View Full Version : How many times have you been killed by a forum reg?
As I was rushing out of the gen room in my cloak suit after my platoon blew the gens (kudos to you, Rico) I turned the corner and ate Hamma's chaingun.
About a month or so earlier, I was running about in agile, just shooting people, before turning around, and getting a faceful of Smiley777 chaingun bullets.
So, I was simply wondering: How many times have you killed/been killed a/by a forum regular? Total kills, not just one specific incident.
Edit: Curses! In my hurried attempt to get the post off-the-line, I forgot the poll! :mad:
2003-10-19, 01:43 AM
A lot.
Not much. Although i do run into friendlies who i know(JetRadien, Eine, Everay, etc.). I've also gotten so many /tell's saying "Are you the same 1024 as on"
My response, "Do you honestly think someone else has my name?" :p
Not much. Although i do run into friendlies who i know(JetRadien, Eine, Everay, etc.)
Wait. Isnt JR on NC and Everay on TR? :confused:
No, both NC to my knowledge. And i'm NC, so why would me running into Jet be weird?
I dunno. The only time it seems, that I run into a person I know on the boards, they have a red name over thier heads. Including when I was bombing in Markov today, and almost hit an outfit member from Emerald.
2003-10-19, 02:18 AM
I don't see many forum regulars in game. Then again I'm not sure if I am a regular or not. I've killed and been killed by Smiley777 a few times. That's probably about it.
Ooh.. my Magrider gunner got Hamma today :)
Hamma sucks. I killed him.
2003-10-19, 02:23 AM
Edit: Curses! In my hurried attempt to get the post off-the-line, I forgot the poll! :mad:
Tell me what poll options and question you want and I will add it to the thread.
Hamma-man, Hamma-man, he the great admin-man.
2003-10-19, 02:32 AM
Every now and then I get killed by forum regulars, though honestly, I'm killing them more than they kill me. The only exception to this is Incompetent, he owns me.
i pwn incomp hardcore. durr.
2003-10-19, 03:35 AM
For me, seeing forum regs around is pretty rare. But then again, I'm not a forum regular myself, and I might not even recognize a forum reg if I saw them ;). Though I did get killed by Hamma's lightning the other day, and shortly thereafter got him back with my mosquito :D.
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-19, 04:22 AM
I rarely see forum regs, but then I'm also either flying in a Lib gunning things to death of fightning in my Lightning on the edges of battles. My comp isn't up to par so large base fights drop me to under 10 fps which makes it a little hard to live.
I used to see Dio all the time back in the day though. Dunno what it was but it seemed like every time I turned around I'd see him. Other than that the only person I see semi-often is Ob Frog, usually standing in line near me on the V-pad :p.
I've only seen Hamma once, and he ownzored me while I was looking at my map :lol:
2003-10-19, 04:51 AM
I see 321 quite a bit. I think I'm at least 1 up on him. ;-) I think I've seen 1024 before too. Can't remember who killed who if we did meet.
2003-10-19, 11:45 AM
Ive seen hamma 3 or 4 times at least, never really got close...ive also seen lonehunter a bunch of times but i dont think he counts anymore...
Nah, Hamma, it's alright. The thread didnt turn into a train wreck because I forgot the poll. So I'm content with the way it is currently.
2003-10-19, 01:30 PM
I saw Hamma a couple times. Arakiel killed me lots of times(guess he barely plays or posts anymore), though I got him once or twice.
Being NC I always see Happylilelf, RagingGerbil...ok if you're NC on emerald I've probably seen you.
2003-10-19, 03:06 PM
I always used to see Arakiel
Neon Apocalypse
2003-10-19, 03:12 PM
i have never seen any forum members or killed by them, yesterday i got killed by smiley777 a couple times,
edit: i have killed diddymao
2003-10-19, 03:28 PM
i got tked by vash once
but i have never seen any non NC regs on Markov.
