View Full Version : Question about certs and the NC

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 03:51 PM
I don't think an accurate limit has been mentioned yet, but I was hoping someone might have a general idea as to how many one character can have. Just wondering because it'd make it easier to plan out some characters while I wait anxiously for the game.

My second question is why do so many people consider the NC to be anarchists or socialists? I can't imagine them being either of those at least not to an extent to label them as such.

2003-01-15, 04:28 PM
i was wondering the same thing...

i think the NC is closer to being anarchists than socialists. their entire platform for rebellion is for free-will

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 04:51 PM
Four characters, anarchists.

2003-01-15, 05:07 PM
Don't make another thread on idealogy. If this becomes that I hope Hamma will close it.

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 05:10 PM
TR = Russia
NC = America
VS = Japan (sort of)


2003-01-15, 05:20 PM
The Vanu know, but we arnt telling.

2003-01-15, 05:22 PM
TR= Texas
NC= Vermont (maybe North Carolina :p )
VS= Hidden in an underground base in Nevada


2003-01-15, 05:25 PM
Because even having people start out equal is defined as socialism, even if it is a lesser degree than what the Soviet Union had :D Besides, its possible to be free and be socialistic, its all good Shyfty :D

2003-01-15, 05:34 PM
Go to one of the other 999 threads discussing idealogy before making a new one.

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Four characters, anarchists.

I know we get four characters, but I wanted to know what the cert max could possibly be. And I still don't see the NS as anarchists, their goal doesn't meet any of the definitions provided by dictionary.com for anarchy:

1) Absence of any form of political authority.
2) Political disorder and confusion.
3) Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.

They are all fighting for a common purpose and they want reform in government, not to completely do away with it.

@sputty, I don't see a problem in dicsussing the ideology of each faction as long as it's handled in a mature manner. One of the reasons it gets discussed is because people like to feel like they are part of the game when playing and knowing what you are fighting for helps. I've only seen one other ideology thread, although I haven't looked too hard, but I still would like an answer to my 1st question as well so I don't see a point in closing this.

I think that the VS are trying to create a socialist society with their goal of making everyone "perfect" and equal and I see the TR as Hitlerian Totalitarianism due to their focus on military control and the enforcement of their beliefs on their citizens/civilians.

2003-01-15, 05:37 PM
While we're beating dead horses snipers are too overpowered.

2003-01-15, 05:43 PM
I thought the NC just wanted to sit around, smoke pot, and have lotsa sex. No need for condoms with the matrixing tech making us all sterile as a mule.

2003-01-15, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
I thought the NC just wanted to sit around, smoke pot, and have lotsa sex.
Hey, you aren't supposed to be pointing out the good sides to joining the enemy. Look at your uniform, it's purple. Man, the recruiters for Vanu are going to kill you.

2003-01-15, 06:29 PM
Damn sorry, your right, i just lost the Vanu another twelve recruits. Well, we still have the Hot Vanu Babes, laser weaponry, and a damn fine dental plan!

2003-01-15, 06:31 PM
Wait a god-darn rootin-tootin cotton-picking second!!!!!

People are picking their faction based on its fictional ideology?!

Darnit, I chose the TR simply because they get high ROF, a hardcore looking MAX and a red and black colour-scheme.

Oh how shallow I feel!!! :p

2003-01-15, 06:34 PM
Wait, rage, their pickup truck style buggy did not help win you over?

2003-01-15, 06:37 PM
Nah, I always wanted the quad which is common-pool. But a vehicle that cool had to be designed by the TR, Im sure the other factions just stole the plans, or reversed engineered it as soon as they first saw it.

And you can forget the sex and the dental plan, when *EDIT* we win the war, and WE WILL *EDIT* all the TR get knighthoods, castles and huge plots of land.

Then we'd force the NC to farm the land for vegetables to go on the Vanuburger�, which would go on to become a rare delicacy. Kind of like caviar.

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 06:49 PM
I know we get four characters, but I wanted to know what the cert max could possibly be. And I still don't see the NS as anarchists, their goal doesn't meet any of the definitions provided by dictionary.com for anarchy:

20 certs, and I only call them anarchists to stir up debate.

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 06:52 PM
Isn't 20 certs a little excessive? I mean, I can make a pretty good character for only 7.

Medium Assualt
Heavy Assualt
Reinforced Armor
Advanced Hacking

That would get me pretty much everything I'd need.

2003-01-15, 06:54 PM

20 battle rank does not = 20 certs

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 07:00 PM
It doesn't?

2003-01-15, 07:03 PM
I think they mentioned something about 1/3 or 2/3s of the credits available if you went with an evenly spread character.

NC are not socialists. We are for individual freedom, not "equality". More of a Darwinistic aproach than the Vanu, but not totaly anarchist.

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 07:09 PM
I thought I heard somewhere that it was 20 possible out of 60-ish total certs. :ugh:

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 07:11 PM
I hope 1/3 (9) so you can still be effective without having access to pretty much everything, which would diminish the need for 4 unique characters.

Does anyone know how MAXes will work cert wise since they are customizable and can't use the benefits of some certs? Would weapon certs determine what choices you'd have in customization? And are MAXes able to pilot/drive/gun any vehicles?

