View Full Version : Babeliza!
2003-10-22, 07:20 AM
:rofl: Sweet :lol:
2003-10-22, 07:57 AM
Original English Text:
I like kittens. They are fuzzy, small and often silly
Translated to French:
J'aime des chatons. Ils sont brouill�s, petits et souvent idiots
Translated back to English:
I love kittens. They are scrambled, small and often idiots
Translated to German:
Ich liebe Kittens. Sie sind durcheinandergemischt, klein und h�ufig Idioten
Translated back to English:
I love cementing. They are in disorder, small and frequent idiots
Translated to Italian:
Amo cementare. Sono piccoli e frequenti nei idiots di disordine,
Translated back to English:
I love to cement. They are small and frequent in the idiots of disorder,
Translated to Portuguese:
Eu amo cement. S�o pequenos e freq�entes nos idiots do disorder,
Translated back to English:
I love cement. They are small e frequent in idiots of disorder,
Translated to Spanish:
Amo el cemento. Son e peque�a frecuente en idiotas del desorden,
Translated back to English:
Master the cement. They are and small frequent in idiots of the disorder,
2003-10-22, 09:41 AM
Sputty - Master of Cement? :ugh:
2003-10-22, 12:30 PM
Sputty - Master of Cement? :ugh:
Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow. Sometimes it doesn't work at all.
2003-10-22, 01:05 PM
When I decide to eat a telephone, I get a call.
translates to -
If I to decide me to eat a telephone you receive a call.
it smells, this that they are like table of Fleischpie squeeky, kissed.
2003-10-22, 02:18 PM
2003-10-22, 02:29 PM
if you are happy and you know it, clap your hands
if you he are and lucky, she has beaten its hands to her
2003-10-22, 02:37 PM
2003-10-22, 02:43 PM
Original English Text:
When it rains it pours.
Translated to French:
Quand il pleut il verse.
Translated back to English:
When it rains it pours.
Translated to German:
Wenn es regnet, gie�t es.
Translated back to English:
If it rains, it pours.
Translated to Italian:
Se piove, si versa.
Translated back to English:
If piove, it is poured.
Translated to Portuguese:
Se o piove, ele for derramado.
Translated back to English:
If piove, it will be spilled.
Translated to Spanish:
Si el piove, �l es derramado.
Translated back to English:
If piove, he is spilled.
2003-10-22, 03:36 PM
die sputty die = i signal die!!!!!!!! sputty
2003-10-22, 04:18 PM
OMG! Squeeky is not allegro and has the life! They are! seriously?
2003-10-22, 04:41 PM
Original English Text:
Hamma is the hotTest thing around. I think he should win a nobel prize.
--Translated back to English:
Hamma is the hottest thing around. I think that it should gain a Nobel
--Not so bad, it did pretty well.
--Translated back to English:
Hamma is the hottest thing around. I think that it should win a
-- Still, doing pretty good.
--Translated back to English:
Hamma is the warmer thing around. Task that would have to gain a
Hilarious. Very, very hilarious.
--Translated back to English:
Hamma is the thing more morna around. Task that would have that to
gain a Nobelpreis.
--Starting to lose it.
--Translated back to English:
Hamma is the thing more morna around. Task that would have that to
gain a Nobelpreis.
2003-10-22, 05:58 PM
Original English Text:
I like to eat cheese in the afternoon because it is pretty damn cool, damnit!
Translated to French:
J'aime manger du fromage l'apr�s-midi parce qu'il est assez fichu se
refroidissent, damnit !
Translated back to English:
I like to eat cheese the afternoon because it is rather rotten cool,
Translated to German:
Ich mag K�se der Nachmittag essen, weil er abk�hlt, damnit ziemlich
faul ist!
Translated back to English:
I may eat cheese the afternoon, because he cools down, am damnit
rather putrid!
Translated to Italian:
Posso mangiare il formaggio il pomeriggio, perch� si raffredda,
damnit di piuttosto putrid!
Translated back to English:
I can eat the cheese the afternoon rather, because it is cooled off,
damnit putrid!
Translated to Portuguese:
Eu posso comer o queijo a tarde rather, porque � refrigerado fora,
damnit putrid!
Translated back to English:
I can eat the cheese the afternoon to rather, because he is cooled
outside, damnit putrid!
Translated to Spanish:
�Puedo comer el queso la tarde algo, porque afuera lo refrescan,
damnit putrid!
Translated back to English:
I can eat the cheese afternoon something, because outside they refresh
it, damnit putrid!
2003-10-22, 05:59 PM
Original English Text:
PSU is going to kick your ass.
Translated to French:
Le bloc alim. va donner un coup de pied votre �ne.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. will give to a kick your ass.
Translated to German:
Der Block alim. gibt zu einem Sto� Ihren Esel.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. gives your donkey to an impact.
Translated to Italian:
Il blocco alim. d� il vostro asino ad un effetto.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. gives your ass to an effect.
Translated to Portuguese:
O bloco alim. d� seu burro a um efeito.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. gives its donkey to a effect.
Translated to Spanish:
El bloque alim. da su burro a un efecto.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. it gives his donkey to an effect.