2003-10-19, 06:25 PM
I've squaded with hamma once, been killed by arakiel once, seen flammey, squaded with smiley some. Saw onizuka a long time ago on hossin, saw obfrogs name on the kill board a few days ago and i think i've seen diddymao once, along with incompetent and a few other CDL guys. seen sputty once too. way back when.
So yeah i see a lot of forum regs.
oh cant forget BISMARCK. ha ha i see him every day cuz we talk and stuff.
2003-10-19, 06:32 PM
I can't remember any names, but I do recall seeing Hamma suicide with a plasma nade.
Well, I chill with CDL. What does that tell ya? :P
Though I have seen some others. I blew up HappylilElf once, and I've seen ObFrog around occasionally. And of course, before they lost their minds and left PS for browner pastures, I used to see BOHICA around a lot (and that's when Dio still thought I was a girl :p )
One time, the only time i ever have logged onto emerald, it turned out that CDL was doing an op. I litterally ran into, incomp i think. cant recall.
i remember i grabbed engy and lighting certs and was going dwon solsar(i think) and came by a tower an ran into a sunderer. turned out CDL was capping the tower.
i love coincidinks.
I kill/am killed by Lise alot, and I have killed Veteran a couple times too.
2003-10-19, 11:11 PM
i griefed hamma during beta with rocklet launcher ok thats the last time ill say that cause its getting old.
Saw Incomp today. Got Hamma Killed by distracting him with my cloaker-y goodness while a guy with a jack came up behind him.
Nice hiding spot, right next to the door, Hamma. :p
2003-10-19, 11:46 PM
Yea I love dying to the jackhammer in one shot :mad:
2003-10-20, 01:36 AM
i got killed by some peeps at that PSU meeting thing on Ceryshen the other day but thats about it.
2003-10-20, 02:32 AM
I only know of being killed by a forum regular once, Obfrog a day or so ago, and that was a fluke, and it was because of the "manned turret bug." I've seen a few VS PSU regulars. Let see, not in empire order, I've seen Aen, Spee, Obfrog, I think I've seen Duffman, I think I've seen Lise, Endless, Smile777, Lilbird2431, Sandtrout, Mordith, Vash, Writhe, Soliloquist. Probably more. I won't say who I've killed. Nor will I comment on their gaming abilities. Suffice it to say, if you see a character named Flammey, IT IS ME.
I dont happen to remember if any of you guys killed me, but ive killed: Lil'Elf, and Writhe for sure...
Ive seen Flammey and VSKing (aka STEALTHKILLER) and sent a tell to the RagingGerbil after a sweet OS that killed 20+ VS...hehe i just got outside of the blast on that one....... :)
NightWalker XI
2003-10-20, 06:40 AM
No one from here hardly plays on werner so not much, I once killed call the gestapo and he killed me but I don't think he posts here anymore.
2003-10-20, 09:52 AM
Incompentant owned me last night, and I think I ate NoSurrender's bumper too.
Hamma and Aen are at the top of my OS list. Those two always seem to narrowly escape...
2003-10-20, 10:16 AM
I Never see forum regs, with the exception of Smiley777 and maybe one or two others, and they are usually friendlies. I finally saw Hamma last night on Emerald though. w00t, i feel special but i know someone will flame me for that lol.
2003-10-20, 03:50 PM
I've been killed by rightwing a few times, unfortunatly he is usually standing in my spawn tube unloading, That doesent really count :brow:
2003-10-20, 03:59 PM
LOL, when i saw u last night hamma u took a van shell right in the face...i think it was cuz i distracted u too, lol. Where did u go after that? I didnt see u at all the rest of the night...
2003-10-20, 04:01 PM
I was on forseral neti/caer/anu area the rest of the night.
2003-10-20, 04:07 PM
So you left Cery? Probably was a good idea, we resecured everything in 15 min and moved on to solsar. Got really boring after that...