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 07:14 PM
Don't think the max's can drive anything, sorry.

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 07:15 PM
What good would certs be for them then? Are they used just to sacrifice diversity for strength in one area?

Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 07:18 PM
Well, you could always switch to standard armor and go pilot something. You aren't stuck with a Max suit just cause' you can use it.

2003-01-15, 07:20 PM
What if you can't get a tank or vehicles? What if you want to be transported in a galaxy? MAXes are very useful

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 07:23 PM
I'm not doubting their usefullness it just seems dumb to me that someone would pick the MAX cert and pretty much have no use for any of the others. If I wanted to use somethign besides the MAX suit I could just use another character who can put something else in the spot where the MAX cert is.

2003-01-15, 07:26 PM
Heh, not really. There are nonAA vehciles and if you want to use a tank for AT then you'll need to find a cehicle spwaning area and AI doesn't really exist in armor except for tanks. Buggies allow the dirver and gunner to be shot at easily.

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 07:31 PM
Ok, so maybe I should rethink the use of an Enforcer :)

This might help solve my problems with the MAX armor. Can you and if you can then how can you change armor? Can it be done when you respawn or at a terminal perhaps?

2003-01-15, 07:34 PM
Can you drive a buggy with Reinforced Armor? :confused: I want to be sniper foder :D

2003-01-15, 07:42 PM
I've always assumed that you could change your armor at a terminal along with the rest of your inventory.

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 07:43 PM
I would think you could since it doesn't look that much bulkier then the Agile. And since we've sorta moved onto armors....If you're getting attacked does all damage go to armor or will you lose some health as well from the impact or from buning yourself because your armor heated up from the lay-zers the Vanu weapons fire :)

@mistled, That would be very efficient then. Now I can see more of a reason to pick MAX. If your base is under attack or you're at a terminal somewhere and need some extra fire power then it'd be good to have the option of switching.

2003-01-15, 07:47 PM
In my opinion people should take some health damage when hit. But this brings me to another question, are the projectiles of weapons travel Instantaneously to where you are aiming, or do the projectiles actually need time to travel? :confused: In which case you would have to lead your shots? :confused:
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 07:52 PM
I think that was answered in another thread (I could be thinking about the wrong forum) I forget the term used and I'm not really sure what it meant anyway :(

I think you need to lead shots, atleast I'd think you would for the anti-vehicle weapons.

2003-01-15, 07:52 PM
Depends on what you are shooting, I would think whether you have to lead your shots. I can't imagine having to lead with bullets much. On the other hand, if you're launching a rocket of somesort, I would expect to have to lead some.

2003-01-15, 07:56 PM

2003-01-16, 09:42 AM
too many people are confused about anarchism. its not the chaos that people believe it to be. the problem is that its so complicated that even anarchists sometimes dont get it. but basically its about being completely free, no taxes, and common law which means like dont kill anyone or steal. i dont understand it all totally but i spent a month with this guy who was an anarchist. he tried explaining it to me... but im slow :(

2003-01-16, 12:34 PM

Shyfted One
2003-01-16, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Wreck
but basically its about being completely free, no taxes, and common law which means like dont kill anyone or steal

I don't see how it'd be possible to have common law because there is no one to enforce it. I could kill a guy for no reason and the most that could happen is the community comes after me, but if I had a bigger group then I could control them by force. It'd basically start the TR all over again. I doubt that it'd be possible to have Anarchy and have everyone be free at the same time because someone is always going to want control.

2003-01-16, 05:23 PM
If there's a common law it isn't anarchy. If there was anarchy there'd be mass riots always and murder, and other crimes with no way to really punish it except with mob justice, and that's the best kind.

2003-01-17, 03:24 PM
anarchy could never work simply because if you have no society you have no order you have no order you have nodiscipline you have no leaders you have no speakers no reps there4 you cant interact with other countrys there4 your country will flounder as there is no self sustaining country. and there will be no way to go back if you dont vote- you cant get a govt so you fall into ruin

oph and you can have 22 certs out of 76

2003-01-17, 03:41 PM
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

2003-01-17, 04:52 PM
TR=Germany Hitlers Days
VS=America in the FUTURE LOL!

Vanu simply has the best weaponry and thats why i chose them


2003-01-17, 05:37 PM
hey rage thats why i picked the terran too....there cool

o and they remind me of SC terran casue they were my best race so well ya

2003-01-18, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Modulus

Vanu simply has the best weaponry and thats why i chose them

The NC has the best weapons, strongest and Vanu has the weakest. Heh, TR has medium power with ROF.

2003-01-18, 08:50 AM
The Vanu dont have to worry about all those different ammo types though, all their weapons use energy.

This doesn't mean that they are the 'best', but it makes them better for different situations.

For example if a TR or NC soldier wanted to be prepared for all situations then there are the two different ammo types for rifles/pistols and the different types of ammo for explosives. A VS soldier only has to carry around lots of energy and the types of weapons that can fill different roles.

2003-01-18, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
The NC has the best weapons, strongest and Vanu has the weakest. Heh, TR has medium power with ROF.

