UK Tragedy

2003-01-14, 09:12 PM

This is a horrid thing. I would like to say, that I believe this would have been prevented if police were armed. I believe that in the US this warrant/arrest would have been served by a swat team. I doubt that criminal would have been as froggy if all of those police officers had mp5s. It's a shame and my prayers are with his family.

2003-01-14, 09:13 PM
Does the UK have a death penalty?

2003-01-14, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Does the UK have a death penalty?


Prayers are with his family here also.

2003-01-14, 11:52 PM
Mmmmm HK MP5.

2003-01-15, 08:57 AM
if it were australia the armed TRG would break down his door and shoot him in the face before ralising they should be next door *again*

2003-01-15, 10:53 AM
britain does have the death penalty actually though
not many peeps no it! for treason! lol. n we alsophave a version of swat called SO19 who are actually armed with mp5s as well!