View Full Version : Blorg. (need advice)

2003-10-20, 08:00 PM
Meh. I'm a TR grunt. Rexo, HA, the whole shabang. But, my modern layout for a character is Rexo, an infantry weapon and an anti-armor weapon. Me being TR, I can choose between mainly the Deciminator and the Striker.

Dunno which to get. Deciminiator is extremely strong but dumbfire, thus it won't hit a lot, and Striker can lock on but does maybe 1/4 the damage of the Deci. So, what should I get? Currently I have Decim, but still...

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-20, 08:06 PM
STICK WIT DE DECI! the striker sux now, and I will call you a n00b to your face and like it if you use it. PLUS when you get good at the deci you can take down movin' targets just fine, AND scare the piss outta the things you miss. I shoot down mosqs for God's sake!

2003-10-20, 09:56 PM
Keep the decimator. It may seem hard to use now over the striker but you'll get very good with it in no time. And skill will make up for the lack of auto-target that the striker has. Striker just doesnt do enough dmg making the skilled decimator user the ultimate in anti-vehicle.

Just my 2 cents :groovy:

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-20, 11:47 PM
I being the skilled Decimator user :brow:

2003-10-21, 12:47 AM
Striker is still the only effective infantry AA weapon, and the Deci is useless at any sort of serious range.

However, Decie is the only realy effective infantry weapon at killing tanks, but even a fully decked soldier cant cary enough firepower to take even a Magrider I don't think. Decie the premire weapon against MAXes once they get up close though(where you'll meet most of them).

Basicly speaking: If you're looking for an indoor grunt thats going to let vehicles fight vehicles, choose SA(decie). It comes with the thumper as well, which in the right hands can be as effective as any of the HA weapons.

If you want something that can hit enemy armor at range(especialy aircraft and MAXes), choose AV. Overall, I think this cert could use a buff.

2003-10-21, 12:51 AM


2003-10-21, 12:53 AM

2003-10-21, 04:46 AM
Use what you want to use. If you use it enough, you'll learn the quirks of the weapon, like where to aim against moving targets.

2003-10-21, 04:54 AM
Even with the nerf, the Striker is still the single best anti-MAX weapon in the entire freaking game. I racked up about 20 MAX kills in the space of a few hours tonight. Really, with skilled Striker users using MAXes against the TR is suicide.

It is found wanting against current vehicles though; you will need help to take down a tank (though with three ammo boxes spare you should be able to kill a Lightning.)

2003-10-21, 07:24 AM
I use a plasma thumper for my 4 slot and whatever else for the 2 slot. I keep a Deci or two in my inventory, but not in my rifle slots.

2003-10-21, 10:52 AM
And just for reference, ALL my loadouts are arranged as follows: REK/Med applicator(on my Konried former main) in slot one; AI weapon (Rifle/HA/Thumper) in slot 2; Body Armor applicator in slot 3; and an AV weapon (Striker or Decimator) in slot 4. I find it's much easier to play if you have something like this consistently set up across your favorites.

2003-10-21, 12:54 PM
Any & all AV weapons need alot of help to take out tanks. That is how it is supposed to work 8)

It used to take 12 deci shots to take down tanks.. not sure what it is now.

It is possible to carry 4 deci's but you won't carry hardly anytyhing else 8)

2003-10-21, 01:29 PM
AH! Its jarlo! omgwtfhax!

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-21, 05:57 PM
Now it's 8 deci's to take a VG the strongest (in terms of armor) tank in the game. Did I mention I own air vec's and everything else w/ my Deci's? Infantry are a pain in my ass, and I'm a pain in every1 elses! :p :D !

2003-10-21, 06:01 PM
Well, decis can be a better inventory saver if you would need the extra space (or fight in agile if you'd please).