2003-10-20, 04:25 PM
nope i never seen no one :groovy: :groovy:
2003-10-21, 04:28 AM
Woohoo, now I know I've seen Lise. I've seen RagingGerbil. And I finally saw HAmma just a few hours ago. I sent him a /tell HAmmmMMaaa. And he sent back a ?. I think I confusicated him for a moment.
Yep, I've seen Flammey. Unfortunately he had the immense displeasure of shooting me right as I was coming off the ridiculous asskicking we recieved at the hands of the NC on Ceryshen. When he /telled me afterward, I was a bit harsh and it took me a moment to realize who he was. Sorry about that, Flammey :(
Oh, and how could I forget Rightwing? I introduced him to the powah of the new Striker a few nights back - and he's lucky my Emerald alter-ego doesn't have Decis yet. :p
2003-10-21, 07:23 AM
Ah, that's alright. I understood. I knew how you felt.
2003-10-21, 12:50 PM
Aside from the PSU meeting, prolly only smiley and 321. I was WG camping him like a month ago. lol.
2003-10-21, 03:35 PM
Since my main is on Werner, I don't see many people. I saw VaderDSL on there a couple of times, but he doesn't post here much. I have a BR10 Vanu on Emerald, and I saw ObnoxiousFrog twice, but that was it.
2003-10-21, 04:09 PM
I only know of being killed by a forum regular once, Obfrog a day or so ago, and that was a fluke, and it was because of the "manned turret bug." I've seen a few VS PSU regulars. Let see, not in empire order, I've seen Aen, Spee, Obfrog, I think I've seen Duffman, I think I've seen Lise, Endless, Smile777, Lilbird2431, Sandtrout, Mordith, Vash, Writhe, Soliloquist. Probably more. I won't say who I've killed. Nor will I comment on their gaming abilities. Suffice it to say, if you see a character named Flammey, IT IS ME.
Don't lie, you got owned.
But I got killed by Incomp twice, got him once, got AgentDuck....ummm I got Caspertoo (I guess noone in DM counts anymore).
I ran over a lot of CDL at the bridge meeting and god thresherowned by Lise.
I got Chewy too, and I have never been killed by 321, I hold the record for smoking him.
I know I've died a lot more from various forum people, but I killed quite a few from my Reaver/Jackhammer n00bness.
2003-10-21, 04:12 PM
flammy got all of us the otehr night with his damn mag
2003-10-21, 06:43 PM
Never! :p Or atleast not yet, although I see Aztek all the time giving out planetary commands. :D
2003-10-21, 07:36 PM
I just owned lise a few hours ago :lol:
I've seen flammey around. I have also traded kills with arakiel :D
The best though is when I ran into incompetent and did a little weapons trading. We had a knife fight after that and I OWNED!
lol it was close I had about 5 health left at the end
also I pissed cifer off, but that doesn't count because he is a smacktard and is banned lol
I just owned lise a few hours ago :lol:
The way I remember it, you got owned by a Spitfire Turret. In a MAX.
That fight was phatnutz, though.
2003-10-21, 08:03 PM
When was that? Eh i dunno. I was lagging like hell, missles and the fuxoring striker locks, enemy max's ect ect, all i know is that i went down.
O_O now i rember lol. I autoran and flew past all you TR and landed next to a spitfire. I had almost no life left by this time. Bam bam. /respawn.
Every time i tryed to OS you biatchs i got sniped or something lol.
We owned you in the end tho. I think it was my outfit that did it. We were the ones orginaizing max strikes lol. 4-6 maxes heading in through the back door + apx 8 infantry behind the maxs = omglolscrewed.
We had 50 peeps spawn camping yall. lmao.
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-21, 08:11 PM
p.s. cifer was just a lil cheesed off cuz everyone was knockin DM for ruinin' their Lemming fun. There I said it, we can end the maddness now.
