View Full Version : Horrible Display of Leadership
2003-10-19, 12:56 AM
I was playing tonight, as part of the TR Emerald Alliance. We were on Amerish, winning, and all of a sudden, about 4 CR5's come on global, saying. Leave Amerish, were attacking Solsar, and Leave amerish, its lost, come help solsar. Solsar wasnt even doing well. Since the cr5's said that, they sucked more than 75% of our troops off amerish, and we lost it. Then, they ended up losing solsar. We lost both, when we could of had Amerish The TR CR5's are worthless. They were losing on solsar, so they decided to take troops from where we were winning to help them. The TR really needs some new faces to earn CR5 cause the ones right now absolutely SUCK!
2003-10-19, 08:54 AM
workin on it cr 1.5 :D its gonna take a while
2003-10-19, 02:49 PM
Yes, 90% of the time they are spouting bs and stupid orders.
Neon Apocalypse
2003-10-19, 03:23 PM
we vanu gave like 20 cr5s, and they never say anyhting on global, usually its just continent, even if that they still dont say much
Diddy Mao
2003-10-20, 03:13 PM
Ugh try and Be on the NC cr 5 Command Chat! There is more ego's there than u can shake a stick at, and 2/3rd's of it is Pedro is his Battalion Lackey's!
2003-10-20, 05:05 PM
You should start posting the names of shitty CR5s. A majority of these pudwhackers are armchair commandos who get CR5 based on the fact that they're fat lazy bastards who sit online 24-7 like Evercrack addicts.
That entitles them to maybe a "congratulations".
I'm a little sick and tired of retarded jackasses running their mouth on Global chat talking about how crappy of a TV show that "FRIENDS" is. SHUT UP, because I don't care.
These idiots wouldn't be so bad, if more people didn't listen to them. But you have a mass of zerglings running around actually LISTENING to this, and they get some wild hair up their butt and say "OMG LETS GO TO OSHUR!" and all of a sudden we're down to two bases across Auraxis.
Start posting their names. Force them to account for their shitty decisions. Let's get some retribution for Smiley and sundances ruining people's nightly gaming experiences.
2003-10-21, 08:56 AM
Diddy FYI we only have 3 Cr5s in the battalion atm and we don't really talk on command chat that much because you always dog us for being battalion. You have got to realize that we really aren't that bad. And we never talk about how crappy shows are in global in NC. :p .. Please give us more credit Diddy.
2003-10-21, 10:36 AM
Watch and wait for zuvarg; he will be CR5 soon. He is quite possibly one of the best tacticians I have met. I look forward to him bringing his talents to bear.
2003-10-22, 02:18 PM
I used to turn Global OFF. Once in a while it would come back on for one reason or another. I find the perfect cure by changing Global chat black so I never have to look at it EVER.
Never found anything useful to read on it.. and I doubt I ever will. If Global worked like it is meant to work. Then we would have people recalling every 5 minutes.
Just because this CR5 is losing a tower on another continent, doesn't mean he should ask for help from the whole planet. And if Gunuku needs an ANT... why don't you go get it?
2003-10-27, 10:19 PM
Diddy....I have been TR on Emerald, I have been NC on Emerald....Pedro and Battalion are better than the best-of-the-best TR CR5's. I know you say Pedros retarded and he may well be, but he is nothing, absolutly nothing compared to the likes of Hurley, Malone (DOH!!!), Instagator, and Khabok when he goes on a clean house of HMX-1.
Just ask any TR about Hurley and you'll get a mouthful cuss words and flashes of extreme anger.
*remembers when Hurley OS'ed friendly vehicle pad after friendly vehicle pad*
Fyi Bismarck malone is an NC cr5 now
2003-10-28, 02:32 PM
Malone is a fool, he has been CR5 TR as well.
2003-10-28, 06:26 PM
I think I recall the night you mention and let me explain why we left Amerish. We left Amerish because we could not sustain an offensive there and keep the NC from taking back Solsar and invading Ishunder from Hossin with a huge Zerg.
The plan was to shift troops to Solsar and hold the front there while at the same time defending Marduk. We hoped to stall the VS with whoever didnt recall off Amerish while we dealt with the NC Zerg that was unleashed because the VS had ghosted Hossin to defend Amerish from what was supposed to be just a small raid.
A double team was in the making and we were trying to slow it down long enough to retain the base advantage we had and get the daily win. As it turned out we still lost for the day as the NC had such a huge lead from earlier and we could not overcome it.
I hope that clears it up for you.
HMX-1 Assault
Too lazt to link the sig witht the l33t stats.
2003-11-14, 07:20 PM
Yup.. CR5 does not a leader make. Some of the better CR5's I've seen save globals for matching ANT drivers with Galaxy pilots and the like. Many just holler and scream because their squad is getting whooped.
Smiley and sundances ruining people's nightly gaming experiences.
Well not sundances he is annoying
Smiley777 (the old one) was the best CR5
[EDIT]Darn I aciddently quoted instead of editing my previous post now how do I delete this?
2003-11-17, 07:59 AM
Smiley777 (the old one) was the best CR5
You should enter rehab, because the crack you're smoking has ruined your sense of reality.
I don't care for any version of Smiley. And frankly, I never will. I have never ever ONCE followed any order he gave out over Global- since a majority of the crap he typed was about how dumb such and such TV show was, or how how such and such actress is. And a majority of the TR that I know and convene with also think he's an inept commander who couldn't lead an army of lemmings or fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
How many players held this name, according to rumor? How many times has it been reported that Crybaby777 has "once again switched empires"? How many outfits has Smurfy777 been through? Well let's see. There was the time that Smiley777 went to Vanu. Oh, and then there was the time that Smiley777 went to NC. And oh by the way, there was that whole trading accounts drama with Reticulex. OH YEAH, let's not forget the whole FraudulentBob/SmileyRELOADED crap. Oh- and then there's the whole association with Team GOD and the switch to The Red Coats most likely after even THEY got tired of his ass, plus whatever NC and VS outfits sheltered the homeless. "Boo hoo, nobody likes me, I'm switching empire so I can kill you all without grief." Well to all that sob-story jazz I say "Here's a quarter, call someone who gives a shit." I ignore Smiley777 consistently- as in, every single thing that he types. Really- it's like a crappy daytime soap opera. This dude is lucky that PS isn't like Castle Wolfenstein where you can vote jackasses off. There ought to be a slash-command other than ignore that I can use to report flagrant, flaming abuse of the Global and continental chat. All apologies will be ignored, since this is the fifth or sixth time I've heard it- I imagine this little kid probably gets off on being so well-hated.
Let's face it- no matter if he's "sorry" or "learned my lesson", even if he sat down and read every manual and doctrinal book on combat forces maneuvers and deployments and suddenly was named TR MVP, whatever credibility this soap opera star had and hopes to earn has all gone down the toilet. A huge portion of the disregard, disrespect, and distaste I have for pretty much all CR5s comes from this single person, past present and future.
Just like shit stains in the underwear after a good bout of runny, explosive diarrhea, there are some stains you can never wash out.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-02, 05:48 AM
let's face it, a sad majority of CR5s are completely inept. not because they are retarded, not becare they're stupid, but simply because they have no concept of military assets and the allocation thereof. they are not commanders. i will never refer to them as such, and i don't think anyone else should, either.
there really should be a thread where each faction could post the CR5s that shouldn't be CR5.
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