2003-10-22, 06:46 PM
Original English Text:
arctik is hot?
Translated to Japanese:
arctik ????.
Translated back to English:
Is the arctik hot?
Lol it says "the arctik" I feel so powerfull.
2003-10-22, 06:56 PM
Original English Text:
Where fat bastard and Obi Wan fight to get the e-penis of doom
Translated to French:
L� o� gros b�tard et combat bl�me d'Obi pour obtenir l'e-p�nis du sort malheureux
Translated back to English:
Where large bastard and fights pale of Obi to obtain the E-penis of the unhappy fate
Translated to German:
Wo gro� Bastard- und K�mpfe, pale von Obi, um den E-E-penis des ungl�cklichen Schicksals zu erhalten
Translated back to English:
Where largely hybrid and fights, pale of Obi, in order to receive e-e-penis the unfortunate fate
Translated to Italian:
Dove in gran parte ibrido e lotte, pale di Obi, per ricevere e-e-e-e-penis il destino sfavorevole
Translated back to English:
Where in great hybrid part and fights, shovels of Obi, in order to receive e-e-e-e-penis the unfavorable destiny
Translated to Portuguese:
Onde na parte e em lutas hybrid grandes, shovels de Obi, a fim receber o e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-penis o destiny desfavor�vel
Translated back to English:
Where in the part and great fights hybrid, shovels of Obi, the end to receive the e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-penis destiny favorable
Translated to Spanish:
Donde en la pieza y las grandes luchas h�brido, palas de Obi, el extremo para recibir el destino del e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-pene favorable
Translated back to English:
Where in the piece and the great fights hybrid, shovels of Obi, the end to receive the destiny of the favorable and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-penis
I dont know about you, but that is funny as hell. :lol:
2003-10-22, 07:03 PM
Original English Text:
squeeky is a rapist
Translated to French:
squeeky est un rapist
Translated back to English:
squeeky is a rapist
Translated to German:
ist ein rapist squeeky
Translated back to English:
is rapist squeeky
Translated to Italian:
� il rapist squeeky
Translated back to English:
it is the rapist squeeky
Translated to Portuguese:
� o rapist squeeky
Translated back to English:
squeeky is rapist
Translated to Spanish:
squeeky es el rapist
Translated back to English:
squeeky is rapist
2003-10-22, 07:05 PM
GP, do you think im gay (stupid)... just looking at some old threads...
2003-10-22, 07:06 PM
i do now
2003-10-22, 07:07 PM
2003-10-22, 07:08 PM
why would you ask that?
who cares what anybody thinks bout you
2003-10-22, 07:08 PM
/toon comes in
Original English Text:
If you gay and you know it, touch a friend! *clap* *clap*
Translated to French:
Si vous gai et vous le savez, touchez un ami! * tape * * tape *
Translated back to English:
If you merry and know it to you, touch a friend! * slap * * slap *
Translated to German:
Wenn kennen Sie fr�hlich und es zu Ihnen, ber�hren einen Freund! * Slap * * Slap *
Translated back to English:
If you know merrily and to you, affect it a friend! * Slap * * Slap *
Translated to Italian:
Se sapete merrily ed a voi, interessilo un amico! * Schiaffo * * Schiaffo *
Translated back to English:
If sapete merrily and to you, interessilo a friend! * Schiaffo * * Schiaffo *
Translated to Portuguese:
Se sapete merrily e a voc�, interessilo um amigo! * Schiaffo * * Schiaffo *
Translated back to English:
If sapete merrily and you, interessilo a friend! * Schiaffo * * Schiaffo *
Translated to Spanish:
�Si sapete merrily y usted, interessilo un amigo! * Schiaffo * * Schiaffo *
Translated back to English:
If sapete merrily and you, interessilo a friend! * Schiaffo * * Schiaffo *
2003-10-22, 07:09 PM
why would you ask that?
who cares what anybody thinks bout you
I was just wondered because in several threads in huge bold letters you said "Onizuka, you are gay!" and i was just wondering if you thought i was gay.. i dunno?
2003-10-22, 07:10 PM
who cares dude
i know everybody hates me, i dont need to ask, thats one of those things you should just know automatically
2003-10-22, 07:16 PM
^probably have to install japanese language support for that^
2003-10-22, 07:17 PM
Already have that installed :lol: Wish i could read that....
2003-10-22, 07:20 PM
It involves a large penis.
2003-10-22, 07:26 PM
Original English Text:
PSU is going to kick your ass.
Translated to French:
Le bloc alim. va donner un coup de pied votre �ne.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. will give to a kick your ass.
Translated to German:
Der Block alim. gibt zu einem Sto� Ihren Esel.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. gives your donkey to an impact.
Translated to Italian:
Il blocco alim. d� il vostro asino ad un effetto.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. gives your ass to an effect.
Translated to Portuguese:
O bloco alim. d� seu burro a um efeito.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. gives its donkey to a effect.
Translated to Spanish:
El bloque alim. da su burro a un efecto.
Translated back to English:
The block alim. it gives his donkey to an effect. how the fuck did it come up with that
2003-10-22, 07:27 PM
^probably have to install japanese language support for that^
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