I see smily777 sometimes. I saw hamma saturday as I did a fly over in my mosq and got owned by the Sparrow MAX hidin' in the bloody trees. g/j on that BTW. I don't usually see many of you guys though, ya'll seem like fun to play with/against but.... oh well, maybe I'll own ya with my Deci's some time ;)
2003-10-21, 08:14 PM
i see jagd and jetraiden often on markov
2003-10-22, 04:26 AM
NEVA. I NEVA get owned. Well, that's not true. I've been owned by two guys in the entire game. Owning isn't killing a guy once. Owning is killing the same guy, over and over and over again. I've owned many characters. And I don't mean spawn camping owning either. Spawn camping is just a way to keep things clear till the place gets hacked completed.
I always try to /tell a hi to those I know off of PSU. Hope you guys don't mind.
2003-10-22, 06:11 AM
i got killed By hamma last night
2003-10-22, 02:31 PM
I killed Diddy Mao with a mine last night :brow:
2003-10-22, 04:39 PM
diidy mao owned me with a boomer while i was in my burster. i got him back later with my MCG though.
2003-10-22, 07:04 PM
I got Chewy too, and I have never been killed by 321, I hold the record for smoking him.
Oh man what are you talking about? We killed each other at the same time! Although, I was still an infiltrator back then...
2003-10-22, 07:05 PM
I stabbed you. I thusly win the kill.
It goes Knife > Beamer > All as far as kills go.
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-22, 07:07 PM
HO MAN! ObFrog got Owned by a BEAMER!?!? In an INF suit no less! HAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha........*fades
2003-10-22, 08:24 PM
No, he had an AMP.
I had my pilot config and didnt have time to get my gauss out, so i knifed him as he shot me.
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-22, 08:26 PM
ahhhh.... excuses ObFrog and begs pardon.
2003-10-22, 08:28 PM
Hell yes, don't make me go all Reaver n00b on your ass.
2003-10-23, 05:26 PM
Lol, I would never use a freaking beamer in an inf suit. The only reason he won though is because I ran over a mine as I was chasing him.
2003-10-23, 09:47 PM
Why not? Beamer kicks asssssss now. I used a beamer in my inf suit all the time, pre-patch. I hated carrying around both types of ammo. As a VS infiltrator I've taken down a mosquito, with a Repeater; an almost dead Vanguard, with a Beamer; an almost dead Liberator, with a Beamer; a Pounder MAX, with a Beamer, and I was standing in front of him, but higher up on a rock. His shots his the lip of the rock, and bounced right over me; Killed numerous grunts with the Beamer, the repeater, and the Mag Scatter. I don't know, I just can't seem to stomache the AMP's COF jump when you hold the fire button. I know it's mostly a short range weapon, and can be deadly at short range, but I don't like it much. Stolen Repeaters and Mag Scatters did better for me than the AMP.
For an infiltrator the difference between a mag scatter and amp is very small. The chief difference is the amp can be accurate if the inf is patient. The mag scatter is never accurate or effective beyond .1 m. Having said that, the reload animation is cool, and I like the blue muzzle flare on the mag and gauss.
2003-10-24, 11:11 AM
Well, I haven't been able to try the Beamer yet post-patch, but I've had some pretty cool kills myself.
I've taken out 4 reavers with my repeater (no typo, FOUR)
I've taken out an NC scatter cannon max with my beamer (just spawned, didn't want to load suppressor)
I think that's it. I don't carry around pistols that much anymore (I don't have any infiltrators as my chars, and most of my configs are medic/engineer)
2003-10-24, 11:16 AM
I was running around in my cloaker gear offing some vanu snipers one day. Ganked a beamer off of one of them, then proceeded to own him 3 more times with his own weapon. Idiot kept coming back to the exact same spot right next to this bunker.
After I saw him return the first time I jumped up on the bunker and waited. Sure as shit, he came back a second time...and then a third time. Silly vanu.
2003-10-30, 05:01 AM
Killed Zeu5 last night. I think his Striker was malfunctioning. Also saw Sentrosi. I was too busy to say Hi though.
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-30, 11:53 AM
That's a rarety, Zeu5 and his brother are usually tearing it up in their Prowler, kickin' everyone's ass. They're in the DM, this is how I know.
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