No one knows all the details about the weapons yet so we can't really compare them. Same for vehicles and MAXs.

2003-01-18, 12:46 PM
I was assuming by best he meant strongest. Heh, so I like the TR the most as I've said many a time.

2003-01-18, 03:46 PM
SmokeJumper called the NC anarchist but everyone should know that was just TR propoganda.

NC= sci-fi liberals :rock:
TR= sci-fi conservatives :evil:
VS= technotronic cultists :borg:


2003-01-18, 03:48 PM
SmokeJumper can call anything in PS whatever he wants. He is making the game.

2003-01-18, 04:28 PM
well, hell, anybody can call PS anything they want. :D
SmokeJumper gave a longish description of the NC a while back that was in my opinion rather negative and sounded like one of his RP rants, but he wasn't in RP mode. He was the first person I heard call the NC anarchist and since than it stuck, so I think that is the answer to one of this threads starting questions, "why are the NC considered anarchist?"

I know of no other reason for the NC being considerd anarchist, in fact, the official faction sites give the definite impression that the NC are NOT anarchists.

2003-01-18, 04:29 PM
They're not really but, meh, I don't think it really matters enough to waste any real time on at all.

2003-01-18, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
SmokeJumper can call anything in PS whatever he wants. He is making the game.

2003-01-18, 04:57 PM
Well, it's true. If he said Dwarves were now the new NC then he'd be right. BTW, I'd play as NC if nthey were dwarves maybe...but until then TR rules.

2003-01-18, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Well, it's true. If he said Dwarves were now the new NC then he'd be right. BTW, I'd play as NC if nthey were dwarves maybe...but until then TR rules.

Next thing I am going to hear is that someone is calling the Vanu elves. :ugh:

Shyfted One
2003-01-18, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
Next thing I am going to hear is that someone is calling the Vanu elves. :ugh:

Guess that leaves the TR as fairies :rolleyes:

2003-01-18, 05:08 PM
I was just saying that if they decided to change the NC to dwarves what could we say? Exactly, it's their game to make. I wasn't comparing the current NC to dwarves.

Shyfted One
2003-01-18, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
And Shyfted One is real original and thinks of the newest jokes. Why didn't you jsut Vanu are gay because they're purple?

What is your problem? 1st I make the thread and you get all bitchy about it, then you start contributing because it IS a good thread, and now you only want certain people to be allowed to make jokes? I have no idea what you have against me, but relax! I don't see why someone can blatanelty post spam, but someone else can't make a joke about a faction. Lighten up.

2003-01-18, 05:16 PM
Didn't notice the eyes. Heh, thought yoiu were serious at first. That's why I edited. My PPPOE sometime needs to reconnect. No static IP :ugh:

Shyfted One
2003-01-18, 05:19 PM
K, no hard feelings then :D

2003-01-18, 05:20 PM
Yay :love: prevails! Hamma would be pround

Shyfted One
2003-01-18, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Yay :love: prevails!

Now if only the factions could do that then we'd have....one boring game :(

2003-01-18, 05:25 PM
Exactly. That's why those Vanu are going down. NC too, unless they become dwarves.

Shyfted One
2003-01-18, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Exactly. That's why those Vanu are going down. NC too, unless they become dwarves.

I'm probably either going to be NC or TR. Each side seems to have it's downside, which might be the deciding factor for me. TR looks like it's going to have a lot of people so there will probably be something that balances the game , posibly making them weaker then the other factions. NC has a bunch of kids who scream "GO ANARACHY" but don't even know what it means. and then the Vanu has the mass of kids who plan on spending all their time in sniper outfits :( My reason for not going Vanu is because of the energy weapons. Like Warborn (at least I think it was Warborn) said, "Real mean shoot lead" :D

Edit: all this talk about dwarves, fairies, and elves made me type races isntead of factions :p

2003-01-18, 05:37 PM
I thought it wa CampingCarl...hmm..probably both...BTW, I'm high on :love: so let's hug. :hug: I'm also high on smileys. BTW, I picke the same reason and decided to TR because of the TR staff and I've always gone with Earth based govs in game for some reason. GO EARTH!!! Also, I ahte the "anarchy" kids at my school. Not goths, just idiots who don't realise what I'd be able to do and would do if true anarchy existed. They think it would be like "No parents!!!Yay, now we can get pizza!!!" because they're idiots. They don't realise I would kill them all!!!!....I mean...errmmmm...NM...Something less violent.

Shyfted One
2003-01-18, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
BTW, I picke the same reason and decided to TR because of the TR staff and I've always gone with Earth based govs in game for some reason. GO EARTH!!!

Yeah, seeing how cool the staff is here definately makes TR look inviting especially since I'd be on the same server. What I like about the NC though is the Jackhammer and Gauss. Even if the Cycler can fire faster then the Gauss I still think it'd be less effective because it does less damage and go through bullets quickly. The jackhammer I see as being one of the best assualt weapons especially once you start fighting inside the base. The only thing that would scare me in the base with a Jackhammer is having to fight an NC AI MAX. I also bet that the TR wrecked Earth (pollution and other stuff) and are now based on another planet :p